Zone1 Pay Real Close Attention


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015

10 Ugly Lies About Slavery People See As Truth Exposed!​

Many of these lies have been repeated in this forum. This video details the truth about the most common false claims made about slavery. Pay real close attention to the information presented. In the 21st Century it is time to change.

In the 21st Century it is time to change.
The change already occurred. Intelligent folks already know this stuff. In fact, I can't tell you how many times I have been attacked by lefty folks, when you tell them that the origins of the civil war are more complex and have to do with economic and states rights. They go into the archival documents, and pull up secession documents, as proof, in the language, that the reason the South seceded is only because of slavery.

No where in that video did they mention that "myth; slavery disappeared and it still exists today."
There are no black folks still enslaved.

Except the last few seconds, and that had nothing to do with the rest of the video.

I already commented on that in one of your previous threads today, and it has nothing to do with black Americans, or the history of slavery here. Nor does that have anything to do with race today.


The change already occurred. Intelligent folks already know this stuff. In fact, I can't tell you how many times I have been attacked by lefty folks, when you tell them that the origins of the civil war are more complex and have to do with economic and states rights. They go into the archival documents, and pull up secession documents, as proof, in the language, that the reason the South seceded is only because of slavery.

No where in that video did they mention that "myth; slavery disappeared and it still exists today."
There are no black folks still enslaved.

Except the last few seconds, and that had nothing to do with the rest of the video.

I already commented on that in one of your previous threads today, and it has nothing to do with black Americans, or the history of slavery here. Nor does that have anything to do with race today.


Apparently you aren't part of the intelligent because this is not about modern slavery. Whites like you use this to excuse Americas poor record on race. Slavery is still legal in this country and can be used as punishment for a crime. So there are over 1 million slaves in America right now.
lots of facts here, but It does leave out that 11 - 15 million black africans were transported to Arab lands over Centuries... the salt marshes of Iraq being one of those destinations. I dont see ANY slavery as having been a necessary evil... it was always just evil.
However to single out the trans atlantic slave trade alone is not exactly accurate... the piece ignores the dehumanization and suffering caused by the slave trade from Africans selling their captives to Arabs.
lots of facts here, but It does leave out that 11 - 15 million black africans were transported to Arab lands over Centuries... the salt marshes of Iraq being one of those destinations. I dont see ANY slavery as having been a necessary evil... it was always just evil.
However to single out the trans atlantic slave trade alone is not exactly accurate... the piece ignores the dehumanization and suffering caused by the slave trade from Africans selling their captives to Arabs.
Stop talking about the Arab trade. The Arabs didn't make slavery legal in America. It's time people who bark so loudly about responsibility to look at what their people have done and stop pointing at everyone else.
Slavery is still legal in this country and can be used as punishment for a crime. So there are over 1 million slaves in America right now.
. . . and yet? No where in that video was the 13th Amendment or this issue raised?

Funny how I do bring this up when we talk about that, and now? You disingenuously turn this around, and want to attack me for something you know I always acknowledge?

. . . interesting.

Stop talking about the Arab trade. The Arabs didn't make slavery legal in America. It's time people who bark so loudly about responsibility to look at what their people have done and stop pointing at everyone else.

First of all.. I took the time to watch your video. Secondly..I was responding to the part in the video where they said that while slavery did exist in Africa... it was not part of their culture.. not nearly as bad as the trans Atlanic slave trade... while YOU have my agreement with how unjust the Slave Trade actually was..

i simply point out the video is ignoring a MASSIVE part of the history of slavery... up to 11 million at least..sold off over centuries... far more than came to the Americas..

And for that.. you want to tell me to stop talking?? yeaH IM2... I see how you do dialouge.
Im finished with your thread..talking is a waste of time.
the piece ignores the dehumanization and suffering caused by the slave trade from Africans selling their captives to Arabs.
Well, what it wants to try to do, is somehow make the slavery of North America, uniquely evil, it isn't.

All slavery is an affront to human dignity.
The Arabs didn't make slavery legal in America.
No, but they castrated their slaves, and did not allow their slaves to even live as human beings. This is why there are no black populations in Arab nations today.

Arabs treated their slaves worse than even their animals.

10 Ugly Lies About Slavery People See As Truth Exposed!​

Many of these lies have been repeated in this forum. This video details the truth about the most common false claims made about slavery. Pay real close attention to the information presented. In the 21st Century it is time to change.

Black people did enslave other black people in Africa. Falsely claiming it’s a “myth” doesn’t make it a myth. Your ignorance is exposed by your lame attempt to distinguish between African slavery prior to the Atlantic slave trade and “chattel” slavery. Didn’t make a shit load of difference to the enslaved.

