
Palestinians 'became a people' as a result of the occupation- not in spite of it.
They became Palestinians in 1924. They were the same people before that but had a different name.

What were Native Americans called before it was America? Weren't they the same people who were there before the name change?
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.
Palestinians 'became a people' as a result of the occupation- not in spite of it.
They became Palestinians in 1924. They were the same people before that but had a different name.

What were Native Americans called before it was America? Weren't they the same people who were there before the name change?
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.
The land was call Yis-rah-al by God.
The Jews were called Y'hoodihm after the tribe of Judah.
Israel is yet another in a long series of Anglicized bad translations of Hebrew words.
Palestinians 'became a people' as a result of the occupation- not in spite of it.
They became Palestinians in 1924. They were the same people before that but had a different name.

What were Native Americans called before it was America? Weren't they the same people who were there before the name change?
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.
The land was call Yis-rah-al by God.
The Jews were called Y'hoodihm after the tribe of Judah.
Israel is yet another in a long series of Anglicized bad translations of Hebrew words.
There are no gods.
They became Palestinians in 1924. They were the same people before that but had a different name.

What were Native Americans called before it was America? Weren't they the same people who were there before the name change?
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.
The land was call Yis-rah-al by God.
The Jews were called Y'hoodihm after the tribe of Judah.
Israel is yet another in a long series of Anglicized bad translations of Hebrew words.
There are no gods.
There is one God and it bothers me not that you disagree.
Palestinians 'became a people' as a result of the occupation- not in spite of it.
They became Palestinians in 1924. They were the same people before that but had a different name.

What were Native Americans called before it was America? Weren't they the same people who were there before the name change?
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.
Indeed, and there still aren't any. There is no Israeli nationality.
Palestinians 'became a people' as a result of the occupation- not in spite of it.
They became Palestinians in 1924. They were the same people before that but had a different name.

What were Native Americans called before it was America? Weren't they the same people who were there before the name change?
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.
Indeed, and there still aren't any. There is no Israeli nationality.

Hmm.. again Jews reappear when talking about Palestinian identity. Interesting phenomenon. :dunno:
Palestinians 'became a people' as a result of the occupation- not in spite of it.
They became Palestinians in 1924. They were the same people before that but had a different name.

What were Native Americans called before it was America? Weren't they the same people who were there before the name change?
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.
The land was call Yis-rah-al by God.
The Jews were called Y'hoodihm after the tribe of Judah.
Israel is yet another in a long series of Anglicized bad translations of Hebrew words.
Are you sure it wasn't Y'hoodlihm?
Palestinians 'became a people' as a result of the occupation- not in spite of it.
They became Palestinians in 1924. They were the same people before that but had a different name.

What were Native Americans called before it was America? Weren't they the same people who were there before the name change?
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.

You're so funny and naive. But I get it - difficulties in translation.

There're no 2 separate words for 'Israelite and Israeli' in the Hebrew language. It's just ישראלי
As there're no 3 separate words for 'Jew', 'Judean' or 'Jewish'.
It's just יהודי

Actually Jews in Europe were referred to as 'Palestinians among us' decades before Syrian Arabs identified as Palestinians.
But Jews were of course referred most as Jews.
I don't get it, why does team Palestine deflect to Jews and their heritage when discussing Palestinian identity.
Are they suggesting something?

I merely wanted to see some distinct 'Palestinian' culture :eusa_think:
Last edited:
Palestinians 'became a people' as a result of the occupation- not in spite of it.
They became Palestinians in 1924. They were the same people before that but had a different name.

What were Native Americans called before it was America? Weren't they the same people who were there before the name change?
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.

You're so funny and naive. But I get it - difficulties in translation.

There're no 2 separate words for 'Israelite and Israeli' in the Hebrew language. It's just ישראלי
As there're no 3 separate words for 'Jew', 'Judean' or 'Jewish'.
It's just יהודי

Actually Jews in Europe were referred to as 'Palestinians among us' decades before Syrian Arabs identified as Palestinians.
But Jews were of course referred most as Jews.

Why do constantly post falsehoods? You are an incredible propagandist. You just make things up as you go along.

