Patriots Super Bowl ring

"NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Upholds Tom Brady's Deflate-Gate Suspension"

The NFL on Tuesday upheld its four-game suspension of Tom Brady, the star quarterback of the New England Patriots — and said he had his phone destroyed just before he met with Deflate-Gate investigators.

"Brady's deliberate destruction of potentially relevant evidence went beyond a mere failure to cooperate in the investigation and supported a finding that he had sought to hide evidence of his own participation in the underlying scheme to alter the footballs," the NFL said in announcing the ruling."

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Upholds Tom Brady s Deflate-Gate Suspension - NBC News

Tom Brady is nothing but a cheater and a liar.
OldStyle Papageorgio & ChrisL, what say you?
NFL s latest deflate-gate move could make its punishment of Tom Brady Pats laughable - Yahoo Sports

Lots of talk that the both sets of footballs during the Colts, Pats game deflated the same percentage during the game. The Colts were fill at the upper end of the PSI limit and the Pats at the lower end.

With the new rules in place, the NFL is going to measure PSI before, during and after the game. If they deflate in colder weather, naturally. Brady may have a defamation lawsuit.

The NFL has screwed it's self, this could be embarrassing.
This is not anything, just fodder for the media.

So the fact that all the balls lost pressure from the start of the game to half time by about the same percentage is media fodder?

Sounds like facts to me.
Even if true it does not exculpate the offenders. They had a million good reasons and two drafts picks to combat the findings but did not. Also, as I pointed out earlier this not the first time the Patriots were caught doing something against the rules with the balls. All the twisting and turning does not changes those facts or that Tom Brady did not cooperate.

Or someone with the balls to stand up to the NFL.

Also many teams have cheated, just in a year how many teams were caught?

Six or seven at least.
Your boy Brady is a liar and a cheater he destroyed evidence.
yep. He destroyed his phone. What a fraud.
Not your boy yet you hitched your wagon to him and the Patriots. No matter, he is dirty.

"Tom Brady destroyed his cell phone that he used for four months prior to meeting with independent investigator Ted Wells and more than 10,000 text messages along with it — something he did not disclose until four months after investigators had sought “electronic information” from the quarterback according to a ruling from the NFL upholding his four-game suspension for his role in Deflategate. Brady’s representatives, according to the decision, provided a letter from the quarterback’s cell phone carrier confirming the text messages sent or received from the destroyed cell phone could not be retrieved.

He did so even though he was aware that investigators had requested access to text messages and other electronic information that had been stored on the phone,” according to the ruling.

Tom Brady destroyed his cell phone with 10 000 text messages before meeting with Ted Wells For The Win

Brady has let a lot of people down through his lying and cheating, people who believed in him, children who looked up to him. In the end he is nothing but a cheap imitation of a real hero.
His text messages couldn't be retrieved? How convenient.

Tom Brady s destroyed cell phone is smoking gun that crushed the Patriots superstar - Yahoo Sports

Boom. Phone gone. Appeal done. Court of Public Opinion lost. Reputation in tatters.

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"NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Upholds Tom Brady's Deflate-Gate Suspension"

The NFL on Tuesday upheld its four-game suspension of Tom Brady, the star quarterback of the New England Patriots — and said he had his phone destroyed just before he met with Deflate-Gate investigators.

"Brady's deliberate destruction of potentially relevant evidence went beyond a mere failure to cooperate in the investigation and supported a finding that he had sought to hide evidence of his own participation in the underlying scheme to alter the footballs," the NFL said in announcing the ruling."

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Upholds Tom Brady s Deflate-Gate Suspension - NBC News

Tom Brady is nothing but a cheater and a liar.

What did you expect was going to happen, Alex? Goodell painted himself into a corner. Because he chose to arbitrate the case himself...he either comes across as Robert Kraft's lap dog if he eliminates the suspension of Brady...or he let's a judge in Federal Court eliminate the suspension of Brady after the Players Union sues.

As for someone being a cheater and a liar? I guess it would take one to know one...right?
This is not anything, just fodder for the media.

So the fact that all the balls lost pressure from the start of the game to half time by about the same percentage is media fodder?

Sounds like facts to me.
Even if true it does not exculpate the offenders. They had a million good reasons and two drafts picks to combat the findings but did not. Also, as I pointed out earlier this not the first time the Patriots were caught doing something against the rules with the balls. All the twisting and turning does not changes those facts or that Tom Brady did not cooperate.

