OWS arrests, PBB (Police Behaving Badly)


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
NYPD Arrests More Occupy Wall Street Protesters (Updated) | Reuters

The anticipated conflict between Occupy Wall Street protesters and city officials happened after all on Friday as NYPD officers arrested at least 14 individuals, leaving a few battered and bruised.

Many expected a confrontation early in the morning because Brookfield Properties, which owns the park the protesters' have made their headquarters, planned on cleaning it. That meant the activists needed to evacuate for the day, which many felt was just an excuse to remove them permanently.

Instead, Brookfield decided to postpone its cleaning, at which point protesters poured into the streets of lower Manhattan.

It is unclear how disruptive the marches were, but videos and photos have cropped up of injured civilians. One police officer ran over a man's leg with his scooter while another man was punched in the face.
NYPD Arrests More Occupy Wall Street Protesters (Updated) | Reuters

The anticipated conflict between Occupy Wall Street protesters and city officials happened after all on Friday as NYPD officers arrested at least 14 individuals, leaving a few battered and bruised.

Many expected a confrontation early in the morning because Brookfield Properties, which owns the park the protesters' have made their headquarters, planned on cleaning it. That meant the activists needed to evacuate for the day, which many felt was just an excuse to remove them permanently.

Instead, Brookfield decided to postpone its cleaning, at which point protesters poured into the streets of lower Manhattan.

It is unclear how disruptive the marches were, but videos and photos have cropped up of injured civilians. One police officer ran over a man's leg with his scooter while another man was punched in the face.

:cuckoo::cuckoo: Yeah it's probably not a real smart thing to jump over barricades to enter the Wall Street area--without expecting some trouble from the NYPD.

The police who have been forced to work overtime around the clock at the Zuccoti 1/2 acre concrete pad park--are getting very frustrated with this crowd--making for an additional explosive climate--should one or more of the protesters get out of line.

The additional cost to the City of New York has already amounted to 1.9 MILLION dollars in additional overtime police pay--ALONE.

Showdown looms between Wall St protesters and cops - seattlepi.com
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NYPD Arrests More Occupy Wall Street Protesters (Updated) | Reuters

The anticipated conflict between Occupy Wall Street protesters and city officials happened after all on Friday as NYPD officers arrested at least 14 individuals, leaving a few battered and bruised.

Many expected a confrontation early in the morning because Brookfield Properties, which owns the park the protesters' have made their headquarters, planned on cleaning it. That meant the activists needed to evacuate for the day, which many felt was just an excuse to remove them permanently.

Instead, Brookfield decided to postpone its cleaning, at which point protesters poured into the streets of lower Manhattan.

It is unclear how disruptive the marches were, but videos and photos have cropped up of injured civilians. One police officer ran over a man's leg with his scooter while another man was punched in the face.

:cuckoo::cuckoo: Yeah it's probably not a real smart thing to jump over barricades to enter the Wall Street area--without expecting some trouble from the NYPD.

The police who have been forced to work overtime around the clock at the Zuccoti 1/2 acre concrete pad park--are getting very frustrated with this crowd--making for an additional explosive climate--should one or more of the protesters get out of line.

The additional cost to the City of New York has already amounted to 1.9 MILLION dollars in additional overtime police pay--ALONE.

Showdown looms between Wall St protesters and cops - seattlepi.com
It's what the shitheaded protestors want to happen. First skull that gets craked by the police will be thier excuse to light the fuse.
The police should rub their noses in it like the untrained dogs they are..

NYPD Arrests More Occupy Wall Street Protesters (Updated) | Reuters

The anticipated conflict between Occupy Wall Street protesters and city officials happened after all on Friday as NYPD officers arrested at least 14 individuals, leaving a few battered and bruised.

Many expected a confrontation early in the morning because Brookfield Properties, which owns the park the protesters' have made their headquarters, planned on cleaning it. That meant the activists needed to evacuate for the day, which many felt was just an excuse to remove them permanently.

Instead, Brookfield decided to postpone its cleaning, at which point protesters poured into the streets of lower Manhattan.

It is unclear how disruptive the marches were, but videos and photos have cropped up of injured civilians. One police officer ran over a man's leg with his scooter while another man was punched in the face.

Why weren't there articles or videos of Tea Party protesters defecating on police vehicles or being arrested in droves?

Boop, I can go through your posts regarding the Tea Party can you please show some consistency and intellectual honesty and hold the Flea Party to the same standards that you did the Tea Party?
Them dems,, on this here board,,, they can dish but they can't take.. getting their shittly little drawers in a wad.. ya reaps what you sows.. dems.
NYPD Arrests More Occupy Wall Street Protesters (Updated) | Reuters

The anticipated conflict between Occupy Wall Street protesters and city officials happened after all on Friday as NYPD officers arrested at least 14 individuals, leaving a few battered and bruised.

Many expected a confrontation early in the morning because Brookfield Properties, which owns the park the protesters' have made their headquarters, planned on cleaning it. That meant the activists needed to evacuate for the day, which many felt was just an excuse to remove them permanently.

Instead, Brookfield decided to postpone its cleaning, at which point protesters poured into the streets of lower Manhattan.

It is unclear how disruptive the marches were, but videos and photos have cropped up of injured civilians. One police officer ran over a man's leg with his scooter while another man was punched in the face.

Police are supposed to let protestors throw bottles and trashcans at them and be allowed to block traffic? Yeah, police behaving badly. Please.

Clashes as Occupy protesters march on Wall Street

Clashes broke out between bottle-throwing demonstrators and police on horses and scooters as Occupy Wall Street protesters marched on the Stock Exchange on Friday, NBC News reported.

