OWS: Too Big to Fail

Obama and Pelosi and the entire Democrat Party has ties themselves to OWS. WOOT!!
While all good Republicans tie themselves to Wall Street?

What the fuck is "Wall Street"?

Can you explain it because you sound like a moron when you say it
Are you planning to vote BofA or Citi in 2012?


"This is F%$#ing criminal.

"Only the biggest bastard banks with the biggest fastest computers with models created by the biggest bunch of immoral MBAs in the history of the planet can get away with it. How much of Goldman's profit came about this way?

"Why isn't the SEC doing something about it. This is fraud. Why isn't that blathering fool Barney Frank outraged by this? Why isn't Schumer and Dodd up in arms? You know why. Because they want the banks to make money any way they can. Geithner is applauding this news."

Are you too stupid to realize when you're being fisted by the invisible hand?
Or are you too gutless to do anything about it?

300 bums camping in a park and making an inordinate amount of noise does not make a revolution. The become an embarrassment.
To those siding with Bank of America or Citi?

"A month after it began with a few hundred people marching on Wall Street, the #Occupy movement has grown to include tens of thousands of participants throughout the country and has captured headlines around the world. If it has not yet succeeded beyond its wildest dreams, that’s only because its participants have dreamed big: imagining a sustained popular uprising that could force fundamental changes in our political and economic system—ones that could end corporate dominance and promote real democracy."

One possible timeline for bringing these big dreams to reality corresponds to the time between the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the ratification of the US Constitution.

Great clouds gather around small particles.

The Future of the #Occupy Movement: Solidarity and Escalation | Common Dreams
Ironically,our Government is now too big to fail. How much more money can they take in and spend? Where do we go from here? $16 Trillion in Debt and rising.
In the desperate times require desperate measures department, taxing away 50% of the income of those making between $1million and $10 million a year combined with taking everything over $10 million earned in one year would increase tax revenues by $306 billion a year. That's an amount about equal to 2.2% of 2009 GDP

Based on 2009 CBO baseline, national debt is expected to be 61% of GDP in 2021 and 59% in 2035. If you add 2.2 percent of GDP to revenues in every year beginning in 2012, those numbers fall to 44% in 2021 and 5% in 2035...

"In other words, the entire long term deficit problem goes away."

Bathtubs for Beginners « The Baseline Scenario
Occupy Wall Street, like all radical movements, will not make concessions with corrupt systems of corporate power. This is why corrupt Democratic politicians from Obama to Pelosi know their foundations of power are shaking.

Martin Luther King saw it 43 years ago:

"King too was a radical. He would not compromise on nonviolence, racism or justice. He understood that movements—such as the Liberty Party, which fought slavery, the suffragists, who fought for women’s rights, the labor movement and the civil rights movement—have always been the true correctives in American democracy...

"'For years, I labored with the idea of reforming the existing institutions in the South, a little change here, a little change there,' King said shortly before he was assassinated. 'Now I feel quite differently. I think you’ve got to have a reconstruction of the entire system, a revolution of values.'”

Were he still alive, King would echo the questions Chris Hedges raises in his recent post:

"What kind of nation is it that spends far more to kill enemy combatants and Afghan and Iraqi civilians than it does to help its own citizens who live below the poverty line?

"What kind of nation is it that permits corporations to hold sick children hostage while their parents frantically bankrupt themselves to save their sons and daughters?

"What kind of nation is it that tosses its mentally ill onto urban heating grates?

"What kind of nation is it that abandons its unemployed while it loots its treasury on behalf of speculators? What kind of nation is it that ignores due process to torture and assassinate its own citizens?

A nation where Wall Street owns a controlling interest in both major political parties.
FLUSH Democrats AND Republicans from DC in November 2012!

A Movement Too Big to Fail | Common Dreams

From my other post: these filth are hard-core communists, anarchists, squatter/lazy rabble filth from other parts of the country who came to NYC to latch onto this nonsense, who are getting to party in NY and eat better than they do in their shitholes back in CO or OR. Many have even admitted that they are here simply because they can eat/live for free in the big city - and doing far better leeching in NY than they ever did back home.

The NYPD and awful NYC government needs to stop this fucking bullshit - and stop pandering to the national liberals - and do their job and protect the citizens of the area and terminate this oversized collection of squatter filth.
"King too was a radical.

