Palin... Palin... Palin...

Each country deserves his leaders. If Bush wasn´t enough, she´ll find her way. The americans accepted a stolen election once, why they shouldn´t do it again? Sharron Angel already tattled.

Provide a shred of evidence any election was ever stolen.

we haven´t forgotten the election from 2000 and entire europe hasn´t any doubts that this election was a shame for your country.

The last time we gave a damn what Europe thought about our elections didn't work out so well for you guys, did it?
The American electorite is a lot smarter than you give them credit for. This incident will not be linked to Sarah Palin and in a few months her map will be mostly forgotten except for the die hard Palin haters. It will have no bearing on her future campaign (if there is one) and if there is an everlasting effect it will solidify support of her die hard supporters. I do not think it adds any polarization to the already polarized politcal atmosphere.

I do think that this incident may ... may put a small damper on the partisan infighting in Washington though. It won't stop the house push on dismantling all that Obama has done but it may stop some of the harsh rhetoric coming from them. The media on the other hand and all the talking heads ... they will continue to keep espousing their partisan beliefs and trying to get people riled up because that was what they are hired to do, create conflict so that people will watch. Why do you think people watched Jerry Springer, for the conflict, and the media is in it for the money and the ratings. So nothing will change there. And this is why I say the media is a cause of the current hate climate, because they need it. If it was all peace and tranquility they would have nothing to talk about.
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Not since the Romans can one find a government that even enters the realm of carnage, war, and genocide that is Germany.

shall we do a bodycount of the american direct genocide victims, starting from slavery over the exradiation of the indians over the collateral victims in korea, cambodia and vietnam to the killed civilians in iraq and afghanistan? And shall we talk about the indirect victims of american policy, the killed and assasinated elected presidents of south america, the providing of the dictators in the middle east? Even Clinton stands in blood up to the knees when he bombed this factory in sudan without any reason.

Add them all up, won't even approach 6 million.

And that was just a 3 year stretch for your motherland.

And we all know, Germans never had slaves, right?

Free advice for you:

If you enjoy preaching to the world about "humanity" and "compassion," lie about where you're from. Knowing you're a German, no one is ever going to take you seriously on those topics or others closely related.

you are a great american.
Knowing you're a German, no one is ever going to take you seriously on those topics or others closely related.

speak for yourself, racist redneck. my inbox tells me something other.

and btw: the soldiers who defeatet the nazi regime is known as "the greatest generation" in your country. Is this how you are keeping their legacy? Once you´ve been god´s own country. Do you deserve this title already, by insisting on daffy half-knowing and defeating any argument that queries own attitudes?

Ahh......the undying arrogance of Germany!

It will wind up reducing your country to rubble, yet again.

An Aryan calling me a "racist redneck."

That's rich!

your cliché battle is a draw at best.
shall we do a bodycount of the american direct genocide victims, starting from slavery over the exradiation of the indians over the collateral victims in korea, cambodia and vietnam to the killed civilians in iraq and afghanistan? And shall we talk about the indirect victims of american policy, the killed and assasinated elected presidents of south america, the providing of the dictators in the middle east? Even Clinton stands in blood up to the knees when he bombed this factory in sudan without any reason.

Add them all up, won't even approach 6 million.

And that was just a 3 year stretch for your motherland.

And we all know, Germans never had slaves, right?

Free advice for you:

If you enjoy preaching to the world about "humanity" and "compassion," lie about where you're from. Knowing you're a German, no one is ever going to take you seriously on those topics or others closely related.

you are a great american.

and you are the great cabbage head
Knowing you're a German, no one is ever going to take you seriously on those topics or others closely related.

speak for yourself, racist redneck. my inbox tells me something other.

and btw: the soldiers who defeatet the nazi regime is known as "the greatest generation" in your country. Is this how you are keeping their legacy? Once you´ve been god´s own country. Do you deserve this title already, by insisting on daffy half-knowing and defeating any argument that queries own attitudes?

Ahh......the undying arrogance of Germany!

It will wind up reducing your country to rubble, yet again.

An Aryan calling me a "racist redneck."

That's rich!

the difference is, that we haven´t started one single war in the last 60 years. The USA started over 50 military operations. Don´t call me arrogant when you denie or ignore the facts. And that´s the onliest reason why i talk to you at all: The whole world is pissed of the fact, that the usa takes it´s right to start a war or even an attack anywhere, for any reason or at any time until it needs an avocation from inner problems. The last two presidents did it, the current has to end the wars he succeded. and i bet a kidney, your next will do so also.

Welcome to the Club.

Add them all up, won't even approach 6 million.

And that was just a 3 year stretch for your motherland.

And we all know, Germans never had slaves, right?

Free advice for you:

If you enjoy preaching to the world about "humanity" and "compassion," lie about where you're from. Knowing you're a German, no one is ever going to take you seriously on those topics or others closely related.

you are a great american.

and you are the great cabbage head

why all this name-calling?

If you don't understand why people like Palin, then you don't understand the majority of Americans and where their values lie.

But most of the arrogant assholes who like to pretend she's "stupid" or "incompetent" (HA!) aren't interested in the majority of Americans because they (wrongly) consider themselves superior to the majority of Americans.
speak for yourself, racist redneck. my inbox tells me something other.

and btw: the soldiers who defeatet the nazi regime is known as "the greatest generation" in your country. Is this how you are keeping their legacy? Once you´ve been god´s own country. Do you deserve this title already, by insisting on daffy half-knowing and defeating any argument that queries own attitudes?

