Palestinians Assault US Convoy

Palis are messing with the bull. Mess with the bull and get the horns.

I remember when Israeli settlers attacked a US delegation.
I remember when Israeli settlers attacked a US delegation.
There are a few differences between the Palestinian and Settlers who attack any US convoy, or any one else:

1) It is very rare for it to happen with the Jews in Judea and Samaria.
It happens constantly with the Arabs towards Jews, or anyone else.

2) Israel does investigate and usually catches those people and they are made to answer for their actions.
Usually the Arabs are paid to behave in such a manner, or brought up by their clans or anti Israel NGOs to continue to behave that way.

3) Jews only want to be left alone in their cities, villages.
Arabs want the Jews to leave the whole of Judea and Samaria for good, again ( after they had it all to themselves between 1948 and 1967 )
I remember when Israeli settlers attacked a US delegation.
There are a few differences between the Palestinian and Settlers who attack any US convoy, or any one else:

1) It is very rare for it to happen with the Jews in Judea and Samaria.
It happens constantly with the Arabs towards Jews, or anyone else.

2) Israel does investigate and usually catches those people and they are made to answer for their actions.
Usually the Arabs are paid to behave in such a manner, or brought up by their clans or anti Israel NGOs to continue to behave that way.

3) Jews only want to be left alone in their cities, villages.
Arabs want the Jews to leave the whole of Judea and Samaria for good, again ( after they had it all to themselves between 1948 and 1967 )
The more extreme settlers are r3ligious zealots who believe themselves entitled to all of Palestine. They are not particularly peaceful or willing to share the land with Palestinians. It has been so bad that IDF soldiers have to accompany a Palestinian children to school to protect them from rock throwing.

What else would you expect from uncivilized pieces of Filth?

What else would you expect from uncivilized pieces of Filth?
Like these uncivilized pieces of filth?

U.S. 'deeply concerned' over settler attack of convoy
I remember when Israeli settlers attacked a US delegation.
There are a few differences between the Palestinian and Settlers who attack any US convoy, or any one else:

1) It is very rare for it to happen with the Jews in Judea and Samaria.
It happens constantly with the Arabs towards Jews, or anyone else.

2) Israel does investigate and usually catches those people and they are made to answer for their actions.
Usually the Arabs are paid to behave in such a manner, or brought up by their clans or anti Israel NGOs to continue to behave that way.

3) Jews only want to be left alone in their cities, villages.
Arabs want the Jews to leave the whole of Judea and Samaria for good, again ( after they had it all to themselves between 1948 and 1967 )
You can add
4) the US Consulate in Jerusalem always was friendly toward Palestinians and hostile toward settlers.
I remember when Israeli settlers attacked a US delegation.
There are a few differences between the Palestinian and Settlers who attack any US convoy, or any one else:

1) It is very rare for it to happen with the Jews in Judea and Samaria.
It happens constantly with the Arabs towards Jews, or anyone else.

2) Israel does investigate and usually catches those people and they are made to answer for their actions.
Usually the Arabs are paid to behave in such a manner, or brought up by their clans or anti Israel NGOs to continue to behave that way.

3) Jews only want to be left alone in their cities, villages.
Arabs want the Jews to leave the whole of Judea and Samaria for good, again ( after they had it all to themselves between 1948 and 1967 )
The more extreme settlers are r3ligious zealots who believe themselves entitled to all of Palestine. They are not particularly peaceful or willing to share the land with Palestinians. It has been so bad that IDF soldiers have to accompany a Palestinian children to school to protect them from rock throwing.
What you, and the Muslims, are calling Palestine, has been called by Jews and others for over 2000 years as Judea and Samaria.
Maybe it needs to be said again.

The religious, and non religious settlers in Judea and Samaria are only taking back part of what they lost when Jordan expelled all the Jews in 1948, after always there being Jews on that area.
(Let us not talk about all the Jews who lived in TranJordan, who are not allowed to go and live there anymore)

Let us look at how Arabs behaved since 1948.
They would shoot at Jews in Jerusalem from the hills above it, until 1967.

They did not allow Jews, or Christians, to go to their holy sites in Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria until 1967.

