Palace Revolt


Sep 23, 2010
One of the hardcore Lefties FOX provides with a platform started a palace revolt last night when Alan Colmes tried to bite Bill O’Reilly on the ass. Click on the link and scroll down a little way for the video:

Ear-popping meltdown! Fox anchor erupts on air

Bill O'Reilly shouts at Alan Colmes: 'You're lying!'
Published; 10 hours ago

You gotta give O’Reilly big time credit for calling a liberal a liar. They’ve all been lying for decades, but how many times did you ever hear one of the Left called a liar on air. Not only did O’Reilly nail Colmes, he called him out on a topic that is untouchable; Hussein’s fantasy entitlement spending cuts. I can’t recall another such joyous occasion. Now, if only congressional Democrats and their surrogates are pinned down when they lie about policy, the economy, the environment and so on the country will get back on track real quick.

Finally, Colmes is number three on the list of liberals FOX shoves down conservative ears. Juan Williams tops the list. He gets almost as much face time as all of those clips FOX runs of Hussein.

Bob Beckel is locked in second place. I say locked in because Matt K. Lewis wants to know:

. . . why he still has a job.

What’s going on with Bob Beckel?
1:39 PM 02/20/2013
Matt K. Lewis

Why does Bob Beckel still have a job? | The Daily Caller

Last night’s little dust up didn’t help Colmes solidify his number three spot one bit. Conservatives got a peek behind the mask, and liberals cannot be too pleased with him for getting caught.
why is he insisting medicare is not a program?

the man is insane

To Truthmatters: Did you get a call from Colmes? Nowhere did O’Reilly say Medicare is not a program. In fact he referred to Medicare as a program:

“He has to say, ‘Here are the programs that are going to go down. Here is how we are going to reform Medicare and Social Security,’” O’Reilly said. “And the man refuses to do it.”

“That’s not true,” Colmes said.

“Hold it, hold it, because now I’m getting teed off at you,” O’Reilly replied as he grew visibly agitated. “Give me one damn program he said he’d cut? One?”

“He has cut entitlements,” Colmes said.

“Not entitlements, one program!” O’Reilly jumped in.


The exchange continued as O’Reilly again demanded that Colmes, and later Crowley, name one specific program that Obama said he would cut.


O'Reilly: 'You are lying, you are lying!' -
Sequester cuts seems to have fallen out of favor with talking heads. I sense it is no longer the number one filler between product commercials, or maybe I do not watch enough TV! No matter. I ran across Rush Limbaugh’s take on the O’Reilly - Colmes dust up. As usual, El Rushbo calls it right:

[ame=]Rush Limbaugh reax to O'Reilly vs. Colmes - YouTube[/ame]​
When Bill O’Reilly scorched Alan Colmes he ran the risk of antagonizing part of the liberal audience that is so important to Rupert Murdoch’s bottom line. Today’s piece by Selwyn Duke puts O’Reilly back on an even keel:

O’Reilly’s assertion is, frankly, insulting. Many of us in the Brainstream Media have for years been propounding deep, intellectual, and sometimes novel arguments in defense of marriage. And they’re certainly compelling, yet it is true that they don’t compel. And how could they?

Virtually no one hears them because society’s primary conduits of information — the mainstream media, academia, and popular culture — are all controlled by the left.

The reality is that the above members of the Triumvirate of Evil are like the sentient programs in The Matrix: they guard all the gates and hold all the keys. If they don’t want your message to get out, it won’t. They can make you famous or infamous or keep you anonymous; they can cast angels as demons, truth as lies, and virtue as vice. And they do.

I love the phrase “Triumvirate of Evil.” For years I called it the media-education-entertainment complex.

This next excerpt is so accurate it borders on cruelty:

Getting back to O’Reilly, an irony here is that he’s part of the problem. When has he ever had on his show a guest who has put forth those compelling arguments “that don’t exist”? He certainly has found time for fonts of intellectualism such as Marc Lamont Hill, retreads such as Bob Beckel, and a regular “Culture Warriors” segment with news-version Barbie dolls (CNN’s Margaret Hoover was a culture warriorette until recently). Oh, as to the last thing, I know that pretty faces sell in this superficial age of the image. But it’s a little ridiculous to complain about the alleged lack of traditionalist intellectualism when you’re ignoring traditionalist intellectuals in favor of something far closer to Idiocracy’s Hot Naked Chicks & World Report.

