Party of No Blocking Doc Fix


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
Gotta love the party of no... the imbecile ihopehefails crowd blocks legislation and then the wingnuts blame president obama because the rates aren't being fixed... .


Obama faults Senate Republicans for blocking 'doc fix'
By Silla Brush - 06/12/10 06:00 AM ET
President Barack Obama on Saturday blamed Senate Republicans for blocking legislation that would help doctors by preventing cuts in their Medicare payments.

The president said that without congressional action, the cuts "could lead seniors to lose their doctors."

In his weekly address, Obama said the so-called "doc fix" has been approved by Congress when it was under both Democratic and Republican control. Democrats are looking to prevent a 21 percent cut in payments as part of a broader tax and spending package.

"Some Senate Republicans may even block a vote on this issue," Obama said. "After years of voting to defer these cuts, the other party is now willing to walk away from the needs of our doctors and our seniors."

Obama faults Senate Republicans for blocking 'doc fix' -
Gotta love the party of no... the imbecile ihopehefails crowd blocks legislation and then the wingnuts blame president obama because the rates aren't being fixed... .


Obama faults Senate Republicans for blocking 'doc fix'
By Silla Brush - 06/12/10 06:00 AM ET
President Barack Obama on Saturday blamed Senate Republicans for blocking legislation that would help doctors by preventing cuts in their Medicare payments.

The president said that without congressional action, the cuts "could lead seniors to lose their doctors."

In his weekly address, Obama said the so-called "doc fix" has been approved by Congress when it was under both Democratic and Republican control. Democrats are looking to prevent a 21 percent cut in payments as part of a broader tax and spending package.

"Some Senate Republicans may even block a vote on this issue," Obama said. "After years of voting to defer these cuts, the other party is now willing to walk away from the needs of our doctors and our seniors."

Obama faults Senate Republicans for blocking 'doc fix' -

After all the brouhaha about losing Doctors over lack of compensation over healthcare reform, I can't fathom why the GOP would oppose this.

McConnell really didn't offer any insights on the issue either.

Gotta love the party of no... the imbecile ihopehefails crowd blocks legislation and then the wingnuts blame president obama because the rates aren't being fixed... .


Obama faults Senate Republicans for blocking 'doc fix'
By Silla Brush - 06/12/10 06:00 AM ET
President Barack Obama on Saturday blamed Senate Republicans for blocking legislation that would help doctors by preventing cuts in their Medicare payments.

The president said that without congressional action, the cuts "could lead seniors to lose their doctors."

In his weekly address, Obama said the so-called "doc fix" has been approved by Congress when it was under both Democratic and Republican control. Democrats are looking to prevent a 21 percent cut in payments as part of a broader tax and spending package.

"Some Senate Republicans may even block a vote on this issue," Obama said. "After years of voting to defer these cuts, the other party is now willing to walk away from the needs of our doctors and our seniors."

Obama faults Senate Republicans for blocking 'doc fix' -

After all the brouhaha about losing Doctors over lack of compensation over healthcare reform, I can't fathom why the GOP would oppose this.

McConnell really didn't offer any insights on the issue either.


i know... imagine that. it couldn't possibly be so they can complain that doctors aren't being properly paid... could it? :eusa_whistle:
Gotta love the party of no... the imbecile ihopehefails crowd blocks legislation and then the wingnuts blame president obama because the rates aren't being fixed... .


Obama faults Senate Republicans for blocking 'doc fix'
By Silla Brush - 06/12/10 06:00 AM ET
President Barack Obama on Saturday blamed Senate Republicans for blocking legislation that would help doctors by preventing cuts in their Medicare payments.

The president said that without congressional action, the cuts "could lead seniors to lose their doctors."

In his weekly address, Obama said the so-called "doc fix" has been approved by Congress when it was under both Democratic and Republican control. Democrats are looking to prevent a 21 percent cut in payments as part of a broader tax and spending package.

"Some Senate Republicans may even block a vote on this issue," Obama said. "After years of voting to defer these cuts, the other party is now willing to walk away from the needs of our doctors and our seniors."

