Palin Derangement Syndrome Hits Hard

It's backfiring. Even people who don't think Palin is "substantive" are getting tired of the personal attacks. Hence her popularity is growing. There are many, many people who don't think she's qualified to be president. But there are many, many people who feel she has some important things to say. I was impressed with her O'Reilly interview.
I'm not upset that he is being attacked, I don't mind the criticism one bit. It comes with the territory and I can accept that.

It's the Bushies and the Palinites who can't handle their heroes getting attacked to the point where they fabricate an all emcompassing "syndrome" to use as the ultimate deflector shield to any and all attacks that come their way.

See the difference?

No because Palin and Bush criticism had a much different flavor than McCain criticism. I didn't see any of the haywired craziness about Obama that I have seen about Bush or for a lot of conservatives.

So I guess you haven't been anywhere near a mirror in the past two years.

On the other hand, painting anyone who disagrees with Obama as having racist motives is the ultimate deflector shield.

Which doesn't happen but since you already proved in your first two statements that you don't live in reality so why stop now, eh?

Are you fucking BLIND, DEAF and STUPID? Ever since the primaries every criticism of Obama has been met with a charge the person or complaint was a racist attack.
No because Palin and Bush criticism had a much different flavor than McCain criticism. I didn't see any of the haywired craziness about Obama that I have seen about Bush or for a lot of conservatives.

So I guess you haven't been anywhere near a mirror in the past two years.

On the other hand, painting anyone who disagrees with Obama as having racist motives is the ultimate deflector shield.

Which doesn't happen but since you already proved in your first two statements that you don't live in reality so why stop now, eh?

Are you fucking BLIND, DEAF and STUPID? Ever since the primaries every criticism of Obama has been met with a charge the person or complaint was a racist attack.

Get your proof out RGS because that stinks of some serious bullshit.
As long as Sarah Palin and her supporters push her onto the public stage she's going to be attacked.

You can't have it both ways, guys.

As always, Article 15 is missing the central point.

Obviously, political opponents are going to attack each other.

The question is HOW ?

Attacking the opponent's children, CONSTANTLY making up bogus crap, or publishing 1/2 truths, using distortions claiming unbiased reporting when one's blatant loyalty to one opponent clearly puts the other at an obvious disadvantage such as having NO fact checkers on Obama's books but EIGHT on Sarah Palin's, etc., is NOT an understandable, nor an honourable way to present oneself as journalists, or HONEST reporters.

But, of course how would an Article 15 semi-criminal have the mental capacity to be relied on in telling right from wrong ?

I'm surprised that a drop case like Article 15 even got into the Military. My guess is that he got into the Military to dodge the LAW on his heels. And got the Article 15 for evading combat.

You're a waste of skin.
As long as Sarah Palin and her supporters push her onto the public stage she's going to be attacked.

You can't have it both ways, guys.

As always, Article 15 is missing the central point.

Obviously, political opponents are going to attack each other.

The question is HOW ?

Attacking the opponent's children, CONSTANTLY making up bogus crap, or publishing 1/2 truths, using distortions claiming unbiased reporting when one's blatant loyalty to one opponent clearly puts the other at an obvious disadvantage such as having NO fact checkers on Obama's books but EIGHT on Sarah Palin's, etc., is NOT an understandable, nor an honourable way to present oneself as journalists, or HONEST reporters.

But, of course how would an Article 15 semi-criminal have the mental capacity to be relied on in telling right from wrong ?

I'm surprised that a drop case like Article 15 even got into the Military. My guess is that he got into the Military to dodge the LAW on his heels. And got the Article 15 for evading combat.

Who's attacking her kids, that is against a rule here I believe.

I think she is peaking right now with her book tour and don't find her any kind of threat at all in 2012. Can't blame her for trying, Repubs are finding her their best shot yet.
As long as Sarah Palin and her supporters push her onto the public stage she's going to be attacked.

You can't have it both ways, guys.

As always, Article 15 is missing the central point.

Obviously, political opponents are going to attack each other.

The question is HOW ?

Attacking the opponent's children, CONSTANTLY making up bogus crap, or publishing 1/2 truths, using distortions claiming unbiased reporting when one's blatant loyalty to one opponent clearly puts the other at an obvious disadvantage such as having NO fact checkers on Obama's books but EIGHT on Sarah Palin's, etc., is NOT an understandable, nor an honourable way to present oneself as journalists, or HONEST reporters.