Ahh......the undying arrogance of Germany!

It will wind up reducing your country to rubble, yet again.

An Aryan calling me a "racist redneck."

That's rich!

the difference is, that we haven´t started one single war in the last 60 years. The USA started over 50 military operations. Don´t call me arrogant when you denie or ignore the facts. And that´s the onliest reason why i talk to you at all: The whole world is pissed of the fact, that the usa takes it´s right to start a war or even an attack anywhere, for any reason or at any time until it needs an avocation from inner problems. The last two presidents did it, the current has to end the wars he succeded. and i bet a kidney, your next will do so also.

If we had received the same reaction from the world for the last war we started, I imagine we would have gotten out of the war business as well. Anytime Germany starts a war, it gets the attention of the entire world, because we all know your history, your arrogance, and the fact that you're bat-shit crazy. Kicking the Germans is one of the global economy's favorite things to do when stimulus is needed, because the entire world will get on-board, and the Germans usually deserve it.

Turn a blind eye to your glass house, and tell us more about why the US is so bad.

Please, do.
Funny...I listened to the interview and I found nothing wrong with how she answered. She gave her opinion...she did not have solutions, but no one did at the time. She had her opinion on how to come up with solutions....
If we had received the same reaction from the world for the last war we started, I imagine we would have gotten out of the war business as well. Anytime Germany starts a war, it gets the attention of the entire world, because we all know your history, your arrogance, and the fact that you're bat-shit crazy. Kicking the Germans is one of the global economy's favorite things to do when stimulus is needed, because the entire world will get on-board, and the Germans usually deserve it.

Turn a blind eye to your glass house, and tell us more about why the US is so bad.

Please, do.

Hah? You DID recieve these reactions all over the world. Don´t you rememer the "no blood for oil" demonstrations even in YOUR country? But talking to a parkometer does make more sense than talking to you. OK, lets stop this. But remember my words: Your inner problems are unsolvable, the attitudes are too far away from each other. As soon this is noted by your next president, any other country has to pay the price for it again.
Bill O'Reilly is an idiot. He grills Sarah Palin and gets an interview with the President, fair and balanced. Fox news is great, put the label of conservative on it, throw in a little Hannity, and people think they have the conservative messenger from God. I hate Fox news, I watch tiny little bits and that is all.

So Sarah is calling out the President and his handling of the Oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. O'Reilly is defending the President. Sarah Palin is right. What did Obama do first, he sent Lawyers and Investigators, not clean up crews. Oil spill clean up is so full of politics it is as if we are living under Stalin. They send people in the Bay area out in white protective suits as if they are cleaning up a radiation spill. They threatened to arrest people who were out cleaning up a beach.

Who are these people, they literally behave like Nazis and Marxists.

People offered to help and the President refused there help. Our biggest disaster and the President refused help. I wonder if those same people will offer help again when we need it.

When I visit a different country and am offered hospitality by someone, I accept, its proper. Diplomatically if Obama was repairing our image across the world Obama should of accepted the help and brought people from Europe closer to us, instead Obama was the stereotype he portrays us as under Bush. Elite snobs who do not need the rest of the world.

Purposeful or ignorant. Obama is a disaster for our Country.
Funny...I listened to the interview and I found nothing wrong with how she answered. She gave her opinion...she did not have solutions, but no one did at the time. She had her opinion on how to come up with solutions....

She stated what she would do, she had a solution, allow others to help who offered help. Bringing people with diverse experience in oil exploration to resolve the problem is the solution and its clear she is willing to accept the help from those with as much if not more knowledge.

That is the best plan and solution to most problems.

I just don't see it... how people can like this woman.

The Young Turks and their commentary aside, this is more of the same from her. I don't understand how anybody can trust her to hold an office. It seems obvious to me that her whole strategy is to make an enemy out of somebody/something in order to rally people behind her, without having any substance of her own. The worst part, is that she doesn't even have the ability to back up her claims against whoever it is she is rallying against. I've never seen anything like it in my life. HOW IS SHE STILL RESPECTED? WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE HER? Please help me with this one!

Oh, here's some more, from Fox by the way:

Hey, I'm just putting up what's out there. Don't shoot the messenger.

One's inability to follow along in proper context, using comprehension skills taught in elementary school, seems to be equal to one's degree of hatred or admiration of Sarah Palin.

So, let ME put this out there:
Just because Palin doesn't sing or rap her views on video, doesn't mean she's bad.

Those who, right off the bat, dislike her, have never ever taken time to listen to her. You might hear what she's saying, but you're not listening.

Granted, the left hates her, and even some on the right don't like her.
But, they can never pin down a factual reason for their hatred or dislike. They INSINUATE things, but they can't prove them.

All standard fair for the "bash Palin" crowd.
As Sarah runs away from another controversy and once again blames the media, she shows her true presidential timbre
The people I've run into who don't like her obviously have an issue with her being female, having a family, and being smart.

That's what it comes down to. They are threatened by smart women who don't agree with them. I think probably it has it's root in mommy issues for the guys, and jealousy for the women. It's as simple as that.

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