Overweight children in America

% of Overweight or Obese Children In America. Is it....

  • 16%

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • 33%

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • 48%

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • 59%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • over 59%

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
And if you are a SINGLE parent, forget about it. You cannot possibly be there to supervise your children's every move, what they eat, what kind of activities they are participating in.
I grew up on the following:

American Chop Suey
Baked Mashed Potatoes over hot dogs in cheese
Corned Beef Hash with Eggs or Pineapple on top
Liver and Onions

Those are the dishes I remember...
Your folks worked for the carnival, didn't they?
We ALL grew up on those things--except you.
Bullshit. My mom was a so so cook. She thought veggies should strain through your fork. My epiphany started in college when I worked in food service at the VA hospital. Lots of folks were there with food related illnesses, especially diabetes. When you see a remarkable number of men and women with single and double leg amputations you start connecting the dots. At least I did.

It was all about butter in the 50's lol I still love butter.

Soaps, lotions and cleaning supplies ect were made from scratch back in the early 1900's now look at the crap and poison's that we put on our body everyday.
I buy all that now from a girl who makes everything from scratch and simple ingredients.

Margarine is one of the strangest concoctions ever invented. It's hard to believe it still exists, yet go try to find real butter in a non-expensive restaurant in the South. Bizarro. My Mom used to use it on us, to save money (we wuz po'). Soon as I got old enough to have the means I put that way behind. Never trusted newfangled chemical whizzos over the tried and true. I live by that.
It is already all over the news, but the government keeps making it harder to read labels.

I read labels voraciously but to me it's the food processors who make it harder taking end-around routes to disguise what they're doing. If it isn't hiding several different varieties of sugars listed separately, now it's manipulating "portion sizes" since they're undefined by law.

For a while I was judging cereals based on the "sugars" line --- not noticing that that line is now being based on a smaller and smaller portion.... where a standard portion used to be 1 cup, now it's a third of a cup or even a quarter-cup, which is absurd to claim is a portion, but drives that sugar line down. Translated to the 1-cup standard, that cereal touting "8 grams of sugar" is actually 32 grams in a cup.

It's deceit after deceit after deceit. Always a step ahead of the consumer. But god forbid we should make 'em tell the truth, oh noes that's the end of the freaking world.

Are you ever responsible for anything? It isn't difficult, if you are gaining weight you are taking in too many calories or not burning enough. If the labels are difficult to decipher you are buying complicated processed foods.

If you consider how your body got here eating choices are much easier. Our ancestors didn't eat Cheetos. For them, fast food is the one that got away.

Yeah I figured this out when I dropped wheat from my diet, made no other dietary changes, in fact ate more in terms of volume --- and immediately dropped 30-40 pounds. Ventured back into wheat again, the weight came back. Dropped wheat yet again, and again the weight went away.

You tell me what the catalyst is there.

And no, it isn't as naïevely simplistic as "how many calories" and "how many are burned". The body is way more complex than that. It ain't like filling a gas tank; the process is paramount.

This just in: how the body processes fucked-up corporate foods is not a personal choice. So turn your question on its head: are the corporate giants who control the food supply ever responsible for anything?

Losing weight without wheat must be hard , it is in everything isn't it? I hope your not eating tofu.

Egad. You just reminded me I have tofu in the fridge getting old for lack of ideas what to do with it.

I'm not accustomed (by habit) to tofu or tempeh but I wouldn't mind incorporating them. Why not?

Yeah wheat is in a whole lot, and scanning ingredient labels for it eliminates a lot of choices, right down to soy sauce and beer. I've kinda transitioned from sandwiches to roll-ups -- same thing without the bread --- either that or spend the $$ on rice-based bread, which is.... eh.

It works much better with pasta, which I've been able to return to. :rock:

As I said, an eternal game of whack-a-mole, consumer versus Corporatia, and Corp always gets the first move; all we can do is try to react.

My last blood work was kinda weird. Triglycerides actually went up even though sugars went down. That's not supposed to trend that way. Doc says I could be eating too much rice. One thing after another. "more beans, less rice" she said. :banghead:

Pogo, I think your a woman..not sure but ....this is so very important.
Tofu , milk product, meats, are packed with estrogens...too many estrogens and you get cancer.

My cancer is estrogen positive, meaning my cancer is 90% estrogen..I just starting a fucking awful pill that strips estogens from my body..

even if you buy organic milk products the cows are pregnant in order to make milk, pumping out estrogens.

