Panic Porn


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
You must be terrified. If you’re not, you’re a murderer!
Leftards are really into panic porn.


You must be terrified. If you’re not, you’re a murderer!
Leftards are really into panic porn.

View attachment 329774


^^^^ Such a dramatic and hysterical headline. Human Sacrifice? I bet that Amanda Mull supports the ACTUAL Human Sacrifice called Abortion aka Baby Sacrifice aka Murdering The Most Innocent As They Slumber In The Womb. These Leftists have their priorities WRONG, Georgia is NOT about to experiment in human sacrifice, we can see by the picture in that barber place they are wearing masks etc Leftists do NOT experiment with Human Sacrifice they PROMOTE it and ADVOCATE it 24/7 and as a result MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Baby Sacrifices occur EVERY YEAR across the planet.
Good lord. We've gone from social distancing to not overwhelm the medical system to equating going back to work with human sacrifice.

The good news is that we have to be at, or approaching, maximum crazy. This is the point at which people generally start to wake the hell up that the cause du jour has morphed into something beyond which it was ever intended, and increasing numbers of people start to wonder just what the hell is going on.

Got a haircut today. Afterward, I cut my barber's heart out with the scissors and ate the fucking thing like an Aztec priest. The Shit was awesome man!

Geez, louise....
Well, the left can't make a rational argument, so all they have is fear-mongering.

Yes and it and they are getting more hysterical and demented. We ALL know that the Leftists WANT the Western Economy to crash and be destroyed and from the ashes they THINK will rise their crazed Socialist Utopia with a Socialist Economy full of Gibs Me Dat, it is driving them more unhinged that MANY not only American States but also many Western NATIONS are beginning now to reopen because WE do NOT want the Western Economy to crash and be destroyed. Together we must FIGHT these Leftist Maniacs to make SURE their Socialist Utopia and Socialist Economy NEVER HAPPENS. Period.
Hair Stylists are no less human than anyone else.
They need to earn money and pay bills.

Yes but Leftists don't comprehend that type of thing, Leftists do not comprehend Economics or we HAVE to now say reality itself, they are literally living in their own weirdo Bubble where reality NEVER enters.
I used to allow my adrenaline knee-jerk reactions to controls my "reality".
Then I did something really weird...
You must be terrified. If you’re not, you’re a murderer!
Leftards are really into panic porn.

View attachment 329774

Doom, gloom, death, destruction, and panic is the Democrat's main motivational force to get people to vote for them: They always use little fallacies like "Republicans want to push granny's wheelchair over the cliff", "Republicans want dirty air and water", "Republicans are going to cut your Social Security", or "Republican want grandpa to eat dog food" in order to scare folks into voting for them.

Judging by the number of votes the Democrats con out of their voter base, there must be an awful lot of insecure, ignorant, uninformed, and scared people out there in Americaland. Anyone with two working brain cells and easily-accessible information can tell that the Democrats are full of shit. Evidently, most Democrat voters only have one-celled brains. Or possibly just a barely-functional brain stem that keeps them alive and breathing.
From the link;
"Given the facts emerging about the Chinese flu virus, the panic should be subsiding, but too many people are too invested in the panic, for personal and political reasons, to let this thing go away quietly. Instead we have a new round of drama as the heroic politicians listen to the heroic TikTok workers about when they can safely stop tormenting people over what is looking like a real life example of this famous quote. If it ever was, it is no longer about public safety. Instead it is about the drama queens.

Here in Lagos, the local dictator has issued an edict requiring everyone to wear their underwear over their heads if they go outside. That’s a slight exaggeration, but not that much of one. The requirement to wear masks, something unavailable for months, means people are wearing all sorts of outlandish get-ups. More than a few times I have seen women with what looks like feminine napkins on their face. There have undoubtedly been men wearing briefs on their heads just to go outside.

At this stage, demanding that people wear masks is nothing more than a punitive measure to humiliate the public. That move may have made some sense two months ago, but at this point there is no health reason for it. Instead, the politicians and TikTok heroes have got to justify what is turning out to be something closer to the infamous War of the Worlds panic than a legitimate public emergency. To admit reality at this point risks bruising their tender psyches, so we suffer on.

