Pelosi Loses Speaking Priviledges Before Dems Condemn Trump 'Racist' Remarks


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"So, Democrats vote to break House rules and decorum, so that they can call Trump out on decorum. Surreal"

"The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed a resolution Tuesday evening condemning President Trump's "racist" remarks this weekend -- although the moment was largely overshadowed by a dramatic floor fight earlier in the day that ended with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ruled out of order for a breach of decorum."

Ironic, Democrats could not pass a simple bill condemning their own party member's OBVIOUS anti-Semitic comments but violate House rules and decorum to condemn the President for telling terrorist-supporting anti-Semites if they hate this country so much they should leave...

Dem-led House formally condemns Trump remarks deemed 'racist,' after dramatic floor fight over Pelosi

Pelosi Loses Speaking Priviledges Before Dems Condemn Trump 'Racist' Remarks

Interesting how DEMOCRATS publicly rebuked AOC for suggesting Pelosi was a 'Racist' for targeting 'women of color' yet made no effort to officially condemn her for doing so yet, again, the President highlighted / targeted hatred of this nation, NOT SEX OR COLOR, as the basis for his suggesting these people leave the country.

The President did not call anyone by name when he spoke. He did not mention sex or color. The OPINION that the President made a racist comment was voiced by, of course, Trump-hating liberal extremists who have vowed to Impeach him before he entered the WH.

One of the loudest voices to call the President was that of a terrorist-supporting/fund-raising anti-Semitic ungrateful freshman Democrat who was rescued from a refugee camp and brought to this county.

When asked, this traitor would not condemn the terrorist Russian-paid Antifa and their attack on a US Law Enforcement facility recently.

She also laughed when asked about terrorism and slighted the attack on America that resulted in the deaths of 3,000 Americans in one day. After doing do, it was not a surprise that both D-freshman Omar and Tlaib were both expose not long ago for find-raising for known terrorist groups.

Democrats have been PROMISING to leave the country for decades now if a FOP President won the WH...and have continuously broken that promise. Now, when the President tells America-haters to leave, they respond by allowing the Democratic Party's top Anti-Semites lead the charge in making the false claim that Trump's comments were 'Racist'.

The Democrats are milking this decades-old tactic for everything it's worth...

It is no surprise the DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED House was able to push this farce...

"So, Democrats vote to break House rules and decorum, so that they can call Trump out on decorum. Surreal"

"The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed a resolution Tuesday evening condemning President Trump's "racist" remarks this weekend -- although the moment was largely overshadowed by a dramatic floor fight earlier in the day that ended with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ruled out of order for a breach of decorum."

Ironic, Democrats could not pass a simple bill condemning their own party member's OBVIOUS anti-Semitic comments but violate House rules and decorum to condemn the President for telling terrorist-supporting anti-Semites if they hate this country so much they should leave...

Dem-led House formally condemns Trump remarks deemed 'racist,' after dramatic floor fight over Pelosi

It's all going according to the postmodernists' plan for America, using the Democratic Party as a trojan donkey. The "poor" bastards, they're trying to follow an ideological-religion by doing the impossible; pretending to follow the rule of law and civilized discourse. My, my, my the storms that must be raging the heads of the Democrat House Reps tonight. They want to be faithful at all costs to postmodernism, yet to do so, to remain cool with the twitter mobs, they must also be blatantly anti-American, while try so very hard not look like that's exactly what they're doing. Dog, chase tail; chase cat, chase cat's tail . . . fail.
This was a fantastic waste of both time and money. It is time to clean the House out.
This was a fantastic waste of both time and money. It is time to clean the House out.
We started in 2018...hope to dump a few more of those CRCs in 2020.
Today's waste of time by terrorist-supporting, anti-Semitic, Trump-hating Democrats sums up the entire Democratic Party-controlled House to date since the 2018 election. 2020 will NOT be kind to the Democratic Party.
The loons are running the asylum.

This is almost sad. I almost feel bad for the half-way sane democrats who will be booted because of this coup.

House votes to condemn Trump’s racist tweets

Nancy Pelosi has been barred from speaking on the House floor after breaking House rules and attacking the President as a racist.

Imagine, the comments Trump made were directed at Omar, a woman who recently entered the country, became elected to Congress, and was condemned by her own party for her anti-Semitic remarks about Jews controlling the US government through "Benjamins" and glibly referring to 911 as some people who did something.

So Trump is the racist for saying she should return to the culture of anti-Semitic hate from which she has come from?
During the pre-planned political drama, Pelosi violated House Rule XVII, Clause 1(B). That rule requires that remarks on the floor “be confined to the question under debate, avoiding personality."

"Georgia Republican Rep. Doug Collins rose to challenge her and demand that her words be "taken down." The extraordinary rebuke was the first of its kind involving a member of Congress and a speaker of the House in decades."

Collins then gave Pelosi a chance to rephrase what she had said - she refused.

Speaker Pelosi was ruled out of order for a breach of decorum and actually LOST her Speaker of the House position / speaking priviledges, causing the House to date a quick shuffle to see who would take her place during this vote - Hoyer eventually stepped in

"The words used by the gentlewoman from California contained an accusation of racist behavior on the part of the President,” Hoyer said, affirming the House parliamentarian's decision and technically banning Pelosi from speaking on the House floor for the rest of the day.

The words should not be used in debate," Hoyer said.

Even thought Pelosi was ruled Out If Order and Banned from speaking for the rest of the day, Democrats quickly joined together to partisanly vote to restore Pelosi's power and voice as Speaker!
"Democrats admitted her words violated the rules of decorum", but they still quickly partisanly joined together to eliminate her punishment for not only violating her own House Rules but intentionally doing so, having refused an opportunity to change her words!

After the vote to condemn the President was cast, several Democrats justified their partisanly voting to nullify Pelosi's punishment for violating House Rules by declaring breaking House rules happens all the time and is no big deal:

"rules of the House technically have been broken all the time,"

Breaking Rules / Laws - no big deal for Democrats. They do it all the time...then help each other avoid punishment for those violations...
Bottom Line: Pelosi became triggered, personally attacked the President on the floor of the House, violating House Rules. When given the opportunity to change her words she defiantly refused. She was then declared Out of Order with the punishment being losing her Speaker position for the remainder of the day...except Democrats forced a successful partisan vote to void her punishment.

Pelosi broke laws / rules to accuse the President of being what AOC accused HER of being just days ago - a RACIST.
Someone dared to call tRump what he so manifestly is and the republicans got all whiney.

Nancy's political drama boomeranged and she ended up being the one punished, losing her Speaker position for the day and having to be rescued by her fellow socialist to get re-instated as Speaker.

I wholeheartedly agree with President Trump! :thup:

He is absolutely right!:up:

Pelousy can go jump in the lake!

No condemnation of an ANTIFA attack on a government building that could have potentially burned housed migrants to death.

The Dimms sure have their priorities straight.

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