Outrage grows after ‘chilling call for genocide’ by Florida Republican

Which countries are targetting [sic] hospitals ? You support savagery. Absolute scum.

Which country openly attacks noncombatants as their primary targets, then hides their combatants among their noncombatants so that those that they are attacking cannot defend themselves without harming noncombatants in order to go after the combatants.

Hiding your combatants behind the skirts of women and children is cowardly and evil, and that is what you are siding with.

Because they fight better. Duh.

The Ottoman Empire took over around 1500, and would have easily wiped out any Jews if there was any inherent hostility. The British took on the Ottoman Empire several times and lost, like in the Crimean war.
So obviously a little enclave of Jews in Jerusalem would not have stood any chance of survival if there had been any hostilities at all.
The point is there were NEVER any hostilities between Moslems and Jews.
Jews were always hired by the Moslem courts, to run their legal, accounting, political, banking, etc., systems.
Look at Spain.
There were tens of thousands of Jews there because they followed the Moslem Moors.
No, you blithering fucking idiot. I am saying you fight your opponent with the rules that THEY use. To do otherwise is stupid.

That is just what Hamas is starting to do.
The Zionist beat the Palestinians out of Palestine by committing genocide.
They attacked unarmed Arab villages like Deir Yassin, and wiped them out.
Hamas is only now reducing to that barbaric strategy that the Zionists have always used.
You have to know, when you find yourself in agreement on anything with the one-legged British faggot, that there is something severely fucked-up about your position on that issue.

It does not matter if like a broken clock, is only right twice a day, the facts are Israel is the bad guy entirely.
There is not a single thing anyone can complain about Hamas over.
Until it happens to you. I am not being bombed but I despise the west for supporting the slaughter. Imagine what young palestinians feel about the genocide.

Our kids will pay for it in terrorist attacks for generations to come.
this is another bonus of the british empire. Spreading shit for centuries.
What a retarded reply that answered fuck all. That's a unique talent you have. Hang on, but you're a Corbynite.
The point is that after being murdered and homes stolen since 1940, Hamas actually extremely restrained.
They are not at all "extremists".
The "extremists" are the ones who think they are the Chosen People and have a right to murder and steal the Promised Land that natives already lived on for 7,000 years.
But extremists blend back into society, they use innocent citizens as a human shield. You can waffle shit forever and a day, but it doesn't get rid of reality.

Not sure why you support extremists?
That is just what Hamas is starting to do.
The Zionist beat the Palestinians out of Palestine by committing genocide.
They attacked unarmed Arab villages like Deir Yassin, and wiped them out.
Hamas is only now reducing to that barbaric strategy that the Zionists have always used.

If Israel did to the pali's, what hamass just did....there would be no pali's.
But extremists blend back into society, they use innocent citizens as a human shield. You can waffle shit forever and a day, but it doesn't get rid of reality.

Not sure why you support extremists?

Because he's a nazi. Pure and simple.
As were Jews throughout the Middle East. At the time this was done to put them all in one place to be easier to kill.

Didnt work out.

No one in the Mideast harmed Jews over religion.
But obviously everyone is going to rightfully complain when some foreign immigrants invade a place, murder the natives, and claim God gave them the Promised Land because they were the Chosen People.
It is arrogant, evil, illegal, and had to be stopped by whatever is necessary.
Jews did this to the Canaanites at Jericho back in 1000 BC, and since they follow the corrupt morals of the Old Testament, they are trying it again in Palestine, and it is just as arrogant, evil, and illegal as it was back then.
Are you claiming the Taliban were NOT part of the CIA Mujahideen from 1979, to fight the Russians in Kabul?

As far as Hamas, Palestine has been invaded and plundered by the Zionists since the 1940s, so how is Hamas different than the French Resistance in WWII?
No, I'm claiming, what a fucking whacko post
No one in the Mideast harmed Jews over religion.
But obviously everyone is going to rightfully complain when some foreign immigrants invade a place, murder the natives, and claim God gave them the Promised Land because they were the Chosen People.
It is arrogant, evil, illegal, and had to be stopped by whatever is necessary.
Jews did this to the Canaanites at Jericho back in 1000 BC, and since they follow the corrupt morals of the Old Testament, they are trying it again in Palestine, and it is just as arrogant, evil, and illegal as it was back then.
Pretty much every damn muslim country has run out or killed any non muslims.

I argue with Tommy a lot, but he is totally right on this one.
Israel is the bad guy.
They pretended to be nice in 1920 so they would be allowed to immigrate, but then they bombed, murdered, and stole.
They are not native, never paid for any land, and are the violent murderers constantly.
Actually if you want historical precedent the Jews took that Land from the edomites about 2500 years ago. They lived on it until about 300 AD ( I believe) as a nation.
That is just what Hamas is starting to do.
The Zionist beat the Palestinians out of Palestine by committing genocide.
They attacked unarmed Arab villages like Deir Yassin, and wiped them out.
Hamas is only now reducing to that barbaric strategy that the Zionists have always used.
Oh yeah. Sell that to naive college kids.
Which country openly attacks noncombatants as their primary targets, then hides their combatants among their noncombatants so that those that they are attacking cannot defend themselves without harming noncombatants in order to go after the combatants.

Hiding your combatants behind the skirts of women and children is cowardly and evil, and that is what you are siding with.

View attachment 856992

Hamas did not start this, and was not even created until 1987.
It was the Zionists who started the attempted genocide, even before Israel existed.

It was Zionists who the US gave all the tanks, bombers, fighter planes, machineguns, etc. to.
And the Zionists used these US weapons on unarmed Arab villages.
Look of the "Massacre of Deir Yassin".
Its in wiki.

Since Hamas has no significant weapons, they are doing exactly as they have to.
What they are doing is exactly what the French Resistance did in the face of the evil invasion of their country.
We dropped leaflets on Hiroshima telling them of a super-bomb. Didn't do a lot of good.

Sometimes, you have to virtually eradicate a people that are always causing trouble. We did it to Japan and to Germany as well.

It wasn't an accident. Germany was defeated in 1944 and were seeking peace, so was Japan. But we made the decision to literally destroy them as a people.

Destroy their history (especially Bushido in Japan) their culture and their Military ways.

Germany wasn't a joke. They were the most efficient, the deadliest Army in Human History to that point.

Rome destroyed Carthage. Totally. They fought three wars against them and finally just eradicated them. Then salted the Earth so nothing there could grow again.

Look what happened in Bosnia. And we went in to save their lousy Muzzie asses. Look at what the Chinese are doing to the Uyghurs.

It's not an accident. Islam simply refuses to join the rest of the world and become civilized. They truly are savages. Look at history

Those who don't believe that are no better than the murdering, raping, disemboweling, torturing, burning alive scumbags that went into Israel on Oct 7.

Eliminate them. To the last if necessary
Although the War started in 1939, On D Day June 6, 1944, we effectively started the end of the German Empire. About one year it took. Hopefully the powers that be deescalate this current war and cool the hot heads we see around the world.
If Israel did to the pali's, what hamass just did....there would be no pali's.

What Hamas did was to get hostages.
So it is then impossible for that to result or have the intent of genocide.
But clearly the intent of Israel is genocide of the Palestinian natives.
They already are on less than 15% of the original land they had in 1920, and they are being blockaded to starvation.

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