The plague of heroes is just not limited to crooked politicians and portly women in hospital scrubs. Corporate America has decided to remind us that they are not there to make money selling product. That’s crazy talk. No, they are here as a good steward of the community, because they care. They really care. You see, we’re in this together and in this time of crisis, nothing is more inspiring than videos of corporate commissars looking concerned while wearing masks and standing six feet apart.

At the retail end, it appears there is a race to see which company can come up with the most ridiculous ways to torment their customers. At the market I normally solicit, they now require people to line up outside, like the Soviets were fond of doing. That means an hour wait to enter the store, not because it is busy, but because only if we are united can we beat the virus. That’s on a sign outside the store. There’s a good bet the senior management is not heroically standing in any such lines.

I can’t help but think that is part of what’s happening. By turning the nation into a weird form of North Korea. the new class gets new perks. Instead of standing in long lines dressed like idiots, they will soon have private shops where they can shop like normal people in a normal society. The next phase of liberal democracy is concierge shopping to go along with concierge health care. You see, who we are is a nation of equals with one set of rules for the Cloud People and another for the Dirt People.

The hero nonsense does not stop with the boot to the masked face. Just as happened in communist societies, fanatics are now rising up among us to hector the rest of us about our adherence to the new rules. This plague first started on-line with the “Cucks and Karens”, as one commenter called them, tone policing anyone questioning the mass idiocy we see all around us. Now they have spilled into the real world, furiously looking to heroically tell people to keep their distance.

Since I will not stand in the idiot line for the market I usually solicit, I went to another market that is not as heroic. They have a fat broad making sure everyone entering is dressed like a train robber. The greeter has not become the enforcer, but you don’t have to stand outside like a moron. This store serves the working and middle-class, while the really heroic store serves managerial types. There is a strong correlation between class and the willingness to suspend the sense of disbelief.

Inside the store they have arrows on the floor, meaning you have to walk up and down every aisle in a specific order. Apparently, heroism now means having to examine every product on every shelf before you leave the store. This is actually dumber than the Soviet-style lines to enter the store. No one is going to traverse the whole store because they forget to get something in aisle one. As a result, people are violating the edicts and going about their business like sane people used to do.

I was one of those sane people, going against an arrow to get something when a Cuck and Karen in their TikTok costumes said something to me about the arrows. The Cuck did the “Sir! Sir!” bit, but I just ignored him. After I got what I wanted, I turned around and he was saying something, but I could not hear it because my hearing is not good and he was talking through his sissy rag. I was ready to ignore him, but then he did the same “Sir! Sir!” bit to an old guy who was violating arrow policy.

Having reached the age where I no longer bite my tongue in public, I said to the guy, “It is bad enough we have to put up with nonsense, we don’t need idiots like you pretending to be the police of us.” He then heroically said something about it “being about all of us” and I reminded him that the most likely way for him to end up in the hospital was to keep talking. The old guy, heroically chimed in with a vigorous “Fuck you, asshole” and a middle-finger at Cuck and Karen.

The Boomers get a lot of grief from certain people and some of it is surely justified, but the only rebels I see in my travels these days are old-timers. This was not the first time I’ve seen an old person tell one of these prissy heroes to do an unnatural act when confronted about a mask or other dumb stuff. All the butch young guys are sheltering in place, heroically self-isolating while whining about the Boomers. The growing protests we see are almost all old people. Zoomers ain’t our heroes."
Hair Stylists are no less human than anyone else.
They need to earn money and pay bills.

Yes but Leftists don't comprehend that type of thing, Leftists do not comprehend Economics or we HAVE to now say reality itself, they are literally living in their own weirdo Bubble where reality NEVER enters.
I used to allow my adrenaline knee-jerk reactions to controls my "reality".
Then I did something really weird...

Leftist never grow up, mentally they are ALWAYS between the ages of 14-16 and as a result they are perpetually in some type of rebellion and protest AGAINST the established Status Quo, an established Status Quo that has a record of decades and in SOME cases Centuries of being successful. EG. In America look at Bernie Sanders a 78 years in age man who mentally is STILL a 16 year old ranting and in rebellion and protest.
You must be terrified. If you’re not, you’re a murderer!
Leftards are really into panic porn.

