Pelosi and Warren obviously need a history lesson

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Without the American Communists HYPOCRISY they have NO POLICY that is good for America. And they think TRUMP HATE will win them all the 2020 elections!

Nancy Pelosi said it looks as if Trump just wants to abolish Congress and that a border wall is immoral. Elizabeth Warren says the Republican Party is corrupt and caters to the rich and powerful


Here is just a small sample of what Pelosi, Warren, Obama, the Clintons, and other Democrats have done over the years where the media and other Democrats not only didn't care, but supported the moves wholeheartedly.

Obama, the authoritarian, couldn't get DACA through Congress, so he dictatorially and unconstitutionally implemented it. Pelosi didn't care about Obama usurping congressional authority.


The immoral and corrupt Obama and others continually lied to the public to get Obamacare passed.


The authoritarian Obama didn't go through Congress to get permission to pay Iran in unmarked bills. The authoritarian, corrupt, immoral Obama even dictatorially stopped an investigation into drug running by a terrorist group to appease Iran


The corrupt, immoral Obama stole money from other more secure creditors to reward political supporters in the GM bankruptcy. I didn't see Pelosi and others care that he intentionally violated the nation's bankruptcy laws.


The immoral and corrupt Obama and Hillary left people to die in Benghazi while concocting a lie about a video


Most of the ten richest counties in the U.S. are around D.C., where they produce nothing. Those are the people whom Warren and the Democrats cater to, not us. The Constitution talks about "We the People," but every policy I see Democrats propose focuses on making the government more powerful, not the people. When Obamacare came up short of funds, Obama didn't go through Congress for appropriations. Obama, the corrupt authoritarian, just illegally stole taxpayer money from other sources. Pelosi and other Democrats didn't care.

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Pelosi has obvious mental issues going on and Warren is nothing but a fraud.

But yet they are demoquack leadership. Sad really
Saturday was another day, with another meeting between the Trump administration and Congress, and still no breakthrough on the shutdown. So it’s back to the drawing board on Sunday. The two sides met for over two hours just like they met on Friday with the same results: nothing, nada, zip. But Donald Trump befuddled Nancy Pelosi with some questions that left her mind reeling.

During one of the meetings, Trump asked Pelosi:

“Why does everyone want to impeach me, Nancy?”

To which Pelosi replied that no one wanted to impeach him, and tried to move back to border security. But the President didn’t let that slide, and he then zinged her about her Catholicism:

“The Vatican has walls. The Vatican has walls surrounding the city. You like the Vatican, Nancy?”

Actually, I would’ve rather he challenged her about why she called a border wall an “immorality” yet has no problem with funding abortion. How does that square up with her Catholic faith?

Pelosi’s answer showed that once again, Donald Trump befuddled her.

“Let’s change the subject, sir.”

A source says that Pelosi took the comments “not well.” I’m pretty sure Trump was laughing on the inside.

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