Pakistani academic: Islam and Christianity both preach peace and tolerance

It's not my Bible.
The New Testament is the epitome of peace.
The bible is a contradiction of peace at best. The gnostic and other writings were not canonized. European monks forged and interpreted the original writings of Paul, then destroyed all they could find that was written in Hebrew or Greek. The Nag Hammadi library tells us more about life at that time than what was put together by Constantine.

Tell me your interpretation of the book of Matthew.
King James and RSV.
The message of both is tolerance and peace. I'm sure if you have a biased and hateful agenda you'll look for whatever info backs your hate.
So you have no idea what the book of Matthew is about.
I just told you.
I'm sure you're equally versed in the book of Marxist indoctrination.
It's not my Bible.
The New Testament is the epitome of peace.
The bible is a contradiction of peace at best. The gnostic and other writings were not canonized. European monks forged and interpreted the original writings of Paul, then destroyed all they could find that was written in Hebrew or Greek. The Nag Hammadi library tells us more about life at that time than what was put together by Constantine.

Tell me your interpretation of the book of Matthew.
King James and RSV.
The message of both is tolerance and peace. I'm sure if you have a biased and hateful agenda you'll look for whatever info backs your hate.
So you have no idea what the book of Matthew is about.

its about the wizard of Nazareth and the wonderful things matthew imagined he did

PS----I am not at all convinced that a JESUS CULT actually existed DURING the lifetime of
Jesus-------that sort of stuff-------like THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT JESUS in Greece while he
was alive------or in Rome-----or THRUOUT JUDEA. Matthew is an after-thought
It's not my Bible.
The New Testament is the epitome of peace.
The bible is a contradiction of peace at best. The gnostic and other writings were not canonized. European monks forged and interpreted the original writings of Paul, then destroyed all they could find that was written in Hebrew or Greek. The Nag Hammadi library tells us more about life at that time than what was put together by Constantine.

Tell me your interpretation of the book of Matthew.
King James and RSV.
The message of both is tolerance and peace. I'm sure if you have a biased and hateful agenda you'll look for whatever info backs your hate.
So you have no idea what the book of Matthew is about.
I just told you.
I'm sure you're equally versed in the book of Marxist indoctrination.

why not read it------it is mostly MATTHEW's concepts with questionable anecdotes
thrown in
It's not my Bible.
The New Testament is the epitome of peace.
The bible is a contradiction of peace at best. The gnostic and other writings were not canonized. European monks forged and interpreted the original writings of Paul, then destroyed all they could find that was written in Hebrew or Greek. The Nag Hammadi library tells us more about life at that time than what was put together by Constantine.

Tell me your interpretation of the book of Matthew.
King James and RSV.
The message of both is tolerance and peace. I'm sure if you have a biased and hateful agenda you'll look for whatever info backs your hate.
So you have no idea what the book of Matthew is about.
I just told you.
I'm sure you're equally versed in the book of Marxist indoctrination.

why not read it------it is mostly MATTHEW's concepts with questionable anecdotes
thrown in
But reading Matthew in the context of the commonalities with the other gospels provides the more important overview of the message; reconciliation and forgiveness rooted in faith.
That all gnaws at marxists.
The bible is a contradiction of peace at best. The gnostic and other writings were not canonized. European monks forged and interpreted the original writings of Paul, then destroyed all they could find that was written in Hebrew or Greek. The Nag Hammadi library tells us more about life at that time than what was put together by Constantine.

Tell me your interpretation of the book of Matthew.
King James and RSV.
The message of both is tolerance and peace. I'm sure if you have a biased and hateful agenda you'll look for whatever info backs your hate.
So you have no idea what the book of Matthew is about.
I just told you.
I'm sure you're equally versed in the book of Marxist indoctrination.

why not read it------it is mostly MATTHEW's concepts with questionable anecdotes
thrown in
But reading Matthew in the context of the commonalities with the other gospels provides the more important overview of the message; reconciliation and forgiveness rooted in faith.
That all gnaws at marxists.

