Pelosi just called....


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Pelosi showing signs of Cognitive issues,
called both sides of our gov't liken to
" a bowl of Doggie Doo " and not one mention or outrage by MSM or Booker.
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The woman has clearly lost it, but she sure did enrich herself while being in politics.
Truman: An honest public servant can't become rich from politics

Pelosi: true dat!
Pelosi showing signs of Cognitive issues,
called both sides of our gov't liken to
" a bowl of Doggie Doo " and not one mention or outrage by MSM or Booker.

Dear HaShev
Pelosi's analogy, about taking a pile of doo and trying to pass it as a chocolate sundae, would have been right on target had she applied to Obama's ACA. That was corporate welfare and handouts to insurance lobbies "passed" as health care reform for the people, when in actuality it forced taxpayers to pay insurance companies for INSURANCE which isn't the same as paying for health care. That was a HUGE pile of doo-doo!

So the "cognitive disorder" here is a game of denial and projection: denying when one's own party deceives and manipulates the public this way, but then projecting blame onto when the opposing party does it.

Either way, if Pelosi and the Democrats KNOW they are doing this, it is deceitful and shows abusive intent. And if they DON'T see that they are doing it, excusing their own politics while blaming opponents for the same, that is doubly sick and dangerous.

The difference is, if they KNOW they are duplicitous and unfair, this can be corrected by pointing out the double standard. If they don't know then they are incompetent and negligent, and it will require someone else to fix it who is competent and aware this should be corrected.

We'll see if these Democrats are competent to recognize and correct their own conflicts. By holding them to account, rebuking them directly, they will either have to acknowledge they were doing this deliberately, or they will reveal they were THAT incompetent, that they didn't even realize the contradiction. Which way is it???
Pelosi showing signs of Cognitive issues,
called both sides of our gov't liken to
" a bowl of Doggie Doo " and not one mention or outrage by MSM or Booker.

lets get a link of some sort.
if Nancy Pelosi still thinks Bush is President, she must also think that Britney Spears is 17 and with the sex drive of a 35 female white woman
maybe piles of doggie doo are common in san fran? aside from human and doggie doo trails?

there's the human shit piles in SF these days.

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