Bill O’Reilly vs. the Bible Thumpers
Selwyn Duke Friday, March 29, 2013

Bill O?Reilly vs. the Bible Thumpers

Finally, there is no such thing as bad publicity. So I know that talking about O’Reilly in any context does him more good than he ever did for me. Sad to say, plugging O’Reilly is less boring than posting dry critiques of television. After you say “Television is an instrument of government propaganda” you’ve said it all. Happily, I think most Americans are beginning to understand the evil that television brings to our culture.
One of the hardcore Lefties FOX provides with a platform started a palace revolt last night when Alan Colmes tried to bite Bill O’Reilly on the ass. Click on the link and scroll down a little way for the video:

Ear-popping meltdown! Fox anchor erupts on air

Bill O'Reilly shouts at Alan Colmes: 'You're lying!'
Published; 10 hours ago

You gotta give O’Reilly big time credit for calling a liberal a liar. They’ve all been lying for decades, but how many times did you ever hear one of the Left called a liar on air. Not only did O’Reilly nail Colmes, he called him out on a topic that is untouchable; Hussein’s fantasy entitlement spending cuts. I can’t recall another such joyous occasion. Now, if only congressional Democrats and their surrogates are pinned down when they lie about policy, the economy, the environment and so on the country will get back on track real quick.

Finally, Colmes is number three on the list of liberals FOX shoves down conservative ears. Juan Williams tops the list. He gets almost as much face time as all of those clips FOX runs of Hussein.

Bob Beckel is locked in second place. I say locked in because Matt K. Lewis wants to know:

. . . why he still has a job.

What’s going on with Bob Beckel?
1:39 PM 02/20/2013
Matt K. Lewis

Why does Bob Beckel still have a job? | The Daily Caller

Last night’s little dust up didn’t help Colmes solidify his number three spot one bit. Conservatives got a peek behind the mask, and liberals cannot be too pleased with him for getting caught.

Although I agree with you that it is refreshing to hear O'Reilly calling a liberal a liar I think much of what O'Reilly does directly relates to ratings for Fox, Flanders.

Let me give you some background on Colmes. You'll notice that O'Reilly usually sets up a dialogue between Alan Colmes, his sister in law - Monica Crowley - related to Candy Crowley - and that Monica Crowley plays the role of staunch Republican in those.

Truth is Monica worked for Nixon as a kid even though Wiki has her described as highly experienced. How experienced can one be at 21 yrs of age? Why did Henry Kissinger help her get that job? She is only in her 40's now you know..

So Monica's family got the door opened for her into the business and her politics are not truly republican. She is what we call a RINO. She plays off Alan well and most people do not realise her sister ( also a liberal ) is married to Alan Colmes.

So much of what we see is not as it really is. They all have their scripts and roles to play in order to deceive the american people. Many claim that Candy Crowley and Joe Crowley Congressman from NY got their own power in Washington through their grandfather Aleister Crowley's connections in Europe. Aleister Crowley was considered one of the most notorious satanists of all time. Quite an interesting character.

This is what I'm told about them. I did google Aleister Crowley and Candy Crowley and was astonished at the resemble. She looks like his daughter. ( forget granddaughter) But when I googled Joe Crowley Congressmans youtube video I was stunned. He looks like his grandfathers twin. He is the spitting image of Aleister Crowley. I've been told before that at the highest echelons of govt. - media - there are satanists hiding in plain sight. I'm sure they are feeling quite comfortable with this administration. What a day we are living in, eh?

- J.
O’Reilly must hate Rush Limbaugh because he can’t shout him down the way he does with people on his show. What’s worse from O’Reilly’s perspective is that El Rushbo is smarter. Go to the link and listen to the brief audio:

Rush defends 'Bible thumpers' from Bill O'Reilly
Exclusive: Kathy Shaidle recaps this week's most sizzling on-air discussions
Published: 18 hours ago

Rush defends ?Bible thumpers? from Bill O?Reilly

O’Reilly's attack on average people prompts one question. Did O’Reilly ever call hustling preachers like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, et al. Bible-thumpers?

And you can take this to bank. Roman Catholic O’Reilly NEVER attacked those foul Catholic priests who thump the Bible with one hand and political extremism with the other. And let’s not forget that pedophile priests were all Bible-thumpers. I know that O’Reilly attacked the perverts for what they did, but I’ll wager that he never called them Bible-thumpers.
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One of the hardcore Lefties FOX provides with a platform started a palace revolt last night when Alan Colmes tried to bite Bill O’Reilly on the ass. Click on the link and scroll down a little way for the video:

Ear-popping meltdown! Fox anchor erupts on air

Bill O'Reilly shouts at Alan Colmes: 'You're lying!'
Published; 10 hours ago

You gotta give O’Reilly big time credit for calling a liberal a liar. They’ve all been lying for decades, but how many times did you ever hear one of the Left called a liar on air. Not only did O’Reilly nail Colmes, he called him out on a topic that is untouchable; Hussein’s fantasy entitlement spending cuts. I can’t recall another such joyous occasion. Now, if only congressional Democrats and their surrogates are pinned down when they lie about policy, the economy, the environment and so on the country will get back on track real quick.

