Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries


RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Palestinian Authority says it can't pay its workers their salaries this month because of a financial crisis in the West Bank.

Finance Minister Nabil Kassis called the crisis "the worst" in three years. He said Tuesday that paychecks would be issued when the government can afford it.

The Palestinian economy is heavily dependent on foreign aid. Donor countries have given billions of dollars to the Palestinians since 1993, but many have cut back contributions since the global financial downturn.

The International Monetary Fund has called on the Palestinians to improve their business environment and attract more investment to enable growth.

Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries
That's called Palestinian self determination without Israel's intervention. Oh well, not to worry. The PA will issue IOU's.

Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries


RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Palestinian Authority says it can't pay its workers their salaries this month because of a financial crisis in the West Bank.

Finance Minister Nabil Kassis called the crisis "the worst" in three years. He said Tuesday that paychecks would be issued when the government can afford it.

The Palestinian economy is heavily dependent on foreign aid. Donor countries have given billions of dollars to the Palestinians since 1993, but many have cut back contributions since the global financial downturn.

The International Monetary Fund has called on the Palestinians to improve their business environment and attract more investment to enable growth.

Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries
The symbolism struck me as odd. The article was about Palestinians who will apparently need to go begging to the UN and to the kuffar for another boatload of infidel welfare dollars yet the photo accompanying the article appears to depict Christian places of worship.

In perhaps the most hate promoting Islamic terror breeding grounds in the world and which is incapable of managing billions of dollars of welfare money heaped upon this terrorist enclave, we make allowances for this behavior.

Send the bill for these newest welfare payments to the U.N. and let’s continue to pretend that these fine civilized folks really should be given their own state
Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries


RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Palestinian Authority says it can't pay its workers their salaries this month because of a financial crisis in the West Bank.

Finance Minister Nabil Kassis called the crisis "the worst" in three years. He said Tuesday that paychecks would be issued when the government can afford it.

The Palestinian economy is heavily dependent on foreign aid. Donor countries have given billions of dollars to the Palestinians since 1993, but many have cut back contributions since the global financial downturn.

The International Monetary Fund has called on the Palestinians to improve their business environment and attract more investment to enable growth.

Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries
Wa? Is this what we get for 800 million a year of US tax payers $$$$?!
But, but on the other thread Tinmore et al claimed that the US pays the PA security forces????
Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries


RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Palestinian Authority says it can't pay its workers their salaries this month because of a financial crisis in the West Bank.

Finance Minister Nabil Kassis called the crisis "the worst" in three years. He said Tuesday that paychecks would be issued when the government can afford it.

The Palestinian economy is heavily dependent on foreign aid. Donor countries have given billions of dollars to the Palestinians since 1993, but many have cut back contributions since the global financial downturn.

The International Monetary Fund has called on the Palestinians to improve their business environment and attract more investment to enable growth.

Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries
Wa? Is this what we get for 800 million a year of US tax payers $$$$?!

We also get the satisfaction of knowing that Islamic terrorists such as Arafat, his cronies and subsequent palestinian welfare cheats have amassed fortunes by stealing our welfare payments.

Hey - money for Islamic gee-had really does fall off the kafir tree.
Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries


RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Palestinian Authority says it can't pay its workers their salaries this month because of a financial crisis in the West Bank.

Finance Minister Nabil Kassis called the crisis "the worst" in three years. He said Tuesday that paychecks would be issued when the government can afford it.

The Palestinian economy is heavily dependent on foreign aid. Donor countries have given billions of dollars to the Palestinians since 1993, but many have cut back contributions since the global financial downturn.

The International Monetary Fund has called on the Palestinians to improve their business environment and attract more investment to enable growth.

Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries
Wa? Is this what we get for 800 million a year of US tax payers $$$$?!
Not to worry, it's rumored Suha, the Mother of Palestine, is willing to return 1.2 billion if she would be declared President-For-Life. Maybe Tinhorn knows something.
We also get the satisfaction of knowing that Islamic terrorists such as Arafat, his cronies and subsequent palestinian welfare cheats have amassed fortunes by stealing our welfare payments. Hey - money for Islamic gee-had really does fall off the kafir tree.

