Peace Democrats

Yes----evil genius. No doubt you are familiar with his approach----
simple----repeat the lie REPEATEDLY.
We Didn't See the Future and It Didn't Work

Just like "TO GET A GOOD JOB, GET A GOOD EDUCATION." Because of GreedHead Goebbelsism, Americans don't see the absurdity of this class-biased indentured servitude.

Also, it doesn't preach TO DO A GOOD JOB; results show why it doesn't. Third, what gives the bosses the right to tell us what they want instead of us telling them? We create their jobs and their business
Want to know something that is hilarious to history buffs? If Hitler wasn’t so adamant about getting rid of Jews he could have won the Second World War.

Many of those involved in the development of the Atomic Bomb were European Jews who fled the Nazi’s. The leaders were mostly European Jews who had joined America and England to seek refuge.

If Hitler had not been so anti-Semitic, he would have had the scientists he needed to develop the bomb.
Even with America’s vast resources scientists didn’t develop the bomb until 1945 after VE Day.

Another accomplishment for Jewish people:


Dropping the A-bombs on Japan was completely unnecessary, yet Oppenheimer celebrated the devastation.
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Another accomplishment for Jewish people:


Dropping the A-bombs on Japan was completely unnecessary. Oppenheimer celebrated the devastation.
matter of debate ----BUT DA JOOOO didn't do it----read again that which was Oppenheimer's response----even a book of matches is dangerous in the
hands of an idiot from the Hudson Valley school of nazism
The war in Ukraine does not serve American interests. Russia is not a threat to the U.S. Russia’s GNP is about the same as Mexico’s. We don’t need to keep expanding NATO eastward. We should only be seeking peace in that region. Why are we pushing Russia into the arms of China?

The endless Israel-Palestinian conflict does not serve American interests. Why should the U.S. antagonize the whole Muslim world to serve the brutal Israeli militarists? Why do conservative Americans sacrifice to serve people who despise them?

The Israelis' 100-Year Resistance to the Jihad Delayed 9/11

I know, anti-semites will claim that the Nazislami theocratic thrill-killers are nice guys who'd never've attacked the US if we hadn't supported Zionism. Learn some Islime history and its continual drive to destroy the civilized world, of which Jews are an integral part.
The Israelis' 100-Year Resistance to the Jihad Delayed 9/11

I know, anti-semites will claim that the Nazislami theocratic thrill-killers are nice guys who'd never've attacked the US if we hadn't supported Zionism. Learn some Islime history and its continual drive to destroy the civilized world, of which Jews are an integral part.
Bin Laden ordered the 9/11 attack because of U.S. support for Israel and U.S. sanctions on Iraq amongst other reasons.

Bin Laden ordered the 9/11 attack because of U.S. support for Israel and U.S. sanctions on Iraq amongst other reasons.

islamo-nazi propaganda piled high and deep ^^^^----ALL OF IT ---including the islamo nazi hero SADDAM's claim of children dead because of---????
the ZIONIST WORLD WIDE PLOTS. Saddam poisoned children both in the northern part of Iraq (kurds) and the southern (shiites)---nothing to do with either Israel or the USA (baathism = arab nazism)
Another similarity to 1968: the Democratic convention will be held in Chicago.

Expect big protests from the Peace Democrats, just like in 1968.

MAGA Should Not Repeat That Tactical Mistake

The "anti-war" bossy snobs got Nixon elected. Public opinion was 95% against the power-hungry Preppy protestors and believed they were taking over the formerly Democratic Party.

I asked the head of Students for a Democratic Society how he could make his elitist group so unpopular and still claim to represent "the people." He just smirked, revealing his predatory birthclass-based sense of superiority.

The tuition at Bill Ayers's prep school is $61,500 a year. QED.
MAGA Should Not Repeat That Tactical Mistake

The "anti-war" bossy snobs got Nixon elected. Public opinion was 95% against the power-hungry Preppy protestors and believed they were taking over the formerly Democratic Party.

I asked the head of Students for a Democratic Society how he could make his elitist group so unpopular and still claim to represent "the people." He just smirked, revealing his predatory birthclass-based sense of superiority.

The tuition at Bill Ayers's prep school is $61,500 a year. QED.
The protestors did take over the party. Haven’t you heard of George McGovern?
In my long life I came across LOTS of people of "diverse" background and
lots of writings. I recognize your cohort
Anti-semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

These pompous scabs don't have the guts to stand up to the clear and present tyrants, so they are easy prey to the obviously ruling class's scapegoat. How ironic that these pathetic morons think they are know-it-all tough guys.
Even with America’s vast resources scientists didn’t develop the bomb until 1945 after VE Day.

