Palestinians have lost any sense of morality

I might be a bit old fashion but foul language is not helping either point of view.
There is no point of view. inHumanity proclaimed he was a stupid prick. I heartily agree. It pretty much means you can ignore anything he says.

Yup, I was there, I saw inhumanity clearly say he'd rather be a stupid prick. Here's a guy who's stated goal in life has already been achieved. :dance:
I might be a bit old fashion but foul language is not helping either point of view.
There is no point of view. inHumanity proclaimed he was a stupid prick. I heartily agree. It pretty much means you can ignore anything he says.

Good lord, even now you are a liar...

Go away numbnuts, you are a proven liar... Live with it...

Oh, and don't ask me to prove it AGAIN... Just go read the earlier post
No lie, Einstein.
You wrote this,
I prefer to be a stupid fuck than a Rabid, lying zionist prick...
So you must be a stupid fuck.
You're done.
Israel does not use kids as human shields. Only animal pieces of shit like your pals in Hamas do that.
The Goldstone Report found no evidence of Hamas using human shields.


Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict

While reports reviewed by the Mission credibly indicate that members of Palestinian armed groups were not always dressed in a way that distinguished them from civilians, the Mission found no evidence that Palestinian combatants mingled with the civilian
population with the intention of shielding themselves from attack
The Israeli's, on the other hand, use them regularly. They are called "Johnnies"!

Testimony 1 – Human Shield
People are called “Johnnie. They’re Palestinian civilians” in Gaza neighborhoods. In checking out houses, “we send the neighbor in, the ‘Johnnie,’ and if there are armed men inside, we (use) ‘pressure cooker’ procedures….to get them out alive….to catch the armed men.”

Human shields were also used to check for booby-traps and perform other services. “Sometimes the force would enter while placing rifle barrels on a civilian’s shoulder, advancing into the house and using him as a human shield. Commanders said these were the instructions and we had to do it.”
So the IDF would go into the house with their rifle barrel on the Palestinian kids shoulder? Sounds like a human shield to me!

And sometimes the IDF would just have them stand in front of their Humvee while they were taking a break.

Israel does not use kids as human shields. Only animal pieces of shit like your pals in Hamas do that.
The Goldstone Report found no evidence of Hamas using human shields.


Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict

While reports reviewed by the Mission credibly indicate that members of Palestinian armed groups were not always dressed in a way that distinguished them from civilians, the Mission found no evidence that Palestinian combatants mingled with the civilian
population with the intention of shielding themselves from attack
The Israeli's, on the other hand, use them regularly. They are called "Johnnies"!

Testimony 1 – Human Shield
People are called “Johnnie. They’re Palestinian civilians” in Gaza neighborhoods. In checking out houses, “we send the neighbor in, the ‘Johnnie,’ and if there are armed men inside, we (use) ‘pressure cooker’ procedures….to get them out alive….to catch the armed men.”

Human shields were also used to check for booby-traps and perform other services. “Sometimes the force would enter while placing rifle barrels on a civilian’s shoulder, advancing into the house and using him as a human shield. Commanders said these were the instructions and we had to do it.”
So the IDF would go into the house with their rifle barrel on the Palestinian kids shoulder? Sounds like a human shield to me!

And sometimes the IDF would just have them stand in front of their Humvee while they were taking a break.

Would that be the Goldstone Report that Goldstone recanted?
Or the Goldstone report that came out three years before Israel kicked Hamas butt and Hamas tried to maximize civilian casualties?
In either case you're an ill informed douchebag.
Gaza Activist Stabbed After Exposing Hamas Use of Human Shields
U.N. Must Condemn Latest Hamas Brutality

GENEVA, Jan. 17 - The stabbing in Gaza of a Palestinian rights activist after he exposed Hamas' contempt for its own people by using them as human shields, and after he criticized the radical Islamic group for torture, abuse and trampling free speech, should be strongly condemned by the United Nations—both as an attack on the victim’s human rights, and on the idea of freedom of expression.

Masked attackers on Friday stabbed Mahmud Abu Rahma multiple times in the back, leg and shoulders, it was revealed today.

This latest attack on a rights activist underscores Gaza's brutally enforced intolerance for any discourse other the anti-Israel mantras of Hamas, which rules the area with an iron fist.