I grew up on the following:

American Chop Suey
Baked Mashed Potatoes over hot dogs in cheese
Corned Beef Hash with Eggs or Pineapple on top
Liver and Onions

Those are the dishes I remember...
Your folks worked for the carnival, didn't they?
We ALL grew up on those things--except you.
Bullshit. My mom was a so so cook. She thought veggies should strain through your fork. My epiphany started in college when I worked in food service at the VA hospital. Lots of folks were there with food related illnesses, especially diabetes. When you see a remarkable number of men and women with single and double leg amputations you start connecting the dots. At least I did.

It was all about butter in the 50's lol I still love butter.

Soaps, lotions and cleaning supplies ect were made from scratch back in the early 1900's now look at the crap and poison's that we put on our body everyday.
I buy all that now from a girl who makes everything from scratch and simple ingredients.

Margarine is one of the strangest concoctions ever invented. It's hard to believe it still exists, yet go try to find real butter in a non-expensive restaurant in the South. Bizarro. My Mom used to use it on us, to save money (we wuz po'). Soon as I got old enough to have the means I put that way behind. Never trusted newfangled chemical whizzos over the tried and true. I live by that.

My husband used to buy those big old tubs of poison...I threw them all away.
I grew up on the following:

American Chop Suey
Baked Mashed Potatoes over hot dogs in cheese
Corned Beef Hash with Eggs or Pineapple on top
Liver and Onions

Those are the dishes I remember...
Your folks worked for the carnival, didn't they?
We ALL grew up on those things--except you.
Bullshit. My mom was a so so cook. She thought veggies should strain through your fork. My epiphany started in college when I worked in food service at the VA hospital. Lots of folks were there with food related illnesses, especially diabetes. When you see a remarkable number of men and women with single and double leg amputations you start connecting the dots. At least I did.

It was all about butter in the 50's lol I still love butter.

Soaps, lotions and cleaning supplies ect were made from scratch back in the early 1900's now look at the crap and poison's that we put on our body everyday.
I buy all that now from a girl who makes everything from scratch and simple ingredients.


I've used butter my entire life (37 years), and I'm perfectly healthy and thin. :) As a matter of fact, I had a complete physical exam recently (for a job), with blood work and everything was within the normal range. I don't watch what I eat. I do watch how much I eat.
I read labels voraciously but to me it's the food processors who make it harder taking end-around routes to disguise what they're doing. If it isn't hiding several different varieties of sugars listed separately, now it's manipulating "portion sizes" since they're undefined by law.

For a while I was judging cereals based on the "sugars" line --- not noticing that that line is now being based on a smaller and smaller portion.... where a standard portion used to be 1 cup, now it's a third of a cup or even a quarter-cup, which is absurd to claim is a portion, but drives that sugar line down. Translated to the 1-cup standard, that cereal touting "8 grams of sugar" is actually 32 grams in a cup.

It's deceit after deceit after deceit. Always a step ahead of the consumer. But god forbid we should make 'em tell the truth, oh noes that's the end of the freaking world.

Are you ever responsible for anything? It isn't difficult, if you are gaining weight you are taking in too many calories or not burning enough. If the labels are difficult to decipher you are buying complicated processed foods.

If you consider how your body got here eating choices are much easier. Our ancestors didn't eat Cheetos. For them, fast food is the one that got away.

Yeah I figured this out when I dropped wheat from my diet, made no other dietary changes, in fact ate more in terms of volume --- and immediately dropped 30-40 pounds. Ventured back into wheat again, the weight came back. Dropped wheat yet again, and again the weight went away.

You tell me what the catalyst is there.

And no, it isn't as naïevely simplistic as "how many calories" and "how many are burned". The body is way more complex than that. It ain't like filling a gas tank; the process is paramount.

This just in: how the body processes fucked-up corporate foods is not a personal choice. So turn your question on its head: are the corporate giants who control the food supply ever responsible for anything?

Losing weight without wheat must be hard , it is in everything isn't it? I hope your not eating tofu.

Egad. You just reminded me I have tofu in the fridge getting old for lack of ideas what to do with it.

I'm not accustomed (by habit) to tofu or tempeh but I wouldn't mind incorporating them. Why not?