Another accomplishment for Jewish people:


Dropping the A-bombs on Japan was completely unnecessary, yet Oppenheimer celebrated the devastation.

Oppenheimer didn’t order the bomb dropped. But the truth is that very few understood the horrific power of the weapons. For a vast majority who knew of the bomb, it was just a bigger more powerful weapon. It wasn’t anything unique or otherwise game changing. It was just a really powerful bomb.

And it followed that explosives had been getting more powerful. First was black powder. Then modern gunpowder with nitrates added to the basic formula of Black Powder. Then nitroglycerin. Then dynamite. Then TNT. Composition B. Plastic Explosives. Then Atomic Explosives.

It seemed like a rational and normal progression to the minds of the era. And like children, they had to be burned by the hot frying pan on the stove to learn what it was like.

Oppenheimer realized that while the scientists understood how awful the weapon would be, the politicians and military people never would. He endorsed the dropping of the bomb because there was no way to stop it, and only by agreeing could he stay in the discussion about the future of the Bomb.

Look what happened when he opposed the development of the Hydrogen Bomb. He was called a Communist and a security risk.
The protestors did take over the party. Haven’t you heard of George McGovern?
The Imaginary Good Shepherds' Sheep

Just what I said, that the American people saw this coming. You fanatics are impossible, thinking you are contradicting me by agreeing with what I logically implied.

You're still stuck in childhood, looking for an infallible fuhrer father-figure and need to grow up
easily----you and your cohort are "cherry pickers". Jews have been serving in positions of "CLERK" for the OVERLORDS both for christian and muslim despots for centuries----for an interesting reason. Jews have had a UNIQUELY high percentage of LITERATES----quite a distinction in BOTH the worlds of islam and christianity. My very own father was THE ONLY JEW---
on the ship---in the North Atlantic during World War II----so---of course
he was made the SHIP'S BURSAR----yanno---jew banker!!!!!!. The captain
was a christian as were all the "mates" as was the President of the USA. Saladin's personal physician was a jew. Neither Lenin nor Stalin were jews---
but that fact is hotly contested in your propaganda---as is the ancestry of your greatest hero Adolf Hitler. Seek and you will find-----a jew......somewhere
The Jews Sent the Asteroid That Murdered the Dinosaurs!!!

Tinfoil hats are made out of microscopic Jews. That's why the Elders know what the anti-semites are thinking.

Come on, admit it. It's Jewish Science that tells us there's no such thing as a microscopic person.
"Peace Democrats" is an oxymoron.
Kansas City, Missouri and Little Big Horn

That definition from the Low-IQ media is not at all what oxymoron actually means. Before the Diploma Dumbos with Jurinalism degrees took over the media, the phrase for that concept was "a contradiction in terms."

Oxymoron actually means a clever saying that is only a contradiction in other meanings of the words used, such as "boneless ribs, same difference, less is more, paid volunteers, etc."
Even with America’s vast resources scientists didn’t develop the bomb until 1945 after VE Day.

Another accomplishment for Jewish people:


Dropping the A-bombs on Japan was completely unnecessary, yet Oppenheimer celebrated the devastation.
Based on our experience with Okinawa, one million US casualties were expected if we invaded Japan's home islands. At the time, the A-Bomb tradeoff was justified. However, Oppenheimer was only interested in nuking Germans. After V-E Day, he suddenly developed a conscience about bombing other people.
Based on our experience with Okinawa, one million US casualties were expected if we invaded Japan's home islands. At the time, the A-Bomb tradeoff was justified. However, Oppenheimer was only interested in nuking Germans. After V-E Day, he suddenly developed a conscience about bombing other people.
really? Oppenheimer was motivate to inflict a massive KILL on German
citizens? You got a link?
Anti-semitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

These pompous scabs don't have the guts to stand up to the clear and present tyrants, so they are easy prey to the obviously ruling class's scapegoat. How ironic that these pathetic morons think they are know-it-all tough guys.
Here’s the ruling class:

Why are you afraid to criticize them? Don’t you think they should share power with other ethnic groups?
Based on our experience with Okinawa, one million US casualties were expected if we invaded Japan's home islands. At the time, the A-Bomb tradeoff was justified. However, Oppenheimer was only interested in nuking Germans. After V-E Day, he suddenly developed a conscience about bombing other people.
Oppenheimer was thrilled to nuke civilians if he disagreed with their political leaders.

But he was horrified by the prospect of bombing Communists.

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