PA Arabs Attack IDF Ambulance Carrying Teens’ Bodies


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
You would think they would cool it for a while. They could always pick up on their rock throwing tomorrow.

PA Arabs Attack IDF Ambulance Carrying Teens’ Bodies

The Arabs hurled rocks and paint at the ambulance, smashing its windshield and blinding the windows.

By: Hana Levi Julian

Palestinian Authority Arabs attacked the IDF humvee ambulance that carried the bodies of the three Israeli teens out of the PA Arab village of Halhul, north of Hevron.

The Arabs hurled rocks and paint at the ambulance, smashing its windshield and blinding the windows – as road terrorists have done in similar attacks on Highway 60 — but failed to cause the driver to lose control of his vehicle and crash with his precious passengers.

The boys’ bodies were found in a cave or pit, situated in an open field near the Judean village, located just north of Hevron.

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Just when they manage to go OVER THE TOP----in filth and obscenity----they
still manage to OVER TOP themselves----a bit more. What MAGICAL TALENT
the jihadi pigs display-------a credit to their depraved "nabi"

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