Yeah wheat is in a whole lot, and scanning ingredient labels for it eliminates a lot of choices, right down to soy sauce and beer. I've kinda transitioned from sandwiches to roll-ups -- same thing without the bread --- either that or spend the $$ on rice-based bread, which is.... eh.

It works much better with pasta, which I've been able to return to. :rock:

As I said, an eternal game of whack-a-mole, consumer versus Corporatia, and Corp always gets the first move; all we can do is try to react.

My last blood work was kinda weird. Triglycerides actually went up even though sugars went down. That's not supposed to trend that way. Doc says I could be eating too much rice. One thing after another. "more beans, less rice" she said. :banghead:
Sounds like you are still too high proportionally with the starches. Doctors typically don't know much about food, their training is a pill or a knife. Corporations sell what people buy, blaming them is lame, really. There are very healthy people living in the same environment you do.

Still slobbing the corporate knob no matter what like a good sycophant. :rolleyes: Well guess who morphed wheat into what it is. Here's a hint --- it wasn't the consumer.

My doc is an expert nutritionist actually. "Corporations sell what people buy" is the lie they live by. That would explain the existence of so-called SUVs huh? Because after all don't we remember the public demonstrations demanding Detroit come up with upside-down bathtubs that roll over if a mosquito sneezes. I sure don't.
I read labels voraciously but to me it's the food processors who make it harder taking end-around routes to disguise what they're doing. If it isn't hiding several different varieties of sugars listed separately, now it's manipulating "portion sizes" since they're undefined by law.

For a while I was judging cereals based on the "sugars" line --- not noticing that that line is now being based on a smaller and smaller portion.... where a standard portion used to be 1 cup, now it's a third of a cup or even a quarter-cup, which is absurd to claim is a portion, but drives that sugar line down. Translated to the 1-cup standard, that cereal touting "8 grams of sugar" is actually 32 grams in a cup.

It's deceit after deceit after deceit. Always a step ahead of the consumer. But god forbid we should make 'em tell the truth, oh noes that's the end of the freaking world.

Are you ever responsible for anything? It isn't difficult, if you are gaining weight you are taking in too many calories or not burning enough. If the labels are difficult to decipher you are buying complicated processed foods.

If you consider how your body got here eating choices are much easier. Our ancestors didn't eat Cheetos. For them, fast food is the one that got away.

Yeah I figured this out when I dropped wheat from my diet, made no other dietary changes, in fact ate more in terms of volume --- and immediately dropped 30-40 pounds. Ventured back into wheat again, the weight came back. Dropped wheat yet again, and again the weight went away.

You tell me what the catalyst is there.

And no, it isn't as naïevely simplistic as "how many calories" and "how many are burned". The body is way more complex than that. It ain't like filling a gas tank; the process is paramount.

This just in: how the body processes fucked-up corporate foods is not a personal choice. So turn your question on its head: are the corporate giants who control the food supply ever responsible for anything?

Losing weight without wheat must be hard , it is in everything isn't it? I hope your not eating tofu.

Egad. You just reminded me I have tofu in the fridge getting old for lack of ideas what to do with it.

I'm not accustomed (by habit) to tofu or tempeh but I wouldn't mind incorporating them. Why not?

Yeah wheat is in a whole lot, and scanning ingredient labels for it eliminates a lot of choices, right down to soy sauce and beer. I've kinda transitioned from sandwiches to roll-ups -- same thing without the bread --- either that or spend the $$ on rice-based bread, which is.... eh.

It works much better with pasta, which I've been able to return to. :rock:

As I said, an eternal game of whack-a-mole, consumer versus Corporatia, and Corp always gets the first move; all we can do is try to react.

My last blood work was kinda weird. Triglycerides actually went up even though sugars went down. That's not supposed to trend that way. Doc says I could be eating too much rice. One thing after another. "more beans, less rice" she said. :banghead:

Pogo, I think your a woman..not sure but ....this is so very important.
Tofu , milk product, meats, are packed with estrogens...too many estrogens and you get cancer.

My cancer is estrogen positive, meaning my cancer is 90% estrogen..I just starting a fucking awful pill that strips estogens from my body..

even if you by organic milk products the cows are pregnant in order to make milk, pumping out estrogens.


Pogo is a dude. :D Lol. Never ever make assumptions here. ;)
It is already all over the news, but the government keeps making it harder to read labels.