SO? it is theology and ethics according to Matthew. It might just as well have been written by Francis of assisi or Joseph Weslley or even Pope John. What does it have to do with Marxists?
King James and RSV.
The message of both is tolerance and peace. I'm sure if you have a biased and hateful agenda you'll look for whatever info backs your hate.
So you have no idea what the book of Matthew is about.
I just told you.
I'm sure you're equally versed in the book of Marxist indoctrination.

why not read it------it is mostly MATTHEW's concepts with questionable anecdotes
thrown in
But reading Matthew in the context of the commonalities with the other gospels provides the more important overview of the message; reconciliation and forgiveness rooted in faith.
That all gnaws at marxists.

SO? it is theology and ethics according to Matthew. It might just as well have been written by Francis of assisi or Joseph Weslley or even Pope John. What does it have to do with Marxists?
Marxism promotes the religion of atheism. Therefore Christianity, regardless of its author, can't coexist with marxism.
I am laughing violently as this is so fucking stupid that it is funny!

Peace? Religion be it Christianity or islam are the single biggest reason for war on this planet.
No, Godvernment loving Statists are the cause of all wars. YOU are part of the problem, not the solution

You know nothing of what you're talking about as war was around before civilization. It predates it.

God is just another reason to practice killing.
What a lying, lying sack of shit! I've read the Quran, it's nothing but a book of bloodthirst & destruction against anything non-Islamic (especially Jews, which explains why Zeropeans fellate it so much), there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING peaceful, positive or altruistic in the Pisslam doctrine whatsoever, I've seen studying this religious bloodbath for several years now, for Chrissakes! The proof? Islam has a 100% track record of rape, death and human rights horrors everywhere it has ever gone in the past 1400 years. It has NEVER peacefully co-existed with anyone else, that is an historical FACT whether liberals like it or not. No good will has ever come from the Islam religion. No good will ever WILL come from the Islam religion. To mention Pisslam in the same breath as an intended day of Christian good will like Christmas is historically obscene.

Certainly makes Pisslam doctrine why Federal Lynching state of hate KKK churchstate cops which attempted baptizing eyes by urinations attacking while talking Washington, D.C. sports teams over lunch in town instead of about their Arab terrorist cohorts that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 months earlier as this Christian Nation national religion can only be spoken in the same breath as that Papal contingent of thieving bereavement memorial to JFK arsonists which baptize eyes by urination as if Pisslam is God; as a godvernment of drugs & godvernment of death.
Wow. Great example of what opioids do to a human brain.

Guessing those Christian drug wars against America of the 50's thru present day weren't enough for the cross to be higher than the flag so they went back to what they evolved from to wage an Islam opioid war against America for some modern day ChristHitler master race that still is little more than immaculate conception pseudoscience of an Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality.
What a lying, lying sack of shit! I've read the Quran, it's nothing but a book of bloodthirst & destruction against anything non-Islamic (especially Jews, which explains why Zeropeans fellate it so much), there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING peaceful, positive or altruistic in the Pisslam doctrine whatsoever, I've seen studying this religious bloodbath for several years now, for Chrissakes! The proof? Islam has a 100% track record of rape, death and human rights horrors everywhere it has ever gone in the past 1400 years. It has NEVER peacefully co-existed with anyone else, that is an historical FACT whether liberals like it or not. No good will has ever come from the Islam religion. No good will ever WILL come from the Islam religion. To mention Pisslam in the same breath as an intended day of Christian good will like Christmas is historically obscene.

Certainly makes Pisslam doctrine why Federal Lynching state of hate KKK churchstate cops which attempted baptizing eyes by urinations attacking while talking Washington, D.C. sports teams over lunch in town instead of about their Arab terrorist cohorts that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 months earlier as this Christian Nation national religion can only be spoken in the same breath as that Papal contingent of thieving bereavement memorial to JFK arsonists which baptize eyes by urination as if Pisslam is God; as a godvernment of drugs & godvernment of death.
Wow. Great example of what opioids do to a human brain.

Guessing those Christian drug wars against America of the 50's thru present day weren't enough for the cross to be higher than the flag so they went back to what they evolved from to wage an Islam opioid war against America for some modern day ChristHitler master race that still is little more than immaculate conception pseudoscience of an Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality.

try to relax
So you have no idea what the book of Matthew is about.
I just told you.
I'm sure you're equally versed in the book of Marxist indoctrination.

why not read it------it is mostly MATTHEW's concepts with questionable anecdotes
thrown in
But reading Matthew in the context of the commonalities with the other gospels provides the more important overview of the message; reconciliation and forgiveness rooted in faith.
That all gnaws at marxists.