"He would not compromise on nonviolence, racism or justice. He understood that movements—such as the Liberty Party, which fought slavery, the suffragists, who fought for women’s rights, the labor movement and the civil rights movement—have always been the true correctives in American democracy.

"None of those movements achieved formal political power. But by holding fast to moral imperatives they made the powerful fear them.

"King knew that racial equality was impossible without economic justice and an end to militarism.

"And he had no intention of ceding to the demands of the liberal establishment that called on him to be calm and patience. 'For years, I labored with the idea of reforming the existing institutions in the South, a little change here, a little change there,' King said shortly before he was assassinated. 'Now I feel quite differently. I think you’ve got to have a reconstruction of the entire system, a revolution of values.'”

A Movement Too Big to Fail | Common Dreams
While all good Republicans tie themselves to Wall Street?

What the fuck is "Wall Street"?

Can you explain it because you sound like a moron when you say it
Are you planning to vote BofA or Citi in 2012?


"This is F%$#ing criminal.

"Only the biggest bastard banks with the biggest fastest computers with models created by the biggest bunch of immoral MBAs in the history of the planet can get away with it. How much of Goldman's profit came about this way?

"Why isn't the SEC doing something about it. This is fraud. Why isn't that blathering fool Barney Frank outraged by this? Why isn't Schumer and Dodd up in arms? You know why. Because they want the banks to make money any way they can. Geithner is applauding this news."

Are you too stupid to realize when you're being fisted by the invisible hand?
Or are you too gutless to do anything about it?


Banks are Wall Street? Investment banks?

The Capital Markets are Wall Street?

Why doesn't the Government keep out of it?

FDIC Insurance is FDR Depression idea and needs to go!
What the fuck is "Wall Street"?

Can you explain it because you sound like a moron when you say it
Are you planning to vote BofA or Citi in 2012?


"This is F%$#ing criminal.

"Only the biggest bastard banks with the biggest fastest computers with models created by the biggest bunch of immoral MBAs in the history of the planet can get away with it. How much of Goldman's profit came about this way?

"Why isn't the SEC doing something about it. This is fraud. Why isn't that blathering fool Barney Frank outraged by this? Why isn't Schumer and Dodd up in arms? You know why. Because they want the banks to make money any way they can. Geithner is applauding this news."

Are you too stupid to realize when you're being fisted by the invisible hand?
Or are you too gutless to do anything about it?


Banks are Wall Street? Investment banks?

The Capital Markets are Wall Street?

Why doesn't the Government keep out of it?

FDIC Insurance is FDR Depression idea and needs to go!
Maybe it's time for the rich to go?
Are you planning to vote BofA or Citi in 2012?


"This is F%$#ing criminal.

"Only the biggest bastard banks with the biggest fastest computers with models created by the biggest bunch of immoral MBAs in the history of the planet can get away with it. How much of Goldman's profit came about this way?

"Why isn't the SEC doing something about it. This is fraud. Why isn't that blathering fool Barney Frank outraged by this? Why isn't Schumer and Dodd up in arms? You know why. Because they want the banks to make money any way they can. Geithner is applauding this news."

Are you too stupid to realize when you're being fisted by the invisible hand?
Or are you too gutless to do anything about it?


Banks are Wall Street? Investment banks?

The Capital Markets are Wall Street?

Why doesn't the Government keep out of it?

FDIC Insurance is FDR Depression idea and needs to go!
Maybe it's time for the rich to go?

Then who would support you?
The problem is government/business collusion cronyism. When both sides of the aisle are lining their pockets through collusion and congress is steering contracts/favors we lose. Commerce, business, govt, should all be independent of each other.
"Good news for Occupy Wall Street protestors: 67 percent of New York City voters agree with protestors' demonstrations and 72 percent of New Yorkers statewide desire a Millionaire's Tax in order to increase taxes for those who earn more than $1 million a year. The numbers were released on Monday by two separate polls conducted by Quinnipiac University and Siena College."

Since the beginning of civilization all governments have existed to line the pockets of a select few at the expense of the majority of their citizens. The "Occupy Movement" appears poised to challenge that history.

Which side are you on?

New Yorkers Support #OccupyWallStreet And Want Millionaire's Tax | Common Dreams

Against 99 percent of government and for the people. I'm not into segregation of any kind.
It's hard to be neutral during revolutionary times.

Would you have had trouble choosing between George III and George Washington?