From where I sit, many of the Jews in Judea and Samaria have plenty of reason to "feel extreme" and behave accordingly, considering that so many attempts at coming at a peace treaty have failed miserably from the other side, as they cannot find one reason to get rid of their charters of destruction of Israel and sending the Jews into the Sea.

The IDF protects the Arabs and the Jews from attacks.

The IDF has to accompany Jews to their holy sites in Judea and Samaria at night, in order to give them protection.
Unprotected Jews have been killed, by bad PA officers themselves.

So, from the point of view of the Jewish people, YES, it is Jewish territory, stolen from them by those who have no wish at all in living peacefully with them, as they had 1300 years of a very bad habit of seeing Jews only in the light of being Dhimmis.

Had it not been for decades of rock, molotov, firebombs, etc throwing, shooting, endless attempts at making the Jews look bad with videos which only start when the Jews react to something that the Arabs have started, etc, etc, etc...... many of these "extreme" Jews would be like any others and would be living peacefully side by side with their friendly Arab neighbors.

And indeed, living side by side with Arabs does happen in many places, not only in Israel , but in Judea and Samaria.

When the Arabs learn to share any land, with their indigenous inhabitants, and not claim it as theirs - for the mere reason that they and other Muslims (Ottomans) "had it" for centuries, then we might see an end to both extremist sides.
I remember when Israeli settlers attacked a US delegation.
There are a few differences between the Palestinian and Settlers who attack any US convoy, or any one else:

1) It is very rare for it to happen with the Jews in Judea and Samaria.
It happens constantly with the Arabs towards Jews, or anyone else.

2) Israel does investigate and usually catches those people and they are made to answer for their actions.
Usually the Arabs are paid to behave in such a manner, or brought up by their clans or anti Israel NGOs to continue to behave that way.

3) Jews only want to be left alone in their cities, villages.
Arabs want the Jews to leave the whole of Judea and Samaria for good, again ( after they had it all to themselves between 1948 and 1967 )
The more extreme settlers are r3ligious zealots who believe themselves entitled to all of Palestine. They are not particularly peaceful or willing to share the land with Palestinians. It has been so bad that IDF soldiers have to accompany a Palestinian children to school to protect them from rock throwing.
What you, and the Muslims, are calling Palestine, has been called by Jews and others for over 2000 years as Judea and Samaria.
Maybe it needs to be said again.

The religious, and non religious settlers in Judea and Samaria are only taking back part of what they lost when Jordan expelled all the Jews in 1948, after always there being Jews on that area.
(Let us not talk about all the Jews who lived in TranJordan, who are not allowed to go and live there anymore)

Let us look at how Arabs behaved since 1948.
They would shoot at Jews in Jerusalem from the hills above it, until 1967.

They did not allow Jews, or Christians, to go to their holy sites in Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria until 1967.

From where I sit, many of the Jews in Judea and Samaria have plenty of reason to "feel extreme" and behave accordingly, considering that so many attempts at coming at a peace treaty have failed miserably from the other side, as they cannot find one reason to get rid of their charters of destruction of Israel and sending the Jews into the Sea.

The IDF protects the Arabs and the Jews from attacks.

The IDF has to accompany Jews to their holy sites in Judea and Samaria at night, in order to give them protection.
Unprotected Jews have been killed, by bad PA officers themselves.

So, from the point of view of the Jewish people, YES, it is Jewish territory, stolen from them by those who have no wish at all in living peacefully with them, as they had 1300 years of a very bad habit of seeing Jews only in the light of being Dhimmis.

Had it not been for decades of rock, molotov, firebombs, etc throwing, shooting, endless attempts at making the Jews look bad with videos which only start when the Jews react to something that the Arabs have started, etc, etc, etc...... many of these "extreme" Jews would be like any others and would be living peacefully side by side with their friendly Arab neighbors.

And indeed, living side by side with Arabs does happen in many places, not only in Israel , but in Judea and Samaria.

When the Arabs learn to share any land, with their indigenous inhabitants, and not claim it as theirs - for the mere reason that they and other Muslims (Ottomans) "had it" for centuries, then we might see an end to both extremist sides.
Unfit Prehistoric Species Driven Into No Man's Land As a Hideout

Israel should deport all Arabs and take back the territories won in 1967. The Arabs have no homeland and must be made to run for their lives back into the desert they crept out of.They are vicious predatory bandits and need to be expelled from the family of nations.
I remember when Israeli settlers attacked a US delegation.
There are a few differences between the Palestinian and Settlers who attack any US convoy, or any one else:

1) It is very rare for it to happen with the Jews in Judea and Samaria.
It happens constantly with the Arabs towards Jews, or anyone else.