Also, genius, who sold Africans to the European slave traders? 🙄
Black people did enslave other black people in Africa. Falsely claiming it’s a “myth” doesn’t make it a myth. Your ignorance is exposed by your lame attempt to distinguish between African slavery prior to the Atlantic slave trade and “chattel” slavery. Didn’t make a shit load of difference to the enslaved.

Also, genius, who sold Africans to the European slave traders? 🙄


I see this sort of revisionism and apologetics practiced in relation to American expansionism or European conquest of the new world, when some scholars or educators talk about the nations of the new world.

The fact is, they were very brutal to each other, just like the civilizations of the old world. They practiced genocide on each other, they enslaved each other, they even cannibalized the captives of each other.

I'm not saying all of this wasn't practice in the old world. . . not many that didn't have really good educations, are aware, that the Carthaginians of the Phoenician civilization, and many tribes of the Gaelic, also would eat their enemies, so the several tribes of the new world were not unique in the practice of slavery and cannibalism. . . .

But the "noble savage," idea introduced early on, is a bunk idea, all civilizations are different, as are all leaders and government regimes.

IMO, there is a nefarious agenda, with this constant drumbeat to demonize the current culture of America. It really isn't that bad today, compared to what it had been, nor what it had replaced. . . .

Things today are better than they have ever been. . . Well, except of course, teaching folks they need to think of themselves as the color of their skin, the nation their distant ancestors originated from, or some gender, rather than Americans first.

. . of course.
Yes. It's time for you to take a serious look at what your own people have fone
I'm not the one who isn't doing that. Every thread like this turns into the deflection olympics.

You talk about Africans selling Africans, and although that's not exactly how things occurred, who did the Africans sell the slave to? And since there were millions of white in Europe who could have been snslaved, why did whites spend the money to travel into Africa to buy people? If buying slaves was so wrong why did whites make the purchases? Who made slavery legal in America?

Look at what my people have done? Whites have been the most violent criminal group in this country. But you want to ignore the far greater crimes whites have committed.

Grow up white man. Take the responsibility for the consequences of what your own people have done and continue doing. There are other whites here who have grown up, so join them.
Well, what it wants to try to do, is somehow make the slavery of North America, uniquely evil, it isn't.

All slavery is an affront to human dignity.

No, but they castrated their slaves, and did not allow their slaves to even live as human beings. This is why there are no black populations in Arab nations today.

Arabs treated their slaves worse than even their animals.
We live in America. So what Arabs did has no relevance to the system here.The Arab Trader argument is just an excuse used by a particular type of white persobn and has no merit in this discussion.

Things today are better than they have ever been. . . Well, except of course, teaching folks they need to think of themselves as the color of their skin, the nation their distant ancestors originated from, or some gender, rather than Americans first.

Whites create a system based of preferences based on race. Whites have designated their ancestral lineage and do so today. Things are not better than they've always been and whites like you need to recognize that.
So here we see the same dumb standard excuses and diversions. The topic is the American slave trade, or the transatlantic slave trade. Not the Arab Slave Trade. Historians have studied both, and they have studied the operation of inter African slavery. If the Trans Saharan trade had been just as or more brutal than the Trans Atlantic, that would be recorded. The same goes for inter African slavery. So those diversions have no place in this discussion.

In the video, there were 10 myths about slavery, some repeated often by people here, that have been debunked. These 10 myths are the topic of discussion. I have allowed you to repeat your usual idiocy, but from this point on, the discussion will be about the 10 myths that were debunked. Any response that is not on topic will be reported.
Things are not better than they've always been and whites like you need to recognize that.
So. . . you believe things were better during Jim Crow?

Or during slavery?


Name a time in the history when things were not better for race relations.. . ??
So here we see the same dumb standard excuses and diversions. The topic is the American slave trade, or the transatlantic slave trade. Not the Arab Slave Trade. Historians have studied both, and they have studied the operation of inter African slavery. If the Trans Saharan trade had been just as or more brutal than the Trans Atlantic, that would be recorded. The same goes for inter African slavery. So those diversions have no place in this discussion.

In the video, there were 10 myths about slavery, some repeated often by people here, that have been debunked. These 10 myths are the topic of discussion. I have allowed you to repeating your usual idiocy, from this point on, the discussion will be about the 10 myths that were debunked. Any response that is not on topic will be reported.
No one disagrees with those ten myths, but they do not affect race relations today.

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