The Palestinians (then Christians) were referred to as Palestinians centuries before Jews were referred to as such.

Eusebio of Cesarea wrote the manuscript "De martyribus Palestinae" (Palestinian Martyrs) in 411 AD.

Il De martyribus Palestinae di Eusebio di Cesarea è un opuscolo apologetico che racconta i martirii subiti da alcuni cristiani durante la persecuzione di Diocleziano1. Se ne conservano oggi due redazioni di diversa lunghezza, entrambe d’autore. Quella più breve è inserita da alcuni manoscritti all’interno dei libri VIII o X dell’Historia Ecclesiastica, mentre la redazione lunga è testimoniata da alcuni frammenti tramandati in collezioni agiografiche e dalla traduzione in siriaco conservata in un manoscritto datato al 411. Nonostante nessuna delle due redazioni, per quanto ne sappiamo, sia mai stata tradotta interamente in latino prima dell’età moderna, degli oltre quaranta martiri ivi menzionati almeno quattro erano conosciuti e venerati nell’Occidente medievale. Per ognuno di essi si conserva almeno un testo agiografico in lingua latina, che, nella maggioranza dei casi, è anonimo e di origine ignota4. Si tratta delle Passiones di san Procopio di Cesarea (BHL 6949-6951) di san Pietro Balsamo (BHL 6702)6, di san Romano d’Antiochia (BHL 7297-7304) e di santa Teodosia di Cesarea (BHL 8090-8091). Saranno presentati in questo contributo i primi risultati di un’indagine comparativa sull’origine e la prima circolazione delle Passiones di san Romano d'Antiochia e di santa Teodosia di Cesarea, con l’auspicio di proseguire la ricerca prendendo in considerazione i dossier agiografici di san Procopio di Cesarea e di san Pietro Balsamo.

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi (BHL 7298)
Palestinians 'became a people' as a result of the occupation- not in spite of it.
They became Palestinians in 1924. They were the same people before that but had a different name.

What were Native Americans called before it was America? Weren't they the same people who were there before the name change?
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.
Indeed, and there still aren't any. There is no Israeli nationality.

Of course there is. Just like the American nationality started in 1776, the Israeli nationality started in 1948. And the South Sudanese nationality started only a couple of years ago.
They became Palestinians in 1924. They were the same people before that but had a different name.

What were Native Americans called before it was America? Weren't they the same people who were there before the name change?
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.
Indeed, and there still aren't any. There is no Israeli nationality.

Of course there is. Just like the American nationality started in 1776, the Israeli nationality started in 1948. And the South Sudanese nationality started only a couple of years ago.
None of the ID cards in Israel have "Israeli" stated as the nationality.
They became Palestinians in 1924. They were the same people before that but had a different name.

What were Native Americans called before it was America? Weren't they the same people who were there before the name change?
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.

You're so funny and naive. But I get it - difficulties in translation.

There're no 2 separate words for 'Israelite and Israeli' in the Hebrew language. It's just ישראלי
As there're no 3 separate words for 'Jew', 'Judean' or 'Jewish'.
It's just יהודי

Actually Jews in Europe were referred to as 'Palestinians among us' decades before Syrian Arabs identified as Palestinians.
But Jews were of course referred most as Jews.

Why do constantly post falsehoods? You are an incredible propagandist. You just make things up as you go along.

The Palestinians (then Christians) were referred to as Palestinians centuries before Jews were referred to as such.

Eusebio of Cesarea wrote the manuscript "De martyribus Palestinae" (Palestinian Martyrs) in 411 AD.