The attack only proves the simple truth of the victim's words.

Abu Rahma's crime was publishing an article in the Palestinian press that dared to criticize Hamas' "outrageous attack upon free expression and peaceful assembly" over the past year, and the "hundreds of cases of torture and abuse."

Abu Rahma also dared to publish basic facts about Gaza that completely contradict the Hamas narrative, and that of the UN's Goldstone Report, which repeatedly found "no evidence" that Hamas used civilians as human shields.

What is remarkable is that with all of the massive UN resources ostensibly dedicated to protecting Palestinians—the 16-member Division for Palestinian Rights, the 20-odd resolutions on Palestinians last year by the General Assembly, the Human Rights Council's special agenda item on Palestinians at every session, resolutions on Palestinians by UNESCO, the WHO and numerous other agencies, the full-time post of "Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Palestine" held by Richard Falk—still, with all that and more, the world body somehow managed to turn a blind eye to the massive violations of Palestinian rights described by Abu Rahma (click here for source):

• Although Abu Rahma considers Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist organizations to be “resistance groups,” he said they "show little or no care for people's life and well being.”

“Military training sites function and are located in places very close to neighborhoods and/or schools, from where acts of resistance, including firing rockets, also occur.” As a result, “The population of these locations are inevitably vulnerable to Israeli attacks.”

• “Numerous people were injured from live fire coming from resistance groups training sites; including children and at least one man who lost his eye.”

• “There is a training site in the town of Beit Lahiya that threatens people every day, including a girl who was injured inside her school when an explosion occurred in this site on Sep. 20 2011.”

• “Explosions also occur frequently in densely-populated areas around Gaza, and have their victims, many of whom are children.”

• A man in the al-Nasser neighborhood in Gaza city, whose house is near a military training site, “complained to the resistance members many times. He explained the family’s fear for their life and house. But he was told the family could move out of the area, even if they had no resources to move. He died the way he feared most: tragically.”

• “The state of carelessness from the part of resistance is also causing continued victims of the misfiring of home-made rockets that fall on houses inside Gaza. Many of the victims are children and all of them are civilians who happen to be in their homes.”

• “There are more victims of shootings from, or explosions in, training sites. Many children are killed or maimed when explosive devices left in the streets or farms explode in their hands. And there is the young man who was shot in the legs for daring to publicly criticize a local resistance leader.”

If the UN's colossal pro-Palestinian infrastructure would have truly done its job and reported the above simple facts about Hamas perfidy to the world's attention, it is fair to ask whether Abu Rahma would have been assaulted for writing his article.

The incident raises serious questions about the ability of the Palestinians to create a democratic state where people feel free to question their government without fear of being seriously injured or killed for doing so.

The attack should be immediately denounced by Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, by Irina Bokova, the director general of UNESCO, the world agency mandated to uphold press freedom, and by Frank La Rue, the UN Human Rights Council's Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression.

The attack is also serious enough for its implications that even the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, should personally condemn it.

Our call for UNESCO to act comes as UN Watch heads a campaign comprising 55 parliamentarians, religious groups and prominent human rights activists that is urging the organization’s executive board to reverse its November decision to place Syria on a pair of committees, one of them dealing with human rights.
Wow, The Rabbit lies!


and from a non partisan source

Go back and read the threads Phoney....

You will see that Rabbit is a compulsive liar...

No need for links in this particular instance, they are all here!

Interesting though... You have discovered links?

Maybe you can provide them to the multiple comments that you have made and been asked for links, and failed to produce...

Do you mean the comments from the links provided by team Palestine that causes them to alter their cut and pastes or to stop using the links all together. Now what would you like a link to that has not already been given, the land ownership by Jews and arab muslims that monti has given ?

Phoney, you are as dumb as fuck but here ya go, see if you can read this post I made to the Rabid Liar....

So, let's see exactly what YOU wrote in this thread Rabid Liar...

Post 29 "They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks instead of shooting their asses and that's an atrocity? Wow, you have some weird ideas."
Post 41 "Israel does not use kids as human shields."
Post 61 "Was the kid killed? No. Was anyone killed in that incident? No."
Post 71 "Yeah the Israelis werent practicing "human shield techniques"

These are YOUR posts Rabid Liar....

