Paging Mr. Jesus


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Mr. Jesus the polls from Christians are finally in. And to be honest with you sir they look REALLY good.

As you can tell Mr. Jesus that allah bullsh#t has just about run its course. Overall sir 58% of Americans want allah to go to hell.

And Mr. Jesus more and more Americans say its WRONG to slight a Christian for being a Christian.

Now in even better news Mr. Jesus. The number of indy voters who hate islam has TRIPLED. And your good "God Bless Them" conservatives have DOUBLED! Sorry to report your spineless sissies in the Democrat party have even DECREASED in numbers of support.

I DO hope you continue to bless and keep Mr. Trump so he can throw these child molesting, raping savages back INTO the hell called the middle east.

P.S. Please strike the Huffington Post employees with say boils or lice, weasels or whatever you got.

Thank you.

Mr. Jesus the polls from Christians are finally in. And to be honest with you sir they look REALLY good.

As you can tell Mr. Jesus that allah bullsh#t has just about run its course. Overall sir 58% of Americans want allah to go to hell.

And Mr. Jesus more and more Americans say its WRONG to slight a Christian for being a Christian.

Now in even better news Mr. Jesus. The number of indy voters who hate islam has TRIPLED. And your good "God Bless Them" conservatives have DOUBLED! Sorry to report your spineless sissies in the Democrat party have even DECREASED in numbers of support.

I DO hope you continue to bless and keep Mr. Trump so he can throw these child molesting, raping savages back INTO the hell called the middle east.

P.S. Please strike the Huffington Post employees with say boils or lice, weasels or whatever you got.

Thank you.

Then I guess fundy U.S. Christians can stop pretending they're being persecuted now
Mr. Jesus the polls from Christians are finally in. And to be honest with you sir they look REALLY good.

As you can tell Mr. Jesus that allah bullsh#t has just about run its course. Overall sir 58% of Americans want allah to go to hell.

And Mr. Jesus more and more Americans say its WRONG to slight a Christian for being a Christian.

Now in even better news Mr. Jesus. The number of indy voters who hate islam has TRIPLED. And your good "God Bless Them" conservatives have DOUBLED! Sorry to report your spineless sissies in the Democrat party have even DECREASED in numbers of support.

I DO hope you continue to bless and keep Mr. Trump so he can throw these child molesting, raping savages back INTO the hell called the middle east.

P.S. Please strike the Huffington Post employees with say boils or lice, weasels or whatever you got.

Thank you.

NASA bans the word 'Jesus' | Fox News

This just in. NASA has supported the employees carrying on their faith based activities, but when it came to publishing a description using the word "Jesus" as their theme, their legal dept said no. They could do their activities but just not publicize them in ways that appeared govt was endorsing a religion.
DarkFury has just unwittingly solved the immigrant problem. Every immigrant from Latin America who isn't named "Jesus" should change his name to "Jesus" and the gun-totin', wall-buildin' freakzoids would stand down.

Overall 58% of Americans want allah to go to hell.

How many people participated in this study, that you would presume to know what percentage of Americans hold favorable or unfavorable views of Islam?

Also... of those who do "want Allah to go to Hell"... how many are Christians? Because any of them who would say this are voicing for the damnation of their own God... the God of Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, etc... "God" who is "Allah" who is YHWH...

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Mr. Jesus the polls from Christians are finally in. And to be honest with you sir they look REALLY good.

As you can tell Mr. Jesus that allah bullsh#t has just about run its course. Overall sir 58% of Americans want allah to go to hell.

And Mr. Jesus more and more Americans say its WRONG to slight a Christian for being a Christian.

Now in even better news Mr. Jesus. The number of indy voters who hate islam has TRIPLED. And your good "God Bless Them" conservatives have DOUBLED! Sorry to report your spineless sissies in the Democrat party have even DECREASED in numbers of support.

I DO hope you continue to bless and keep Mr. Trump so he can throw these child molesting, raping savages back INTO the hell called the middle east.

P.S. Please strike the Huffington Post employees with say boils or lice, weasels or whatever you got.

Thank you.

