Peace Democrats

Links are useless to a human in denial. He refuses to confront facts that contradict his world view.

Ample evidence exists (to the curious person) showing the ongoing genocide INCLUDING CHILDREN in Gaza.

So show me a link, you can't and we both know it

Get past blabbering left crap and get factual. That's it
You don't have a link Peter Puffer

Oh they are out there Lass. They've been out there since the beginning, and now 5 months in the number of children killed by IDF has grown immensely. I won't waste my time on women like yourself, essentially Zionists In Ireland who believe whatever Bibi tells them to believe. They go to church and pray to God to help the Israelis kill innocent children. My sister is just like you.
Oh they are out there Lass. They've been out there since the beginning, and now 5 months in the number of children killed by IDF has grown immensely. I won't waste my time on women like yourself, essentially Zionists In Ireland who believe whatever Bibi tells them to believe. They go to church and pray to God to help the Israelis kill innocent children. My sister is just like you.

So post one... You won't so stop

I've no time for your word salad
So show me a link, you can't and we both know it

Get past blabbering left crap and get factual. That's it
Who do you think you’re fooling? I’ve posted links. Is there even any serious opposition to the idea that Israel is bombing Gaza? Does anyone doubt people are starving in Gaza?

Here’s links for you to ignore:

Yeah, they just might agree, but it doesn't matter . . . Cornell is an agent of the Deep State, he is a progressive Gate Keeper.

Jimmy Dore TRIED to unite folks on issues like those in their conversation, but West would not listen to reason, he wanted to focus on race first, that is no way to run a campaign.

Go listen and watch Dore's interviews and conversations with West, he wanted to support him . . it is clear, West either doesn't know what he is doing, or is a plant by the establishment.

RoshawnMarkwees has West's true measure. Listen to him.

Tucker Calls Out The Problem With Cornel West!​

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It’s a an interesting discussion. West is one of the few people condemning Biden‘s role in Israeli genocide. For that he deserves credit.

Both Reps and Dems will vigorously attack third party candidates because they don’t want their supporters to stray.
The U.S., the most violent Nation on Earth has 900 military bases, many placed to surround Russia and China, who they constantly talk about waging war against, is still able to convince its citizens of a China Threat, Russia being unprovoked and America being "The Good Guys"
The U.S., the most violent Nation on Earth has 900 military bases, many placed to surround Russia and China, who they constantly talk about waging war against, is still able to convince its citizens of a China Threat, Russia being unprovoked and America being "The Good Guys"
Oppose Biden and support the peace wing within the Democratic Party.
Peace Democrats need to challenge elite warmongers.

How can anybody vote for the Biden administration warmongers? They have us mixed up in two stupid, endless wars that don’t even serve U.S. interests. Democrats have to discipline the Party leadership by voting for RFK, Cornell West, or the Green Party. Democrats didn’t elect Biden so he could blunder us into WW III.

The Ukraine War could have been avoided. Ukraine’s offensive has stalled.

Thousands of children have been murdered by Israel. Why is the U.S. funding mass murder?

LOL. The Democrats are the Big War Party. Good luck trying to get Biden to stand up against the CIA and Big War industry when he has followed their orders his whole life.

If you want peace, vote for the only guy not bough off by the Big War industry and had the balls to tell the CIA no to new stupid wars: President Trump.
LOL. The Democrats are the Big War Party. Good luck trying to get Biden to stand up against the CIA and Big War industry when he has followed their orders his whole life.

If you want peace, vote for the only guy not bough off by the Big War industry and had the balls to tell the CIA no to new stupid wars: President Trump.
The Biden administration does love the War Machine.
palestinians do not exist
Palestinians came into existence some time in the 1960s. Before that the only people called "palestinian" were jews. Today the NEW PALESTINIANS are
a cause celebre for muslims worldwide. There is lots of muslims in the world and even in the USA. Biden wants their VOTES

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