Aside from being a liar your are even more disgusting implying that "human shield" is ok as long as no one dies!
I see the problem. You're a stupid fuck.

Yes, land-thief supporting Rabbi . . . I, too, see the problem and the problem is that you are a potty-mouthed Rabbi if there ever was one! ~ Susan

and from a non partisan source

Go back and read the threads Phoney....

You will see that Rabbit is a compulsive liar...

No need for links in this particular instance, they are all here!

Interesting though... You have discovered links?

Maybe you can provide them to the multiple comments that you have made and been asked for links, and failed to produce...

Do you mean the comments from the links provided by team Palestine that causes them to alter their cut and pastes or to stop using the links all together. Now what would you like a link to that has not already been given, the land ownership by Jews and arab muslims that monti has given ?

Phoney, you are as dumb as fuck but here ya go, see if you can read this post I made to the Rabid Liar....

So, let's see exactly what YOU wrote in this thread Rabid Liar...

Post 29 "They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks instead of shooting their asses and that's an atrocity? Wow, you have some weird ideas."
Post 41 "Israel does not use kids as human shields."
Post 61 "Was the kid killed? No. Was anyone killed in that incident? No."
Post 71 "Yeah the Israelis werent practicing "human shield techniques"

These are YOUR posts Rabid Liar....

Aside from being a liar your are even more disgusting implying that "human shield" is ok as long as no one dies!
I see the problem. You're a stupid fuck.

Yes, land-thief supporting Rabbi . . . I, too, see the problem and the problem is that you are a potty-mouthed Rabbi if there ever was one! ~ Susan
Do you have something of substance to contribute?
No, of course not. Idiot jew haters be hating.
Go back and read the threads Phoney....

You will see that Rabbit is a compulsive liar...

No need for links in this particular instance, they are all here!

Interesting though... You have discovered links?

Maybe you can provide them to the multiple comments that you have made and been asked for links, and failed to produce...

Do you mean the comments from the links provided by team Palestine that causes them to alter their cut and pastes or to stop using the links all together. Now what would you like a link to that has not already been given, the land ownership by Jews and arab muslims that monti has given ?

Phoney, you are as dumb as fuck but here ya go, see if you can read this post I made to the Rabid Liar....

So, let's see exactly what YOU wrote in this thread Rabid Liar...

Post 29 "They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks instead of shooting their asses and that's an atrocity? Wow, you have some weird ideas."
Post 41 "Israel does not use kids as human shields."
Post 61 "Was the kid killed? No. Was anyone killed in that incident? No."
Post 71 "Yeah the Israelis werent practicing "human shield techniques"

These are YOUR posts Rabid Liar....

Aside from being a liar your are even more disgusting implying that "human shield" is ok as long as no one dies!
I see the problem. You're a stupid fuck.

Yes, land-thief supporting Rabbi . . . I, too, see the problem and the problem is that you are a potty-mouthed Rabbi if there ever was one! ~ Susan
Do you have something of substance to contribute?
No, of course not. Idiot jew haters be hating.

Sink me. Anything said on this board carries with it more substance than your above potty-mouthed comment, Rabbi. ~ Susan
PS A Rabbi is a teacher, is he not? Teach us all to be potty mouths, Rabbi . . . then we can all know the true meaning of the Lord.
Israel does not use kids as human shields. Only animal pieces of shit like your pals in Hamas do that.
The Goldstone Report found no evidence of Hamas using human shields.


Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict

While reports reviewed by the Mission credibly indicate that members of Palestinian armed groups were not always dressed in a way that distinguished them from civilians, the Mission found no evidence that Palestinian combatants mingled with the civilian
population with the intention of shielding themselves from attack
The Israeli's, on the other hand, use them regularly. They are called "Johnnies"!

Testimony 1 – Human Shield
People are called “Johnnie. They’re Palestinian civilians” in Gaza neighborhoods. In checking out houses, “we send the neighbor in, the ‘Johnnie,’ and if there are armed men inside, we (use) ‘pressure cooker’ procedures….to get them out alive….to catch the armed men.”