But, of course how would an Article 15 semi-criminal have the mental capacity to be relied on in telling right from wrong ?

I'm surprised that a drop case like Article 15 even got into the Military. My guess is that he got into the Military to dodge the LAW on his heels. And got the Article 15 for evading combat.

You're a waste of skin.

Well, admittedly it's not the Affirmative-Action-getting type of skin. I have to work in order to be successful.

My type of skin is not protected by the Libtard PC bullshit.
Are you mentally ill? It is completely acceptable and has been done by lots of people over the ages, to commission someone to write what you have to say.

By the way Lumpy the op is not attacking the fact the book reviewer did not actually read the book, he is attacking the Post for actually bringing it up.

If objecting to fake books makes me mentally ill then I'm gladly the sickest fuck in the world. People accepting ghost autobiographies does not make them acceptable by virtue of silence.

I guess you've thrown out all your books written about George Bush then, after all he didn't write them.

The last time I owned a book that had anything to do with bush it was a free gift from Penthouse Letters.
Palin didn't write the book so it's safe to say those suffering from PDS reveal themselves by defending Palin. The whole fucking thing is retarded.

Was she the first public figure to have a ghostwriter? No she was not so it is hardly a reason to slam her book unless you hate all ghostwritten material.

All ghost written books are bullshit and it's even funnier when the Palinites go around cheering a book the sick bitch didn't even write.
I found some news about Sarah today and I think it's very exciting!! Her and Michelle Bachman are teaming up. At a tea party convention!! Isn't that perfect for them??

November 25, 2009

Palin, Bachmann to headline Tea Party convention

Posted: November 25th, 2009 07:30 PM ET

From CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser

(CNN) – Sarah Palin will be the main attraction at what's being billed as the "First National Tea Party Convention."

Tea Party Nation announced Wednesday that last year's Republican vice presidential candidate will serve as keynote speaker for the conference, scheduled to take place in Nashville, Tennessee February 4-6. A representative for Palin has confirmed the former Alaska governor's speaking role at the gathering.

The group also announced that Rep. Michele Bachmann will be speaking at the gathering as well. The Minnesota Republican has become a hero among many in the conservative movement. A representative for Bachmann confirms her speaking role.

The event could focus the political spotlight on both women. Bachmann has become a rising star, her ascent fueled in part by major support from Tea Party activists. For Palin - currently taking a brief Thanksgiving break from a national tour for her new book, "Going Rogue: An American Life" - serving as headliner at a tea party convention could increase speculation that she is weighing a run for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Palin, Bachmann to headline Tea Party convention « - Blogs from

A Palin/Bachmann ticket in the works??
Palin didn't write the book so it's safe to say those suffering from PDS reveal themselves by defending Palin. The whole fucking thing is retarded.

Are you mentally ill? It is completely acceptable and has been done by lots of people over the ages, to commission someone to write what you have to say.

By the way Lumpy the op is not attacking the fact the book reviewer did not actually read the book, he is attacking the Post for actually bringing it up.

Quite. Anyone who works in the writing industry knows that ghostwriters are a common tool used by pretty much all public figures. This ridiculous obsession over whether a Palin actually 'wrote' the book is laughable. Ghostwriters are professional writers who just produce the actual work. If you've ever read public figures life story, it was more likely than not written by a ghost. Most are not credited with the work - they are paid to sign over credit and sign confidentiality agreements. As a matter of fact, it is highly unusual to find a book that has been written by the public figure themself - most publishers insist upon, provide and pay for the ghostwriter.... because it's a valued skill in the industry.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid.
Palin Derangement Syndrome Hits Hard

The Washington Post company abandons its standards trying to take down Sarah Palin.

Let us have a moment of silence in honor of the late journalism standards of The Washington Post company. They died last week, a victim of Palin Derangement Syndrome.
First came Newsweek's cover of Palin in running shorts, over a headline of "How do you solve a problem like Sarah?" and a snide kicker that "she's bad news for the GOP--and everybody else too."

Beyond the obvious partisanship, many women, Palin included, found the cover sexist and an attempt to demean her with the bimbo treatment.

There might also be legal fallout. Newsweek, owned by The Post, had no right to use the photo, according to Runner's World magazine, which commissioned it.