Similar decisions are rapidly approaching whether you're ready or not.
So, the Fed buys their toxic assets at 100% of value and then loans them money at .25%. We the taxpayers give them hundreds of billions of our hard earned tax dollars. They then turn around and screw us on every stock trade, making billions more in profit, and then charge us 21% on credit card balances with massive late fees if you are one day late.


The man understands the way the game is currently being played.

Thos banks are in TROUBLE if the game of capitalism is played as most of us understand it.

The government knows that perfectly well.

So it has shored up their balance sheets by overpaying them for their troubled assets, and it lends them money at a FRACTION of what they lend it to us for.

Meanwhile banks are doing everything they can do to foist off the cost of doing business on the retail level by increasing fees and fines.

Its the commercial banksters who ought to be keelhailed.

But as they owe both parties lock stock and barrel, that's never gonna happen.
Are you planning to vote BofA or Citi in 2012?


"This is F%$#ing criminal.

"Only the biggest bastard banks with the biggest fastest computers with models created by the biggest bunch of immoral MBAs in the history of the planet can get away with it. How much of Goldman's profit came about this way?

"Why isn't the SEC doing something about it. This is fraud. Why isn't that blathering fool Barney Frank outraged by this? Why isn't Schumer and Dodd up in arms? You know why. Because they want the banks to make money any way they can. Geithner is applauding this news."

Are you too stupid to realize when you're being fisted by the invisible hand?
Or are you too gutless to do anything about it?


Banks are Wall Street? Investment banks?

The Capital Markets are Wall Street?

Why doesn't the Government keep out of it?

FDIC Insurance is FDR Depression idea and needs to go!
Maybe it's time for the rich to go?

Exhibit A: Dems are Communists
So, the Fed buys their toxic assets at 100% of value and then loans them money at .25%. We the taxpayers give them hundreds of billions of our hard earned tax dollars. They then turn around and screw us on every stock trade, making billions more in profit, and then charge us 21% on credit card balances with massive late fees if you are one day late.


The man understands the way the game is currently being played.

Thos banks are in TROUBLE if the game of capitalism is played as most of us understand it.

The government knows that perfectly well.

So it has shored up their balance sheets by overpaying them for their troubled assets, and it lends them money at a FRACTION of what they lend it to us for.

Meanwhile banks are doing everything they can do to foist off the cost of doing business on the retail level by increasing fees and fines.

Its the commercial banksters who ought to be keelhailed.

But as they owe both parties lock stock and barrel, that's never gonna happen.
Unless millions of mad-as-hell voters in 2012 suddenly notice Democrat OR Republican is not the only option appearing on their ballots.
"King too was a radical.

"He would not compromise on nonviolence, racism or justice. He understood that movements—such as the Liberty Party, which fought slavery, the suffragists, who fought for women’s rights, the labor movement and the civil rights movement—have always been the true correctives in American democracy.

"None of those movements achieved formal political power. But by holding fast to moral imperatives they made the powerful fear them.

"King knew that racial equality was impossible without economic justice and an end to militarism.

"And he had no intention of ceding to the demands of the liberal establishment that called on him to be calm and patience. 'For years, I labored with the idea of reforming the existing institutions in the South, a little change here, a little change there,' King said shortly before he was assassinated. 'Now I feel quite differently. I think you’ve got to have a reconstruction of the entire system, a revolution of values.

A Movement Too Big to Fail | Common Dreams

MLK followed Gandhi, Thoreau, Locke, Christ, in Principle. Economic Justice, in your context, is a False Premise. Justice does not take from one to benefit another without consent. Value for Value, has no substitute. When you get what you pay for, that is economic Justice. When you are paid on the Terms you agree on, that is Economic Justice. You don't like that? Go into competition. You are focusing on Symptoms as though they are the Root.

Conservatism, in Principle, Tests what works, and retains what is of value, yes it is okay to test, and remove what fails, as opposed to throwing away everything built, including the Foundation. It is not the Principle at fault because it gets misapplied. When you drive a car, do you not use the steering wheel to adjust course, to stay on the path?
- The Tea Party support the Wealthy

- The 99%ers Occupying Wall Street support the Middle Class

Chose your side and lets get on with it!
- The Tea Party support the Wealthy

- The 99%ers Occupying Wall Street support the Middle Class

Chose your side and lets get on with it!
Apparently the Tea Party is comfortable voting Republican.
I don't think 99%ers can counter this by voting Democrat since both major parties depend on Wall Street and the richest 1% of investors to fund their campaigns.