2) Israel does investigate and usually catches those people and they are made to answer for their actions.
Usually the Arabs are paid to behave in such a manner, or brought up by their clans or anti Israel NGOs to continue to behave that way.

3) Jews only want to be left alone in their cities, villages.
Arabs want the Jews to leave the whole of Judea and Samaria for good, again ( after they had it all to themselves between 1948 and 1967 )
The more extreme settlers are r3ligious zealots who believe themselves entitled to all of Palestine. They are not particularly peaceful or willing to share the land with Palestinians. It has been so bad that IDF soldiers have to accompany a Palestinian children to school to protect them from rock throwing.
What you, and the Muslims, are calling Palestine, has been called by Jews and others for over 2000 years as Judea and Samaria.
Maybe it needs to be said again.

The religious, and non religious settlers in Judea and Samaria are only taking back part of what they lost when Jordan expelled all the Jews in 1948, after always there being Jews on that area.
(Let us not talk about all the Jews who lived in TranJordan, who are not allowed to go and live there anymore)

Let us look at how Arabs behaved since 1948.
They would shoot at Jews in Jerusalem from the hills above it, until 1967.

They did not allow Jews, or Christians, to go to their holy sites in Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria until 1967.

From where I sit, many of the Jews in Judea and Samaria have plenty of reason to "feel extreme" and behave accordingly, considering that so many attempts at coming at a peace treaty have failed miserably from the other side, as they cannot find one reason to get rid of their charters of destruction of Israel and sending the Jews into the Sea.

The IDF protects the Arabs and the Jews from attacks.

The IDF has to accompany Jews to their holy sites in Judea and Samaria at night, in order to give them protection.
Unprotected Jews have been killed, by bad PA officers themselves.

So, from the point of view of the Jewish people, YES, it is Jewish territory, stolen from them by those who have no wish at all in living peacefully with them, as they had 1300 years of a very bad habit of seeing Jews only in the light of being Dhimmis.

Had it not been for decades of rock, molotov, firebombs, etc throwing, shooting, endless attempts at making the Jews look bad with videos which only start when the Jews react to something that the Arabs have started, etc, etc, etc...... many of these "extreme" Jews would be like any others and would be living peacefully side by side with their friendly Arab neighbors.

And indeed, living side by side with Arabs does happen in many places, not only in Israel , but in Judea and Samaria.

When the Arabs learn to share any land, with their indigenous inhabitants, and not claim it as theirs - for the mere reason that they and other Muslims (Ottomans) "had it" for centuries, then we might see an end to both extremist sides.
Unfit Prehistoric Species Driven Into No Man's Land As a Hideout

Israel should deport all Arabs and take back the territories won in 1967. The Arabs have no homeland and must be made to run for their lives back into the desert they crept out of.They are vicious predatory bandits and need to be expelled from the family of nations.

I believe the Palestinians need & deserve their own Palestinian land with self determination so they won't have Israel to provide for them any longer while they bitch about it. Problem is where as no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return. Do you think maybe Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?
I remember when Israeli settlers attacked a US delegation.
There are a few differences between the Palestinian and Settlers who attack any US convoy, or any one else:

1) It is very rare for it to happen with the Jews in Judea and Samaria.
It happens constantly with the Arabs towards Jews, or anyone else.

2) Israel does investigate and usually catches those people and they are made to answer for their actions.
Usually the Arabs are paid to behave in such a manner, or brought up by their clans or anti Israel NGOs to continue to behave that way.

3) Jews only want to be left alone in their cities, villages.
Arabs want the Jews to leave the whole of Judea and Samaria for good, again ( after they had it all to themselves between 1948 and 1967 )
The more extreme settlers are r3ligious zealots who believe themselves entitled to all of Palestine. They are not particularly peaceful or willing to share the land with Palestinians. It has been so bad that IDF soldiers have to accompany a Palestinian children to school to protect them from rock throwing.
What you, and the Muslims, are calling Palestine, has been called by Jews and others for over 2000 years as Judea and Samaria.
Maybe it needs to be said again.