Obama faults Senate Republicans for blocking 'doc fix' -

The comments to the article are priceless!

Here we go. Obamacare takes CREDIT for the cuts to falsely justify its existence, and when it's time to enact elimination of the "doc fix", Obama won't even own his bill, and blames Republicans for holding him to the language of his bill.Welcome to the nightmare folks, now vote these people out, repeal the Obamacare monstrosity and then pay the docs the money that Obama took away.Man up Barry, this is your own doing.BY Beesman on 06/12/2010 at 06:34

But the pro-Obamacare supporters told us that the "Doc Fix" had nothing to do with health reform… They pretended that doctors weren't part of the equation to supposedly keep the costs under a trillion and then spread the lie about it "saving money"…Another day, another lie…and the dem base will be out in force once again telling us that doctors have nothing to do with health care…is there any doubt that the dumbing down of America is nearly complete?BY DanStPeter on 06/12/2010 at 06:59

And now he says the seniors will lose their doctors…funny, that wasn't the song Barry was singing a few months back…But by all means…let's pretend doctors and health care aren't related…BY DanStPeter on 06/12/2010 at 07:02

Why should Obama care what the Republicans do? We have 1-party rule in America. The Republicans have no power.
i know... imagine that. it couldn't possibly be so they can complain that doctors aren't being properly paid... could it? :eusa_whistle:

As much as I loath the GOP, I have a hard time being that cynical. However, if that's the goal (or simple obstruction) it's going to blow up in their face.

In all reality, I suspect you are right. The GOP will come up with some silly bullshit to try and justify the matter, but this is most likely politics as usual.
Obama and Jill spouting rhetoric that accuses the right of attempting to block it before they actually do is par for the course.
reality is GOP is not blocking the doc fix....a non partisans hack view shows that they simply want to budget efficiently and actually support the doc fix

but i guess if the uber hack president says so, it must be true
IIRC, one of the assumptions in the cost of the health care bill, was that the medicare cuts to doctors, which have been in place for awhile and get waived every year, wouldn't be waived in the future. maybe the repubs just want to bring this to the attention of the people who missed it the first time?

Under the bill proposed by Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Michigan, Congress would override a formula it set more than a decade ago that was intended to prevent Medicare costs from rising faster than planned. The formula calls for cutting projected Medicare reimbursements to doctors, and Stabenow's bill would reverse those cuts, just as Congress has done repeatedly since the formula was imposed in 1997.

Democrats say addressing the formula must remain separate from new health care reform proposals that include plans to save $500 billion in Medicare costs by eliminating waste and fraud.

However, Republicans argue the Stabenow bill is intended to avoid adding the higher-than-planned Medicare costs to the comprehensive health care legislation.

Democrats push to reverse Medicare payment cuts to doctors -

Finally, in perhaps the most amazing bit of unrealistic accounting, the legislation proposes to trim $463 billion from Medicare spending and use it to finance insurance subsidies. But Medicare is already bleeding red ink, and the health care bill has no reforms that would enable the program to operate more cheaply in the future. Instead, Congress is likely to continue to regularly override scheduled cuts in payments to Medicare doctors and other providers.

Op-Ed Contributor - The Real Arithmetic of Health Care Reform -

those damn republicans, pointing out the truth for a change. :lol:

Party of No Blocking Doc Fix
Just playing along for a moment and supposing this is true, is this somehow evidence that even more gubmint control over medical services will bring about better results?

Only just about every other industrial nation in the world. We pay more than anybody else and have results that rank us #37 among the worlds nations. And we do not even cover all of our citizens.

[ame=]YouTube - "We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp[/ame]
Only just about every other industrial nation in the world.

Every other industrial nation in the world which are each slowly collapsing under the weight of their entitlement nanny state: Greece, Portugal, Spain, France, the UK, etc.

We pay more than anybody else and have results that rank us #37 among the worlds nations. And we do not even cover all of our citizens.

YouTube - "We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp

No, we aren't number 37. If you believe that you're a gullible fool. Have you even read the WHO report, or are you just repeating what you've heard from the mouthpieces?
Gotta love the party of no... the imbecile ihopehefails crowd blocks legislation and then the wingnuts blame president obama because the rates aren't being fixed... .

