Palestinian's aren't the only ones who throw rocks!

Meaning what?...

Meaning the native people of Palestine have always been there, whether they converted to Christianity, Islam or Judaism, or remained Pagan, or became atheists. They still worked the land, raised their children, and made lives for themselves, whoever was in charge or what religion they touted. They all spoke Aramaic dialects. All that came to an end when the Jewish Zionist colonists arrived from Europe, started buying land and throwing the Fellahin out of their ancestral homes and lands. So the only "invaders" who "decided to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing" were the Zionist Jewish European colonists in the late 19th early/mid 20th centuries.

And many of those native peoples, Jews, Islam, christian and pagan decided to become citizens of the new State of Israel. It was those who hated the idea of a national home for the Jews and Jews in general who fled and now bitch and moan about their 'lost country'.



Those are not little pebbles
Well I never mentioned the Khazar theory, but since you brought it up, the following eminent Jewish academics blow your puerile, "...debunked and laughed at by all historians" comment out of the water. Avraam Yakovlevich Harkavy was the first academic to postulate the Zhazar theory, not Schlomo Sand. Then the theory was developed by, amongst many others:
Joseph Jacobs
Maksymilian Ernest Gumplowicz
Samuel Weissenberg
Maurice Fishberg
Yitzhak Schipper
Samuel Krauss
Abraham N. Poliak
Ben-Zion Dinur
Salo Wittmayer Baron
Arthur Koestler, probably the most famous amongst recent historians.

For every academic that subscribes to the Khazar theory, there is another that disagrees, Stampfer is just the latest who "disagrees"; currently it's still not proven, either way and irrelevant to the fact that the Palestinian Fellahin, or whatever you want to call them, were always there, whatever religion they chose to follow or not.

As an aside, the Khazar theory has often been hijacked for political agendas, especially with Christian far-right white supremacist groups in the USA:

"The formative period of Christian Identity could roughly be said to be the three decades between 1940 and 1970. Through missionaries like Wesley Swift, Bertrand Comparet and William Potter Gale, it took on a white racialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Communist and a far-right conservative political outlook.

Combined with the teachings of early disciples Richard G. Butler, Colonel Jack Mohr and James K. Warner, a distinct racist theology was gradually formed. Whites were said to be the Adamic people, created in His likeness. A notion of a pre-earthly existence is found in an important substratum, teaching that whites either had a spiritual or extraterrestrial pre-existence. Blacks were either pre-Adamic soulless creatures or represented fallen, evil spirits, but they were not the chief target of fear and hatred.

This position was reserved for Jews. The latent anti-Semitism found in British-Israelism rose to prominence. Jews were, at best, reduced to mongrelized imposters, not infrequently identified with Eurasian Khazars without any legitimate claim to a closeness with God, and at worst denounced as the offspring of Satan.'---Religion and the Racist Far-Right.

Yawn. You morons need to figure out which bogus theory to stick to. According to the latest "scientific" DNA theory promoted by you Pali Nazi supporters, the Khazar theory is totally debunked. So like I said, make up your minds which bullshit you're promoting.
Bill, this new article you have looks much different than the other one. I'll take some looking at it. I never doubted the items being reported, as I do not doubt the existence of electromagnetic bombs. It is just that I thing some of those events are missing the other side of the story; and why would one want to waste an electromagnetic bomb on farmland.
Bombs are like sports cars; you get a new and you just have to try it out!

But in all reality, there is no sense debating with you. You will always believe that Israel is the bad guy and a bunch of murders; it fits your narrative. I will always believe that Israel is most times defending itself, that fits my narrative.
Look, this conflict has nothing to do with my daily life. I don't have so much invested in this, that I won't change my opinion, if presented with a better argument. And I don't think all Israeli's are bad, just the ones on the right. They remind me of neocons, whom I really detest. I'll leave that discussion for another day.
Israeli settlers attack US consulate convoy in the West Bank

When the U.S. delegation arrived in the area to investigate settlers started hurling stones at the convoy.
Not only did they throw rocks at a US convoy, they uprooted thousands of olive trees that were planted on land these psycho settlers didn't own.

These people are mean. Just plain mean. If there was anyone in need of an ass-whipping, it's these people.

Did you bother to read the ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATRED that was seeping out of every word. I wonder how you would react if I posted a link that said these things about Palestinians

LIE 1 International outrage followed Abu Ein’s death due to the violent confrontational assault by Israeli forces to a non-violent olive tree planting ceremony on Human Rights day

LIE 2 “Ziad was planning to plant olive trees on private Palestinian land near the illegal outpost of Adei Ad, but was violently prevented from reaching the site by the Israeli military who assaulted and killed him
How do we know the settlers were the ones to cut the olive trees, and not the Palestinians themselves?

Being Penelope for a second, we 'saw no proof' of that, might just be 'Palestinian propaganda'....
There's no such thing as "Palestinian propaganda". That's just bullshit Israeli propaganda.

As for the olive trees, it's well documented the IDF murdered a PA member for trying to plant one. It's on film of many other Palestinian activists getting tear gassed for trying to plant more of them. And this isn't the first time settlers have done this. They have priors!

