Party > Country Dems Will force another shut down

It's pretty obvious the Party > Country Dems need to distract from the millions who already lost their insurance a and cover for the biggest liar ever to occupy the Oval Office.

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period"

They will go to the mattresses and push for another shutdown so their Ministry of Truth, aka the "Dinosaur Media" can blame it on Republicans

After spending two months on the defensive over ObamaCare, Democrats are back on the attack. And with another budget deadline looming early in the new year, they're signaling that they're not about to let up — even it it means pushing Republicans toward another government shutdown."

Are Democrats backing the GOP into another government shutdown?
So teabaggers will take another run at default, liberals have been saying since the last suicide attempt that they'll really jump next time and this is your lame attempt to blame Democrats. We know you're going to and the ACA can still suck next November (it won't) but all Americans will care about is the teatards solid attempt to destroy the country.:dig: Keep digging.
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It's pretty obvious the Party > Country Dems need to distract from the millions who already lost their insurance a and cover for the biggest liar ever to occupy the Oval Office.

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period"

They will go to the mattresses and push for another shutdown so their Ministry of Truth, aka the "Dinosaur Media" can blame it on Republicans

After spending two months on the defensive over ObamaCare, Democrats are back on the attack. And with another budget deadline looming early in the new year, they're signaling that they're not about to let up — even it it means pushing Republicans toward another government shutdown."

Are Democrats backing the GOP into another government shutdown?
So teabaggers will take another run at default, liberals have been saying since the last suicide attempt that they'll really jump next time and this is your lame attempt to blame Democrats. We know you're going to and the ACA can still suck next November (it won't) but all Americans will care about is the teatards solid attempt to destroy the country.:dig: Keep digging.

This is why the monied interests on the Right have all but written off t-party funding. They don't like shut downs. It isn't good business for any business.
Ah trying to get ahead on thr blame game I see..

Party over country. .thats a funny meme both sides try to claim.

Does this country havre a problem with debt and deficit spending? If the answer is yes, we need to spend less. Which party supports spending less? Which party refuses to cut any entitlements, keeping spending at high levels?
There ya go. Dems put party over country. They know cutting entitlements will cost them in the next election.
Brilliant, Frank.
Ah trying to get ahead on thr blame game I see..

Party over country. .thats a funny meme both sides try to claim.

Does this country havre a problem with debt and deficit spending? If the answer is yes, we need to spend less. Which party supports spending less? Which party refuses to cut any entitlements, keeping spending at high levels?
There ya go. Dems put party over country. They know cutting entitlements will cost them in the next election.
Brilliant, Frank.

Or we can just lie about things...either or..
Ah trying to get ahead on thr blame game I see..

Party over country. .thats a funny meme both sides try to claim.

Does this country havre a problem with debt and deficit spending? If the answer is yes, we need to spend less. Which party supports spending less? Which party refuses to cut any entitlements, keeping spending at high levels?
There ya go. Dems put party over country. They know cutting entitlements will cost them in the next election.
Brilliant, Frank.

lets look at your misguided statement here ..who really cause this debt is the real question ... it wasn't entitlements that ran the debt up so fast... it was republicans charging all their wars that they charged us all... along with all the unfunded bills they passed .. the passing of their bill keeps on giving... all I would say to you is, you have no Idea who did what to whom... you just bent over and took it in the ass by your republican butt buddies... whose been telling you ah, yeah, its them entitlements that cost the country so much ... you bought it... or felt it in you lower Extremities .... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Ah trying to get ahead on thr blame game I see..

Party over country. .thats a funny meme both sides try to claim.

Does this country havre a problem with debt and deficit spending? If the answer is yes, we need to spend less. Which party supports spending less? Which party refuses to cut any entitlements, keeping spending at high levels?
There ya go. Dems put party over country. They know cutting entitlements will cost them in the next election.
Brilliant, Frank.

lets look at your misguided statement here ..who really cause this debt is the real question ... it wasn't entitlements that ran the debt up so fast... it was republicans charging all their wars that they charged us all... along with all the unfunded bills they passed .. the passing of their bill keeps on giving... all I would say to you is, you have no Idea who did what to whom... you just bent over and took it in the ass by your republican butt buddies... whose been telling you ah, yeah, its them entitlements that cost the country so much ... you bought it... or felt it in you lower Extremities .... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Entitlements take up the vast percentage of the Federal Budget. That is not a political statement. It is a fact.
Does this country havre a problem with debt and deficit spending? If the answer is yes, we need to spend less. Which party supports spending less? Which party refuses to cut any entitlements, keeping spending at high levels?
There ya go. Dems put party over country. They know cutting entitlements will cost them in the next election.
Brilliant, Frank.

lets look at your misguided statement here ..who really cause this debt is the real question ... it wasn't entitlements that ran the debt up so fast... it was republicans charging all their wars that they charged us all... along with all the unfunded bills they passed .. the passing of their bill keeps on giving... all I would say to you is, you have no Idea who did what to whom... you just bent over and took it in the ass by your republican butt buddies... whose been telling you ah, yeah, its them entitlements that cost the country so much ... you bought it... or felt it in you lower Extremities .... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Entitlements take up the vast percentage of the Federal Budget. That is not a political statement. It is a fact.
And ObamaCare is designed to increase just that.
More dependency, less liberty.
Party > Country Dems Will force another shut down
Republicans shutdown the government, lying about it won’t change that fact.