In some cases, police rode scooters directly at people who stopped traffic and refused to move away.

Demonstrators threw bottles and one threw a garbage can at police, according to reporters on the scene.

Clashes as Occupy protesters march on Wall Street - US news - Life - msnbc.com
The left has absolutely zero intellectual honesty and these protests are only highlighting the clear difference not only between them and the Tea Party, but them and mainstream America.
CaféAuLait;4271110 said:
NYPD Arrests More Occupy Wall Street Protesters (Updated) | Reuters

The anticipated conflict between Occupy Wall Street protesters and city officials happened after all on Friday as NYPD officers arrested at least 14 individuals, leaving a few battered and bruised.

Many expected a confrontation early in the morning because Brookfield Properties, which owns the park the protesters' have made their headquarters, planned on cleaning it. That meant the activists needed to evacuate for the day, which many felt was just an excuse to remove them permanently.

Instead, Brookfield decided to postpone its cleaning, at which point protesters poured into the streets of lower Manhattan.

It is unclear how disruptive the marches were, but videos and photos have cropped up of injured civilians. One police officer ran over a man's leg with his scooter while another man was punched in the face.

Police are supposed to let protestors throw bottles and trashcans at them and be allowed to block traffic? Yeah, police behaving badly. Please.

Clashes as Occupy protesters march on Wall Street

Clashes broke out between bottle-throwing demonstrators and police on horses and scooters as Occupy Wall Street protesters marched on the Stock Exchange on Friday, NBC News reported.

In some cases, police rode scooters directly at people who stopped traffic and refused to move away.

Demonstrators threw bottles and one threw a garbage can at police, according to reporters on the scene.

Clashes as Occupy protesters march on Wall Street - US news - Life - msnbc.com
Remember? The police are supposed to understand thier anger...:eusa_whistle:
The left has absolutely zero intellectual honesty and these protests are only highlighting the clear difference not only between them and the Tea Party, but them and mainstream America.

The left is having a temper tantrum.. they're pulling shit form their assis and flinging the poo all over classy NYC.. Leave em alone whydonchya?
CaféAuLait;4271110 said:

Police are supposed to let protestors throw bottles and trashcans at them and be allowed to block traffic? Yeah, police behaving badly. Please.

Clashes as Occupy protesters march on Wall Street

Clashes broke out between bottle-throwing demonstrators and police on horses and scooters as Occupy Wall Street protesters marched on the Stock Exchange on Friday, NBC News reported.

In some cases, police rode scooters directly at people who stopped traffic and refused to move away.

Demonstrators threw bottles and one threw a garbage can at police, according to reporters on the scene.

Clashes as Occupy protesters march on Wall Street - US news - Life - msnbc.com
Remember? The police are supposed to understand thier anger...:eusa_whistle:

Ahhhhh yes the left's wisdom for cooling the flames of rage, let people do whatever they want and they will be good little boys and girls. :lol:
Sheesh what is it with Democrats and free loading bastards.. they love em..it's their base I guess.
CaféAuLait;4271141 said:
CaféAuLait;4271110 said:
Police are supposed to let protestors throw bottles and trashcans at them and be allowed to block traffic? Yeah, police behaving badly. Please.

Clashes as Occupy protesters march on Wall Street

Clashes as Occupy protesters march on Wall Street - US news - Life - msnbc.com
Remember? The police are supposed to understand thier anger...:eusa_whistle:

Ahhhhh yes the left's wisdom for cooling the flames of rage, let people do whatever they want and they will be good little boys and girls. :lol:
Remember? With them? Anything goes...That is unless you're a Conservative...or a business owner...then you are the one that gets a target painted on you so they can vent thier misbegotten rage...
CaféAuLait;4271141 said:
Remember? The police are supposed to understand thier anger...:eusa_whistle:

Ahhhhh yes the left's wisdom for cooling the flames of rage, let people do whatever they want and they will be good little boys and girls. :lol:
Remember? With them? Anything goes...That is unless you're a Conservative...or a business owner...then you are the one that gets a target painted on you so they can vent thier misbegotten rage...

Anything goes is right. I watched the video the other day where some demanded that they be allowed to have sex with animals! :eusa_hand:

Yuck!… Occupy Wall Street Zombies Lastest Chant: “You Can Have Sex With Animals” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

No wonder the cops arrested them, they were probably afraid for their horses. :tongue:
CaféAuLait;4271166 said:
CaféAuLait;4271141 said:
Ahhhhh yes the left's wisdom for cooling the flames of rage, let people do whatever they want and they will be good little boys and girls. :lol:
Remember? With them? Anything goes...That is unless you're a Conservative...or a business owner...then you are the one that gets a target painted on you so they can vent thier misbegotten rage...

Anything goes is right. I watched the video the other day where some demanded that they be allowed to have sex with animals! :eusa_hand:

Yuck!… Occupy Wall Street Zombies Lastest Chant: “You Can Have Sex With Animals” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

No wonder the cops arrested them, they were probably afraid for their horses. :tongue:

That's the next barrier the left wants to fall. Florida just passed animal protection laws but the zoophiles claim that they are no different than gays and their rights to have sex with what they want is just as important. Don't tell them who to love.
The undeniable hypocrisy of the left is on display for America to see. This whole OWS movement is only furthering the cause of conservatism, and the fact that mindless Democrats are voicing support is all but ensuring Obama's defeat in 2012.
This isn't the tip of the iceberg...I think it will get much worse before its over...The real victims are the police, who will be vilified by the left, for doing their job..

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