Or someone with the balls to stand up to the NFL.

Also many teams have cheated, just in a year how many teams were caught?

Six or seven at least.
Your boy Brady is a liar and a cheater he destroyed evidence.
yep. He destroyed his phone. What a fraud.

I'm curious, Dottie...what does Tom Brady's refusal to turn over his cell phone PROVE as far as his being culpable in the deflation of footballs? Are there are things on his cell phone that he would like to keep private? Obviously the answer to that is yes! What those things are...I have no idea...nor do you...nor did Ted Wells...nor does Roger Goodell. The NFL conducted a five million dollar investigation into "DeflateGate" and couldn't prove that Brady knew balls were being illegally under-inflated. I'm sorry but the Wells Report is two hundred pages that are basically summed up as thus...Brady "might" have known about deflated balls. The problem with a word like "might" is that that it's not definitive! If someone "might" have known about deflated balls then they also "might" not have known...that's the nature of the beast with a word like "might".
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...if Tom Brady is automatically "guilty" of deflating footballs because he destroyed his cell phone...then that same logic would hold that Hillary Clinton is "guilty" of illegally using private e-mails for official State Department business because she erased them from her computer's hard drive...correct?
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...if Tom Brady is automatically "guilty" of deflating footballs because he destroyed his cell phone...then that same logic would hold that Hillary Clinton is "guilty" of illegally using private e-mails for official State Department business because she erased them from her computer's hard drive...correct?
"NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Upholds Tom Brady's Deflate-Gate Suspension"

The NFL on Tuesday upheld its four-game suspension of Tom Brady, the star quarterback of the New England Patriots — and said he had his phone destroyed just before he met with Deflate-Gate investigators.

"Brady's deliberate destruction of potentially relevant evidence went beyond a mere failure to cooperate in the investigation and supported a finding that he had sought to hide evidence of his own participation in the underlying scheme to alter the footballs," the NFL said in announcing the ruling."

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Upholds Tom Brady s Deflate-Gate Suspension - NBC News

Tom Brady is nothing but a cheater and a liar.

What did you expect was going to happen, Alex? Goodell painted himself into a corner. Because he chose to arbitrate the case himself...he either comes across as Robert Kraft's lap dog if he eliminates the suspension of Brady...or he let's a judge in Federal Court eliminate the suspension of Brady after the Players Union sues.

As for someone being a cheater and a liar? I guess it would take one to know one...right?

I expected Goodell to do what was right in this instance. Brady was the one who "painted himself into a corner". Brady now known forever as a liar and a cheat not the greatest QB. He destroyed his own legacy.
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...if Tom Brady is automatically "guilty" of deflating footballs because he destroyed his cell phone...then that same logic would hold that Hillary Clinton is "guilty" of illegally using private e-mails for official State Department business because she erased them from her computer's hard drive...correct?
take Tommie's cawk outta yer mouth and open your eyes.

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Bottom line is this, Kiddies...if Tom Brady is automatically "guilty" of deflating footballs because he destroyed his cell phone...then that same logic would hold that Hillary Clinton is "guilty" of illegally using private e-mails for official State Department business because she erased them from her computer's hard drive...correct?
Deflect much?
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...if Tom Brady is automatically "guilty" of deflating footballs because he destroyed his cell phone...then that same logic would hold that Hillary Clinton is "guilty" of illegally using private e-mails for official State Department business because she erased them from her computer's hard drive...correct?
take Tommie's cawk outta yer mouth and open your eyes.

Unfortunately, It is not Tommy's craw that is in his mouth.
"NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Upholds Tom Brady's Deflate-Gate Suspension"

The NFL on Tuesday upheld its four-game suspension of Tom Brady, the star quarterback of the New England Patriots — and said he had his phone destroyed just before he met with Deflate-Gate investigators.

"Brady's deliberate destruction of potentially relevant evidence went beyond a mere failure to cooperate in the investigation and supported a finding that he had sought to hide evidence of his own participation in the underlying scheme to alter the footballs," the NFL said in announcing the ruling."

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Upholds Tom Brady s Deflate-Gate Suspension - NBC News

Tom Brady is nothing but a cheater and a liar.
OldStyle Papageorgio & ChrisL, what say you?