Finally, Colmes is number three on the list of liberals FOX shoves down conservative ears. Juan Williams tops the list. He gets almost as much face time as all of those clips FOX runs of Hussein.

Bob Beckel is locked in second place. I say locked in because Matt K. Lewis wants to know:

. . . why he still has a job.

What’s going on with Bob Beckel?
1:39 PM 02/20/2013
Matt K. Lewis

Why does Bob Beckel still have a job? | The Daily Caller

Last night’s little dust up didn’t help Colmes solidify his number three spot one bit. Conservatives got a peek behind the mask, and liberals cannot be too pleased with him for getting caught.

Although I agree with you that it is refreshing to hear O'Reilly calling a liberal a liar I think much of what O'Reilly does directly relates to ratings for Fox, Flanders.

Let me give you some background on Colmes. You'll notice that O'Reilly usually sets up a dialogue between Alan Colmes, his sister in law - Monica Crowley - related to Candy Crowley - and that Monica Crowley plays the role of staunch Republican in those.

Truth is Monica worked for Nixon as a kid even though Wiki has her described as highly experienced. How experienced can one be at 21 yrs of age? Why did Henry Kissinger help her get that job? She is only in her 40's now you know..

So Monica's family got the door opened for her into the business and her politics are not truly republican. She is what we call a RINO. She plays off Alan well and most people do not realise her sister ( also a liberal ) is married to Alan Colmes.

So much of what we see is not as it really is. They all have their scripts and roles to play in order to deceive the american people. Many claim that Candy Crowley and Joe Crowley Congressman from NY got their own power in Washington through their grandfather Aleister Crowley's connections in Europe. Aleister Crowley was considered one of the most notorious satanists of all time. Quite an interesting character.

This is what I'm told about them. I did google Aleister Crowley and Candy Crowley and was astonished at the resemble. She looks like his daughter. ( forget granddaughter) But when I googled Joe Crowley Congressmans youtube video I was stunned. He looks like his grandfathers twin. He is the spitting image of Aleister Crowley. I've been told before that at the highest echelons of govt. - media - there are satanists hiding in plain sight. I'm sure they are feeling quite comfortable with this administration. What a day we are living in, eh?

- J.
The sister has been on there with Alan and Monica before.
Bill O Reilly beats up Fox's STRAW MEN Liberal.

Idiots impressed.

Update at 11
Is O'rally allowed to use a cell phone again yet?

Wasn't part of the multimillion dollar stalking settlements he paid out to different women six or eight years apart that he would not call women who ask him not to stalk them by telephone and make hilarious comments for them to record? What is it with O'rally that he feels some kind of compulsion to call women employees he barely knows and talk dirty to them? He must be some kind of pervert. Like so many who rise to power in his religion appear to be.

Not sure who Colmes is but if he let a partisan hustler and windbagging pettifogger like O'rally outFOX him, he can't be much.

Get back to me when Windy O'rally has Olbermann on.
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I don’t see O’Reilly taking up the challenge, and I sure as hell don’t see him surrendering control of a debate. Shouting down his “guests” is a big advantage.

A ministry is putting up $10,000 to challenge Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, regularly the top-rated show on cable television, for a debate over his description of Christians who follow the Bible as, well, “Bible-thumpers.”


Then there would be a six-minute debate over homosexual “marriage” on O’Reilly’s show – O’Reilly talking for three minutes, then Keller making the biblical argument against homosexual “marriage” for three minutes.
O’Reilly’s audience would determine the winner and the sum would go to a charity of that person’s choice.

O'Reilly facing $10,000 put up or shut up
Ministry puts dollars on the line in 'gay marriage' debate
Published: 13 hours ago

O?Reilly facing $10,000 put up or shut up

Parenthetically, I suggest a talk show where guests are placed in booths like the booths used in those game shows from yesteryear. Then they are given an allotted time to respond without interruption. Their microphone gets cut off the second their time runs out. If nothing else it will prevent one quest from interrupting another guest which is just as annoying as the host interrupting.

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