Il De martyribus Palestinae di Eusebio di Cesarea è un opuscolo apologetico che racconta i martirii subiti da alcuni cristiani durante la persecuzione di Diocleziano1. Se ne conservano oggi due redazioni di diversa lunghezza, entrambe d’autore. Quella più breve è inserita da alcuni manoscritti all’interno dei libri VIII o X dell’Historia Ecclesiastica, mentre la redazione lunga è testimoniata da alcuni frammenti tramandati in collezioni agiografiche e dalla traduzione in siriaco conservata in un manoscritto datato al 411. Nonostante nessuna delle due redazioni, per quanto ne sappiamo, sia mai stata tradotta interamente in latino prima dell’età moderna, degli oltre quaranta martiri ivi menzionati almeno quattro erano conosciuti e venerati nell’Occidente medievale. Per ognuno di essi si conserva almeno un testo agiografico in lingua latina, che, nella maggioranza dei casi, è anonimo e di origine ignota4. Si tratta delle Passiones di san Procopio di Cesarea (BHL 6949-6951) di san Pietro Balsamo (BHL 6702)6, di san Romano d’Antiochia (BHL 7297-7304) e di santa Teodosia di Cesarea (BHL 8090-8091). Saranno presentati in questo contributo i primi risultati di un’indagine comparativa sull’origine e la prima circolazione delle Passiones di san Romano d'Antiochia e di santa Teodosia di Cesarea, con l’auspicio di proseguire la ricerca prendendo in considerazione i dossier agiografici di san Procopio di Cesarea e di san Pietro Balsamo.

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi (BHL 7298)

Although very interesting, but it refers to Palestine as a geographical region, rather than Palestinian people.
And who calls this area 'Palestine'? A GREEK historian polemicist.

Give me something 'Palestinian'
Don't you people know anything about Israel? There is no Israeli nationality. It would mean that non-Jews could become Israelis. The Jews can't have that.

Supreme Court rejects ‘Israeli’ nationality status
Allowing citizens to relinquish ethnic or religious identity in the population registry would undermine Israel’s Jewishness, ruling says

Supreme Court rejects ‘Israeli’ nationality status
They became Palestinians in 1924. They were the same people before that but had a different name.

What were Native Americans called before it was America? Weren't they the same people who were there before the name change?
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.
The land was call Yis-rah-al by God.
The Jews were called Y'hoodihm after the tribe of Judah.
Israel is yet another in a long series of Anglicized bad translations of Hebrew words.
Are you sure it wasn't Y'hoodlihm?
Today that might apply on Wall Street.
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.

You're so funny and naive. But I get it - difficulties in translation.

There're no 2 separate words for 'Israelite and Israeli' in the Hebrew language. It's just ישראלי
As there're no 3 separate words for 'Jew', 'Judean' or 'Jewish'.
It's just יהודי

Actually Jews in Europe were referred to as 'Palestinians among us' decades before Syrian Arabs identified as Palestinians.
But Jews were of course referred most as Jews.

Why do constantly post falsehoods? You are an incredible propagandist. You just make things up as you go along.

The Palestinians (then Christians) were referred to as Palestinians centuries before Jews were referred to as such.

Eusebio of Cesarea wrote the manuscript "De martyribus Palestinae" (Palestinian Martyrs) in 411 AD.

Il De martyribus Palestinae di Eusebio di Cesarea è un opuscolo apologetico che racconta i martirii subiti da alcuni cristiani durante la persecuzione di Diocleziano1. Se ne conservano oggi due redazioni di diversa lunghezza, entrambe d’autore. Quella più breve è inserita da alcuni manoscritti all’interno dei libri VIII o X dell’Historia Ecclesiastica, mentre la redazione lunga è testimoniata da alcuni frammenti tramandati in collezioni agiografiche e dalla traduzione in siriaco conservata in un manoscritto datato al 411. Nonostante nessuna delle due redazioni, per quanto ne sappiamo, sia mai stata tradotta interamente in latino prima dell’età moderna, degli oltre quaranta martiri ivi menzionati almeno quattro erano conosciuti e venerati nell’Occidente medievale. Per ognuno di essi si conserva almeno un testo agiografico in lingua latina, che, nella maggioranza dei casi, è anonimo e di origine ignota4. Si tratta delle Passiones di san Procopio di Cesarea (BHL 6949-6951) di san Pietro Balsamo (BHL 6702)6, di san Romano d’Antiochia (BHL 7297-7304) e di santa Teodosia di Cesarea (BHL 8090-8091). Saranno presentati in questo contributo i primi risultati di un’indagine comparativa sull’origine e la prima circolazione delle Passiones di san Romano d'Antiochia e di santa Teodosia di Cesarea, con l’auspicio di proseguire la ricerca prendendo in considerazione i dossier agiografici di san Procopio di Cesarea e di san Pietro Balsamo.

