Pardon needed for victim of New Jersey gun laws, this is why we need national reciprocity...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This woman legally owns a gun in Pennsylvania......carried it into New Jersey, locked in the trunk of her car, and now she is going to prison for a year........while actual, violent gun offenders are released over and over again.....

NJ Sentences PA Resident Meg Fellenbaum to A Year in Jail for Simple Possession - The Truth About Guns

After a year of terror inflicted upon her by New Jersey’s (in)justice system, despite not posing any threat to public safety, NJ prosecutors successfully broke Meg down. They frightened her into accepting a plea deal of one year in prison (instead of facing trial and up to 13+ years in prison if she did not accept the plea deal).

I wish we were making this up, but this is New Jersey.

LGBTQ Woman Arrested Denied Basic Rights Over Legal Firearms

Our story all begins when Meg Fellenbaum stopped on the side of the road in Warren County, NJ, to text her girlfriend while on her way to their second residence in Hackettstown, NJ. Meg, who is gay, acquired and starting training with firearms following a series of attacks perpetrated against her because she was gay. At the time she had legally owned firearms in the trunk of her car, locked up and unloaded.

Suddenly a NJ State Policeman was tapping at her window to see if she's okay and why she is stopped on the side of the road. Meg assured him that she was okay and had just stopped to text her girlfriend (because texting and driving is against the law). The officer returned to his patrol vehicle. Unfortunately though, this is where her nightmare began.

Not even a minute later, as she was about to pull back onto the road, the officer was back at her window. The officer said he noticed a single bullet laying on her back seat floor and asked if she was carrying a firearm at the time.

She replied “No.” Since she was not carrying a firearm on her at the time, and added that she does have a permit to carry in PA.

The officer then asked to see her PA carry permit, which she produced immediately. The officer informed her that permit had expired in February, which is odd since NJ does not recognize PA carry permits anyway as many other incidents have highlighted. At this point she is asked to step out of the car and when she does is immediately handcuffed and read her Miranda rights.

Confused why this is happening to her, she asks what is going on. The officer replied that she was not under arrest but that she was being handcuffed for her safety. Meg never actually saw the bullet in question that the officers had mentioned or that it was, as the police claimed, a hollow point.

The patrol car door is opened up and clipboard is handed to Meg, with the officers advising her to sign this to consent to a search of her vehicle.

After refusing to consent, an officer on scene exclaimed, “Great! Looks like we're doing this the hard way! Let's get it towed to the station!”
Meg was then driven to the police station, still unaware of what she was being detained for.

After arriving at the station, she was handcuffed to a bench, where she remained for over ten hours being intimidated and interrogated by the police demanding she consent to a search of her vehicle. During this 10 hours Meg suffered multiple panic attacks and during the stress of the event her menstrual cycle began. She requested a tampon from the officers, and just like her requests for her lawyer and phone call, it was denied and told they do not have any at the station. After many threats, being denied legal counsel and a phone call, the officers then told her that she had screwed up and pissed off the judge and that they were going to get into her car one way or another. She was told that she could “forget [the officers] telling the judge she cooperated with them” and charging her with only the alleged bullet they found in her car.
More than likely there is a lot this biased site left out. Not impressed when you site is advertising silencers for rifles. Just what a crazy needs so he can kill more before anyone realizes what is going down.

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