Get it from suha's fat bank accounts - the turd lives on $100K per month in a huge paris apartment.
But, but on the other thread Tinmore et al claimed that the US pays the PA security forces????
Tinhorn claims the solar system revolves around Hamas, up is down, left is right and Israel doesn't exist. He lives in a fantasy world where there is no escape and he's happy as a hog in a mudhole.
Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries


RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Palestinian Authority says it can't pay its workers their salaries this month because of a financial crisis in the West Bank.

Finance Minister Nabil Kassis called the crisis "the worst" in three years. He said Tuesday that paychecks would be issued when the government can afford it.

The Palestinian economy is heavily dependent on foreign aid. Donor countries have given billions of dollars to the Palestinians since 1993, but many have cut back contributions since the global financial downturn.

The International Monetary Fund has called on the Palestinians to improve their business environment and attract more investment to enable growth.

Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries

That's a serious Catch-22.
The "Palestinians" can't improve their business environment until they sort out who they are, what they want and how they are going to accomplish it and they can't do any of that until they improve their economic condition.
Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries


RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Palestinian Authority says it can't pay its workers their salaries this month because of a financial crisis in the West Bank.

Finance Minister Nabil Kassis called the crisis "the worst" in three years. He said Tuesday that paychecks would be issued when the government can afford it.

The Palestinian economy is heavily dependent on foreign aid. Donor countries have given billions of dollars to the Palestinians since 1993, but many have cut back contributions since the global financial downturn.

The International Monetary Fund has called on the Palestinians to improve their business environment and attract more investment to enable growth.

Palestinian Authority Can't Pay Salaries

That's a serious Catch-22.
The "Palestinians" can't improve their business environment until they sort out who they are, what they want and how they are going to accomplish it and they can't do any of that until they improve their economic condition.

Indeed, the Palestinians need to improve their economy.

[ame=]This is what the Palestinian economy looks like - YouTube[/ame]

"Only 23% believe that freedom of the press exists in the West Bank. 15% believe the same freedom exists in the Gaza Strip.

A majority of Palestinians believe that their life under PA and Hamas rule is devoid of any real freedom, yet they offer no alternative and desire no change. Only 27% think that the Palestinian Authority should be dissolved."
A simple solution for the pals; spend less on weapons and senior PA officials' swiss bank accounts, and more on the people. Should work wonders.

Yeah, maybe they should plant more crops to feed their people.

[ame=]Israeli Bulldozers invade and destroy Palestinian land in Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
A simple solution for the pals; spend less on weapons and senior PA officials' swiss bank accounts, and more on the people. Should work wonders.

Yeah, maybe they should plant more crops to feed their people.

[ame=]Israeli Bulldozers invade and destroy Palestinian land in Gaza - YouTube[/ame]

The irrefutable case is made that those hapless "Palestinians" can't get out of their own way and how do you avoid admitting the obvious? Denial and deflection.
You're almost as pathetic as your comrades.
A simple solution for the pals; spend less on weapons and senior PA officials' swiss bank accounts, and more on the people. Should work wonders.

Yeah, maybe they should plant more crops to feed their people.

[ame=]Israeli Bulldozers invade and destroy Palestinian land in Gaza - YouTube[/ame]

The irrefutable case is made that those hapless "Palestinians" can't get out of their own way and how do you avoid admitting the obvious? Denial and deflection.
You're almost as pathetic as your comrades.

Where, oh where are those elusive anti tank missiles that the liars are always talking about?
Yeah, maybe they should plant more crops to feed their people.

Israeli Bulldozers invade and destroy Palestinian land in Gaza - YouTube

The irrefutable case is made that those hapless "Palestinians" can't get out of their own way and how do you avoid admitting the obvious? Denial and deflection.
You're almost as pathetic as your comrades.

Where, oh where are those elusive anti tank missiles that the liars are always talking about?

