Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs

No it isn't the woman really is THIS stupid. Look at some of the other idiotic things she's done and said and put it in context. She is STUPID.
No one becomes speaker of the House who is stupid. She sticks her foot in mouth and seems to say the wrong thing at the wrong time but she isn't dumb. Kind of reminds me of an ex-president.

Calling Pelosi "dumb" is an insult to dumb people everywhere.

She's fucking clueless.[/QUOTE]

Guided by her ideaology so she can not govern congress efficiently?
Spot on!
It doesn't matter where it's spent. The important thing is that it's all spent and spent quickly. We get more bang for the buck if it's spent at a retail store, but if they pay the rent the landlord spends it. As long as the money goes to people who will spend it, it's a stimulus.

If the money goes to the more affluent, then it's more likely that it will end up sitting in a checking or savings account.

So if I give my wife $500, and she uses the money to buy $500 worth of gold, from me.....

we're better off?

Maybe that works in California, but not in the other 49, or the rest of the real world.
It doesn't matter where it's spent. The important thing is that it's all spent and spent quickly. We get more bang for the buck if it's spent at a retail store, but if they pay the rent the landlord spends it. As long as the money goes to people who will spend it, it's a stimulus.

If the money goes to the more affluent, then it's more likely that it will end up sitting in a checking or savings account.

So if I give my wife $500, and she uses the money to buy $500 worth of gold, from me.....

we're better off?

Maybe that works in California, but not in the other 49, or the rest of the real world.

Ummm ... yes?:eusa_shifty:

If the money goes to the more affluent, then it's more likely that it will end up sitting in a checking or savings account.

This part of the quote is fallacy as well. Wealthy people don't use checking/savings accounts to create wealth or preserve capital. They use them for convenience only, and to hold cash for short periods as they move money around. But even if they did, money "sitting in checking and savings accounts" isn't "sitting" at all. The banks loan it out 40 times a week, earning interest every time they do.

My best friend is worth somewhere between 50 and 100 Million. He keeps around 10,000 in savings/checking, and never has cash on him (His "wallet" has 2 things in it, a platinum American Express card, and his driver's license....and never more than $20). His money is in stock accounts, businesses, real estate, gold, other investments, all of which create jobs.

Rich people don't get rich by sticking their money in checking and savings accounts. They INVEST it, which creates jobs and interest, which they then reinvest. I haven't kept more than 2 months worth of bills in checking/savings since I was 30, and with savings accounts paying 2.5%, who would?

Certainly not a smart person.

Maybe its the rich, stupid people that will do this?

Both of them.
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These people are complete idiots... So let me get this right.... A person who does not have a job him or herself will create jobs for other people because they get their unemployment check.....WTF???? Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs

I agree with her, unemployment benefits and food stamps are the best stimulus. The money is spent quickly so it keeps business going and it is incentive to get yourself out there and back to work.

I tried unemployment once in my life and it is not enough to live on certainly.

You have once again taken her out of context and I wouldn't expect anything else from you.. :lol:

Seriously, Drudge again?
It doesn't matter where it's spent. The important thing is that it's all spent and spent quickly. We get more bang for the buck if it's spent at a retail store, but if they pay the rent the landlord spends it. As long as the money goes to people who will spend it, it's a stimulus.

If the money goes to the more affluent, then it's more likely that it will end up sitting in a checking or savings account.
How are unemployment benefits creating jobs, as Big Nancy says they are?
My son's girlfriend just graduated with a Masters in Education.
No jobs.
So she networks and I know a law firm interviewing for paralegals.
She has no experience but interviews anyway. They like her and want to train her.
She was hired yesterday.
Want a dam job? FIND a dam job!
These people are complete idiots... So let me get this right.... A person who does not have a job him or herself will create jobs for other people because they get their unemployment check.....WTF???? Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs

I agree with her, unemployment benefits and food stamps are the best stimulus. The money is spent quickly so it keeps business going and it is incentive to get yourself out there and back to work.

I tried unemployment once in my life and it is not enough to live on certainly.

You have once again taken her out of context and I wouldn't expect anything else from you.. :lol:

Seriously, Drudge again?

Sorry, that is not how the economy works. If government is propping up the business world things get worse, never better.
Worst thing that could happen is $ given to people unemployed.
How come self employed get NO $ from government when they are unemployed?
What do they do?
Find a job maybe? Look for work maybe? Swallow a little dam pride is what they do to feed their families.
How can all 3 of my kids find work at age 24, 20and 17?
Could it be something about WANTING a job?
again...............its quite simple. You're out of a job for 80 weeks?????????

