Outliers don't disprove white privilege


Platinum Member
Apr 18, 2022
It's kind of like saying that a man that is 4'11, means that there is no disparity in height, on average, between men and women. You can have tall women and short men, but, on average, men are taller. So pointing to successful black individuals, and, conversely, poor whites, doesn't say anything. There were rich black people during literal slavery, yet white privilege was still the reality. It's funny because if I said that all police were bad based on one racist cop, the same people who make these anecdotal arguments would say I'm generalizing. Anecdotal arguments are a very poor one.
It's kind of like saying that a man that is 4'11, means that there is no disparity in height, on average, between men and women. You can have tall women and short men, but, on average, men are taller. So pointing to successful black individuals, and, conversely, poor whites, doesn't say anything. There were rich black people during literal slavery, yet white privilege was still the reality. It's funny because if I said that all police were bad based on one racist cop, the same people who make these anecdotal arguments would say I'm generalizing. Anecdotal arguments are a very poor one.
Blaming your personal failure on the color of your skin might make you feel better but it wont free the next generation of blacks from poverty
Well when US born blacks are already one standard deviation below whites in IQ and getting worse as they mix with Haitian and African-born black "refugees" I can sort of understand why they think of the more "gifted" blacks as outriders.....Because they really are.
Well, when the claim is made that societal obstacles prevent Blacks from achieving that they could, then thousands of examples of Black achievers may not disprove the obstacles, but they certainly make that claim a little less tenable.

As for "white privilege," so what? If you are a military officer, you will note that grads of the military academies get more and quicker promotions...they are "privileged." But so what? Many ROTC officers still make it to be generals, and very few of them simply give up because they are competing against West Pointers.

It appears that the campaign to highlight "white privilege" is little more than providing an excuse to failing Blacks for their failures. WP doesn't stand in anyone's way in a country as vast and populous as ours.
It's kind of like saying that a man that is 4'11, means that there is no disparity in height, on average, between men and women. You can have tall women and short men, but, on average, men are taller. So pointing to successful black individuals, and, conversely, poor whites, doesn't say anything. There were rich black people during literal slavery, yet white privilege was still the reality. It's funny because if I said that all police were bad based on one racist cop, the same people who make these anecdotal arguments would say I'm generalizing. Anecdotal arguments are a very poor one.

“White Privilege” is the system and society that our ancestors made for us. No, a bunch of white Christian colonials didn’t build a new country for Africans, Latinos, or Chinamen. They built it for their descendants, like any other nation or people do.

When black people whine about “white privilege“, what they are really mean is that they want to take it away from whites. Since blacks were freed by whites from slavery, they have been free to go back to Africa. But they didn’t, and still won’t, because they enjoy their white privilege they have in America that they know they wouldn’t have in Africa.

Wow!!! Using the rich whites who are the 1% outliers to prove white privilege exists in a thread where you suggest that the black outliers prove nothing really helps prove your point.


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“White Privilege” is the system and society that our ancestors made for us. No, a bunch of white Christian colonials didn’t build a new country for Africans, Latinos, or Chinamen. They built it for their descendants, like any other nation or people do.

When black people whine about “white privilege“, what they are really mean is that they want to take it away from whites. Since blacks were freed by whites from slavery, they have been free to go back to Africa. But they didn’t, and still won’t, because they enjoy their white privilege they have in America that they know they wouldn’t have in Africa.
If they did go back to Africa they could and would no doubt use what they've learned here to build a prosperous society. Of course they would then be attacked and butchered by the native African blacks, who would resent their success.
"I gots 4 kids by 4 baby daddies who have never paid child support, because they on drugs and 2 are dead.
I quits school when I was 16 because I was pregnant. I am poor because of white privilege and racism."

View attachment 657796
I owned an apartment building in a poor part of the city. Whenever I advertised a vacancy I would get dozens of calls from young unwed mothers like this. I told them up front that I needed a good credit report and a good rental history in order to rent to them. Not a single one could produce these, and I never rented to one of them.
It's kind of like saying that a man that is 4'11, means that there is no disparity in height, on average, between men and women. You can have tall women and short men, but, on average, men are taller. So pointing to successful black individuals, and, conversely, poor whites, doesn't say anything. There were rich black people during literal slavery, yet white privilege was still the reality. It's funny because if I said that all police were bad based on one racist cop, the same people who make these anecdotal arguments would say I'm generalizing. Anecdotal arguments are a very poor one.
Your bigotry defines you, racist.
It's kind of like saying that a man that is 4'11, means that there is no disparity in height, on average, between men and women. You can have tall women and short men, but, on average, men are taller. So pointing to successful black individuals, and, conversely, poor whites, doesn't say anything. There were rich black people during literal slavery, yet white privilege was still the reality. It's funny because if I said that all police were bad based on one racist cop, the same people who make these anecdotal arguments would say I'm generalizing. Anecdotal arguments are a very poor one.

Luckily, you voted for the guy who said he doesn't want his children anywhere near black people like you in your "racial jungle". Good job!
“White Privilege” is the system and society that our ancestors made for us. No, a bunch of white Christian colonials didn’t build a new country for Africans, Latinos, or Chinamen. They built it for their descendants, like any other nation or people do.

When black people whine about “white privilege“, what they are really mean is that they want to take it away from whites. Since blacks were freed by whites from slavery, they have been free to go back to Africa. But they didn’t, and still won’t, because they enjoy their white privilege they have in America that they know they wouldn’t have in Africa.
Some believe the "tempest tossed, huddled masses" refer to the less fortunate descendants of Israel finally invited to the "promised land" just as Joseph invited his starving brethren into Egypt.

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