View attachment 329774

View attachment 329778

^^^^ Such a dramatic and hysterical headline. Human Sacrifice? I bet that Amanda Mull supports the ACTUAL Human Sacrifice called Abortion aka Baby Sacrifice aka Murdering The Most Innocent As They Slumber In The Womb. These Leftists have their priorities WRONG, Georgia is NOT about to experiment in human sacrifice, we can see by the picture in that barber place they are wearing masks etc Leftists do NOT experiment with Human Sacrifice they PROMOTE it and ADVOCATE it 24/7 and as a result MILLIONS and MILLIONS of Baby Sacrifices occur EVERY YEAR across the planet.
Well, if they are wanting to be Number 1, they werein 9th place for new deaths today, with 60 newly dead people.
Hair Stylists are no less human than anyone else.
They need to earn money and pay bills.

This, exactly. Tens of millions of Americans will die if they do not go back to their former jobs or land new ones in a hurry. My wife and I have been fortunate enough to keep our jobs by working at home during this epic leftist initiated shitstorm but we know several workers who've not been so fortunate. Every American needs a means to feed their families. To hell with those who politicized this pandemic for power gain. The average American cannot eat or wear or shelter under the roof of ideology. Time to take our country back, by whatever means necessary.
You must be terrified. If you’re not, you’re a murderer!
Leftards are really into panic porn.

View attachment 329774

Doom, gloom, death, destruction, and panic is the Democrat's main motivational force to get people to vote for them: They always use little fallacies like "Republicans want to push granny's wheelchair over the cliff", "Republicans want dirty air and water", "Republicans are going to cut your Social Security", or "Republican want grandpa to eat dog food" in order to scare folks into voting for them.

Judging by the number of votes the Democrats con out of their voter base, there must be an awful lot of insecure, ignorant, uninformed, and scared people out there in Americaland. Anyone with two working brain cells and easily-accessible information can tell that the Democrats are full of shit. Evidently, most Democrat voters only have one-celled brains. Or possibly just a barely-functional brain stem that keeps them alive and breathing.

This is why Leftists promote the Group Think thing, they are frightened of anyone having an Independent opinion aka forming their OWN opinion because anyone who does will know the entire Leftist Agenda is a total disaster and detrimental to Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Thought and Freedom in general.

There IS a reason why ONLY Leftists in Western nations have been so EXCITED by all these lockdowns and restrictions of freedoms, not only that but often DEMANDING that things get more EXTREME, because this is the World they WANT, they WANT a 1984/Brave New World, they HATE Freedom, they ESPECIALLY HATE seeing peoples outside and ENJOYING themselves because Leftists in general are completely miserable which is WHY they are ANGRY all the time and OFFENDED all the time etc
You must be terrified. If you’re not, you’re a murderer!
Leftards are really into panic porn.

View attachment 329774

Doom, gloom, death, destruction, and panic is the Democrat's main motivational force to get people to vote for them: They always use little fallacies like "Republicans want to push granny's wheelchair over the cliff", "Republicans want dirty air and water", "Republicans are going to cut your Social Security", or "Republican want grandpa to eat dog food" in order to scare folks into voting for them.

Judging by the number of votes the Democrats con out of their voter base, there must be an awful lot of insecure, ignorant, uninformed, and scared people out there in Americaland. Anyone with two working brain cells and easily-accessible information can tell that the Democrats are full of shit. Evidently, most Democrat voters only have one-celled brains. Or possibly just a barely-functional brain stem that keeps them alive and breathing.

This is why Leftists promote the Group Think thing, they are frightened of anyone having an Independent opinion aka forming their OWN opinion because anyone who does will know the entire Leftist Agenda is a total disaster and detrimental to Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Thought and Freedom in general.

There IS a reason why ONLY Leftists in Western nations have been so EXCITED by all these lockdowns and restrictions of freedoms, not only that but often DEMANDING that things get more EXTREME, because this is the World they WANT, they WANT a 1984/Brave New World, they HATE Freedom, they ESPECIALLY HATE seeing peoples outside and ENJOYING themselves because Leftists in general are completely miserable which is WHY they are ANGRY all the time and OFFENDED all the time etc
Nice post, Lucy. Thanks.

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