The company's flagship paper also embarrassed itself. It published dueling reviews of Palin's book "Going Rogue," with snarky blogger Ana Marie Cox making an astounding confession in her review:

"I cannot claim to have completely read 'Going Rogue' -- I had to skim the last 150 pages (or more than one-third). I only got the thing into my hands late Monday afternoon with a deadline of early evening. It's terrible, I know, but if I didn't read it all, neither can Sarah Palin claim to have completely written it."

My inquiry about how this could possibly be acceptable was answered by Rachel Shea, editor of the paper's Book World. She said in a breezy e-mail: "We thought our reviewers each provided unique perspectives on the book, and Ana Marie Cox was up front about her examination of it."

There you have it. The Post no longer requires reviewers to actually read the books they are reviewing, as long as they are "up front" about it.
It's Sarah Palin's fault.

MICHAEL GOODWIN: Palin Derangement Syndrome Hits Hard -


Palin Derangement Syndrome Hits Hard

Sarah Palin to the liberals is like garlic to a vampire....

Liberals fear of Palin is definately deranged. It's a mental illness.


Great post but I'm getting the feeling even liberals on this board are getting weary of picking on Palin..

Not really.

Palin didn't write the book so it's safe to say those suffering from PDS reveal themselves by defending Palin. The whole fucking thing is retarded.

Are you mentally ill? It is completely acceptable and has been done by lots of people over the ages, to commission someone to write what you have to say.

By the way Lumpy the op is not attacking the fact the book reviewer did not actually read the book, he is attacking the Post for actually bringing it up.

Quite. Anyone who works in the writing industry knows that ghostwriters are a common tool used by pretty much all public figures. This ridiculous obsession over whether a Palin actually 'wrote' the book is laughable. Ghostwriters are professional writers who just produce the actual work. If you've ever read public figures life story, it was more likely than not written by a ghost. Most are not credited with the work - they are paid to sign over credit and sign confidentiality agreements. As a matter of fact, it is highly unusual to find a book that has been written by the public figure themself - most publishers insist upon, provide and pay for the ghostwriter.... because it's a valued skill in the industry.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid.

As already pointed out it doesn't matter if it is accepted in the publishing industry. It's widely accepted in the used car biz to employ any number of deceptive tactics in order to sell cars. People accepting or promoting deception does not remove the ethical violations.
Are you mentally ill? It is completely acceptable and has been done by lots of people over the ages, to commission someone to write what you have to say.

By the way Lumpy the op is not attacking the fact the book reviewer did not actually read the book, he is attacking the Post for actually bringing it up.

Quite. Anyone who works in the writing industry knows that ghostwriters are a common tool used by pretty much all public figures. This ridiculous obsession over whether a Palin actually 'wrote' the book is laughable. Ghostwriters are professional writers who just produce the actual work. If you've ever read public figures life story, it was more likely than not written by a ghost. Most are not credited with the work - they are paid to sign over credit and sign confidentiality agreements. As a matter of fact, it is highly unusual to find a book that has been written by the public figure themself - most publishers insist upon, provide and pay for the ghostwriter.... because it's a valued skill in the industry.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid.

As already pointed out it doesn't matter if it is accepted in the publishing industry. It's widely accepted in the used car biz to employ any number of deceptive tactics in order to sell cars. People accepting or promoting deception does not remove the ethical violations.

Yet again, all you prove is that you are too fucking stupid to understand basic, simple concepts. It is not unethical at all - even professional fiction writers use ghostwriters at times. There is absolutely nothing unethical about using a professional to write your story for you. It is still your story - they don't make stuff up, what they do is take your story - your words and work them into an interesting, readable, book. They don't change facts, they research where necessary, they spend days - weeks even - with the subject - working closely with that person to write it using the subjects 'voice'. Of course, stupid people will not understand this - because they are too dumb to recognize that they don't know shit about the literary world.
I think Obama is a communist. Don't get upset because as long as he is a public figure then he is going to be attacked.

You can't have it both ways after all....

If you think Obama is a communist then you're an idiot. If you have your tongue in your cheek, ignore me....

The folowing FACTS are substantiated in Obami-Salami's books: "Dreams of my Father" & "The Audacity of Hope": His Mommy was an off -the-wall MARXIST. Who had an almost insane HATRED for her own race. Not surprisingly she was hot for men of colour. His falling-down-drunk Daddy was a committed MARXIST. His mother's father, i.e. Grandfather was an ADORING COMMIE who introduced Obami-Salami at age 9 to his mentor thru the early college years, who in the book is called "FRANK". This "FRANK" turned out to be FRANK MARSHALL DAVIS, a notorious Commie Poet of his day, who tried to convert the NAACP into a Communist Front....but failed. So much for the IMMEDIATE relatives of the MARXIST Obami Salami.