And if there’s another government shutdown it will again be solely the fault of republicans.

You're not just right, you're damned straight right.

So, the democrat come back is, the economy is so good that there needs to be nothing done. Everything is great. The deficit is under control and the massive debt is not really a problem.

Or is it that the democrats want to do more of what they have been doing for the last 7 years? 7 years where they have controlled at least 2/3s of the government. 7 years where they got everything they wanted, regardless of what they are telling you.

It appears to me that the liberal left has picked little old ladies with tea bags on their hats for their target of distraction. Distraction from the disaster the 7 years of democrat rule has been for the American people.

Actually I am not too sure I see a problem with the division of where our money goes. The problem I have is that that the whole picture is too big. If they would just spend what we brought in I seriously doubt their would be much of anything to squawk about. But considering we are on a debt path that can only lead to destruction something has to be done to change paths. I don't see that happening with the democrats playing race cards and "its our way or the highway."
when the democrats see there approval hovering around 25/30% next year,they will find a way to shut it down again and blame any GOP 2016 candidate, as usual!!!

And we will still be 10% below the Dems.

What is wrong with you?
Medicare and Social Security are already paid by citizens. Make sensible reform in the welfare programs and cut Defense by 50% over ten years. We will have more than enough money.
Party > Country Dems Will force another shut down
Republicans shutdown the government, lying about it won’t change that fact.

And if there’s another government shutdown it will again be solely the fault of republicans.
Democrats shut down the government, and for the very reason that they are not running away from Obama and are considering implementing. A delay on the individual mandate.

That will play out well, won't it? We were against saving the individual before we were for it.
When you all get informed, you can talk.

Daily Kos: Poll: Whose fault is a shutdown? Silly question.*

by Joan McCarter - in 728 Google+ circlesSep 30, 2013 - On the eve of a government shutdown, Americans disapprove of all players in ..... Ask not for whom the bell tolls, GOP, Tea Party, (3+ / 0-).

CNN Poll: Republicans would bear the brunt of shutdown blame ...

CNN Poll: Republicans would bear the brunt of shutdown blame -
Sep 30, 2013 - CNN Poll: In case of a shutdown, more say congressional ... "Fifty-six percent of tea party supporters say it's a good thing to shut down the ...

Poll: Americans not happy about shutdown; more blame GOP - CBS ...*

Republicans are divided: 48 percent approve, while 49 percent disapprove. Most tea party supporters approve of the government shutdown - 57 percent of them ...

The Tea Party Shut Down the Government and All They Got Were ...*

Oct 17, 2013 - The Tea Party Shut Down the Government and All They Got Were These ... Nowhere in the Pew poll is this more evident than in the numbers for ...

With polls heading south, GOP desperate to blame Dems for shutdown*

Oct 4, 2013 - The bigger problem for the GOP is that the rest of America isn't the GOP ... Tags: budget, government shutdown, Obamacare, polls, Tea Party.

Polls: Republican, Tea Party Brand Badly Damaged During Shutdown*

Oct 22, 2013 - There's no good way to spin these numbers so I'm not even going to try. For example, the public's opinions of both the R.12/06/2013 ...

Poll: Which party is at fault in the government shutdown? - Charlotte ...*

Oct 1, 2013 - The U.S. government started shutting down early Tuesday after a bitter fight ... The government shut down is a result of The Tea Party taking an ...

Poll: Major damage to GOP after shutdown, and broad ...
Oct 22, 2013 - Poll: Major damage to GOP after shutdown, and broad dissatisfaction with ... And even a majority of those who support the tea party movement disapprove. ... 29 percent blame Obama and 15 percent fault both sides equally.
The claimed republican using Kos as a go-to source?

Mmmmmmmmmmm'kay. :lol:

Jake runs a few accounts here. On the environment hew posts as "Matthew", I think he posts as Bodecca and Zona as well
Report it, then, CrusaderFrank, that you think I am Matthew, Bodecea, and Zona maybe. You can't handle one yet you want to complain about others. You are a mite weak, it appears.

From the Rules: "Nine: Socks. If you think someone is a sock by all means report it, we will investigate using the tools at our disposal. If that poster is still around after that then we were unable to determine that poster was a sock and there is no need to continually harangue us over it, I don't care what you believe. Proof, not suspicion is the key."

Stay on the OP in the Politics forum. If the GOP tries to force another shut down, the electorate will punish it severely in the elections.
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Interesting logic there, refusing to cave to threats=forcing a shutdown. They need to shut the fucker down again and again and again until the lousy republicans realize that their terrorist threats must never be allowed to work and come to the bargaining table in good faith and without the threat of blowing up the economy for a stupid political stunt.

why do idiots like you compare politics as usual to terrorism? are you that afraid of opposition?

Not opposition, terrorism.

Present both sides and let the people decide. They decided with the last presidential election. Are republicans so low they have to resort to voter suppression instead of good ideas? Oh wait, Obamacare was their idea. Now they've turned it into Obamascare simply because the name "Obama" is attached to it.

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