Time to find a new career asshat!!!
....In the U.S.???!!!!!!! :eek:

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....... :rolleyes:

Due to the new-conservatism that's taken the Country (by storm :rolleyes: ), it appears we no-longer remember how create new-businesses; let-alone new-careers.

Investor$ (and, I use that term very-loosely) have ZERO-sense of what it takes to create new-businesses/industries.....and, want to see profits, YESTERDAY, on their investments!!!!!! This is merely one-more-example of Problem 1, in the U.S.; LAZINESS!!!! With our new-conservatism, if there's any waiting-time, involved, between investments and profits, that's too-much-work for investors.

The Gulf-spill is a perfect-example!!! Many times...when engineering innovation/fixes-to-problems, you end-up finding-out all-of-the-things that don't work, before you (finally) find that fix that DOES work!! That's the way engineering works!!

With the Gulf-spill, you've got a general-public (that doesn't know shit about engineering-issues) asking for immediate-results....and, a company (BP) that's followed a more-conservative business-plan, where they couldn't see any logic in investing the time/money to come-up with fail-safe drilling-methods, 'cause they're too-anxious to show profit$, yesterday!!!!!!

The new-conservatism (Child of the Reagan Years) is KILLING business/industry in the U.S.!!!! :mad:
My son's girlfriend just graduated with a Masters in Education.
No jobs.
So she networks and I know a law firm interviewing for paralegals.
She has no experience but interviews anyway. They like her and want to train her.
She was hired yesterday.
Want a dam job? FIND a dam job!
How 'bout you puttin' a little-effort into learning how to spell d-a-m-n-e-d??!!!!

again...............its quite simple. You're out of a job for 80 weeks?????????

Time to find a new career asshat!!!
....In the U.S.???!!!!!!! :eek:

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....... :rolleyes:

Due to the new-conservatism that's taken the Country (by storm :rolleyes: ), it appears we no-longer remember how create new-businesses; let-alone new-careers.

Investor$ (and, I use that term very-loosely) have ZERO-sense of what it takes to create new-businesses/industries.....and, want to see profits, YESTERDAY, on their investments!!!!!! This is merely one-more-example of Problem 1, in the U.S.; LAZINESS!!!! With our new-conservatism, if there's any waiting-time, involved, between investments and profits, that's too-much-work for investors.

The Gulf-spill is a perfect-example!!! Many times...when engineering innovation/fixes-to-problems, you end-up finding-out all-of-the-things that don't work, before you (finally) find that fix that DOES work!! That's the way engineering works!!

With the Gulf-spill, you've got a general-public (that doesn't know shit about engineering-issues) asking for immediate-results....and, a company (BP) that's followed a more-conservative business-plan, where they couldn't see any logic in investing the time/money to come-up with fail-safe drilling-methods, 'cause they're too-anxious to show profit$, yesterday!!!!!!

The new-conservatism (Child of the Reagan Years) is KILLING business/industry in the U.S.!!!! :mad:

meh..............k00k lefty economics philosophy for the gay....................

The Keynesian model as applied by Obama is sinking like a stone in water..............

Latest poll on "Was the stimulus effective?"

6% said yes:lol::eek:

Including of course, this idiot................

This forum is great for people falling all over themselves trying to impress 4 people with how the economy works. Who fcukking cares.............its about results. just 18 months I might considered a veritable joke!!!!:lol:
My son's girlfriend just graduated with a Masters in Education.
No jobs.
So she networks and I know a law firm interviewing for paralegals.
She has no experience but interviews anyway. They like her and want to train her.
She was hired yesterday.
Want a dam job? FIND a dam job!
How 'bout you puttin' a little-effort into learning how to spell d-a-m-n-e-d??!!!!


I like "dam". Force of habit as I visit many boards that change to $#@*!( in place of damned.
It doesn't matter where it's spent. The important thing is that it's all spent and spent quickly. We get more bang for the buck if it's spent at a retail store, but if they pay the rent the landlord spends it. As long as the money goes to people who will spend it, it's a stimulus.

If the money goes to the more affluent, then it's more likely that it will end up sitting in a checking or savings account.
How are unemployment benefits creating jobs, as Big Nancy says they are?

They're not creating jobs.

But let me ask you this:

How will another 9 million destitute families mitigate the DEFLATIONARY cycle we're stuck in?

In my never humble opinion, the money would be better spend creating new private industry or barring that, public works projects.

One of the thing you need to realize is that just because I fault the logic of this board Democratic detrators, doesn't mean I necessary support the Dems.

