Pakistani ambassador claims Haqqani network has shifted to Afghanistan


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A top Pakistani diplomat has claimed the notorious Haqqani terrorist network has moved to Afghanistan, rejecting the claims of the Afghan officials after the deadly Kabul bombing was attributed to the network and Pakistan’s military intelligence.

The Pakistani Ambassador to Washington, Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, told reporters in Washington that the Afghan officials must focus on eliminating the terror network inside its soil rather than blaming Pakistan.

Chaudhry also claimed that the network is on the run after the operations were launched in North Waziristan, insisting that “They have moved into Afghanistan and need to be taken care of there.”
Pakistani ambassador claims Haqqani network has shifted to Afghanistan - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency

Sure thing. Pakistan.

The Haqqani network at that time was raising 80% of its funds from people and organisations based in UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Since Afghanistan’s banking system was not robust, Pakistan based banks, with open support of the ISI, were acting as the courier to transfer the terror money from the Gulf to these terror organisations. We know this on record that the US officials had, at the time, shown them (UAE officials) documented evidence that proved how two of Haqqani network’s senior functionary had made multiple visits to these countries to raise funds. However, the intelligence agencies of at least one of these three countries, had at the time shifted the blame of the terror attacks on us, which had left even the US officials shocked. Unless and until the funding of Haqqani network is stopped, by whatever means necessary, such terror strikes won’t abate. Last week’s attack shows that the US administration has failed to apply the required pressure on these countries that continue to act as financier of the terror organisations that are operating from Pakistan and along Pakistan-Afghanistan border. To expect that Afghanistan alone will tackle these multi-headed monsters is too naïve,” a senior official source aware of the development said.
‘US has failed to curb Haqqani network’s fund raising from Gulf countries’

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