Palesteenians Bahaving Very Badly, Again


Jun 29, 2011
Democracy, Palesteenian-Style :clap2:

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns the interception of a correspondent of al-Aqsa Satellite Channel and a crew of Media Modern Company, the beating of one of the staff, and the confiscation of their cameras and ID cards, by members of the Palestinian Preventive Security Service (PSS) in Ramallah. The attack occurred after the media staff had completed a work assignment in Bir Zeit village. PCHR considers this attack a violation of the right to freedom of opinion and expression and media freedoms guaranteed under domestic laws and international human rights instruments.

According to investigations conducted by PCHR and a statement of Mohammed Eshtaiwi, Correspondent of al-Aqsa Satellite Channel which is connected to Hamas, at approximately 13:00 on Tuesday, 28 February 2012, Eshtaiwi and a crew of Media Modern Company, which has a contract with the al-Aqsa Satellite Channel, comprised of Mahmoud Mohammed al-Dumairi and Waleed Ma’moun ‘Othan, concluded coverage of a press conference held by the Islamic Bloc in Bir Zeit University, north of Ramallah. While they were traveling towards Ramallah in a car belonging to the Media Modern Company, a taxi intercepted them near Best Eastern Hotel. Six persons stepped out of the car and opened the journalists’ car. They forcibly took the camera from al-Dumairi after a arguing with him. When ‘Othman intervened to defend his college, he was beaten. The six persons introduced themselves as members of the PSS. The confiscated the ID cards of the three journalists and ordered them to travel to the PSS headquarters in Bir Zeit village. When the journalists were approximately 50 meters removed from the said headquarters Eshtayeh stepped down from the car and left the area while the other two journalists proceeded towards the headquarters. Three hours later, following the intervention of a number of figures, Eshtaiwi was informed that he could refer to the PSS headquarter to get back his ID card.

Palestinian Center for Human Rights

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