I read labels voraciously but to me it's the food processors who make it harder taking end-around routes to disguise what they're doing. If it isn't hiding several different varieties of sugars listed separately, now it's manipulating "portion sizes" since they're undefined by law.

For a while I was judging cereals based on the "sugars" line --- not noticing that that line is now being based on a smaller and smaller portion.... where a standard portion used to be 1 cup, now it's a third of a cup or even a quarter-cup, which is absurd to claim is a portion, but drives that sugar line down. Translated to the 1-cup standard, that cereal touting "8 grams of sugar" is actually 32 grams in a cup.

It's deceit after deceit after deceit. Always a step ahead of the consumer. But god forbid we should make 'em tell the truth, oh noes that's the end of the freaking world.

Are you ever responsible for anything? It isn't difficult, if you are gaining weight you are taking in too many calories or not burning enough. If the labels are difficult to decipher you are buying complicated processed foods.

If you consider how your body got here eating choices are much easier. Our ancestors didn't eat Cheetos. For them, fast food is the one that got away.

Yeah I figured this out when I dropped wheat from my diet, made no other dietary changes, in fact ate more in terms of volume --- and immediately dropped 30-40 pounds. Ventured back into wheat again, the weight came back. Dropped wheat yet again, and again the weight went away.

You tell me what the catalyst is there.

This just in: how the body processes fucked-up corporate foods is not a personal choice. So turn your question on its head: are the corporate giants who control the food supply ever responsible for anything?
I can eat it without gaining weight but you are one that isn't tolerant to it. Complex carbs are the big killer, not meat.

I didn't even mention "meat" -- I said wheat.

Absolutely metabolisms vary by the person -- we established that way back. But the fact remains that wheat has changed. Whether it affects Numero Uno or not, it's out there, and you may find that as your body changes with age, it shows up for you too. When that happens, don't say you weren't warned.
I eat wheat products, I just don't do it in a mindless fashion. I said meat on purpose, man did not evolve recently. If you mostly eat meats, veggies and fruit you are eating what your ancestors did. I eat the grains but can tell when I've over done it.
Y'all know where so-called "baby carrots" come from?

They're turned that way on a lathe. Literally. Usually using carrots that some corporate suit has decided is not perfectly symmetrical and therefore "won't sell" -- maybe it grew at a weird angle (even though Nature knows perfectly well what She's doing) -- so those are then put on a lathe and turned into perfect little corporate cylinders. The mentality of that makes me wanna puke.

One grocery in my town has a bulk bin for carrots. I make sure to buy the most asymmetrical, "imperfect" ones, just to stab that kind of mentality in the back.
That's weird. I wouldn't give a fuck myself. I buy them on occasion because it saves me time in preparation. Do you know people that think they grew that way?

I know people who believe they're actually immature carrots, yes. After all that's what the name screamingly implies. And it's yet another lie, but that's OK as long as it comes from Corporatia.

It's just the idea of cynical manipulation -- to turn carrots on a lathe and then pretend you have some kind of exotic food thing. And it's an insult to Nature, who does not work in perfect symmetry
Are you ever responsible for anything? It isn't difficult, if you are gaining weight you are taking in too many calories or not burning enough. If the labels are difficult to decipher you are buying complicated processed foods.

If you consider how your body got here eating choices are much easier. Our ancestors didn't eat Cheetos. For them, fast food is the one that got away.

Yeah I figured this out when I dropped wheat from my diet, made no other dietary changes, in fact ate more in terms of volume --- and immediately dropped 30-40 pounds. Ventured back into wheat again, the weight came back. Dropped wheat yet again, and again the weight went away.

You tell me what the catalyst is there.

And no, it isn't as naïevely simplistic as "how many calories" and "how many are burned". The body is way more complex than that. It ain't like filling a gas tank; the process is paramount.

This just in: how the body processes fucked-up corporate foods is not a personal choice. So turn your question on its head: are the corporate giants who control the food supply ever responsible for anything?

Losing weight without wheat must be hard , it is in everything isn't it? I hope your not eating tofu.

Egad. You just reminded me I have tofu in the fridge getting old for lack of ideas what to do with it.

I'm not accustomed (by habit) to tofu or tempeh but I wouldn't mind incorporating them. Why not?

Yeah wheat is in a whole lot, and scanning ingredient labels for it eliminates a lot of choices, right down to soy sauce and beer. I've kinda transitioned from sandwiches to roll-ups -- same thing without the bread --- either that or spend the $$ on rice-based bread, which is.... eh.