Then I guess fundy U.S. Christians can stop pretending they're being persecuted now

Dear TheOldSchool
As long as liberals get to impose THEIR secular beliefs through govt,
while rejecting religious beliefs as "not allowed" by 'separation of church and state'
YES we're going to see people complain of discrimination and persecution.

A. Why is it okay to impose gay parades and homosexuality as publicly sanctioned events, but not okay to include Christmas trees, nativity scenes, and other references to Christianity? Why is homosexuality as a belief required to be included in order not to discriminate against people of that belief, but Christianity is not?

B. Why is it okay to impose "right to health care through govt"
in order "to save lives". but NOT okay to endorse "right to life" through govt in order 'to save lives". Why is the "freedom of choice" touted in one case, while "free market health care" is PENALIZED in the other.

Clearly the liberals with secular beliefs treat their creeds DIFFERENTLY than the creeds of Christians and Conservatives.

Allowing one belief to be imposed and sanctioned through govt,
while banning another is a form of discrimination by creed.
Of course people are going to complain about the double standard!
Mr. Jesus the polls from Christians are finally in. And to be honest with you sir they look REALLY good.

As you can tell Mr. Jesus that allah bullsh#t has just about run its course. Overall sir 58% of Americans want allah to go to hell.

And Mr. Jesus more and more Americans say its WRONG to slight a Christian for being a Christian.

Now in even better news Mr. Jesus. The number of indy voters who hate islam has TRIPLED. And your good "God Bless Them" conservatives have DOUBLED! Sorry to report your spineless sissies in the Democrat party have even DECREASED in numbers of support.

I DO hope you continue to bless and keep Mr. Trump so he can throw these child molesting, raping savages back INTO the hell called the middle east.

P.S. Please strike the Huffington Post employees with say boils or lice, weasels or whatever you got.

Thank you.

Then I guess fundy U.S. Christians can stop pretending they're being persecuted now

Dear TheOldSchool
As long as liberals get to impose THEIR secular beliefs through govt,
while rejecting religious beliefs as "not allowed" by 'separation of church and state'
YES we're going to see people complain of discrimination and persecution.

A. Why is it okay to impose gay parades and homosexuality as publicly sanctioned events, but not okay to include Christmas trees, nativity scenes, and other references to Christianity? Why is homosexuality as a belief required to be included in order not to discriminate against people of that belief, but Christianity is not?

B. Why is it okay to impose "right to health care through govt"
in order "to save lives". but NOT okay to endorse "right to life" through govt in order 'to save lives". Why is the "freedom of choice" touted in one case, while "free market health care" is PENALIZED in the other.

Clearly the liberals with secular beliefs treat their creeds DIFFERENTLY than the creeds of Christians and Conservatives.

Allowing one belief to be imposed and sanctioned through govt,
while banning another is a form of discrimination by creed.
Of course people are going to complain about the double standard!

Beliefs based on real world experiences should not be compared to beliefs based on magical stories from thousands of years ago.
Mr. Jesus the polls from Christians are finally in. And to be honest with you sir they look REALLY good.

As you can tell Mr. Jesus that allah bullsh#t has just about run its course. Overall sir 58% of Americans want allah to go to hell.

And Mr. Jesus more and more Americans say its WRONG to slight a Christian for being a Christian.

Now in even better news Mr. Jesus. The number of indy voters who hate islam has TRIPLED. And your good "God Bless Them" conservatives have DOUBLED! Sorry to report your spineless sissies in the Democrat party have even DECREASED in numbers of support.

I DO hope you continue to bless and keep Mr. Trump so he can throw these child molesting, raping savages back INTO the hell called the middle east.

P.S. Please strike the Huffington Post employees with say boils or lice, weasels or whatever you got.

Thank you.

Then I guess fundy U.S. Christians can stop pretending they're being persecuted now

Dear TheOldSchool
As long as liberals get to impose THEIR secular beliefs through govt,
while rejecting religious beliefs as "not allowed" by 'separation of church and state'
YES we're going to see people complain of discrimination and persecution.

A. Why is it okay to impose gay parades and homosexuality as publicly sanctioned events, but not okay to include Christmas trees, nativity scenes, and other references to Christianity? Why is homosexuality as a belief required to be included in order not to discriminate against people of that belief, but Christianity is not?