The religious, and non religious settlers in Judea and Samaria are only taking back part of what they lost when Jordan expelled all the Jews in 1948, after always there being Jews on that area.
(Let us not talk about all the Jews who lived in TranJordan, who are not allowed to go and live there anymore)

Let us look at how Arabs behaved since 1948.
They would shoot at Jews in Jerusalem from the hills above it, until 1967.

They did not allow Jews, or Christians, to go to their holy sites in Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria until 1967.

From where I sit, many of the Jews in Judea and Samaria have plenty of reason to "feel extreme" and behave accordingly, considering that so many attempts at coming at a peace treaty have failed miserably from the other side, as they cannot find one reason to get rid of their charters of destruction of Israel and sending the Jews into the Sea.

The IDF protects the Arabs and the Jews from attacks.

The IDF has to accompany Jews to their holy sites in Judea and Samaria at night, in order to give them protection.
Unprotected Jews have been killed, by bad PA officers themselves.

So, from the point of view of the Jewish people, YES, it is Jewish territory, stolen from them by those who have no wish at all in living peacefully with them, as they had 1300 years of a very bad habit of seeing Jews only in the light of being Dhimmis.

Had it not been for decades of rock, molotov, firebombs, etc throwing, shooting, endless attempts at making the Jews look bad with videos which only start when the Jews react to something that the Arabs have started, etc, etc, etc...... many of these "extreme" Jews would be like any others and would be living peacefully side by side with their friendly Arab neighbors.

And indeed, living side by side with Arabs does happen in many places, not only in Israel , but in Judea and Samaria.

When the Arabs learn to share any land, with their indigenous inhabitants, and not claim it as theirs - for the mere reason that they and other Muslims (Ottomans) "had it" for centuries, then we might see an end to both extremist sides.
Unfit Prehistoric Species Driven Into No Man's Land As a Hideout

Israel should deport all Arabs and take back the territories won in 1967. The Arabs have no homeland and must be made to run for their lives back into the desert they crept out of.They are vicious predatory bandits and need to be expelled from the family of nations.

I believe the Palestinians need & deserve their own Palestinian land with self determination so they won't have Israel to provide for them any longer while they bitch about it. Problem is where as no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return. Do you think maybe Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?
In other words you do not believe they deserve their own land or have any rights to Palestine, where they came from.
I remember when Israeli settlers attacked a US delegation.
There are a few differences between the Palestinian and Settlers who attack any US convoy, or any one else:

1) It is very rare for it to happen with the Jews in Judea and Samaria.
It happens constantly with the Arabs towards Jews, or anyone else.

2) Israel does investigate and usually catches those people and they are made to answer for their actions.
Usually the Arabs are paid to behave in such a manner, or brought up by their clans or anti Israel NGOs to continue to behave that way.

3) Jews only want to be left alone in their cities, villages.
Arabs want the Jews to leave the whole of Judea and Samaria for good, again ( after they had it all to themselves between 1948 and 1967 )
The more extreme settlers are r3ligious zealots who believe themselves entitled to all of Palestine. They are not particularly peaceful or willing to share the land with Palestinians. It has been so bad that IDF soldiers have to accompany a Palestinian children to school to protect them from rock throwing.
What you, and the Muslims, are calling Palestine, has been called by Jews and others for over 2000 years as Judea and Samaria.
Maybe it needs to be said again.

The religious, and non religious settlers in Judea and Samaria are only taking back part of what they lost when Jordan expelled all the Jews in 1948, after always there being Jews on that area.
(Let us not talk about all the Jews who lived in TranJordan, who are not allowed to go and live there anymore)

Let us look at how Arabs behaved since 1948.
They would shoot at Jews in Jerusalem from the hills above it, until 1967.

They did not allow Jews, or Christians, to go to their holy sites in Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria until 1967.

From where I sit, many of the Jews in Judea and Samaria have plenty of reason to "feel extreme" and behave accordingly, considering that so many attempts at coming at a peace treaty have failed miserably from the other side, as they cannot find one reason to get rid of their charters of destruction of Israel and sending the Jews into the Sea.

The IDF protects the Arabs and the Jews from attacks.