It works much better with pasta, which I've been able to return to. :rock:

As I said, an eternal game of whack-a-mole, consumer versus Corporatia, and Corp always gets the first move; all we can do is try to react.

My last blood work was kinda weird. Triglycerides actually went up even though sugars went down. That's not supposed to trend that way. Doc says I could be eating too much rice. One thing after another. "more beans, less rice" she said. :banghead:
Sounds like you are still too high proportionally with the starches. Doctors typically don't know much about food, their training is a pill or a knife. Corporations sell what people buy, blaming them is lame, really. There are very healthy people living in the same environment you do.

Still slobbing the corporate knob no matter what like a good sycophant. :rolleyes: Well guess who morphed wheat into what it is. Here's a hint --- it wasn't the consumer.

My doc is an expert nutritionist actually. "Corporations sell what people buy" is the lie they live by. That would explain the existence of so-called SUVs huh? Because after all don't we remember the public demonstrations demanding Detroit come up with upside-down bathtubs that roll over if a mosquito sneezes. I sure don't.
You're a retard. You accept no responsibility for you own idiotic decisions so you need to blame someone else. I live in the same world you do Einstein, so do a lot of other healthy people. SUVS? Jesus, you are one dumb motherfucker.
Y'all know where so-called "baby carrots" come from?

They're turned that way on a lathe. Literally. Usually using carrots that some corporate suit has decided is not perfectly symmetrical and therefore "won't sell" -- maybe it grew at a weird angle (even though Nature knows perfectly well what She's doing) -- so those are then put on a lathe and turned into perfect little corporate cylinders. The mentality of that makes me wanna puke.

One grocery in my town has a bulk bin for carrots. I make sure to buy the most asymmetrical, "imperfect" ones, just to stab that kind of mentality in the back.
That's weird. I wouldn't give a fuck myself. I buy them on occasion because it saves me time in preparation. Do you know people that think they grew that way?

I know people who believe they're actually immature carrots, yes. After all that's what the name screamingly implies. And it's yet another lie, but that's OK as long as it comes from Corporatia.

It's just the idea of cynical manipulation -- to turn carrots on a lathe and then pretend you have some kind of exotic food thing. And it's an insult to Nature, who does not work in perfect symmetry
Oh, you know people that thought carrots gave birth? That's cute.
Your folks worked for the carnival, didn't they?
We ALL grew up on those things--except you.
Bullshit. My mom was a so so cook. She thought veggies should strain through your fork. My epiphany started in college when I worked in food service at the VA hospital. Lots of folks were there with food related illnesses, especially diabetes. When you see a remarkable number of men and women with single and double leg amputations you start connecting the dots. At least I did.

It was all about butter in the 50's lol I still love butter.

Soaps, lotions and cleaning supplies ect were made from scratch back in the early 1900's now look at the crap and poison's that we put on our body everyday.
I buy all that now from a girl who makes everything from scratch and simple ingredients.

Margarine is one of the strangest concoctions ever invented. It's hard to believe it still exists, yet go try to find real butter in a non-expensive restaurant in the South. Bizarro. My Mom used to use it on us, to save money (we wuz po'). Soon as I got old enough to have the means I put that way behind. Never trusted newfangled chemical whizzos over the tried and true. I live by that.

My husband used to buy those big old tubs of poison...I threw them all away.

A lot of times, things like that turn out to be more fattening and bad for you than what it is trying to improve upon! I do use margarine sometimes in some recipes because they turn out better, but most of the time it's butter for me too.
I read labels voraciously but to me it's the food processors who make it harder taking end-around routes to disguise what they're doing. If it isn't hiding several different varieties of sugars listed separately, now it's manipulating "portion sizes" since they're undefined by law.

For a while I was judging cereals based on the "sugars" line --- not noticing that that line is now being based on a smaller and smaller portion.... where a standard portion used to be 1 cup, now it's a third of a cup or even a quarter-cup, which is absurd to claim is a portion, but drives that sugar line down. Translated to the 1-cup standard, that cereal touting "8 grams of sugar" is actually 32 grams in a cup.

It's deceit after deceit after deceit. Always a step ahead of the consumer. But god forbid we should make 'em tell the truth, oh noes that's the end of the freaking world.