B. Why is it okay to impose "right to health care through govt"
in order "to save lives". but NOT okay to endorse "right to life" through govt in order 'to save lives". Why is the "freedom of choice" touted in one case, while "free market health care" is PENALIZED in the other.

Clearly the liberals with secular beliefs treat their creeds DIFFERENTLY than the creeds of Christians and Conservatives.

Allowing one belief to be imposed and sanctioned through govt,
while banning another is a form of discrimination by creed.
Of course people are going to complain about the double standard!
This is a lie.

Liberals are not imposing anything on anyone 'through government.'

Liberals correctly understand and acknowledge the Framer's mandate that church and state remain separate, where following settled and accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence consistent with that mandate in no way 'rejects' religious beliefs nor interferes with religious expression.

Overall 58% of Americans want allah to go to hell.

How many people participated in this study, that you would presume to know what percentage of Americans hold favorable or unfavorable views of Islam?

Also... of those who do "want Allah to go to Hell"... how many are Christians? Because any of them who would say this are voicing for the damnation of their own God... the God of Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, etc... "God" who is "Allah" who is YHWH...

Dear Goddess_Ashtara

You remind me of the professor who was asked to leave Wheaton College for making a statement that "Muslims and Christians" share the same God, which the college took as teaching something in conflict with their principles:
Professor Who Said Christians, Muslims Share A God Is Leaving Christian College

There is a way both people are right at the same time:
A. YES on the higher level, there is only ONE GOD by definition of the supreme God being the highest so there can only be one. So from God's point of view, all these religions are pointing to that one God and it has to be one and the same to be the UNIVERSAL GOD
B. However, oh the level of religion, there are people teaching a less than universal interpretation or perception of this ONE GOD.

If you teach GOD to be exclusive where only the Christians are following the right God but the Muslims are not, that is a limited perception of God and not the full GOD in reality.

The way I would distinguish the interpretations of God
a. if the people are teaching God as universal and inclusive of all people of all tribes, denominations and affiliations
b. if the people are teaching God in terms of restoring good faith relations with each other (ie through "restorative justice that brings peace") -- as opposed to division and retribution by judgment punishment or rejection that, by dividing people into sides, is no longer universally inclusive
c. if the people put God's truth first, before their own perceptions with faith that all can be reconciled this way, then that opens the door for God's universal truth and good will for all humanity (ie the truth sets us free from division suffering and strife)

Anything less than that, such as putting one's own limited or self-serving perception and biases before God's truth that is greater is going to lead to division and rejection, so that isn't including all sides equally.

So it is possible for the same GOD to be the ultimate goal and motivation/inspiration that people are seeking through religious and political laws; while at the same time their limited perceptions can be OFF and less than the ideal God or even in conflict with God (for example, if they are acting in the spirit of antichrist instead of Christ, fear instead of love, unforgiveness instead of forgiveness, ill will instead of good will towards all, selfishness instead of selflessness, etc.)
Mr. Jesus the polls from Christians are finally in. And to be honest with you sir they look REALLY good.

As you can tell Mr. Jesus that allah bullsh#t has just about run its course. Overall sir 58% of Americans want allah to go to hell.

And Mr. Jesus more and more Americans say its WRONG to slight a Christian for being a Christian.

Now in even better news Mr. Jesus. The number of indy voters who hate islam has TRIPLED. And your good "God Bless Them" conservatives have DOUBLED! Sorry to report your spineless sissies in the Democrat party have even DECREASED in numbers of support.

I DO hope you continue to bless and keep Mr. Trump so he can throw these child molesting, raping savages back INTO the hell called the middle east.

P.S. Please strike the Huffington Post employees with say boils or lice, weasels or whatever you got.

Thank you.

Then I guess fundy U.S. Christians can stop pretending they're being persecuted now

Dear TheOldSchool
As long as liberals get to impose THEIR secular beliefs through govt,
while rejecting religious beliefs as "not allowed" by 'separation of church and state'
YES we're going to see people complain of discrimination and persecution.