The IDF has to accompany Jews to their holy sites in Judea and Samaria at night, in order to give them protection.
Unprotected Jews have been killed, by bad PA officers themselves.

So, from the point of view of the Jewish people, YES, it is Jewish territory, stolen from them by those who have no wish at all in living peacefully with them, as they had 1300 years of a very bad habit of seeing Jews only in the light of being Dhimmis.

Had it not been for decades of rock, molotov, firebombs, etc throwing, shooting, endless attempts at making the Jews look bad with videos which only start when the Jews react to something that the Arabs have started, etc, etc, etc...... many of these "extreme" Jews would be like any others and would be living peacefully side by side with their friendly Arab neighbors.

And indeed, living side by side with Arabs does happen in many places, not only in Israel , but in Judea and Samaria.

When the Arabs learn to share any land, with their indigenous inhabitants, and not claim it as theirs - for the mere reason that they and other Muslims (Ottomans) "had it" for centuries, then we might see an end to both extremist sides.
Unfit Prehistoric Species Driven Into No Man's Land As a Hideout

Israel should deport all Arabs and take back the territories won in 1967. The Arabs have no homeland and must be made to run for their lives back into the desert they crept out of.They are vicious predatory bandits and need to be expelled from the family of nations.
Oh really?
I remember when Israeli settlers attacked a US delegation.
There are a few differences between the Palestinian and Settlers who attack any US convoy, or any one else:

1) It is very rare for it to happen with the Jews in Judea and Samaria.
It happens constantly with the Arabs towards Jews, or anyone else.

2) Israel does investigate and usually catches those people and they are made to answer for their actions.
Usually the Arabs are paid to behave in such a manner, or brought up by their clans or anti Israel NGOs to continue to behave that way.

3) Jews only want to be left alone in their cities, villages.
Arabs want the Jews to leave the whole of Judea and Samaria for good, again ( after they had it all to themselves between 1948 and 1967 )
The more extreme settlers are r3ligious zealots who believe themselves entitled to all of Palestine. They are not particularly peaceful or willing to share the land with Palestinians. It has been so bad that IDF soldiers have to accompany a Palestinian children to school to protect them from rock throwing.
What you, and the Muslims, are calling Palestine, has been called by Jews and others for over 2000 years as Judea and Samaria.
Maybe it needs to be said again.

The religious, and non religious settlers in Judea and Samaria are only taking back part of what they lost when Jordan expelled all the Jews in 1948, after always there being Jews on that area.
(Let us not talk about all the Jews who lived in TranJordan, who are not allowed to go and live there anymore)

Let us look at how Arabs behaved since 1948.
They would shoot at Jews in Jerusalem from the hills above it, until 1967.

They did not allow Jews, or Christians, to go to their holy sites in Jerusalem or Judea and Samaria until 1967.

From where I sit, many of the Jews in Judea and Samaria have plenty of reason to "feel extreme" and behave accordingly, considering that so many attempts at coming at a peace treaty have failed miserably from the other side, as they cannot find one reason to get rid of their charters of destruction of Israel and sending the Jews into the Sea.

The IDF protects the Arabs and the Jews from attacks.

The IDF has to accompany Jews to their holy sites in Judea and Samaria at night, in order to give them protection.
Unprotected Jews have been killed, by bad PA officers themselves.

So, from the point of view of the Jewish people, YES, it is Jewish territory, stolen from them by those who have no wish at all in living peacefully with them, as they had 1300 years of a very bad habit of seeing Jews only in the light of being Dhimmis.

Had it not been for decades of rock, molotov, firebombs, etc throwing, shooting, endless attempts at making the Jews look bad with videos which only start when the Jews react to something that the Arabs have started, etc, etc, etc...... many of these "extreme" Jews would be like any others and would be living peacefully side by side with their friendly Arab neighbors.

And indeed, living side by side with Arabs does happen in many places, not only in Israel , but in Judea and Samaria.

When the Arabs learn to share any land, with their indigenous inhabitants, and not claim it as theirs - for the mere reason that they and other Muslims (Ottomans) "had it" for centuries, then we might see an end to both extremist sides.
So, to cut it short, are you saying they have no rights to live in Palestine? And that the violent behavior of throwing rocks at Palestinian kids is of no consequence?

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