PEACE WATCH: Trump/Kim Meeting Shows Value Of Policy Over Politics...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Good on Trump for trying, but i think the Neocons and Democrats will do everything in their power to sabotage the talks. I wish him the best of luck though.

Good article by Dr. Ron Paul

When President Reagan met with Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik, Iceland, on October 11, 1987, it helped put into motion events that would dramatically change the global system. A line of communication was fully opened with an enemy of decades and substantive issues were on the table. Though the summit was initially reported as a failure, with the two sides unable to sign a final agreement, history now shows us that it was actually a great success that paved the way to the eventual end of the Cold War and a reduction in the threat of a nuclear war.

A year later Gorbachev and Reagan met in Washington to continue the dialogue that had been started and the rest is history. Success began as a “failure.”

We are now facing a similar situation with President Trump’s historic meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore. As with the Reagan/Gorbachev meetings, detractors on all sides seem determined to undermine and belittle the opening of a door to diplomacy and peace.

The Neocons demand that North Korea give up all its bargaining chips up front in return for vague promises of better relations with the US. Yet in the post-Libya era no serious person would jump at such an offer. Their biggest fear is that peace may break out and they are doing everything to prevent that from happening. Conflict is their livelihood...

Read More:
Trump/Kim Meeting Shows Value of Policy Over Politics
Since Neocons are against it, it only means Mr. Trump is doing a right thing and putting another nail into their coffin.

Unfortunately, the Neocons still wield a lot of power in the Republican Party. Having John Bolton anywhere near peace talks, is a real disaster. He doesn't want peace. He's a maniacal warmonger. Most Neocons are.

And then you have the Democrats undermining anything Trump does. They don't want peace either. They just want Trump to fail. One prominent Democrat jerk in the entertainment business, recently even boasted about hoping the the Economy crashes, so they can blame it all on Trump. Very sick folks. So Trump's really up against it on this one. It's gonna be extremely difficult to make any deals.
Trump was lucky enough that NK accidentally destroyed their nuke program. This should be a cakewalk, but if there’s anybody who I suspect could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory here, it’s the dotard.

Sad news for you, Trump doesn't fail, he's a winner as we all know. Some have learned it the hard way... even the losers by now.

As such there will be peace and the world will be made greater, as will America. The worst nightmare.
Trump was lucky enough that NK accidentally destroyed their nuke program. This should be a cakewalk, but if there’s anybody who I suspect could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory here, it’s the dotard.

Come on, that's ridiculous TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) gibberish. Got anything of reason & logic to offer?
Slow down Francis . Nothing has been accomplished yet . Many have made deals wh NK in the past.

Though I do think it’s a good idea to meet.
Since Neocons are against it, it only means Mr. Trump is doing a right thing and putting another nail into their coffin.

Unfortunately, the Neocons still wield a lot of power in the Republican Party. Having John Bolton anywhere near peace talks, is a real disaster. He doesn't want peace. He's a maniacal warmonger. Most Neocons are.

And then you have the Democrats undermining anything Trump does. They don't want peace either. They just want Trump to fail. One prominent Democrat jerk in the entertainment business, recently even boasted about hoping the the Economy crashes, so they can blame it all on Trump. Very sick folks. So Trump's really up against it on this one. It's gonna be extremely difficult to make any deals.
He’ll probably give away South Korea in exchange for building a Trump hotel and golf course in Pyongyang.
Since Neocons are against it, it only means Mr. Trump is doing a right thing and putting another nail into their coffin.

Unfortunately, the Neocons still wield a lot of power in the Republican Party. Having John Bolton anywhere near peace talks, is a real disaster. He doesn't want peace. He's a maniacal warmonger. Most Neocons are.

And then you have the Democrats undermining anything Trump does. They don't want peace either. They just want Trump to fail. One prominent Democrat jerk in the entertainment business, recently even boasted about hoping the the Economy crashes, so they can blame it all on Trump. Very sick folks. So Trump's really up against it on this one. It's gonna be extremely difficult to make any deals.
He’ll probably give away South Korea in exchange for building a Trump hotel and golf course in Pyongyang.

Let's have peace. And then let's leave South Korea. A 70yr occupation is long enough.
Since Neocons are against it, it only means Mr. Trump is doing a right thing and putting another nail into their coffin.

Unfortunately, the Neocons still wield a lot of power in the Republican Party. Having John Bolton anywhere near peace talks, is a real disaster. He doesn't want peace. He's a maniacal warmonger. Most Neocons are.