Are you ever responsible for anything? It isn't difficult, if you are gaining weight you are taking in too many calories or not burning enough. If the labels are difficult to decipher you are buying complicated processed foods.

If you consider how your body got here eating choices are much easier. Our ancestors didn't eat Cheetos. For them, fast food is the one that got away.

Yeah I figured this out when I dropped wheat from my diet, made no other dietary changes, in fact ate more in terms of volume --- and immediately dropped 30-40 pounds. Ventured back into wheat again, the weight came back. Dropped wheat yet again, and again the weight went away.

You tell me what the catalyst is there.

And no, it isn't as naïevely simplistic as "how many calories" and "how many are burned". The body is way more complex than that. It ain't like filling a gas tank; the process is paramount.

This just in: how the body processes fucked-up corporate foods is not a personal choice. So turn your question on its head: are the corporate giants who control the food supply ever responsible for anything?

Losing weight without wheat must be hard , it is in everything isn't it? I hope your not eating tofu.

Egad. You just reminded me I have tofu in the fridge getting old for lack of ideas what to do with it.

I'm not accustomed (by habit) to tofu or tempeh but I wouldn't mind incorporating them. Why not?

Yeah wheat is in a whole lot, and scanning ingredient labels for it eliminates a lot of choices, right down to soy sauce and beer. I've kinda transitioned from sandwiches to roll-ups -- same thing without the bread --- either that or spend the $$ on rice-based bread, which is.... eh.

It works much better with pasta, which I've been able to return to. :rock:

As I said, an eternal game of whack-a-mole, consumer versus Corporatia, and Corp always gets the first move; all we can do is try to react.

My last blood work was kinda weird. Triglycerides actually went up even though sugars went down. That's not supposed to trend that way. Doc says I could be eating too much rice. One thing after another. "more beans, less rice" she said. :banghead:

Pogo, I think your a woman..not sure but ....this is so very important.
Tofu , milk product, meats, are packed with estrogens...too many estrogens and you get cancer.

My cancer is estrogen positive, meaning my cancer is 90% estrogen..I just starting a fucking awful pill that strips estogens from my body..

even if you buy organic milk products the cows are pregnant in order to make milk, pumping out estrogens.

I'm sorry for your situation, wish you good thoughts and understand your concern but actually I think this is a myth---

>> Bowing at the temple of meat, men’s health magazines once frequently published articles that selectively skimmed for soy’s bad press, with topic favorites including isolated cases of (already health compromised) men with a high intake of soy developing breasts, and other reports of young soy dependent men having a lower libido and erectile dysfunction.

Such notions are based on the fact that soy contains phytoestrogen, and as such could supposedly undercut male testosterone. Yet, meta-analyses have shown that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements in fact alter normal levels of testosterone in men or impact estrogen concentration. There is also no known link between soy consumption and reduced fertility in men. << --- One Last Time: Soy Doesn't Make Men Gay

I have no hesitation to incorporating tofu/tempeh, just need a proper way to use it. I'm already using soy every day as a coffee creamer and other stuff (always organic non-GMO). I used to use soy milk (always unsweetened) for my cereals, now more often almond milk. All of that is good protein, and I believe in protein.
Is there a bread that is not wheat? When I cut sugar out..I lose weight so easily..I love sweets though, I think I am addicted ..lol

Soda pop is another big culprit. IT has no nutritional value, people drink a lot of it, and it is LOADED with calories (that goes for diet sodas too). If people would cut soda out of their diets, they would lose some weight.
Is there a bread that is not wheat? When I cut sugar out..I lose weight so easily..I love sweets though, I think I am addicted ..lol

The "gluten free" section, where it's made from rice, potato starch, or sometimes... corn. I avoid the corn, because again, that crop has been so polluted by Monsanto. Unless it can be guaranteed to be GMO-free, which is not an easy find. Again, more whack-a-mole.

I've never had much of a taste for sweets or candy, thankfully. I go crazy in the grocery aisle looking for stuff like tomato soup or tomato sauce that isn't adulterated with sugar (because as we all know, when sitting down to lasagna the first thing anyone says is "pass the sugar"). :cuckoo:

The former (tomato soup) as far as I can tell..... does not even exist.
Are you ever responsible for anything? It isn't difficult, if you are gaining weight you are taking in too many calories or not burning enough. If the labels are difficult to decipher you are buying complicated processed foods.

