Party of NO strikes again: Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline

I blame America. WE (collectively speaking) put that uninformed dip-shit into the position of President.

And WE (collectively speaking) failed to provide him with an opposition Congress in large enough numbers to override his petulant petty little vetoes.

But his veto does tend to serve well to corroborate Rudy's observation. Obumbler doesn't much care for America.
Don't include me in your royal WE. I did not vote for any of these jerks.

I didn't vote for the fucking Obumbler and liberal/socialist Democrap Party machine hacks, either. But WE THE PEOPLE sure did vote, and those guys won. The rest of us failed to provide a meaningful candidate to oppose Obumbler. By our own actions and inaction, we permitted those crap holes of the liberal lemming left to prevail. WE are paying for that.
The argument in favor of this pipeline is weak.

The attempt by nutters to label the Democrats as "the party of no" is even weaker.

We can count on our USMB nutters to disregard that fact and support whatever position opposes the POTUS. It results from being weak.
I blame America. WE (collectively speaking) put that uninformed dip-shit into the position of President.

And WE (collectively speaking) failed to provide him with an opposition Congress in large enough numbers to override his petulant petty little vetoes.

But his veto does tend to serve well to corroborate Rudy's observation. Obumbler doesn't much care for America.
Don't include me in your royal WE. I did not vote for any of these jerks.

I didn't vote for the fucking Obumbler and liberal/socialist Democrap Party machine hacks, either. But WE THE PEOPLE sure did vote, and those guys won. The rest of us failed to provide a meaningful candidate to oppose Obumbler. By our own actions and inaction, we permitted those crap holes of the liberal lemming left to prevail. WE are paying for that.
Sorry but we the people have no power or say in our government. It is controlled by powerful interests.
I give props where props are due. I disagree with his decision, but I bet the Republican congress does nothing of significance. They have proven themselves to be too chicken shit.

What would you suggest the Republican Congress do, jerkoff?

jerk off, unless they can muster a 2/3rds majority in Congress and override the veto..

KY or Vaseline ?

I'm not surprised. Give him props though, he did do what he said he was going to do. Now, it's up to the Republican Congress to bombard him with this bill until something gives.

I give props where props are due. I disagree with his decision, but I bet the Republican congress does nothing of significance. They have proven themselves to be too chicken shit.

I would like to disagree.

But, in fairness, I can't.

The GOP schmucks in Congress COULD have stood firm and resolute and together and DEFUNDED Obumblercare and the deceitful Obumbler 'executive' actions on the immigration front. But no.

Instead, they permit the dishonest liberals in the Administration and Congress and the media to pretend that refusing to fund Obumbler's improper amnesty bullshit would 'endanger' Homeland Security. It's completely untrue and the GOP honchos know it's untrue. But they are too fucking idiotic and pansy-ish to expose the lies Obumbler and his hacks and flacks keep telling.
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The argument in favor of this pipeline is weak.

The attempt by nutters to label the Democrats as "the party of no" is even weaker.

We can count on our USMB nutters to disregard that fact and support whatever position opposes the POTUS. It results from being weak.
It doesnt matter how strong or weak the argument is. Private companies are paying to have it done. It wont cost the gov anything and they will make money. The onus is on explaining why it is counter productive.
When your party makes preventing economic recovery the primary plank in its platform for 6 get this weak sauce. There are no "can do" people leading the nutters. No new ideas.
The Dims are assholes. But they are bold and consistent in DOING what they seek to accomplish.

The GOP are not as institutionally inclined to be assholes. But there's not much value in being "more" right-thinking than your opposition numbers if you are too fucking weak and flaccid to DO anything about it.
I didn't vote for the fucking Obumbler and liberal/socialist Democrap Party machine hacks, either. But WE THE PEOPLE sure did vote, and those guys won. The rest of us failed to provide a meaningful candidate to oppose Obumbler. By our own actions and inaction, we permitted those crap holes of the liberal lemming left to prevail. WE are paying for that.

The problem isn't scum of the earth dimocraps. There really ARE more of us thn there is them. Fer real.

Every poll taken in the last forty years shows twice as many people identify as Conservative than as liberal scum.... Sorry for the redundancy.

The REAL problem is gutless 'conservatives' (they're not, they're nasty old hippies who think they're conservative because they're married and drive a Volvo) who tell us in here every day that there's no difference in the parties, that they're Conservatives but McConnell is worthless, that they're Conservative but Boehner is an idiot, that there's really no difference between Republicans and dimocrap filth...

