Palestinians Need To Eliminate Hamas - Or They Will All Die

The Palestine Israel issue is of no importance for the "bosses", just numbers and statistics. They are nothing more than useful toys to consume the energy of this region of the World internally and to facilitate easier control of the area. Its very unlikely for intelligence agencies to be unaware of this attack. Its almost impossible. Israel (Netanyahu govt) which is getting closer to China day by day and has not been able to provide enough confidence to the US in this regard is warned to stop being arrogant and to realize that its not as strong as it thinks.
You got a something to back up this notion of Israel "getting closer to China" ? Got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ?
The only event that I know of, that started a war that was fake that I know of was the Gulf of Tonkin "incident" in 1964. Maybe there were others. Since you conclude that "this is happened a number of times in history" how about posting some examples ?

Do a search for false flags. And to be clear, I'm not talking about from some random schmuck on the Internet. Even the mainstream news websites will provide you a list of known false flags in history.

I just talked about a proven lie that started a major war earlier on another thread, here:

Do a search for false flags. And to be clear, I'm not talking about from some random schmuck on the Internet. Even the mainstream news websites will provide you a list of known false flags in history.

I just talked about a proven lie that started a major war earlier on another thread, here:

Show the "proof" this is a lie. There seems to be proof it's true, where is proof it's a lie outside your own dementia?
That was about the "babies in incubators" lie that started the Gulf War back in the early 90s. If you click on the link there's a video, and no one is even arguing anymore that that's a lie, it was proven to be a lie.

Did you think I was talking about this current war?
You posted a link to a usmb thread where you posted about this war and you stated the decapitated burned babies was a lie.
Your credibility is no longer in question, you have none
You posted a link to a usmb thread where you posted about this war and you stated the decapitated burned babies was a lie.
Your credibility is no longer in question, you have none

Show me where I said that the decapitated babies story was a lie. I'll wait.
They are living, just like our Lord Jesus did… they are trying to spread the message of love and peace. You see it in the very videos posted all over the place.
Not true at all. Palestinian civilians were elated when Hamas murdered, raped and kidnapped women and children. They were given a heroes welcome and the civilians punched and beat any hostage they were able to get near.

Still waiting for you to show me where I said the decapitated babies story is a lie, ozro

This is what happens when people react to everything in an extremely knee-jerk emotional way.

Evidently you didn't see that I was talking about something that happened in the early 90s, the "babies in incubators" lie that was what got the US onboard with the Gulf War.
Do a search for false flags. And to be clear, I'm not talking about from some random schmuck on the Internet. Even the mainstream news websites will provide you a list of known false flags in history.

I just talked about a proven lie that started a major war earlier on another thread, here:

1. Yes I remember the incubator babies story.

2. I'm not asking the mainstream news websites, I'm asking YOU, buttercup. You are the one who said "this happened a numbr of times in history", but when challenged to produce examples, you deflected to suggesting that I research it - which is a clear cut FAILURE.
1. Yes I remember the incubator babies story.

2. I'm not asking the mainstream news websites, I'm asking YOU, buttercup. You are the one who said "this happened a numbr of times in history", but when challenged to produce examples, you deflected to suggesting that I research it - which is a clear cut FAILURE.
God gave us the ignore function for enemy purveyors of propaganda
The sad part to me is that even when it comes out later that a certain event that started a war was fake, a complete lie (and this is happened a number of times in history)... sure enough, the next time another war comes along, by golly, we're fully on board with it because we trust the talking heads on the TV!

I just don't even know what to say about this anymore. People never learn.
I guess I was naive to think after the debacles that were Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya the vast majority of Americans wouldn’t fall for another war pushed by the ruling class.

The Nazi was so right…
"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials
1. Yes I remember the incubator babies story.

2. I'm not asking the mainstream news websites, I'm asking YOU, buttercup. You are the one who said "this happened a numbr of times in history", but when challenged to produce examples, you deflected to suggesting that I research it - which is a clear cut FAILURE.

I stated that false flags have happened in history. Are you denying that? Or do you believe that every time a war happens, everything we hear is the truth, and the reasons for going into wars in the first place are always true?

The reason I brought up the MSM sites is because ordinarily people assume that the term false flag only goes along with silly "conspiracy theorists." But again, even all sorts of mainstream news sites will talk about historical false flags.

Anything I bring up would be on the lists that the mainstream sites talk about, like the Reichstag fire, gulf of Tonkin, etc. So you either agree that false flags have happened, or you don't. If you don't, then you are extremely naive, to put it nicely. And if you don't, it's not my job to convince you, those lies have already been proven, so if you still don't believe it, I don't know what to tell you. Continue to believe wars are always truthful and everything we're told is the truth. :dunno:
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God gave us the ignore function for enemy purveyors of propaganda

You made a false claim, and then when I asked you at least twice to show me where I stated what you said I stated, you slinked away and did NOT provide a quote.

You're the one with no honor, you could have simply admitted that you read my post on the other thread too quickly and you didn't realize I was talking about an event that happened 30 years ago. That would've shown you are a decent person who admits mistakes. And now you're throwing out more false accusations. Digsusting.

"We've found bodies of people who have been butchered ... beheaded children of varying ages, ranging from babies to slightly older children," IDF spokesperson Maj. Libby Weiss said. "... The depravity of it is haunting."

Among those killed there Saturday were Itai and Hadar Berdichevsky, both 30 years old, according to the Israeli Embassy in France. But in one final act before they were killed, they managed to spare the lives of their 10-month-old twins.
I stated that false flags have happened in history. Are you denying that? Or do you believe that every time a war happens, everything we hear is the truth, and the reasons for going into wars in the first place are always true?

The reason I brought up the MSM sites is because ordinarily people assume that the term false flag only goes along with silly "conspiracy theorists." But again, even all sorts of mainstream news sites will talk about historical false flags.

Anything I bring up would be on the lists that the mainstream sites talk about, like the Reichstag fire, gulf of Tonkin, etc. So you either agree that false flags have happened, or you don't. If you don't, then you are extremely naive, to put it nicely. And if you don't, it's not my job to convince you, those lies have already been proven, so if you still don't believe it, I don't know what to tell you. Continue to believe wars are always truthful and everything we're told is the truth. :dunno:
I neither agree nor disagree that "this happened a numbr of times in history" I simply asked you to back up your claim with substance, which is a common expected minimum requirement of all posting in computer forums. 😐
I guess I was naive to think after the debacles that were Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya the vast majority of Americans wouldn’t fall for another war pushed by the ruling class.

The Nazi was so right…
"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

I hate to say it, but that quote is so true.

People (especially in the US) are so easily manipulated. The PTSB understand that if they can provoke people's emotions, they can get the public on board with just about anything. And as that quote you posted said, the manipulation is always accompanied by attacks and marginalization of all those who don't go along with whatever the PTSB is currently promoting.
I neither agree nor disagree that "this happened a numbr of times in history" I simply asked you to back up your claim with substance, which is a common expected minimum requirement of all posting in computer forums. 😐

You know it's true since you agreed with at least 2 of them. You're not my boss, I'm not going to write out a list and talk about them all, since it would be the same list you'd find by taking 2 seconds to do a search on historical false flags. More and more I get the feeling you're one of those who just likes to argue for the sake of arguing and "winning" a debate. This is not even a debate, since you already acknowledged that false flags have happened historically, which was what I said.

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