It was the flawed logic of the complaint that I objected to.

The presumption that there is ONLY one side of the other in a discussion is the HALLMARK of partisan thinking.

A pox on BOTH your houses, say I.
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These people are complete idiots... So let me get this right.... A person who does not have a job him or herself will create jobs for other people because they get their unemployment check.....WTF???? Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs

I agree with her, unemployment benefits and food stamps are the best stimulus. The money is spent quickly so it keeps business going and it is incentive to get yourself out there and back to work.

I tried unemployment once in my life and it is not enough to live on certainly.

You have once again taken her out of context and I wouldn't expect anything else from you.. :lol:

Seriously, Drudge again?

Sorry, that is not how the economy works. If government is propping up the business world things get worse, never better.
Worst thing that could happen is $ given to people unemployed.
How come self employed get NO $ from government when they are unemployed?
What do they do?
Find a job maybe? Look for work maybe? Swallow a little dam pride is what they do to feed their families.
How can all 3 of my kids find work at age 24, 20and 17?
Could it be something about WANTING a job?

Not really. I'm guessing your kids don't have families to support.

I have a job and I've worked here for 10 years. That doesn't mean others can find work just because I can. These are unusually hard times right now.

The Democrats are politicizing unemployment benefits and the Republicans are playing right into their hands. I would like to say let them but people are hurting out there and the best case scenario would be for parties to work together and come up with an acceptable solution.

They can't tho so you dummies get on here with your Drudge talking points. You won't find a path to any sensitivity for people who can't find work until you find yourself or those close to you out of work.

I almost want to laugh.

Still no one on the left will respond to the most important item of the debate about unemployment:

"The employer of record and second employer of record of any individual on unemployment is responsible for a good share of the cost to support that unemployed individual. The more those entitlements are extended, the longer those two employers of record need to pay into the system. While in a recession, that is a very expensive burden on those employers FURTHER minimizing their ability to generate the capital to hire anew"

Whereas I symnpathize with those that are struggling, there needs to be a solution that will not stymie the growth of companies or there will be a continuation of the viscious circle.

Perhaps an extension of unemployment benefits without the burden being put on the employers. They are struggling to stay in business as it is. If they go under, there will be less around to employ when the market wants to turn for the better.
from the article

The $795 million in grants and loans funded by the 2009 economic stimulus act will create 5,000 jobs and generate $200 million in associated private investment, according to information provided by the White House.

"In total, tens of millions of Americans and over 685,000 businesses, 900 health care facilities and 2,400 schools in all 50 states stand to benefit from the awards," the White House said.

The money will bring broadband services to communities that "currently have little or no access, to help them better compete and do business in the global marketplace," the document sai
again...............its quite simple. You're out of a job for 80 weeks?????????

Time to find a new career asshat!!!
....In the U.S.???!!!!!!! :eek:

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....... :rolleyes:

Due to the new-conservatism that's taken the Country (by storm :rolleyes: ), it appears we no-longer remember how create new-businesses; let-alone new-careers.

Investor$ (and, I use that term very-loosely) have ZERO-sense of what it takes to create new-businesses/industries.....and, want to see profits, YESTERDAY, on their investments!!!!!! This is merely one-more-example of Problem 1, in the U.S.; LAZINESS!!!! With our new-conservatism, if there's any waiting-time, involved, between investments and profits, that's too-much-work for investors.

The Gulf-spill is a perfect-example!!! Many times...when engineering innovation/fixes-to-problems, you end-up finding-out all-of-the-things that don't work, before you (finally) find that fix that DOES work!! That's the way engineering works!!

With the Gulf-spill, you've got a general-public (that doesn't know shit about engineering-issues) asking for immediate-results....and, a company (BP) that's followed a more-conservative business-plan, where they couldn't see any logic in investing the time/money to come-up with fail-safe drilling-methods, 'cause they're too-anxious to show profit$, yesterday!!!!!!

The new-conservatism (Child of the Reagan Years) is KILLING business/industry in the U.S.!!!! :mad:

Reagan? LOL

Unemployment was under 5% until the Democrats took Congress!


Let me explain what you look like in a way you can understand

I Are a fucking retard!!!! Booooooooh!
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My son's girlfriend just graduated with a Masters in Education.
No jobs.
So she networks and I know a law firm interviewing for paralegals.
She has no experience but interviews anyway. They like her and want to train her.
She was hired yesterday.
Want a dam job? FIND a dam job!

There's a limited number of jobs in the dam business.

I'd expand my search to include other aquatically related industries if I were you.

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