Those are the people causing us to lose. And I don't like them... At all.

dimocrap scum are what they are -- They are proven, known, low-life losers too stupid to make it in life without help from the goobermint or their mommies.

The people who constantly run down the Republicans we elect to fight the scum of the earth dimocraps...? I have a serious problem with them.... THEY are the ones causing us to lose elections.

Believe it.

Or not, I don't really care that much any more
The argument in favor of this pipeline is weak.

The attempt by nutters to label the Democrats as "the party of no" is even weaker.

We can count on our USMB nutters to disregard that fact and support whatever position opposes the POTUS. It results from being weak.
It doesnt matter how strong or weak the argument is. Private companies are paying to have it done. It wont cost the gov anything and they will make money. The onus is on explaining why it is counter productive.

Who's explanation would you deem acceptable? I can give you a dozen.
The Dims are assholes. But they are bold and consistent in DOING what they seek to accomplish.

The GOP are not as institutionally inclined to be assholes. But there's not much value in being "more" right-thinking than your opposition numbers if you are too fucking weak and flaccid to DO anything about it.

Complete lack of awareness. It's freakish.
When your party makes preventing economic recovery the primary plank in its platform for 6 get this weak sauce. There are no "can do" people leading the nutters. No new ideas.
Thats why Dems lost. They have been preventing recovery for years.
The argument in favor of this pipeline is weak.

The attempt by nutters to label the Democrats as "the party of no" is even weaker.

We can count on our USMB nutters to disregard that fact and support whatever position opposes the POTUS. It results from being weak.
It doesnt matter how strong or weak the argument is. Private companies are paying to have it done. It wont cost the gov anything and they will make money. The onus is on explaining why it is counter productive.

Who's explanation would you deem acceptable? I can give you a dozen.
Go ahead. Because all the environmental studies done dont show any damage.
So what's the argument for why gov't should prohibit it?
The Dims are assholes. But they are bold and consistent in DOING what they seek to accomplish.

The GOP are not as institutionally inclined to be assholes. But there's not much value in being "more" right-thinking than your opposition numbers if you are too fucking weak and flaccid to DO anything about it.

Complete lack of awareness. It's freakish.

^ It's always fun to read your sentence fragments. They are as close to a complete "thought" as you seem to be able to get.

The Republicans are more right on the issues than you asshole lolberal Democraps. Nevertheless, the Dims ARE more prone to making concerted efforts to accomplish the shit they wish to accomplish. The Republicans, tend to be far too wishy washy. It shows. By their diffidence, the GOP consistently cedes the field to the asshole Dims. It's fucking tragic.
The argument in favor of this pipeline is weak.

The attempt by nutters to label the Democrats as "the party of no" is even weaker.

We can count on our USMB nutters to disregard that fact and support whatever position opposes the POTUS. It results from being weak.
It doesnt matter how strong or weak the argument is. Private companies are paying to have it done. It wont cost the gov anything and they will make money. The onus is on explaining why it is counter productive.

Who's explanation would you deem acceptable? I can give you a dozen.
Go ahead. Because all the environmental studies done dont show any damage.
So what's the argument for why gov't should prohibit it?

if it was a left wing project the right would automatically reject it, so since its a right wing pet project I automatically reject it. The right isn't known for brilliant ideas, or ANY ideas for that matter.
The argument in favor of this pipeline is weak.

The attempt by nutters to label the Democrats as "the party of no" is even weaker.

We can count on our USMB nutters to disregard that fact and support whatever position opposes the POTUS. It results from being weak.
It doesnt matter how strong or weak the argument is. Private companies are paying to have it done. It wont cost the gov anything and they will make money. The onus is on explaining why it is counter productive.

Who's explanation would you deem acceptable? I can give you a dozen.
Go ahead. Because all the environmental studies done dont show any damage.
So what's the argument for why gov't should prohibit it?
Maybe just to defend the rights of those landowners that don't want the pipeline through their properties?
You know, personal rights and all that.
WASHINGTON Canadian firm heads to court to take land for Keystone pipeline Congress McClatchy DC
I don't see how the pipeline has an effect on greenhouse gasses, and exploding trains pose environmental concerns, but the gop challenged his constitutional power in executive orders, so he's jamming them up. Payback. I'd rather have the illegal aliens and the pipeline. LOL

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