What about Obami Salami's extended relations ? Well, Obami Salami recently visited his relatives on his Drunkard Daddy's side: Obami visited ODINGA, his RAPIST and MURDERING cousin known throughout Africa as the "AFRICAN STALIN." Odinga is the leader of the Oppressive COMMUNIST organization called the "Orange Democratic Party" that rose to leadership by way of RAPE and MURDER.

Recently MARXIST Obami Salami visited Odinga in Kenya and was photo-oped cheering Odinga at one of his Rallies. Next there is a plethora of photos at a Kenyan Family Gathering where ALL his relatives are MARXISTS....sure enough there is the SMILING Obami Salami in his African garb , arm in arm with Odinga.....smiling.

It's no secret that Marxist Obami Salami is a devotee of Saul Alinsky the Marxist Philosopher whom Obami uses as Christians use the Bible or the MusLAMES the Quran. No wonder that MARXIST Obami Salami has the Leftiest of the Left record in U.S. Senatorial the left of even the Chappaquidick Murderer Teddy (may he rot in Hell) Kennedy.

And this POLITICAL IDIOT Dr. Grump, who is obviously flip flopping around in La La Land, lands on this planet, and calls some poster an IDIOT because the poster happens to be acquainted with the IRREFUTABLE TRUTH about this POS MARXIST and MusLAME Dooeating PC Protecting Obami Salami.

And, why do you think that the MARXIST POS Obami Salami (Rasmussen Poll) has his "STRONGLY APPROVE" rating at 26% and "STRONGLY DISAPPROVE" rating at 41% ???

Answer: The American People, especially the naive INDEPENDENTS who voted this MARXIST POS in .....are GRADUALLY becoming aware that this Political POS Obami Salami's unraveling AGENDA has a PURELY MARXIST GOAL in mind.
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Quite. Anyone who works in the writing industry knows that ghostwriters are a common tool used by pretty much all public figures. This ridiculous obsession over whether a Palin actually 'wrote' the book is laughable. Ghostwriters are professional writers who just produce the actual work. If you've ever read public figures life story, it was more likely than not written by a ghost. Most are not credited with the work - they are paid to sign over credit and sign confidentiality agreements. As a matter of fact, it is highly unusual to find a book that has been written by the public figure themself - most publishers insist upon, provide and pay for the ghostwriter.... because it's a valued skill in the industry.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is stupid.

As already pointed out it doesn't matter if it is accepted in the publishing industry. It's widely accepted in the used car biz to employ any number of deceptive tactics in order to sell cars. People accepting or promoting deception does not remove the ethical violations.

Yet again, all you prove is that you are too fucking stupid to understand basic, simple concepts. It is not unethical at all - even professional fiction writers use ghostwriters at times. There is absolutely nothing unethical about using a professional to write your story for you. It is still your story - they don't make stuff up, what they do is take your story - your words and work them into an interesting, readable, book. They don't change facts, they research where necessary, they spend days - weeks even - with the subject - working closely with that person to write it using the subjects 'voice'. Of course, stupid people will not understand this - because they are too dumb to recognize that they don't know shit about the literary world.

You assume I don't know anything about the literary world because I disagree with your claim ghostwriting is ethical. Not everyone agrees with your claim and to label all dissenters as "stupid" reveals a deep immaturity and even deeper level of arrogance. Have you ever considered it possible you do not know everything and that maybe....just maybe......someone disagreeing with you doesn't display negatives about their intelligence?

Here's a quick example of the deception:

"Sarah Palin has finished her memoir just four months after the book deal was announced."
Sarah Palin Book, Going Rogue: An American Life, to Be Released November 17 - ABC News

She didn't write it but I'm guessing due to false advertising as shown above many people believe she is the author. Look at the definition of memoir:

Memoir Definition | Definition of Memoir at

1. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation.

By that article she wrote the book....but we know she didn't. That's active deception and maybe you are of the character that celebrates successful lying to consumers, I don't care if you are or not. What I do know is ghostrwriting that deceives the audience is unethical. Nah, you must be correct about my stupidity! Wow, that is so much easier than making an actual argument!

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