PC Scientists Want to Abolish Terms Like Male, Female, Mother, Father


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Apparently, using certain words is offensive to the deep thinkers that want to completely remove gender specific terms because these terms enforce the biological FACT that sex is binary & heterosexuality is the normal state in nature.

It sure would be fun to go to a meeting with these "scientists" & gender them accurately according to biology.
And to use other un-PC terms that are in fact correct just to watch their heads explode.

There is a helpful link here for people like me who don't mind taking the time to help them find offensive terms, give them new names & your reasoning behind the changes requested.

I gave them 3 new suggestions for change myself:
1) gay marriage to butt buddies/scissor sisters
2) non-binary to delusional/deranged
3) progressive to regressive

This is a repository where harmful terms that have been identified by community members will be listed, along with context explaining why the terms are harmful, and suggestions for words or phrases to use as replacements

Male and female should instead be referred to as “sperm-producing” and “egg-producing,” the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) Language Project said, according to the Times of London.

Meanwhile, father and mother should be labeled “parent,” “egg donor” and “sperm donor” in the scientific field.

The group has called on the scientific field to use words that are more “inclusive and precise,” according to a press release from the University of British Columbia, which has three researchers part of the initiative.

“Much of western science is rooted in colonialism, white supremacy and patriarchy, and these power structures continue to permeate our scientific culture,” some project members wrote in the Trends in Ecology and Evolution journal.

Apparently, using certain words is offensive to the deep thinkers that want to completely remove gender specific terms because these terms enforce the biological FACT that sex is binary & heterosexuality is the normal state in nature.

It sure would be fun to go to a meeting with these "scientists" & gender them accurately according to biology.
And to use other un-PC terms that are in fact correct just to watch their heads explode.

There is a helpful link here for people like me who don't mind taking the time to help them find offensive terms, give them new names & your reasoning behind the changes requested.

I gave them 3 new suggestions for change myself:
1) gay marriage to butt buddies/scissor sisters
2) non-binary to delusional/deranged
3) progressive to regressive

This is a repository where harmful terms that have been identified by community members will be listed, along with context explaining why the terms are harmful, and suggestions for words or phrases to use as replacements

Male and female should instead be referred to as “sperm-producing” and “egg-producing,” the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) Language Project said, according to the Times of London.

Meanwhile, father and mother should be labeled “parent,” “egg donor” and “sperm donor” in the scientific field.

The group has called on the scientific field to use words that are more “inclusive and precise,” according to a press release from the University of British Columbia, which has three researchers part of the initiative.

“Much of western science is rooted in colonialism, white supremacy and patriarchy, and these power structures continue to permeate our scientific culture,” some project members wrote in the Trends in Ecology and Evolution journal.

He who controls the language controls thought.

Orwell's 1984 was a warning, not an instruction manual.
Apparently, using certain words is offensive to the deep thinkers that want to completely remove gender specific terms because these terms enforce the biological FACT that sex is binary & heterosexuality is the normal state in nature.

It sure would be fun to go to a meeting with these "scientists" & gender them accurately according to biology.
And to use other un-PC terms that are in fact correct just to watch their heads explode.

There is a helpful link here for people like me who don't mind taking the time to help them find offensive terms, give them new names & your reasoning behind the changes requested.

I gave them 3 new suggestions for change myself:
1) gay marriage to butt buddies/scissor sisters
2) non-binary to delusional/deranged
3) progressive to regressive

This is a repository where harmful terms that have been identified by community members will be listed, along with context explaining why the terms are harmful, and suggestions for words or phrases to use as replacements

Male and female should instead be referred to as “sperm-producing” and “egg-producing,” the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) Language Project said, according to the Times of London.

Meanwhile, father and mother should be labeled “parent,” “egg donor” and “sperm donor” in the scientific field.

The group has called on the scientific field to use words that are more “inclusive and precise,” according to a press release from the University of British Columbia, which has three researchers part of the initiative.

“Much of western science is rooted in colonialism, white supremacy and patriarchy, and these power structures continue to permeate our scientific culture,” some project members wrote in the Trends in Ecology and Evolution journal.

Our Parent, who art in heaven

This is fair to women. That is if they identify as women.
Sounds like their strategery will make English a lot harder language to learn, if they get their way. This will be really discouraging to native speakers of Yoruba, Hausa, Bemba or Telugu from advancing themselves, and it will help the libs keep these folks down as a permanent underclass.
I'll continue to use traditional words like mother, father, son and daughter. Are they going to charge me with a crime if I do?

Probably not , but you will be considered "ignorant" for not knowing and using the king's English and using the speech of the common rabble. It will exclude you from all of the top schools and opportunities.
Probably not , but you will be considered "ignorant" for not knowing and using the king's English and using the speech of the common rabble. It will exclude you from all of the top schools and opportunities.
I have already graduated from college and have a good career. I really don't care what others would think about it.
I'll continue to use traditional words like mother, father, son and daughter. Are they going to charge me with a crime if I do?
In Canada, there was a law in the process of being passed that would require the people to use the preferred (made up) pronouns that trans people wanted to be called. Jordan Peterson became famous partly due to his opposition to the passing of this law.
In Canada, there was a law in the process of being passed that would require the people to use the preferred (made up) pronouns that trans people wanted to be called. Jordan Peterson became famous partly due to his opposition to the passing of this law.
Canada has strange laws.
It's all about the context and the purpose of the references.

When one goes to law school, one of the first things learned is when discussing a case, NOT to speak about parties by their names or genders. We speak of "Plaintiffs," "Defendants," "Accused," "Petitioner," "Testator," etc. Not about Bob or "the lady."

There may be some contexts in the social sciences where such titles are more convenient than customary titles or descriptors.

Which is not to say that this isn't all "woke" bullshit.
Sounds like their strategery will make English a lot harder language to learn, if they get their way. This will be really discouraging to native speakers of Yoruba, Hausa, Bemba or Telugu from advancing themselves, and it will help the libs keep these folks down as a permanent underclass.
Nonsense. It will make it easier. Do you speak Greek? One of the hardest things to get right is are you talking about a feminine or masculine. A man or a woman. It matters. Boy would it make my life easier if Greeks would just say the same thing no matter what is between the persons legs.
Nonsense. It will make it easier. Do you speak Greek? One of the hardest things to get right is are you talking about a feminine or masculine. A man or a woman. It matters. Boy would it make my life easier if Greeks would just say the same thing no matter what is between the persons legs.
Same with Latin and Spanish.
Lol. Idiot right wing fear mongering. There will never be a law as to what pronoun one must use covered under the first ammendment but thanks for the retard fear mongering!
and French.
English is likely the only one ya don't have to conjugate verbs in accordance with masculine and feminine. Lol, every one can get all upset about this shit but I for one will continue to use the same pronouns I have used all my life if people get pissed so be it. Life is gunna piss ya off sometimes that is the way it is. Hell I am slightly pissed every second I am not hunting, fishing, golfing, drinking or gambling. I still manage to get through the day

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