For millions of voters there are third party candidates already appearing on their ballots.
They can vote for a Green or a Libertarian just as easily as a Democrat or Republican.
Initially the rewards would likely be small.
The 99% could FLUSH a few dozen Democrats from Congress in 2012, handing Republicans control of both houses.

The core demands OWS are making revolve around limiting the power of corporations and private money in political elections. Neither of those problems will be addressed by "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican in the voting booth.
"King too was a radical.

"He would not compromise on nonviolence, racism or justice. He understood that movements—such as the Liberty Party, which fought slavery, the suffragists, who fought for women’s rights, the labor movement and the civil rights movement—have always been the true correctives in American democracy.

"None of those movements achieved formal political power. But by holding fast to moral imperatives they made the powerful fear them.

"King knew that racial equality was impossible without economic justice and an end to militarism.

"And he had no intention of ceding to the demands of the liberal establishment that called on him to be calm and patience. 'For years, I labored with the idea of reforming the existing institutions in the South, a little change here, a little change there,' King said shortly before he was assassinated. 'Now I feel quite differently. I think you’ve got to have a reconstruction of the entire system, a revolution of values.

A Movement Too Big to Fail | Common Dreams

MLK followed Gandhi, Thoreau, Locke, Christ, in Principle. Economic Justice, in your context, is a False Premise. Justice does not take from one to benefit another without consent. Value for Value, has no substitute. When you get what you pay for, that is economic Justice. When you are paid on the Terms you agree on, that is Economic Justice. You don't like that? Go into competition. You are focusing on Symptoms as though they are the Root.

Conservatism, in Principle, Tests what works, and retains what is of value, yes it is okay to test, and remove what fails, as opposed to throwing away everything built, including the Foundation. It is not the Principle at fault because it gets misapplied. When you drive a car, do you not use the steering wheel to adjust course, to stay on the path?
Justice should return what has been taken from its rightful owner.

Over the last four decades the rich have stolen a substantial percentage of national income from the 99%. The theft has been facilitated by elected Republicans AND Democrats in exchange for campaign contributions.

The Root hasn't changed in thousands of years.
It is greed, and greed is not a virtue; it's a terminal disease.
- The Tea Party support the Wealthy

- The 99%ers Occupying Wall Street support the Middle Class

Chose your side and lets get on with it!

The Tea Party Supports Unalienable Rights. That includes the concept of Private Property, of both the Rich and the Poor, Idiot.
"King too was a radical.

"He would not compromise on nonviolence, racism or justice. He understood that movements—such as the Liberty Party, which fought slavery, the suffragists, who fought for women’s rights, the labor movement and the civil rights movement—have always been the true correctives in American democracy.

"None of those movements achieved formal political power. But by holding fast to moral imperatives they made the powerful fear them.

"King knew that racial equality was impossible without economic justice and an end to militarism.

"And he had no intention of ceding to the demands of the liberal establishment that called on him to be calm and patience. 'For years, I labored with the idea of reforming the existing institutions in the South, a little change here, a little change there,' King said shortly before he was assassinated. 'Now I feel quite differently. I think you’ve got to have a reconstruction of the entire system, a revolution of values.

A Movement Too Big to Fail | Common Dreams

MLK followed Gandhi, Thoreau, Locke, Christ, in Principle. Economic Justice, in your context, is a False Premise. Justice does not take from one to benefit another without consent. Value for Value, has no substitute. When you get what you pay for, that is economic Justice. When you are paid on the Terms you agree on, that is Economic Justice. You don't like that? Go into competition. You are focusing on Symptoms as though they are the Root.

Conservatism, in Principle, Tests what works, and retains what is of value, yes it is okay to test, and remove what fails, as opposed to throwing away everything built, including the Foundation. It is not the Principle at fault because it gets misapplied. When you drive a car, do you not use the steering wheel to adjust course, to stay on the path?
Justice should return what has been taken from its rightful owner.

Over the last four decades the rich have stolen a substantial percentage of national income from the 99%. The theft has been facilitated by elected Republicans AND Democrats in exchange for campaign contributions.

The Root hasn't changed in thousands of years.
It is greed, and greed is not a virtue; it's a terminal disease.

Prove Theft in Court, and you are one step closer to Justice.

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