What are you whining about now, Princess? Sounds like more deflection.
Yeah, maybe they should plant more crops to feed their people.

Israeli Bulldozers invade and destroy Palestinian land in Gaza - YouTube

The irrefutable case is made that those hapless "Palestinians" can't get out of their own way and how do you avoid admitting the obvious? Denial and deflection.
You're almost as pathetic as your comrades.

Where, oh where are those elusive anti tank missiles that the liars are always talking about?
Out in the countryside, away from the herds of children, the "Resistance Fighters" know that firing an AT missle would be akin to digging up a nest of yellowjackets.
The attached link and portion of the text is a scathing indictment of Palestinian abuse and mismanagement of the welfare money they are showered with. The article is highly critical (and rightly so), of the US government (my government), not demanding accountability from the PA regarding the disposition of our money. I'm afraid my government is lacking in that regard.

The real issue is that we have allowed the pal thieves and beggars to accept their mismanagement and thievery as an entitlement.

I'm sure we will hear from the usual suspects the same litany of worn out excuses about “oppression”, but let's be honest, if you want to see real oppression, try being a Jew or Christian in any Muslim majority nation.

U.S. Complicit with Palestinian Authority Budgeting Mischief Picking apart their finances, and how U.S. aid ends up with Hamas

U.S. Complicit with Palestinian Authority Budgeting Mischief: Picking apart their finances, and how U.S. aid ends up with Hamas. - Jewish Policy Center

The Palestinian Authority is crying poverty again, complaining about a decrease in expected levels of foreign aid that will force Palestinians into penury or —heaven forbid —tax increases. The Palestinian public is in no mood for that, according to the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research.

In a recent poll,48% of the respondents rejected solving Palestinian fiscal problems by increasing taxes or by forcing the early retirement of public sector employees. Asked what they would do, 27% would dissolve the PA itself and 52% would enter negotiations with Israel "in order to obtain greater international financial support." The poll notes, however, that half of those choosing negotiations would do so only if Israel agreed first to a settlement freeze and the 1967 borders.

The PA is unlikely to dissolve itself and Israel is unlikely to acquiesce. So a look at the phantasmagorical system of Palestinian budget building —and American complicity —is in order.

Last summer, the U.S. Congress withheld nearly $147 million of the planned $513 million in aid due to the Palestinian Authority's unilateral UN statehood bid. (Another $113 million in U.S. funds for the PA security forces and $232 million for the UN Relief and Works Agency were unaffected.) Under pressure from the State Department —which enlisted the Israeli government's help —Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Ileana Ros-Lehtinen announced that $88.5 million will be released. She retained her hold on the other $58.6 million:

I am disappointed that the administration would employ hardball tactics against Congress and threaten to send, over congressional objections, U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority.

How important is U.S. aid? It amounts to about 15% of the total announced Palestinian budget and nearly 50% of all expected aid. But consider the overall state of Palestinian finances: the 2012 PA budget —produced by PM Salam Fayyad, the West's "go-to man" for economic decision making —called for $3.5 billion in spending, $1.1 billion in aid, and showed a deficit of between $750 million and $1.1 billion (the latter figure is now the accepted one). That means the Palestinian economy is expected to generate only about $1.3 billion[1],and the PA is planning to spend three times what it produces. In real money terms then, with $1.3B in generated income and $1.1B in aid ($2.4B to spend), U.S. aid ($513 million) is almost 20% of actual spending.
The symbolism struck me as odd. The article was about Palestinians who will apparently need to go begging to the UN and to the kuffar for another boatload of infidel welfare dollars yet the photo accompanying the article appears to depict Christian places of worship.

In perhaps the most hate promoting Islamic terror breeding grounds in the world and which is incapable of managing billions of dollars of welfare money heaped upon this terrorist enclave, we make allowances for this behavior.

Send the bill for these newest welfare payments to the U.N. and let’s continue to pretend that these fine civilized folks really should be given their own state

All of this is a good point, take all the welfare dollars out of the equation and how would the Palestinians manage their own country today if they had one?

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