SO? it is theology and ethics according to Matthew. It might just as well have been written by Francis of assisi or Joseph Weslley or even Pope John. What does it have to do with Marxists?
Marxism promotes the religion of atheism. Therefore Christianity, regardless of its author, can't coexist with marxism.

Haven't read the NT other than what individuals seem to want to preach on forums & other than flipping thru a paperback copy of the Koran where glanced at some law that proved it's insignificance while in college as others seemed to label one as atheist while not knowing any better even if had to read some Karl Marx for sociology course credit, which as a political bible had a historical significance.
Marxism promotes the religion of atheism. Therefore Christianity, regardless of its author, can't coexist with marxism.
Both Marxism and christianity promise deliverance.
Both Marxism and christianity demand absolute faith.
Both Marxism and christianity require the people to fight tyranny.
What a lying, lying sack of shit! I've read the Quran, it's nothing but a book of bloodthirst & destruction against anything non-Islamic (especially Jews, which explains why Zeropeans fellate it so much), there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING peaceful, positive or altruistic in the Pisslam doctrine whatsoever, I've seen studying this religious bloodbath for several years now, for Chrissakes! The proof? Islam has a 100% track record of rape, death and human rights horrors everywhere it has ever gone in the past 1400 years. It has NEVER peacefully co-existed with anyone else, that is an historical FACT whether liberals like it or not. No good will has ever come from the Islam religion. No good will ever WILL come from the Islam religion. To mention Pisslam in the same breath as an intended day of Christian good will like Christmas is historically obscene.

Certainly makes Pisslam doctrine why Federal Lynching state of hate KKK churchstate cops which attempted baptizing eyes by urinations attacking while talking Washington, D.C. sports teams over lunch in town instead of about their Arab terrorist cohorts that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 months earlier as this Christian Nation national religion can only be spoken in the same breath as that Papal contingent of thieving bereavement memorial to JFK arsonists which baptize eyes by urination as if Pisslam is God; as a godvernment of drugs & godvernment of death.
Wow. Great example of what opioids do to a human brain.

Guessing those Christian drug wars against America of the 50's thru present day weren't enough for the cross to be higher than the flag so they went back to what they evolved from to wage an Islam opioid war against America for some modern day ChristHitler master race that still is little more than immaculate conception pseudoscience of an Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality.

try to relax
Judging by the way he expresses himself I think salty is a little too "relaxed".
What a lying, lying sack of shit! I've read the Quran, it's nothing but a book of bloodthirst & destruction against anything non-Islamic (especially Jews, which explains why Zeropeans fellate it so much), there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING peaceful, positive or altruistic in the Pisslam doctrine whatsoever, I've seen studying this religious bloodbath for several years now, for Chrissakes! The proof? Islam has a 100% track record of rape, death and human rights horrors everywhere it has ever gone in the past 1400 years. It has NEVER peacefully co-existed with anyone else, that is an historical FACT whether liberals like it or not. No good will has ever come from the Islam religion. No good will ever WILL come from the Islam religion. To mention Pisslam in the same breath as an intended day of Christian good will like Christmas is historically obscene.

Certainly makes Pisslam doctrine why Federal Lynching state of hate KKK churchstate cops which attempted baptizing eyes by urinations attacking while talking Washington, D.C. sports teams over lunch in town instead of about their Arab terrorist cohorts that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 months earlier as this Christian Nation national religion can only be spoken in the same breath as that Papal contingent of thieving bereavement memorial to JFK arsonists which baptize eyes by urination as if Pisslam is God; as a godvernment of drugs & godvernment of death.
Wow. Great example of what opioids do to a human brain.

Guessing those Christian drug wars against America of the 50's thru present day weren't enough for the cross to be higher than the flag so they went back to what they evolved from to wage an Islam opioid war against America for some modern day ChristHitler master race that still is little more than immaculate conception pseudoscience of an Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality.
Let me know what you're on! I'd like to try it when I'm on vacation and away from people.
Are those Atheists Jewish bankers?
You can't be Jewish and an Athiest, ya neo Nazi dickhead.

