OWS' 99%ers paid 10% in taxes while 1%ers paid 23.3%!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
No matter what you hear from the biased press in their totally unsupported by facts love feast with the phrase "99%ers" the IRS reports of the ACTUAL composition of who paid what and how many there were HERE are the FACTS from 2008 tax returns of individuals.

Total % of Income % of Taxes paid % of
Tax returns of Returns returns in(billion) Income to IRS income
the "99%ers" 141,551,657 99.4% $6,794 82.2% $688 10.14%
The "1% ers" 898,912 0.6% $1,468 17.8% $342 23.35%

SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

In summary the "1%ers" paid 23% of their income while the 99%ers paid 10%... IS THAT FAIR???
You're right, its not fair.

It's not fair that you left out how much of the wealth the top 1% own compared to the 99%.

Once you include those numbers, what is "fair" should become a bit clearer.
You're right, its not fair.

It's not fair that you left out how much of the wealth the top 1% own compared to the 99%.

Once you include those numbers, what is "fair" should become a bit clearer.

When does the jealousy and envy end with the left?
You're right, its not fair.

It's not fair that you left out how much of the wealth the top 1% own compared to the 99%.

Once you include those numbers, what is "fair" should become a bit clearer.

When does the jealousy and envy end with the left?

Never. It is all they know. They are the true GREEN. Misery loves company. They should know because of the wealthy, entitlement programs have been financed since FDR.
Wealth envy like penis envy is really juvenile and just as sad!

But unlike penis envy, you don't have to be endowed with wealth which I guess you falsely believe is how wealthy people became wealthy.
Surprise.. but most people you consider "wealthy"... should be emulated and not envied!

At some point in your very very young life (I assume you are a youth as ONLY the youth or those that are uninformed ) you will find most people you consider wealthy do not have an animalistic "i've got to get mine..cause there is no more"..mentality!
You and other youths have evidently NO KNOWLEDGE of how wealth accumulates!

Seriously .. are you aware that without one dime invested in the stock market that as a 23 year old if the forced mandated payroll taxes were saved in a 3% savings account until you retired at 65 you and every person that would have been able to do that would accumulate:$658,000!
NO risks. NO investments just simple power of compound interest!
A phrase evidently YOU'VE never heard!
BUT people like you have no imagination. Have no desire to build but like little kids just destroy! Kids destroy..adults build!
You are right... most of the "liberal" left are as Winston Churchill said:
When I was young I was liberal, which showed that I had heart.
As I grew older I became conservative, which showed that I had brains." Churchill..
And there is so much proof of that statement because almost always these "youth" hyperbole, unsubstantiated and out right lies. They never question the sources as they are too young and naive to understand the word "ulterior"!!!
You're right, its not fair.

It's not fair that you left out how much of the wealth the top 1% own compared to the 99%.

Once you include those numbers, what is "fair" should become a bit clearer.

When does the jealousy and envy end with the left?

Never. It is all they know. They are the true GREEN. Misery loves company. They should know because of the wealthy, entitlement programs have been financed since FDR.

Now, what would happen to your entire argument if you found out that I made a very good living and didn't need any of these entitlement programs? What if I made say, double or even triple what you make? Still think your "misery loves company" argument holds water?
When the Unions pushed too hard for owners to pay employees more and more for doing less and less where did the Manufacturing industry go?? For every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction, Newton's law of motion. True story. :D

Does anyone think this is going to help anything?? Seriously?? What do you think that 1% is going to do???
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Yeah. It's not fair that all people are not treated the same before the law. Instead we have this bullcrap progressive income tax that treats people differently depending on how much money they make.

And people wonder why it's unfair when some people are living off of others. And most often it's those who aren't contributing who are demanding more from others.

we live in a crazy world.
No matter what you hear from the biased press in their totally unsupported by facts love feast with the phrase "99%ers" the IRS reports of the ACTUAL composition of who paid what and how many there were HERE are the FACTS from 2008 tax returns of individuals.

Total % of Income % of Taxes paid % of
Tax returns of Returns returns in(billion) Income to IRS income
the "99%ers" 141,551,657 99.4% $6,794 82.2% $688 10.14%
The "1% ers" 898,912 0.6% $1,468 17.8% $342 23.35%

SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

In summary the "1%ers" paid 23% of their income while the 99%ers paid 10%... IS THAT FAIR???

No, it is not. I propose that we tax the 1% enough that we can spread the wealth around to where everybody gets enough to pay at least 15%

Makes as much sense as what you are saying. 50% of the wage earners in the US make under $26,400. A great many of them have no health insurance, or inadaquete health insurance.