Exactly how should we continue to pay for Medicare when we are currently running a deficit of $1.5 trillion and a total debt of over $13 trillion?
Didn't Obamacare just pass as a deficit reduction bill on the premise that the doc fix would not pass? Now Obama wants to whine because the Republicans are trying to holpd him to his word, and help reduce the deficit, just like he said he wanted? This says a lot more about Obama and the Democrats than it does about the Republicans, I hope they actually stick to their guns, and force the Democrats to swallow their own medicine. That would be poetic justice.
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reality is GOP is not blocking the doc fix....a non partisans hack view shows that they simply want to budget efficiently and actually support the doc fix

but i guess if the uber hack president says so, it must be true

lol.. as opposed to the hacks on the right who are blocking the doc fix?

your assessment is incorrect... and, in fact, totally partisan.
Gotta love the party of no... the imbecile ihopehefails crowd blocks legislation and then the wingnuts blame president obama because the rates aren't being fixed... .

Exactly how should we continue to pay for Medicare when we are currently running a deficit of $1.5 trillion and a total debt of over $13 trillion?

getting out of iraq would be a good start.

cutting farm subsidies would be another.

getting rid of waste.

once those things are done, you can see what else needs to be done... kind of like when a doctor is doing surgery and they need to suck up some of the blood so they can see what's happening.
Back when the congress was first pusing paygo we were saying was a farce. But Paygo is the rule now. You made the bed. This is what we had to work with..

Same with the Health care scam, of which this is a large part. We said this would happen. The medicare does not magically become cheaper. Quite the reverse.

We are suffering the results of the frauds of the 0bama liars over the last year.

We know the republicans will fold like a cheep umbrella. But this is the crooked house Barrack built. We have to live in it now. We now have to solve the problems his solutions are causing. It will only get worse, as he rules on perpetual crisis and blame.

Blaming the republicans for following paygo is just part and of the MO of these crooks. They want this crisis, they built this crisis. And they want to stick the republicans with the onus of being responsible for their two year old behavior
reality is GOP is not blocking the doc fix....a non partisans hack view shows that they simply want to budget efficiently and actually support the doc fix

but i guess if the uber hack president says so, it must be true

lol.. as opposed to the hacks on the right who are blocking the doc fix?

your assessment is incorrect... and, in fact, totally partisan.

no, i suggest you read up on what is actually going on and not blindly accepting what your messiah will in fact find i am right

i await your apology
getting rid of waste.
How about getting rid of waste BEFORE tripling the National Debt and lying to the American people about the TRUE cost of healthcare reform represented in this new's that for a novel concept!!!??

getting out of iraq would be a good start.
How about DOING IT!!!! Instead of paying lip service to it during your campaign just to get the whacko anti-war folks to vote for you and send you money.????
cutting farm subsidies would be another.
Yeah...what a waste of money (as I read another story about government fraud)

and jillian...exactly how do you propose we pay for all this stuff while Barack cuts taxes while we got 2 wars going on???!!!
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Gotta love the party of no... the imbecile ihopehefails crowd blocks legislation and then the wingnuts blame president obama because the rates aren't being fixed... .


Obama faults Senate Republicans for blocking 'doc fix'
By Silla Brush - 06/12/10 06:00 AM ET
President Barack Obama on Saturday blamed Senate Republicans for blocking legislation that would help doctors by preventing cuts in their Medicare payments.

The president said that without congressional action, the cuts "could lead seniors to lose their doctors."

In his weekly address, Obama said the so-called "doc fix" has been approved by Congress when it was under both Democratic and Republican control. Democrats are looking to prevent a 21 percent cut in payments as part of a broader tax and spending package.

"Some Senate Republicans may even block a vote on this issue," Obama said. "After years of voting to defer these cuts, the other party is now willing to walk away from the needs of our doctors and our seniors."

Obama faults Senate Republicans for blocking 'doc fix' -

Republicans have the majority now? Who knew?
Why are demonRats whining. All they need are 51 votes.. right? They loves em some 51 votes.

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