Of course you can be an atheist and a Jew.

I am essentially (I don't want to argue the semantics of "atheism") both of those things.
Nope. Can you be a Christian and an Atheist?

I don't know if many people identify as such, but sure. In fact, I would guess that most "atheists" in this country have a Christmas tree, exchange gifts tomorrow, and have various other traditions based on the religion they left behind.

I am Jewish because my mother is Jewish, and so is her mother, and so on. I am Jewish because my great-grandmother left her shtetl in Poland and got on a boat. I am Jewish because I was raised to think of myself as a Jew.

I am an atheist because I was raised (by Jews) to not believe in any "God". I am an atheist because my grandfather was a scientist who broke boundaries and discovered things that no one knew before him. I am an atheist because that same grandfather wrote his own haggadah, assigning scientific explanations for all the "miracles" and "plagues".

I am Jewish because that same grandfather couldn't get a job under his given name, and had to change it.
You are correct, mostly, Jew can be a culture, a people, and a religion. It can be one, both, or all three depending on the person. When it comes to Jews, however, you can be a Jew racially, but if you aren't following any of the traditions, tenements, or rituals of the religion whatsoever, then technically, you aren't a "Jew". I have a close childhood friend who like you, was born a Jew, but due to many difficult events in his life, never believed in God, and went on to marry two Christian "White" women and have kids from them. Therefore the only "Jew" in him was the fact that both his parents were Jews.

I on the other hand am what one might call a very secular Jew.

That aside, all I'm trying to say before the antisemite injected his bigotry into the discussion is, as many if not more people have been killed by Atheists, most of them not born Jews or affiliated with the people or religion in any way.
What about replacement theology? From what I've read, believers in Christ are the new Jews. What do you think Scripture was referring to when it mentioned circumcision of the heart? The Jewish race are still Gods chosen people, but they will not be redeemed until the Tribulation.
What a lying, lying sack of shit! I've read the Quran, it's nothing but a book of bloodthirst & destruction against anything non-Islamic (especially Jews, which explains why Zeropeans fellate it so much), there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING peaceful, positive or altruistic in the Pisslam doctrine whatsoever, I've seen studying this religious bloodbath for several years now, for Chrissakes! The proof? Islam has a 100% track record of rape, death and human rights horrors everywhere it has ever gone in the past 1400 years. It has NEVER peacefully co-existed with anyone else, that is an historical FACT whether liberals like it or not. No good will has ever come from the Islam religion. No good will ever WILL come from the Islam religion. To mention Pisslam in the same breath as an intended day of Christian good will like Christmas is historically obscene.

Certainly makes Pisslam doctrine why Federal Lynching state of hate KKK churchstate cops which attempted baptizing eyes by urinations attacking while talking Washington, D.C. sports teams over lunch in town instead of about their Arab terrorist cohorts that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 months earlier as this Christian Nation national religion can only be spoken in the same breath as that Papal contingent of thieving bereavement memorial to JFK arsonists which baptize eyes by urination as if Pisslam is God; as a godvernment of drugs & godvernment of death.
Wow. Great example of what opioids do to a human brain.

Guessing those Christian drug wars against America of the 50's thru present day weren't enough for the cross to be higher than the flag so they went back to what they evolved from to wage an Islam opioid war against America for some modern day ChristHitler master race that still is little more than immaculate conception pseudoscience of an Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality.

try to relax
Judging by the way he expresses himself I think salty is a little too "relaxed".

I cannot comment-----not enough information
I just told you.
I'm sure you're equally versed in the book of Marxist indoctrination.

why not read it------it is mostly MATTHEW's concepts with questionable anecdotes
thrown in
But reading Matthew in the context of the commonalities with the other gospels provides the more important overview of the message; reconciliation and forgiveness rooted in faith.
That all gnaws at marxists.

SO? it is theology and ethics according to Matthew. It might just as well have been written by Francis of assisi or Joseph Weslley or even Pope John. What does it have to do with Marxists?
Marxism promotes the religion of atheism. Therefore Christianity, regardless of its author, can't coexist with marxism.