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi (BHL 7298)

Although very interesting, but it refers to Palestine as a geographical region, rather than Palestinian people.
And who calls this area 'Palestine'? A GREEK historian polemicist.

Give me something 'Palestinian'

The word "Palestinae" means Palestinian you idiot. You've been found out as a lying huckster. No amount of clown dancing will change that.

Eusebio of Cesarea was born in Palestine in Cesarea and was a Roman citizen. He was a Palestinian long before any Jew was called a Palestinian. Give it up propagandist.
You are correct. Similarly, no-one ever heard of Israelis before 1948.
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.
Indeed, and there still aren't any. There is no Israeli nationality.

Of course there is. Just like the American nationality started in 1776, the Israeli nationality started in 1948. And the South Sudanese nationality started only a couple of years ago.
None of the ID cards in Israel have "Israeli" stated as the nationality.

Yeah there's no nationality in the Israeli ID. It's just '*****'.
You can be a Palestinian, Arab Israeli, Jew,Jewish, Judean, Arab, Muslim...identify as You want.

Bureaucracy is not what makes Jews - 'Israelis'.
It's given in the word itself. Jew= of Israel
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.
Indeed, and there still aren't any. There is no Israeli nationality.

Of course there is. Just like the American nationality started in 1776, the Israeli nationality started in 1948. And the South Sudanese nationality started only a couple of years ago.
None of the ID cards in Israel have "Israeli" stated as the nationality.

Yeah there's no nationality in the Israeli ID. It's just '*****'.
You can be a Palestinian, Arab Israeli, Jew,Jewish, Judean, Arab, Muslim...identify as You want.

Bureaucracy is not what makes Jews - 'Israelis'.
It's given in the word itself. Jew= of Israel

Yeah, right. You people are so brainwashed that you can't understand how racist (in the broad definition) Israeli is. It's no different than Apartheid South Africa.

"Residents cannot identify themselves as Israelis in the national registry because the move could have far-reaching consequences for the country’s Jewish character, the Israeli Supreme Court wrote in documents obtained Thursday."

Supreme Court rejects ‘Israeli’ nationality status
You've got to open a book someday.

Jacob is Israel, the Jews are sons of Israel and have identified so for millenias. The whole world has heard of Israelis, a big portion of Your western culture is based on it.
The knowledge of Israel-Jacob was the reason the LoN recognized the homeland of the Jews in that land. This isn't new and You cannot deny Your own culture which has a big portion of it borrowed from the Israelis.

Then again is there a Palestinian distinct culture other than the culture of the Jews?
No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.

You're so funny and naive. But I get it - difficulties in translation.

There're no 2 separate words for 'Israelite and Israeli' in the Hebrew language. It's just ישראלי
As there're no 3 separate words for 'Jew', 'Judean' or 'Jewish'.
It's just יהודי

Actually Jews in Europe were referred to as 'Palestinians among us' decades before Syrian Arabs identified as Palestinians.
But Jews were of course referred most as Jews.

Why do constantly post falsehoods? You are an incredible propagandist. You just make things up as you go along.

The Palestinians (then Christians) were referred to as Palestinians centuries before Jews were referred to as such.

Eusebio of Cesarea wrote the manuscript "De martyribus Palestinae" (Palestinian Martyrs) in 411 AD.

