Pearl Harbor-C19-bullsh&t

FDR wanted America involved in WW2 but Americans were opposed
Comprehensive research has shown not only that Washington knew in advance of the attack on Pearl Harbor, but that it deliberately withheld its foreknowledge from our commanders in Hawaii in the hope that the "surprise" attack would catapult the U.S. into World War II.
America's 80-year-old debunked conspiracy theory that keeps on ticking.
Debunked by who? Can't be debunked if it still around 80 years later
Debunked repeatedly by actual scholars and historians. Look at the sources for these conspiracy theories abour PH.
There are just as many actual scholars and historians that agree that FDR allowed the Japanese to attack PH. Even the circumstantial evidence is enough to bring the case to a Grand Jury.
I doubt it. Can you name your favorite one? I think there may be one or perhaps two or three whose qualifications are questionable.
FDR wanted America involved in WW2 but Americans were opposed
Comprehensive research has shown not only that Washington knew in advance of the attack on Pearl Harbor, but that it deliberately withheld its foreknowledge from our commanders in Hawaii in the hope that the "surprise" attack would catapult the U.S. into World War II.
America's 80-year-old debunked conspiracy theory that keeps on ticking.
Debunked by who? Can't be debunked if it still around 80 years later
Debunked repeatedly by actual scholars and historians. Look at the sources for these conspiracy theories abour PH.
There are just as many actual scholars and historians that agree that FDR allowed the Japanese to attack PH. Even the circumstantial evidence is enough to bring the case to a Grand Jury.
"Day of Deceit" by Robert Stinnet is probably the best known, but he was not a scholar or historian and his book was given great criticism by scholars and noted historians.
9/11 parallels proliferate our history

but so many will be called a conspirator theorist, for simply pointing this out...,along with their mistrust of governance


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