A. Why is it okay to impose gay parades and homosexuality as publicly sanctioned events, but not okay to include Christmas trees, nativity scenes, and other references to Christianity? Why is homosexuality as a belief required to be included in order not to discriminate against people of that belief, but Christianity is not?

B. Why is it okay to impose "right to health care through govt"
in order "to save lives". but NOT okay to endorse "right to life" through govt in order 'to save lives". Why is the "freedom of choice" touted in one case, while "free market health care" is PENALIZED in the other.

Clearly the liberals with secular beliefs treat their creeds DIFFERENTLY than the creeds of Christians and Conservatives.

Allowing one belief to be imposed and sanctioned through govt,
while banning another is a form of discrimination by creed.
Of course people are going to complain about the double standard!

Beliefs based on real world experiences should not be compared to beliefs based on magical stories from thousands of years ago.

Dear TheOldSchool
Some of these "real world experiences"
are reflected in the stories from thousands of years ago.

For example, the spiritual healing that can be proven today using modern medical research studies is the same process used to cast out demons that were making people dysfunctional, so that they became healed after the source of the dysfunction was removed.

The same process Buddha and Jesus went through of giving up all their expectations and conditions is the same process that people go through today in order to reach higher and higher levels of awareness and enlightenment by letting go of past fears and perceptions conditioned from the past.

These are not necessarily "magical" stories in terms of supernatural and fantasy; but they are symbolic of a natural spiritual process that is as relevant today as it was in the past. It is part of the same progression that ALL human beings go through -- individually and collectively.

The Bible happens to use symbolic imagery for this spiritual process of 'establishing truth justice and peace for all humanity"; but in Buddhism the descriptions of the steps and spiritual changes tend to be more specific, even to the point of having several different terms for mindfulness, right thought, right concentration, etc. where Christianity just uses symbolism and doesn't go into all that detail.

Just because it doesn't have meaning to you doesn't mean it doesn't describe a real process that other people have used the Bible to symbolize. There are as many people whom the Bible does describe these higher processes going on. Others may use Buddhism or psychology to describe the process, but we're all going through it; all humanity is progressing on a learning curve to reach social and spiritual maturity; and it also shows in our political and economic development.

Pretty cool stuff once you see we're all in it together.
The different languages for the laws are tools to help us organize our resources and groups under like leadership to get all the work done.
Mr. Jesus the polls from Christians are finally in. And to be honest with you sir they look REALLY good.

As you can tell Mr. Jesus that allah bullsh#t has just about run its course. Overall sir 58% of Americans want allah to go to hell.

And Mr. Jesus more and more Americans say its WRONG to slight a Christian for being a Christian.

Now in even better news Mr. Jesus. The number of indy voters who hate islam has TRIPLED. And your good "God Bless Them" conservatives have DOUBLED! Sorry to report your spineless sissies in the Democrat party have even DECREASED in numbers of support.

I DO hope you continue to bless and keep Mr. Trump so he can throw these child molesting, raping savages back INTO the hell called the middle east.

P.S. Please strike the Huffington Post employees with say boils or lice, weasels or whatever you got.

Thank you.

Then I guess fundy U.S. Christians can stop pretending they're being persecuted now

Dear TheOldSchool
As long as liberals get to impose THEIR secular beliefs through govt,
while rejecting religious beliefs as "not allowed" by 'separation of church and state'
YES we're going to see people complain of discrimination and persecution.

A. Why is it okay to impose gay parades and homosexuality as publicly sanctioned events, but not okay to include Christmas trees, nativity scenes, and other references to Christianity? Why is homosexuality as a belief required to be included in order not to discriminate against people of that belief, but Christianity is not?

B. Why is it okay to impose "right to health care through govt"
in order "to save lives". but NOT okay to endorse "right to life" through govt in order 'to save lives". Why is the "freedom of choice" touted in one case, while "free market health care" is PENALIZED in the other.

Clearly the liberals with secular beliefs treat their creeds DIFFERENTLY than the creeds of Christians and Conservatives.

Allowing one belief to be imposed and sanctioned through govt,
while banning another is a form of discrimination by creed.
Of course people are going to complain about the double standard!
This is a lie.

Liberals are not imposing anything on anyone 'through government.'

