Palestinians are not HAMAS!?


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
From 2021
The scientific poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research also found plummeting support for President Mahmoud Abbas, who was sidelined by the war but is seen internationally as a partner for reviving the long-defunct peace process.
The poll found that 53% of Palestinians believe Hamas is “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people,” while only 14% prefer Abbas’ secular Fatah party.
but said it also resembles previous swings toward Hamas during times of confrontation. Those all dissipated within three to six months as Hamas failed to deliver on promises of change.

So, they like HAMAS when they promise to kill Jews. Lolz
No, they shouldnt be conflated at all :rofl:
From 2021
The scientific poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research also found plummeting support for President Mahmoud Abbas, who was sidelined by the war but is seen internationally as a partner for reviving the long-defunct peace process.
The poll found that 53% of Palestinians believe Hamas is “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people,” while only 14% prefer Abbas’ secular Fatah party.
but said it also resembles previous swings toward Hamas during times of confrontation. Those all dissipated within three to six months as Hamas failed to deliver on promises of change.

So, they like HAMAS when they promise to kill Jews. Lolz
No, they shouldnt be conflated at all :rofl:
The Hamas supporters in this forum want dead Jews. They cannot actually admit to wanting dead Jews, though, so they play this sleight of hand where they claim to just support these "Palestinian" people all the while knowing full well that THEY want dead Jews, too.
"but but but they voted for HAMAS in 2007! Its 2023 now!
Abbas faces a major crisis of legitimacy among Palestinians after calling off the first elections in 15 years in April.
At the time, it appeared Fatah would suffer another humiliating defeat to Hamas, which won a landslide victory in 2006 parliamentary elections.

Your rhetoric isnt working, guys :cul2:
The “rally-round-the-flag effect” sparked by the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington and by President George W. Bush's prompt launching of the War on Terrorism cries out for the kind of timely analysis that political scientists sometimes can provide.
Thankfully, appears to be wearing a bit thin, at least in Biden's and Bibi's case.
From 2021
The scientific poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research also found plummeting support for President Mahmoud Abbas, who was sidelined by the war but is seen internationally as a partner for reviving the long-defunct peace process.
The poll found that 53% of Palestinians believe Hamas is “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people,” while only 14% prefer Abbas’ secular Fatah party.
but said it also resembles previous swings toward Hamas during times of confrontation. Those all dissipated within three to six months as Hamas failed to deliver on promises of change.

So, they like HAMAS when they promise to kill Jews. Lolz
No, they shouldnt be conflated at all :rofl:

People in that part of the world simply respect who they think has the most power, and its probably a pride thing and also I bet those people are manipulated a whole lot by the distorted information they get.
People in that part of the world simply respect who they think has the most power, and its probably a pride thing and also I bet those people are manipulated a whole lot by the distorted information they get.
In this case, its murder.
Support for HAMAS goes up when they attack Israel. During peace, support goes down.
:omg: You didn't appreciate the analogy?
You'd prefer I reactively jump up and down screaming "KILL! KILL! KILL!" like an idiot?
Sorry. Never going to happen.
No, I you chose to post, at least have it be relevant to the OP.
Really isnt that much to ask.
No, I you chose to post, at least have it be relevant to the OP.
Really isnt that much to ask.
Even though you just effectively posted the same thing:
Support for HAMAS goes up when they attack Israel. During peace, support goes down.
Except, you're wrong. Support for retaliatory war goes up when any group perceives themselves as victims of attack from another. The reasoning matters little nor who's in charge. They automatically get a boost simply for pushing war.. at least until they've overplayed the same hand.

I support a one state solution. Tear down the fences. Let all Palestinians mingle together with their Jewish brethren. Choose an entirely new name for the country. Allow all to share national pride and get treated like every day criminals when they break the law. War and violence just beget more war and violence. An eye for an eye only creates epidemics of blindness.
I support a one state solution. Tear down the fences. Let all Palestinians mingle together with their Jewish brethren. Choose an entirely new name for the country. Allow all to share national pride and get treated like every day criminals when they break the law. War and violence just beget more war and violence. An eye for an eye only creates epidemics of blindness.
Yeah. I don't think Israel is going to go for that.
From 2021

There are much more recent polls from this same outfit, why are you posting such old material.