I don't disagree. If you had any reading comprehension whatsoever, I haven't defended him.

I'm predicting what will happen, will it? Time will tell.

Have your parents read these to you and explain what is said, then maybe, just maybe, you will be able to follow.
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...if Tom Brady is automatically "guilty" of deflating footballs because he destroyed his cell phone...then that same logic would hold that Hillary Clinton is "guilty" of illegally using private e-mails for official State Department business because she erased them from her computer's hard drive...correct?
take Tommie's cawk outta yer mouth and open your eyes.

Unfortunately, It is not Tommy's craw that is in his mouth.

Gee, Alex...did all that talk about "cawk" from Dottie get you hot and bothered?
"NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Upholds Tom Brady's Deflate-Gate Suspension"

The NFL on Tuesday upheld its four-game suspension of Tom Brady, the star quarterback of the New England Patriots — and said he had his phone destroyed just before he met with Deflate-Gate investigators.

"Brady's deliberate destruction of potentially relevant evidence went beyond a mere failure to cooperate in the investigation and supported a finding that he had sought to hide evidence of his own participation in the underlying scheme to alter the footballs," the NFL said in announcing the ruling."

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Upholds Tom Brady s Deflate-Gate Suspension - NBC News

Tom Brady is nothing but a cheater and a liar.

What did you expect was going to happen, Alex? Goodell painted himself into a corner. Because he chose to arbitrate the case himself...he either comes across as Robert Kraft's lap dog if he eliminates the suspension of Brady...or he let's a judge in Federal Court eliminate the suspension of Brady after the Players Union sues.

As for someone being a cheater and a liar? I guess it would take one to know one...right?

I expected Goodell to do what was right in this instance. Brady was the one who "painted himself into a corner". Brady now known forever as a liar and a cheat not the greatest QB. He destroyed his own legacy.

Brady is taking this to Federal Court because his legacy is being attacked.

I'm curious, Alex...will you be known forever as a liar and a cheat because you alter other people's quotes?
Bottom line is this, Kiddies...if Tom Brady is automatically "guilty" of deflating footballs because he destroyed his cell phone...then that same logic would hold that Hillary Clinton is "guilty" of illegally using private e-mails for official State Department business because she erased them from her computer's hard drive...correct?
Deflect much?
Avoid answering a question much?
"NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Upholds Tom Brady's Deflate-Gate Suspension"

The NFL on Tuesday upheld its four-game suspension of Tom Brady, the star quarterback of the New England Patriots — and said he had his phone destroyed just before he met with Deflate-Gate investigators.

"Brady's deliberate destruction of potentially relevant evidence went beyond a mere failure to cooperate in the investigation and supported a finding that he had sought to hide evidence of his own participation in the underlying scheme to alter the footballs," the NFL said in announcing the ruling."

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Upholds Tom Brady s Deflate-Gate Suspension - NBC News

Tom Brady is nothing but a cheater and a liar.

What did you expect was going to happen, Alex? Goodell painted himself into a corner. Because he chose to arbitrate the case himself...he either comes across as Robert Kraft's lap dog if he eliminates the suspension of Brady...or he let's a judge in Federal Court eliminate the suspension of Brady after the Players Union sues.

As for someone being a cheater and a liar? I guess it would take one to know one...right?

I expected Goodell to do what was right in this instance. Brady was the one who "painted himself into a corner". Brady now known forever as a liar and a cheat not the greatest QB. He destroyed his own legacy.

Brady is taking this to Federal Court because his legacy is being attacked.

I'm curious, Alex...will you be known forever as a liar and a cheat because you alter other people's quotes?

What about Jerry Rice and Joe Montana, using a banned substance all those years. I guess their reputations are forever tarnished.
" turns out, Tom Brady's cellphone wasn't the only thing that was destroyed.

So, too, was any remaining shard of belief in his competitive integrity, every last piece blown to smithereens with 10,000 text messages and one giant lie.

Does anybody still believe the NFL's most celebrated player didn't purposely deflate footballs in an attempt to gain an advantage during last season's NFL playoffs?

Does anybody still think his legacy should not include the word "cheater?"

Patriots apos Tom Brady won apos t be able to destroy this view -- he apos s a cheater - LA Times

There is no way to justify Brady's conduct as a proper course of action. He tried to make fools out the NFL and all who believed in him.

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