Liberals correctly understand and acknowledge the Framer's mandate that church and state remain separate, where following settled and accepted Establishment Clause jurisprudence consistent with that mandate in no way 'rejects' religious beliefs nor interferes with religious expression.

Thank you C_Clayton_Jones
You just prove the point over and over.

Obama declared the "right to health care as the law of the law"
The liberals pushed for "right to marriage" through the courts
to impose on people against their beliefs.

You don't even see your own bias, that's half the problem.
Thank you C_Clayton_Jones
every time you deny this, you prove the case itself.

Now, I understand you are going by LITERAL religious beliefs,
so you don't count your SECULAR beliefs as religious and that's
how you are getting around this.

From discussions with JakeStarkey it is clear that the liberals
need it LITERALLY spelled out if POLITICAL/SECULAR beliefs
are going to count as religious beliefs and creeds.

So by your LITERAL interpretation, you are not counting your own
beliefs as creeds, so you don't consider this discriminating against
other people's creeds you DO consider religious and violation of separation of church and state.

Slavery wasn't counted as a violation while the govt endorsed it as part of property laws either, but it is was just as discriminatory and wrongful when it was "legalized" as when it was declared abolished.

Sorry you can't apply that to your own biases.
Clearly you depend on govt, Courts or Congress to spell out
political beliefs and how to treat these equally before you will
acknowledge it. For some reason the liberals need the govt to declare things before they have that choice, or it's not real.

Got it. It's part of your political religion to pass things through Govt before rights are considered real; while conservatives/Constitutionalists believe rights natural exist by human nature, and the govt laws are supposed to REFLECT that reality not create or mandate it.

I'm glad you think this is amusing C_Clayton_Jones
but actually it's very serious and sad. The reason we have such outraged extremists committing violence is this conflict has not been addressed and resolved, so the fear and oppression leads to disruption.

It is very dangerous not to take this seriously.

I'd rather address this conflict up front, make peace between people coming from different perspectives, and avoid any further violence over abortion issues, guns and govt, policing and immigration, health care welfare and marriage/social benefits, etc.
Why exactly should we vote based on religion that is a unproven faith? I choose logic, facts and data that is proven.

Dear Matthew here are examples of faith based arguments not proven to all people and thus carry a bias

1. right to life arguments that life begins at conception which is spiritual and faith based; and who is responsible for paying for which approach to either having abortions or having children instead of abortions

2. whether health care mandates are the best way to save more lives and the govt has a compelling interest in regulating that over individual liberties, or whether freedom is more important (similar to the argument that prochoice is more important than saving lives of unborn children).

3a. homosexuality and gender/orientation that is not genetically or scientifically proven but faith based on what people "report" they believe they are
3b. whether homosexuality and transgender conditions can be healed or changed through therapy
3c. whether marriage laws and benefits should cover same sex couples which is a personal preference, and remains faith based. It cannot be proven either way if this causes more harm than good, so why not let people fund the beliefs of their choice instead of trying to mandate one way for all people when not all people believe the same things

4. Conservative beliefs in natural rights belonging to people first, by our human nature; and the role of Constitutional laws is to LIMIT federal govt and maximize the sovereignty of states and democratic self-governance of the people locally
VS. liberal beliefs that the role of Govt is to establish rights and policies for the greater public good (and only if Govt is expressly prohibited from regulating something then that isn't allowed) and "provide for the general welfare" in order to ensure equal protections rights and freedom

5. both arguments for and against drug legalization as causing more harm than good, vs. who is responsible for paying for consequences.

6. beliefs for and against the death penalty, and whether more meaning restitution and corrections can be pursued through Restorative Justice means, as well as who is responsible for paying for the costs either way.
Do you really think Donald Trump is going to win? Lol. God, I hope not. He is way too much of a crying baby to be the POTUS. If he can't handle a little criticism from Fox News, then he is going to be in for a world of hurting. What is he going to do when he gets angry when his approval ratings fall, call everyone big dummies and then refuse to speak to anyone? ;)
Mr.Jesus here and I had to cross the entire universe when you called. Everything will be alright and don't bother me again because I have bigger fish to fry.

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