Human shields were also used to check for booby-traps and perform other services. “Sometimes the force would enter while placing rifle barrels on a civilian’s shoulder, advancing into the house and using him as a human shield. Commanders said these were the instructions and we had to do it.”
So the IDF would go into the house with their rifle barrel on the Palestinian kids shoulder? Sounds like a human shield to me!

And sometimes the IDF would just have them stand in front of their Humvee while they were taking a break.

Hamas uses human shields by firing from civilian areas, therefore instigating return fire to that area. Why can't demented pro Palestinians understand this ?

and from a non partisan source

Go back and read the threads Phoney....

You will see that Rabbit is a compulsive liar...

No need for links in this particular instance, they are all here!

Interesting though... You have discovered links?

Maybe you can provide them to the multiple comments that you have made and been asked for links, and failed to produce...

Do you mean the comments from the links provided by team Palestine that causes them to alter their cut and pastes or to stop using the links all together. Now what would you like a link to that has not already been given, the land ownership by Jews and arab muslims that monti has given ?

Phoney, you are as dumb as fuck but here ya go, see if you can read this post I made to the Rabid Liar....

So, let's see exactly what YOU wrote in this thread Rabid Liar...

Post 29 "They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks instead of shooting their asses and that's an atrocity? Wow, you have some weird ideas."
Post 41 "Israel does not use kids as human shields."
Post 61 "Was the kid killed? No. Was anyone killed in that incident? No."
Post 71 "Yeah the Israelis werent practicing "human shield techniques"

These are YOUR posts Rabid Liar....

Aside from being a liar your are even more disgusting implying that "human shield" is ok as long as no one dies!
I see the problem. You're a stupid fuck.

Yes, land-thief supporting Rabbi . . . I, too, see the problem and the problem is that you are a potty-mouthed Rabbi if there ever was one! ~ Susan

Land thief blah blah blah....
I might be a bit old fashion but foul language is not helping either point of view.
There is no point of view. inHumanity proclaimed he was a stupid prick. I heartily agree. It pretty much means you can ignore anything he says.

Yup, I was there, I saw inhumanity clearly say he'd rather be a stupid prick. Here's a guy who's stated goal in life has already been achieved. :dance:

Well roodboy you were in the wrong place dude...

Rabid is a dumbass, never thought it would be so easy to call you a dumbass too!

Go read what I wrote dude!
Israeli bombs and missiles killed the children. No one else. All propaganda in the world cant change that fact lying Rabbit and Phoney. And, below is UN information, not propaganda.

"A senior official of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said here Thursday that a total of 469 children were killed in the Gaza Strip, where the situation is "dire" because of its debilitating effect on the 1 million Gaza Strip inhabitants under the age of 18."

Children s death toll rises to 469 in Gaza UNICEF official - Xinhua

Does not alter the CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW that puts the onus onto hamas to protect those children from harm. They should evacuate them to a safe place at the very least, by forcing them to stay were they know fighting will take place they are in breach of humanitarian law and the Geneva conventions. And in law that blame lies with hamas who should be charged with war crimes and murder for those deaths.
Even the UN doesnt maintain Israel killed them.

You are such a cretin. But, it's ok you are just as easy to make a fool of as Phoney, Lying Rabbit.

"UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon spoke Wednesday at a summit in Costa Rica where he placed blame on Israel for an attack at a UN school in Gaza."

" This morning, yet another United Nations school sheltering thousands of Palestinian families suffered a reprehensible attack. All available evidence points to Israeli artillery as the cause.

Nothing is more shameful than attacking sleeping children. At least 16 civilians are dead, and many more are injured. I want to make it clear that the precise location of this Jabalia Elementary Girls School had been communicated to the Israeli military authorities 17 times – as recently ‎as last night, just a few hours before the attack. They were ‎aware of the coordinates and exact locations where these people are being sheltered."

UN Secretary General Accuses Israel of Attacking Sleeping Children

And since then it has been noted that the area was in use as rocket firing positions and as ammunition stores. Which is why the UN has dropped the case.
Israeli bombs and missiles killed the children. No one else. All propaganda in the world cant change that fact lying Rabbit and Phoney. And, below is UN information, not propaganda.

"A senior official of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said here Thursday that a total of 469 children were killed in the Gaza Strip, where the situation is "dire" because of its debilitating effect on the 1 million Gaza Strip inhabitants under the age of 18."

