Patient at Yale-New Haven Hospital with Ebola-like symptoms


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Patient at Yale-New Haven Hospital with Ebola-like symptoms
By staffPublished: October 16, 2014, 8:48 am Updated: October 16, 2014, 10:51 am
  • yale-new-haven-hospital.jpg
Yale-New Haven Hospital (file).
Yale students quarantined after trip to Liberia amid Ebola concerns[/paste:font]
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH)– A patient is being evaluated at Yale-New Haven Hospital at this hour with Ebola-like symptoms, according to a statement from the hospital.

A physicians document obtained by News 8 says, “On Wednesday evening Yale-New Haven Hospital admitted a patient who met the threshold to be monitored for Ebola virus disease(EVD). The Hospital is working with the CDC and Prevention and the State Department of Public Heath to have the patient tested for EVD.”

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RELATED CONTENT: Yale students won’t be quarantined

News 8 Medical Reporter Jocelyn Maminta has talked to a credible source with the hospital who says the patient is one of the Yale Researchers who just returned from a trip to Liberia on Monday. This is one of the same researchers officials decided not to have quarantined after their trip to Africa.

News 8 has a crew at Yale-New Haven Hospital and will post information as soon as it becomes available.

Read This Official Internal Statement for Yale New Haven Hospital obtain by News 8. (PDF)

Updated. Another Internal Memo from Physician SVCS obtained by News 8. Confirmation of Ebola like symptoms (PDF)

Patient at Yale New Haven Hospital with Ebola-like symptoms
If this is true then these students were originally quarantined then the school said they hadn't been near anyone with Ebola and un-quarantined them. Should this be the case then we need to start demanding anyone going to infected countries not be allowed back into the country unless they are put immediately into quarantine for 21 days.
Local news said that the Hospital has confirmed that there is a patient with Ebola like symptoms in Yale New Haven Hospital and proper procedures are being taken. I hope they do better than the Dallas Hospital did.
He probably doesn't have ebola if he never came in contact with anyone that did.
We can only hope but here's the thing,he had to have contact with somebody over there. If that person was at the beginning stages of a Ebola fever AKA not feeling so well, then in theory he could have been contaminated. Thing is we don't know and neither does he. Those nurses in Dallas were suited up and still got sick. Why take chances? Those students should have been kept under quarantine as should anyone returning from infected area's. IMHO I would rather have a quarantine and send our medical services to Africa then have Ebola here in the USA. It's only 21 days of Quarantine a small price to pay to prevent the spread in a country that previously didn't have any cases. It's not rocket science.
Good news, early results from tests show no sign of Ebola.

Why are you lying about it being good news. You are clearly hoping for more confirmed cases.

:confused-84:You don't find a person being cleared of ebola good news?:cuckoo: Of course it's good news! The kid probably has the flu but he's in his 20's and will no doubt be better soon. :) Hope his Mom makes him some homemade chicken soup. :thup: That always works for my kids when they're sick.
Apparently smart people are assumed or assume themselves to be Ebola free. Dr. Nancy Snyderman, Yale students, medical professionals.
He probably doesn't have ebola if he never came in contact with anyone that did.

You can be contaminated with the Ebola virus without making direct contact with an infected person. The Ebola virus survives outside of a host for a minimum of hours according to some sources and up to a few days according to other sources. This means that if an infected person sneezes on a bus, thus contaminating a large surface area with the virus, passengers who get on the bus long after the infected person left could easily become infected.

Here is a link that will take you to an article I wrote. I took a lot of time getting this information together and it's all from credible sources. Please take the time to read it.

Obama is wrong. You can catch Ebola by sitting next to someone. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

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