And then you have the Democrats undermining anything Trump does. They don't want peace either. They just want Trump to fail. One prominent Democrat jerk in the entertainment business, recently even boasted about hoping the the Economy crashes, so they can blame it all on Trump. Very sick folks. So Trump's really up against it on this one. It's gonna be extremely difficult to make any deals.
He’ll probably give away South Korea in exchange for building a Trump hotel and golf course in Pyongyang.

More likely he will offer our Democrats as replacement slave labor to free the NK citizenry to enjoy a normal, happy life.

After all, the Democrats cheerlead much of the current NK policy for adoption here.

Wouldn't they be happier there?

Since Neocons are against it, it only means Mr. Trump is doing a right thing and putting another nail into their coffin.

Unfortunately, the Neocons still wield a lot of power in the Republican Party. Having John Bolton anywhere near peace talks, is a real disaster. He doesn't want peace. He's a maniacal warmonger. Most Neocons are.

And then you have the Democrats undermining anything Trump does. They don't want peace either. They just want Trump to fail. One prominent Democrat jerk in the entertainment business, recently even boasted about hoping the the Economy crashes, so they can blame it all on Trump. Very sick folks. So Trump's really up against it on this one. It's gonna be extremely difficult to make any deals.
He’ll probably give away South Korea in exchange for building a Trump hotel and golf course in Pyongyang.

More likely he will offer our Democrats as replacement slave labor to free the NK citizenry to enjoy a normal, happy life.

After all, the Democrats cheerlead much of the current NK policy for adoption here.

Wouldn't they be happier there?


I hear ya.
after the last 18 months how in hell do you trust Trump ?

if the old derelict isnt telling lies hes busy flip flopping on issues .. then theres that tubby dipshit Un -

anyone that puts any stock in this meeting is an idiot
after the last 18 months how in hell do you trust Trump ?

if the old derelict isnt telling lies hes busy flip flopping on issues .. then theres that tubby dipshit Un -

anyone that puts any stock in this meeting is an idiot

I don't think the US really wants peace with the North. I think it's fine continuing to use the South as a pawn in its World Domination Game. Where around the world has the US really sought peace in recent memory? The North & South will likely have to move forward with peace without the US. And i think they're gonna do that.
Trump was lucky enough that NK accidentally destroyed their nuke program. This should be a cakewalk, but if there’s anybody who I suspect could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory here, it’s the dotard.
you must have been thinking slick willie in '94.
Trump was lucky enough that NK accidentally destroyed their nuke program. This should be a cakewalk, but if there’s anybody who I suspect could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory here, it’s the dotard.
you must have been thinking slick willie in '94.

Yeah, and that OP's assertion does sound like more loony Democrat Fake News. I'm not buying it.
Good on Trump for trying, but i think the Neocons and Democrats will do everything in their power to sabotage the talks. I wish him the best of luck though.

Good article by Dr. Ron Paul

When President Reagan met with Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik, Iceland, on October 11, 1987, it helped put into motion events that would dramatically change the global system. A line of communication was fully opened with an enemy of decades and substantive issues were on the table. Though the summit was initially reported as a failure, with the two sides unable to sign a final agreement, history now shows us that it was actually a great success that paved the way to the eventual end of the Cold War and a reduction in the threat of a nuclear war.

A year later Gorbachev and Reagan met in Washington to continue the dialogue that had been started and the rest is history. Success began as a “failure.”

We are now facing a similar situation with President Trump’s historic meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Singapore. As with the Reagan/Gorbachev meetings, detractors on all sides seem determined to undermine and belittle the opening of a door to diplomacy and peace.

The Neocons demand that North Korea give up all its bargaining chips up front in return for vague promises of better relations with the US. Yet in the post-Libya era no serious person would jump at such an offer. Their biggest fear is that peace may break out and they are doing everything to prevent that from happening. Conflict is their livelihood...

Read More:
Trump/Kim Meeting Shows Value of Policy Over Politics
Which policy are you talking about?

With Trump, there's always a "fall guy". So who will it be this time?
Trump was lucky enough that NK accidentally destroyed their nuke program. This should be a cakewalk, but if there’s anybody who I suspect could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory here, it’s the dotard.
Trump was lucky enough that NK accidentally destroyed their nuke program.


Then why bother with a meeting? Duh!

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