Children s death toll rises to 469 in Gaza UNICEF official - Xinhua

Does not alter the CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW that puts the onus onto hamas to protect those children from harm. They should evacuate them to a safe place at the very least, by forcing them to stay were they know fighting will take place they are in breach of humanitarian law and the Geneva conventions. And in law that blame lies with hamas who should be charged with war crimes and murder for those deaths.
I forgot Israel are so INNOCENT.......what a crock of shit you spew.......You must think we are total Morons.....since 1948 over 70,000 Palestinian DEAD....over 15,000 Children and Babies...............Israel in total 12,000............So explain WHY ISRAEL WON'T ALLOW UN Peacekeepers in the dividing zone......You are a recalcitrant LIAR
Go back and read the threads Phoney....

You will see that Rabbit is a compulsive liar...

No need for links in this particular instance, they are all here!

Interesting though... You have discovered links?

Maybe you can provide them to the multiple comments that you have made and been asked for links, and failed to produce...

Do you mean the comments from the links provided by team Palestine that causes them to alter their cut and pastes or to stop using the links all together. Now what would you like a link to that has not already been given, the land ownership by Jews and arab muslims that monti has given ?

Phoney, you are as dumb as fuck but here ya go, see if you can read this post I made to the Rabid Liar....

So, let's see exactly what YOU wrote in this thread Rabid Liar...

Post 29 "They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks instead of shooting their asses and that's an atrocity? Wow, you have some weird ideas."
Post 41 "Israel does not use kids as human shields."
Post 61 "Was the kid killed? No. Was anyone killed in that incident? No."
Post 71 "Yeah the Israelis werent practicing "human shield techniques"

These are YOUR posts Rabid Liar....

Aside from being a liar your are even more disgusting implying that "human shield" is ok as long as no one dies!
I see the problem. You're a stupid fuck.

Yes, land-thief supporting Rabbi . . . I, too, see the problem and the problem is that you are a potty-mouthed Rabbi if there ever was one! ~ Susan

Land thief blah blah blah....
Blah,Blah,Blah.......= The Truth Roudy,and don't you know it.
I might be a bit old fashion but foul language is not helping either point of view.
There is no point of view. inHumanity proclaimed he was a stupid prick. I heartily agree. It pretty much means you can ignore anything he says.

Good lord, even now you are a liar...

Go away numbnuts, you are a proven liar... Live with it...

Oh, and don't ask me to prove it AGAIN... Just go read the earlier post
No lie, Einstein.
You wrote this,
I prefer to be a stupid fuck than a Rabid, lying zionist prick...
So you must be a stupid fuck.
You're done.
Are you retarded,just wondering
Go back and read the threads Phoney....

You will see that Rabbit is a compulsive liar...

No need for links in this particular instance, they are all here!

Interesting though... You have discovered links?

Maybe you can provide them to the multiple comments that you have made and been asked for links, and failed to produce...

Do you mean the comments from the links provided by team Palestine that causes them to alter their cut and pastes or to stop using the links all together. Now what would you like a link to that has not already been given, the land ownership by Jews and arab muslims that monti has given ?

Phoney, you are as dumb as fuck but here ya go, see if you can read this post I made to the Rabid Liar....

So, let's see exactly what YOU wrote in this thread Rabid Liar...

Post 29 "They tied one kid to a vehicle to stop his buddies throwing rocks instead of shooting their asses and that's an atrocity? Wow, you have some weird ideas."
Post 41 "Israel does not use kids as human shields."
Post 61 "Was the kid killed? No. Was anyone killed in that incident? No."
Post 71 "Yeah the Israelis werent practicing "human shield techniques"

These are YOUR posts Rabid Liar....

Aside from being a liar your are even more disgusting implying that "human shield" is ok as long as no one dies!
I see the problem. You're a stupid fuck.

Yes, land-thief supporting Rabbi . . . I, too, see the problem and the problem is that you are a potty-mouthed Rabbi if there ever was one! ~ Susan
Do you have something of substance to contribute?
No, of course not. Idiot jew haters be hating.
Your summation of someone being an idiot Jew pathetic as to render it as being stupid.....All of you posts are stupid and I will throw them into the basket of history with a Bull Shit premise.....theliquidator

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