Palestinians tell us who they are


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
While there are some crackpots who are trying to convince others that the Palestinian Arabs are really the descendents of the ancient Jews so that all the refugees will be able to march into Israel (and eventually take over), there are so many who know that this is a bunch of baloney. I have a great idea, since in so many fights in the past, there were so many rapes such as during the Crusades that all blue-eye Arabs should claim that they are the descendents of the Crusaders and ask for immediate citizenship in England. And why shouldn't all blue-eye Poles simply announce that they are the descendents of the Norwegian soldiers who once invaded Poland. and they should be able to immediately become citizens of Norway immediately. What a mish-mash that would be with everyone claiming something or other. And imagine if all the millions and millions of displaced people as a result of World War II started clamoring that since their ancestors actually lived in the affected countries for thousands and thousands of years wanted immediate citizenship in these countries and all their property and other assets returned. Of course, the Jews from all those Middle East countries who were forced to leave should start raising their voices for all that they had to leave behind to the Arabs. Meanwhile, those of you who don't believe the baloney about the Arabs being the descendents of Jews will enjoy this article.............

Palestinians tell us who they are
Posted on July 3, 2014 by Vic Rosenthal

I’ve said on numerous occasions that the ‘Palestinian people’ only exist as a distinct people by virtue of their opposition to the Jewish presence in the land of Israel.

What makes these Arabs, whose ancestors mostly came from Syria or Egypt in the 19th or 20th centuries ‘Palestinian’ is that they have dedicated themselves to the struggle against the Jews. There is very little ‘Palestinian’ content to their culture apart from their aspiration to destroy Israel.

It isn’t surprising, then, that they won’t compromise on their demands for a right of return, stop the vicious incitement in their media, or recognize Israel as a Jewish state. These acts would contradict their identity as ‘Palestinians’.

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