Palestinians Need To Eliminate Hamas - Or They Will All Die

I already brought up a few examples. If you really think you're going to order me around to write a complete list of all the false flags in history, with a commentary on all of them, and if I don't you "win" this asinine "discussion" then you're off your rocker. I wasn't even posting to you in the first place, I was posting to someone else, and you interjected yourself into the discussion. And you keep proving with every post that you're only interested in trying to find a "gotcha" to (in your mind) "win" an argument, as opposed to having an actual discussion. But even an actual discussion I'm not interested in having with you, so quit harassing me. I couldn't care less what you believe, so if you believe whatever the idiot box tells you, go right ahead, you do you.
I am not thinking about winning anything. I simply asked (not ordered) you to present examples of what you were claiming. SOP in USMB.
Ho hum. yawn**** :rolleyes:
Okay let’s evaluate your position. In the entire history of the US, when were we attacked? You no doubt believe Japan attacked in 1941 and a bunch of Arab yahoos on 9/11. Any other times? Yet our leaders have had us at war nearly our entire history.

Now regarding Japan, do you know anything about FDR’s actions against them prior to December 7, 1941? If you did, you’d know their attack was provoked and FDR had foreknowledge of the attack.

Regarding 9/11, it’s clear there are numerous discrepancies in the official story.

War is a racket. Have you ever heard this famous statement?
You've been reading too much STUFF. :rolleyes:
Imitation is a most sincere form of flattery.

See you in your dreams tonight, asshole.

HA HA. If only you could present a viable argument (wouldn't have to resort to name calling). Now you better get back to your 3rd grade arithmetic book. Might be a test next week.
Why are you destroying high-rise buildings in Gaza?
-Hamas militants are hiding there.
-How do you know this?
-Our intelligence.
-The same intelligence that knew nothing about the biggest attack in your history?
-Well... Uh... Die, you anti-semitic scum!

I mentioned that on another thread. The response was crickets. Actually, the only response you might get is false accusations against you for even bringing up the fact that we shouldn't automatically believe whatever we're told, and that the wise thing to do is learn from history.
You've been reading too much STUFF. :rolleyes:
Yeah no one should do research because it’s best to believe the establishment. LMFAO!

Is this you?
1. Yes I remember the incubator babies story.

2. I'm not asking the mainstream news websites, I'm asking YOU, buttercup. You are the one who said "this happened a numbr of times in history", but when challenged to produce examples, you deflected to suggesting that I research it - which is a clear cut FAILURE.
The Lavon Affair was a false flag operation that gave us the Suez Crisis.
Yeah no one should do research because it’s best to believe the establishment. LMFAO!

Is this you?
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That's one of the problems with the left. As soon as they get something that is written (by a source friendly to them), they believe it.

Like the goofball Stephens-Davidowitz "racism" study : in this "research", published as "undeniable" in the New York Times, it was contended that some places in the US were more racist than other places. The study contended that because 57% of Denver, CO, voted for Obama in 2008, and only 48% of Wheeling WV did, that Wheeling was the 7th most "racist" city in America, while Denver was the 4th most “enlightened” city.

Problems here are twofold. First, in places like the Times, the only 1 dimension at play was Obama's race. The Stephens-Davidowitz study failed to consider that Obama was the most fabulous, celebrity-backed candidate for president in a long time - something more important to people in Denver, than in West Virginia.

Secondly, on Nov. 2, 2008, two days before the election, Obama vowed to bankrupt the coal industry. He threatened to impose huge fines on coal companies for emissions of greenhouse gases. West Virginia's economy is 99% (energy) and 60% (business taxes) dependent on coal. The real way to test Stephens-Davidowitz theory about West Virginians would be to run a non-flashy black candidate who had not pledged to destroy the coal industry, and THEN compare votes.

Here's an alternative to the faulty Stephens-Davidowitz study that the New York Times admired so much >> A conservative writer did a study on states' inclinations to racism, also. In that study, different states were compared by participation in the military - an institution with a high level of close quarter racial mixing, jaw to jaw, in military barracks (hell for racists).

The least racist states were Montana, Texas, Wyoming, Alabama, Alaska, and Idaho. The most racist ones were Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, and Vermont.

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