If you consider how your body got here eating choices are much easier. Our ancestors didn't eat Cheetos. For them, fast food is the one that got away.

Yeah I figured this out when I dropped wheat from my diet, made no other dietary changes, in fact ate more in terms of volume --- and immediately dropped 30-40 pounds. Ventured back into wheat again, the weight came back. Dropped wheat yet again, and again the weight went away.

You tell me what the catalyst is there.

And no, it isn't as naïevely simplistic as "how many calories" and "how many are burned". The body is way more complex than that. It ain't like filling a gas tank; the process is paramount.

This just in: how the body processes fucked-up corporate foods is not a personal choice. So turn your question on its head: are the corporate giants who control the food supply ever responsible for anything?

Losing weight without wheat must be hard , it is in everything isn't it? I hope your not eating tofu.

Egad. You just reminded me I have tofu in the fridge getting old for lack of ideas what to do with it.

I'm not accustomed (by habit) to tofu or tempeh but I wouldn't mind incorporating them. Why not?

Yeah wheat is in a whole lot, and scanning ingredient labels for it eliminates a lot of choices, right down to soy sauce and beer. I've kinda transitioned from sandwiches to roll-ups -- same thing without the bread --- either that or spend the $$ on rice-based bread, which is.... eh.

It works much better with pasta, which I've been able to return to. :rock:

As I said, an eternal game of whack-a-mole, consumer versus Corporatia, and Corp always gets the first move; all we can do is try to react.

My last blood work was kinda weird. Triglycerides actually went up even though sugars went down. That's not supposed to trend that way. Doc says I could be eating too much rice. One thing after another. "more beans, less rice" she said. :banghead:

Pogo, I think your a woman..not sure but ....this is so very important.
Tofu , milk product, meats, are packed with estrogens...too many estrogens and you get cancer.

My cancer is estrogen positive, meaning my cancer is 90% estrogen..I just starting a fucking awful pill that strips estogens from my body..

even if you buy organic milk products the cows are pregnant in order to make milk, pumping out estrogens.

I'm sorry for your situation, wish you good thoughts and understand your concern but actually I think this is a myth---

>> Bowing at the temple of meat, men’s health magazines once frequently published articles that selectively skimmed for soy’s bad press, with topic favorites including isolated cases of (already health compromised) men with a high intake of soy developing breasts, and other reports of young soy dependent men having a lower libido and erectile dysfunction.

Such notions are based on the fact that soy contains phytoestrogen, and as such could supposedly undercut male testosterone. Yet, meta-analyses have shown that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements in fact alter normal levels of testosterone in men or impact estrogen concentration. There is also no known link between soy consumption and reduced fertility in men. << --- One Last Time: Soy Doesn't Make Men Gay

I have no hesitation to incorporating tofu/tempeh, just need a proper way to use it. I'm already using soy every day as a coffee creamer and other stuff (always organic non-GMO). I used to use soy milk (always unsweetened) for my cereals, now more often almond milk. All of that is good protein, and I believe in protein.

I was told to stay away from anything with soy by my Stanford oncologist..just saying..

Soybeans contain isoflavones, which are chemically similar to estrogens. Soybeans are a complete protein source and a dietary staple in many cultures. Soy contains phytoestrogens called isoflavones that may mimic the activity of the hormone estrogen in your body.
Is there a bread that is not wheat? When I cut sugar out..I lose weight so easily..I love sweets though, I think I am addicted ..lol

The "gluten free" section, where it's made from rice, potato starch, or sometimes... corn. I avoid the corn, because again, that crop has been so polluted by Monsanto. Unless it can be guaranteed to be GMO-free, which is not an easy find. Again, more whack-a-mole.

I had a GMO thread somewhere and some jerks are always out there trying to discredit it..WTF
Is there a bread that is not wheat? When I cut sugar out..I lose weight so easily..I love sweets though, I think I am addicted ..lol

Soda pop is another big culprit. IT has no nutritional value, people drink a lot of it, and it is LOADED with calories (that goes for diet sodas too). If people would cut soda out of their diets, they would lose some weight.

Yep, I won't touch anything like that. The insidious part is that when Coke advertises, Pepsi benefits and vice versa, because both ads are selling the idea of drinking soda. We can get lost on the trees of Coke vs. Pepsi and not see the subliminal message forest that they're both selling to the public

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