Finally, I have not noticed a rush of the 23%'ers to trade places with the 10%'ers so they could be treated more fairly.
Yeah. It's not fair that all people are not treated the same before the law. Instead we have this bullcrap progressive income tax that treats people differently depending on how much money they make.

And people wonder why it's unfair when some people are living off of others. And most often it's those who aren't contributing who are demanding more from others.

we live in a crazy world.

Sure do. When you say the things you do that are totally counterproductive to your position in life and think that everyone else is wrong. Now THAT is the definition of crazy.
No, it is not. I propose that we tax the 1% enough that we can spread the wealth around to where everybody gets enough to pay at least 15%

Makes as much sense as what you are saying. 50% of the wage earners in the US make under $26,400. A great many of them have no health insurance, or inadaquete health insurance.

Finally, I have not noticed a rush of the 23%'ers to trade places with the 10%'ers so they could be treated more fairly.

Thankfully you aren't in power and that not all people have your desire to commit robbery.
Yeah. It's not fair that all people are not treated the same before the law. Instead we have this bullcrap progressive income tax that treats people differently depending on how much money they make.

And people wonder why it's unfair when some people are living off of others. And most often it's those who aren't contributing who are demanding more from others.

we live in a crazy world.

Sure do. When you say the things you do that are totally counterproductive to your position in life and think that everyone else is wrong. Now THAT is the definition of crazy.

So you agree that the Obama adminstration and those that blindly support them are insane? I wasnt expecting that of you.
Yeah. It's not fair that all people are not treated the same before the law. Instead we have this bullcrap progressive income tax that treats people differently depending on how much money they make.

And people wonder why it's unfair when some people are living off of others. And most often it's those who aren't contributing who are demanding more from others.

we live in a crazy world.

Sure do. When you say the things you do that are totally counterproductive to your position in life and think that everyone else is wrong. Now THAT is the definition of crazy.

So you agree that the Obama adminstration and those that blindly support them are insane? I wasnt expecting that of you.

Anyone that supports anything blindly is insane.
Yeah. It's not fair that all people are not treated the same before the law. Instead we have this bullcrap progressive income tax that treats people differently depending on how much money they make.

And people wonder why it's unfair when some people are living off of others. And most often it's those who aren't contributing who are demanding more from others.

we live in a crazy world.

So the fellow that gets $100,000,000 for driving a big corperation into the ground is worth that much more than the Army Colonel whol risks his life daily in Afphganistan? That much more than the smokejumper trying to save homes and our forests?

Given the fact that we have a very large national debt to pay off, I propose that we do as we did after WW2, in order to pay that debt off. Now that was a really progressive income tax. Yet, our economy expanded wonderfully in the '50s and '60s.
The top 1% take home 25% of the total income. If they're only paying 23.3% of the total taxes, then they are undertaxed.
The top 1% take home 25% of the total income. If they're only paying 23.3% of the total taxes, then they are undertaxed.

YES THE GREEDY with class envy always favor that route.

I call it lack of character,.
Yeah. It's not fair that all people are not treated the same before the law. Instead we have this bullcrap progressive income tax that treats people differently depending on how much money they make.

And people wonder why it's unfair when some people are living off of others. And most often it's those who aren't contributing who are demanding more from others.

we live in a crazy world.

So the fellow that gets $100,000,000 for driving a big corperation into the ground is worth that much more than the Army Colonel whol risks his life daily in Afphganistan? That much more than the smokejumper trying to save homes and our forests?

Given the fact that we have a very large national debt to pay off, I propose that we do as we did after WW2, in order to pay that debt off. Now that was a really progressive income tax. Yet, our economy expanded wonderfully in the '50s and '60s.

Hypotheticals are worthless. But there are things of more worth than money can buy. Those who serve their nation are blessed in ways money cannot compensate.

You seem to think the only reason to work is for money. That's sad.
The top 1% take home 25% of the total income. If they're only paying 23.3% of the total taxes, then they are undertaxed.

YES THE GREEDY with class envy always favor that route.

I call it lack of character,.

LOL what "route"? All I'm saying is that if the OP's figure is correct, then the 1% are paying a lower percentage of total tax revenues than their percentage of total income. That obviously makes them undertaxed even if you believe in a flat tax, which of course I don't. I believe in a progressive tax, which means they're even MORE undertaxed. Or I suppose you could argue that it means the rest of us are OVERtaxed, but given the size of the deficit that's harder to maintain.

The common right-wing argument that "the richest X% of the people pay Y% of the taxes" always seems to skip providing just how much of the nation's income those richest X% of the people take home. Without that, all you have is the sound of one hand clapping.

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