So don't give me this devils advocate bullshit! You know god-damn well who uprooted those trees. It was those fucking, piece of shit settlers, many of which, need the holy shit beat out of them! Fuck those punks!

HOORAY FOR PALLYWOOD which is Palestinian propaganda. Just as passing of dead Syrian children as Palestinians is Palestinian propaganda.

Since when has dying of a heart attack been murder ?
How do we know the settlers were the ones to cut the olive trees, and not the Palestinians themselves?

Being Penelope for a second, we 'saw no proof' of that, might just be 'Palestinian propaganda'....
Come on, Lipush, that comment is beneath you. Let us not lose respect.

We have no respect for TEOORIST SUPPORTING scum that defend the atrocities done in the name of palestine
Bill, this new article you have looks much different than the other one. I'll take some looking at it. I never doubted the items being reported, as I do not doubt the existence of electromagnetic bombs. It is just that I thing some of those events are missing the other side of the story; and why would one want to waste an electromagnetic bomb on farmland.
Bombs are like sports cars; you get a new and you just have to try it out!

But in all reality, there is no sense debating with you. You will always believe that Israel is the bad guy and a bunch of murders; it fits your narrative. I will always believe that Israel is most times defending itself, that fits my narrative.
Look, this conflict has nothing to do with my daily life. I don't have so much invested in this, that I won't change my opinion, if presented with a better argument. And I don't think all Israeli's are bad, just the ones on the right. They remind me of neocons, whom I really detest. I'll leave that discussion for another day.

So trying out a sports car in a swamp is the way to go. Electro-magnetic means that it needs a source of electro-magnetism which you would not find in an olive grove. Old tech first used 100 years ago to blow up ships that passed close to the mines, they detected the magnetism of the ships hull and initiated an explosion.
So trying out a sports car in a swamp is the way to go.
Depends on the swamp.

Electro-magnetic means that it needs a source of electro-magnetism which you would not find in an olive grove. Old tech first used 100 years ago to blow up ships that passed close to the mines, they detected the magnetism of the ships hull and initiated an explosion.
Dude, I'm an electrical engineer. Are you sure you want to ride that train?

Oh, I forgot, you're 15 and already know everything!
So trying out a sports car in a swamp is the way to go.
Depends on the swamp.

Electro-magnetic means that it needs a source of electro-magnetism which you would not find in an olive grove. Old tech first used 100 years ago to blow up ships that passed close to the mines, they detected the magnetism of the ships hull and initiated an explosion.
Dude, I'm an electrical engineer. Are you sure you want to ride that train?

Oh, I forgot, you're 15 and already know everything!

In your dreams sunshine as only a moron would try a drive a Sports car through a swamp. Just so happens I to am an electronics engineer and know all about electro-magnetism. I use it every single day and understand it limitations. So planting an electro-magnetic device in farm land is like pissing in the Atlantic. What is going to pass close enough to set the device of, and how will you hide it from view. Someone dug a big hole in my crops and I would know very quickly by the mound of earth and the trampled crops.
So trying out a sports car in a swamp is the way to go.
Depends on the swamp.

Electro-magnetic means that it needs a source of electro-magnetism which you would not find in an olive grove. Old tech first used 100 years ago to blow up ships that passed close to the mines, they detected the magnetism of the ships hull and initiated an explosion.
Dude, I'm an electrical engineer. Are you sure you want to ride that train?

Oh, I forgot, you're 15 and already know everything!
No, you're a full time Palestinian ass kisser
Israeli settlers attack US consulate convoy in the West Bank

When the U.S. delegation arrived in the area to investigate settlers started hurling stones at the convoy.
Not only did they throw rocks at a US convoy, they uprooted thousands of olive trees that were planted on land these psycho settlers didn't own.

These people are mean. Just plain mean. If there was anyone in need of an ass-whipping, it's these people.
there was a thread on this already

they hit the cars and no one got hurt

childish to throw rocks, but even more so to compare one incident with the constant actions of another
In your dreams sunshine as only a moron would try a drive a Sports car through a swamp. Just so happens I to am an electronics engineer and know all about electro-magnetism. I use it every single day and understand it limitations. So planting an electro-magnetic device in farm land is like pissing in the Atlantic. What is going to pass close enough to set the device of, and how will you hide it from view. Someone dug a big hole in my crops and I would know very quickly by the mound of earth and the trampled crops.
I wasn't talking about planting a device numbnuts, the waves could've been shot from a truck.

So you're an electronics engineer? Okay, then answer this...

You have a 480/277 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire, 1600 amp service. Do you need GFI? Yes or No?
there was a thread on this already

they hit the cars and no one got hurt

childish to throw rocks, but even more so to compare one incident with the constant actions of another
The Israeli's have committed over 94 ceasefire violations since August.

What were you saying about "constant" actions?
how many were in response to pal violations?

but really, who cares

israel traded land for peace and got more war, so fuck the pals, they deserve all the misery the jews can give them
how many were in response to pal violations?

but really, who cares

israel traded land for peace and got more war, so fuck the pals, they deserve all the misery the jews can give them
How can you trade land that you don't own? And don't give me this "trade for peace" bullshit. Did Israel end the blockade? No. Did they end the occupation? No. Then Israel doesn't want peace. The blockade and occupation is the cause of all the violence in that area.

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