Peace in Israel


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
NOT!!!! Hamas firing rockets at Israel from Gaza. Over 100 fired today. If Mexico did this to the US there would be no more Mexico. Israel is most tolerant.
NOT!!!! Hamas firing rockets at Israel from Gaza. Over 100 fired today. If Mexico did this to the US there would be no more Mexico. Israel is most tolerant.
We do not occupy Mexico.

Israel does not occupy Gaza. But it certainly can. Every mostly Muslim regime is a terror either economically, politically or militarily. EVERY SINGLE ONE.
NOT!!!! Hamas firing rockets at Israel from Gaza. Over 100 fired today. If Mexico did this to the US there would be no more Mexico. Israel is most tolerant.

What a joke.

The present Israeli government is the 21'st century version of Apartheid.
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NOT!!!! Hamas firing rockets at Israel from Gaza. Over 100 fired today. If Mexico did this to the US there would be no more Mexico. Israel is most tolerant.

What a joke.

The present Israeli government is the 21'st century version of Apartheid.

Rubbish. They have a large Arab population. they need to get rid of them, but they're stupid and let them stay there like idiots. Maybe it's just their way of alleviating boredom, having them around; it was always a pretty peaceful place when we went there, except for the time that loony Chasidic gimp spit on a woman in our party and got his ass decked.
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NOT!!!! Hamas firing rockets at Israel from Gaza. Over 100 fired today. If Mexico did this to the US there would be no more Mexico. Israel is most tolerant.

There will never be peace in Israel until Iran stops supporting Hamas and other teroristorganizations.
NOT!!!! Hamas firing rockets at Israel from Gaza. Over 100 fired today. If Mexico did this to the US there would be no more Mexico. Israel is most tolerant.

There will never be peace in Israel until Iran stops supporting Hamas and other teroristorganizations.

And the US stops pretending Palestinians are not hostile.
NOT!!!! Hamas firing rockets at Israel from Gaza. Over 100 fired today. If Mexico did this to the US there would be no more Mexico. Israel is most tolerant.
We do not occupy Mexico.

According to you all of Is
NOT!!!! Hamas firing rockets at Israel from Gaza. Over 100 fired today. If Mexico did this to the US there would be no more Mexico. Israel is most tolerant.
We do not occupy Mexico.

Israel does not occupy Gaza. But it certainly can. Every mostly Muslim regime is a terror either economically, politically or militarily. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

According to him ALL of Israel is “ Palestine”. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
We do not occupy Mexico.

Well, one could argue that the US does indeed "occupy" territory which was formerly under Mexican sovereignty.

Actually when Mexico won its independence in 1821 almost no Mexicans lived here, maybe some 300 in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, Santa Fe had some silver mines, long unproductive because the Spaniards and later Mexicans had killed all the slaves working them, and maybe some 300 in what is now the Los Angeles area, and a few missions left over from the Spanish.

Just because they claimed all the territory previously claimed by Spain doesn't mean anybody needed to take them seriously. They couldn't occupy it, hence the need to offer colonies to Austin and Houston and trying to get Europeans to immigrate. They had no real 'sovereignty', just ridiculously grandiose fantasies. They changed govts. some 35 times between 1821 and 1850, swinging wildly between Santa Anna's silly fits and failed parliaments. No way they could impose 'sovereignty' all the way to Canada in the North and the Mississippi to the east. They couldn't even take on the Apaches, who raided all the way to Tampico on many occasions. They are much like Arabs in their instability, blatant lying, dishonesty, and crazy claims.
Israel is an apartheid terrorist state governed by psychotic criminals that constantly bombs and terrorizes its neighbors. ... :cool:

If that is true, then they have lousy aim, so how come Arabs keep losing wars to them? I mean, they outnumber these terrible shots by a hundred to one, you know ...
They have the ability to fire 500 rockets a day into Israel, trying to kill as many Jews as possible, while at the same time complaining about a "humanitarian crisis". Palestinian mentality at its finest! :cuckoo:
They have the ability to fire 500 rockets a day into Israel, trying to kill as many Jews as possible, while at the same time complaining about a "humanitarian crisis". Palestinian mentality at its finest! :cuckoo:

How do they afford that weaponry? Given the 'heartbreaking' stories of poverty and desperation coming out if the media?

Must be all those millions the EU is gifting to Gaza.

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