Haven't read the NT other than what individuals seem to want to preach on forums & other than flipping thru a paperback copy of the Koran where glanced at some law that proved it's insignificance while in college as others seemed to label one as atheist while not knowing any better even if had to read some Karl Marx for sociology course credit, which as a political bible had a historical significance.
Have you sobered up? That post made sense.
What a lying, lying sack of shit! I've read the Quran, it's nothing but a book of bloodthirst & destruction against anything non-Islamic (especially Jews, which explains why Zeropeans fellate it so much), there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING peaceful, positive or altruistic in the Pisslam doctrine whatsoever, I've seen studying this religious bloodbath for several years now, for Chrissakes! The proof? Islam has a 100% track record of rape, death and human rights horrors everywhere it has ever gone in the past 1400 years. It has NEVER peacefully co-existed with anyone else, that is an historical FACT whether liberals like it or not. No good will has ever come from the Islam religion. No good will ever WILL come from the Islam religion. To mention Pisslam in the same breath as an intended day of Christian good will like Christmas is historically obscene.

Certainly makes Pisslam doctrine why Federal Lynching state of hate KKK churchstate cops which attempted baptizing eyes by urinations attacking while talking Washington, D.C. sports teams over lunch in town instead of about their Arab terrorist cohorts that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 months earlier as this Christian Nation national religion can only be spoken in the same breath as that Papal contingent of thieving bereavement memorial to JFK arsonists which baptize eyes by urination as if Pisslam is God; as a godvernment of drugs & godvernment of death.
Wow. Great example of what opioids do to a human brain.

Guessing those Christian drug wars against America of the 50's thru present day weren't enough for the cross to be higher than the flag so they went back to what they evolved from to wage an Islam opioid war against America for some modern day ChristHitler master race that still is little more than immaculate conception pseudoscience of an Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality.
Let me know what you're on! I'd like to try it when I'm on vacation and away from people.

Probably every form of tyranny over the mind of man since West Nazi Germany Virginia & the KKK Federal Lynching state of hate still seem to be in that we'll learn Jew mode.
Marxism promotes the religion of atheism. Therefore Christianity, regardless of its author, can't coexist with marxism.
Both Marxism and christianity promise deliverance.
Both Marxism and christianity demand absolute faith.
Both Marxism and christianity require the people to fight tyranny.
I'm sure you read that in the books of Matthew, Marxist, Luke and John.
Marxism promotes the religion of atheism. Therefore Christianity, regardless of its author, can't coexist with marxism.
Both Marxism and christianity promise deliverance.
Both Marxism and christianity demand absolute faith.
Both Marxism and christianity require the people to fight tyranny.
I'm sure you read that in the books of Matthew, Marxist, Luke and John.
Marxism is a critique of capitalism
christianity is critique of judaism
What a lying, lying sack of shit! I've read the Quran, it's nothing but a book of bloodthirst & destruction against anything non-Islamic (especially Jews, which explains why Zeropeans fellate it so much), there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING peaceful, positive or altruistic in the Pisslam doctrine whatsoever, I've seen studying this religious bloodbath for several years now, for Chrissakes! The proof? Islam has a 100% track record of rape, death and human rights horrors everywhere it has ever gone in the past 1400 years. It has NEVER peacefully co-existed with anyone else, that is an historical FACT whether liberals like it or not. No good will has ever come from the Islam religion. No good will ever WILL come from the Islam religion. To mention Pisslam in the same breath as an intended day of Christian good will like Christmas is historically obscene.

Certainly makes Pisslam doctrine why Federal Lynching state of hate KKK churchstate cops which attempted baptizing eyes by urinations attacking while talking Washington, D.C. sports teams over lunch in town instead of about their Arab terrorist cohorts that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 months earlier as this Christian Nation national religion can only be spoken in the same breath as that Papal contingent of thieving bereavement memorial to JFK arsonists which baptize eyes by urination as if Pisslam is God; as a godvernment of drugs & godvernment of death.
Wow. Great example of what opioids do to a human brain.

Guessing those Christian drug wars against America of the 50's thru present day weren't enough for the cross to be higher than the flag so they went back to what they evolved from to wage an Islam opioid war against America for some modern day ChristHitler master race that still is little more than immaculate conception pseudoscience of an Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality.
Let me know what you're on! I'd like to try it when I'm on vacation and away from people.

Please DON'T !!!!!!!

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