Il De martyribus Palestinae di Eusebio di Cesarea è un opuscolo apologetico che racconta i martirii subiti da alcuni cristiani durante la persecuzione di Diocleziano1. Se ne conservano oggi due redazioni di diversa lunghezza, entrambe d’autore. Quella più breve è inserita da alcuni manoscritti all’interno dei libri VIII o X dell’Historia Ecclesiastica, mentre la redazione lunga è testimoniata da alcuni frammenti tramandati in collezioni agiografiche e dalla traduzione in siriaco conservata in un manoscritto datato al 411. Nonostante nessuna delle due redazioni, per quanto ne sappiamo, sia mai stata tradotta interamente in latino prima dell’età moderna, degli oltre quaranta martiri ivi menzionati almeno quattro erano conosciuti e venerati nell’Occidente medievale. Per ognuno di essi si conserva almeno un testo agiografico in lingua latina, che, nella maggioranza dei casi, è anonimo e di origine ignota4. Si tratta delle Passiones di san Procopio di Cesarea (BHL 6949-6951) di san Pietro Balsamo (BHL 6702)6, di san Romano d’Antiochia (BHL 7297-7304) e di santa Teodosia di Cesarea (BHL 8090-8091). Saranno presentati in questo contributo i primi risultati di un’indagine comparativa sull’origine e la prima circolazione delle Passiones di san Romano d'Antiochia e di santa Teodosia di Cesarea, con l’auspicio di proseguire la ricerca prendendo in considerazione i dossier agiografici di san Procopio di Cesarea e di san Pietro Balsamo.

Martiri palestinesi nell’Occidente latino. I casi della Passio Theodosiae virginis (BHL 8090) e della Passio Romani monachi (BHL 7298)

Although very interesting, but it refers to Palestine as a geographical region, rather than Palestinian people.
And who calls this area 'Palestine'? A GREEK historian polemicist.

Give me something 'Palestinian'

The word "Palestinae" means Palestinian you idiot. You've been found out as a lying huckster. No amount of clown dancing will change that.

Eusebio of Cesarea was born in Palestine in Cesarea and was a Roman citizen. He was a Palestinian long before any Jew was called a Palestinian. Give it up propagandist.

I don't know Greek or Latin, but when I translated it into 4 languages it got me 'of Palestine'.
I don't know, and I obviously can't trust You,
so I go to the CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA and it writes:

"Concerning Eusebius's parentage we know absolutely nothing; but the fact that he escaped with a short term of imprisonment during the terrible Diocletianpersecution, when his master Pamphilus and others of his companions suffered martyrdom, suggests that he belonged to a family of some influence and importance. His relations, later on, with the Emperor Constantine point to the same conclusion. At some time during the last twenty years of the third century he visited Antioch, where he made the acquaintance of the priest Dorotheus, and heard him expound the Scriptures (Church History VII.32). By a slip of the pen or the memory, Lightfoot (p. 309) makes Dorotheus a priest of the Church of Cæsarea. In 296 he saw for the first time the future Emperor Constantine, as he passed through Palestine in the company of Diocletian (Vit. Const., I, 19)."


(3) On the Martyrs of Palestine. There are two distinct forms of this work, both drawn up by Eusebius. The longer is only extant in a Syriac version which was first edited and translated by Cureton in 1861.

(43) "In Praise of the Martyrs". This oration is preserved in the same manuscript as the "Theophania" and "Martyrs of Palestine". It was published and translated in the "Journal of Sacred Literature" by Mr. H. B. Cowper (New Series, V, pp. 403 sqq., and ibid. VI, pp. 129 sqq.).

No-one mentioned the word Israelis until 1948.
Indeed, and there still aren't any. There is no Israeli nationality.

Of course there is. Just like the American nationality started in 1776, the Israeli nationality started in 1948. And the South Sudanese nationality started only a couple of years ago.
None of the ID cards in Israel have "Israeli" stated as the nationality.

Yeah there's no nationality in the Israeli ID. It's just '*****'.
You can be a Palestinian, Arab Israeli, Jew,Jewish, Judean, Arab, Muslim...identify as You want.

Bureaucracy is not what makes Jews - 'Israelis'.
It's given in the word itself. Jew= of Israel

Yeah, right. You people are so brainwashed that you can't understand how racist (in the broad definition) Israeli is. It's no different than Apartheid South Africa.

"Residents cannot identify themselves as Israelis in the national registry because the move could have far-reaching consequences for the country’s Jewish character, the Israeli Supreme Court wrote in documents obtained Thursday."

Supreme Court rejects ‘Israeli’ nationality status
Nahh.. Deflection.
We talk about 'Palestinian'

You too fixated on Jews when talking about 'Palestinian' identity?

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