I can only assume, this AP piece is commenting on this poll.

Public Opinion Poll No (80)​

9-12 June 2021
". . .This press release addresses these issues and covers other matters such as the general conditions in the Palestinian territories, the peace process and future possible directions for Palestinians in the absence of a viable peace process. Total size of the sample is 1200 adults interviewed face to face in 120 randomly selected locations. Margin of error is +/-3%."

Why not focus on something more recent?

Public Opinion Poll No (88)​

7-11 June 2023
". . . This press release addresses these issues and covers other matters such as the general conditions in the Palestinian territories, the peace process and future possible directions for Palestinians in the absence of a viable peace process. Total size of the sample is 1270 adults interviewed face to face in 127 randomly selected locations. Margin of error is +/-3%. "

What I can find no information on? Is how these "randomly selected locations," were chosen. From looking at this poll, there seems to be quite divergent opinions, of those who live in the West Bank, and those who live in Gaza. Not providing that data? Seems shady as hell, IMO.

This organization also has some shady connections to the western establishment as well. So it might be pushing a purposely corrupted and slanted poll for an agenda.

When we look at polls from most respected polling outfits in the US, they give demographic breakdowns, this one does not.

Who knew that toddlers and babies could vote.

As for that polling group, the director appears to be chummy with the CFR and was funded by a group based in DC that appears to have ties to the CIA.

So y'all can do what you want, but I for one am not going to take it at face value. (I typically don't take any polls at face value, since as I mentioned on another thread, polls are one of the Establishment's tools for forming public opinion, rather than informing.)
Even though you just effectively posted the same thing:

Except, you're wrong. Support for retaliatory war goes up when any group perceives themselves as victims of attack from another. The reasoning matters little nor who's in charge. They automatically get a boost simply for pushing war.. at least until they've overplayed the same hand.

I support a one state solution. Tear down the fences. Let all Palestinians mingle together with their Jewish brethren. Choose an entirely new name for the country. Allow all to share national pride and get treated like every day criminals when they break the law. War and violence just beget more war and violence. An eye for an eye only creates epidemics of blindness.
How idiotic

One group is dedicated to the extermination of the others and you want them all living together to provide that opportunity?


There are much more recent polls from this same outfit, why are you posting such old material.

I can only assume, this AP piece is commenting on this poll.

Public Opinion Poll No (80)​

9-12 June 2021
". . .This press release addresses these issues and covers other matters such as the general conditions in the Palestinian territories, the peace process and future possible directions for Palestinians in the absence of a viable peace process. Total size of the sample is 1200 adults interviewed face to face in 120 randomly selected locations. Margin of error is +/-3%."

Why not focus on something more recent?

Public Opinion Poll No (88)​

7-11 June 2023
". . . This press release addresses these issues and covers other matters such as the general conditions in the Palestinian territories, the peace process and future possible directions for Palestinians in the absence of a viable peace process. Total size of the sample is 1270 adults interviewed face to face in 127 randomly selected locations. Margin of error is +/-3%. "

What I can find no information on? Is how these "randomly selected locations," were chosen. From looking at this poll, there seems to be quite divergent opinions, of those who live in the West Bank, and those who live in Gaza. Not providing that data? Seems shady as hell, IMO.

This organization also has some shady connections to the western establishment as well. So it might be pushing a purposely corrupted and slanted poll for an agenda.

When we look at polls from most respected polling outfits in the US, they give demographic breakdowns, this one does not.

Because it was the one I found first.
But it doesnt matter. The results are basically the same.
They love HAMAS and they love death. They dont get called a "death cult" for no reason.

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