Ousted Afghan Governor Returns to Office in Defiance of Presidential Orders


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011

A powerful Afghanistan governor returned to his office Saturday and chaired an official meeting in violation of a presidential decree that ousted him from his post earlier this month.

The escalating political uncertainty comes as the United States and its allies step up military efforts in support of Afghan forces as they try to counter the Taliban insurgency and the Islamic State group plots fresh deadly suicide bombings in the war-torn country.

Atta Muhammad Noor, who governed northern Balkh province for 13 years, has from the outset rejected his dismissal as illegal, questioning whether President Ashraf Ghani had the power to do so unilaterally.

Ghani’s office announced two weeks ago that the president had accepted Noor’s resignation and named a replacement. But the ousted governor swiftly rejected the move, saying he had submitted his resignation months back and linked it to acceptance of a list of demands.

While chairing Saturday’s meeting of government officials at the governor’s office in Mazar-i-Sharif, the provincial capital, the powerful politician from the ethnic Tajik minority community again defended his position.

Noor insisted that nominating his successor and appointment to certain provincial posts in Balkh were among his demands. He went on to assert he would not quit until his Jamiat-i-Islami party and its allies negotiate a resolution with the Ghani camp in the coalition government.

“And if an agreement is not reached I will remain as governor of Balkh for as long as the National Unity Government is in power,” Noor told the meeting. His political party has also urged the president to review his decision and vowed to use “all options” in support of Noor.

The ousted governor claimed he has transferred “some authority” to his deputy to ensure smooth functioning of the provincial government but vowed “I will come every day” to the office.

The United States brokered a political deal between Ghani and his election rival Abdullah Abdullah after the 2014 presidential election ended in a deadlock that had brought Afghanistan to the brink of ethnic-driven chaos.
Ousted Afghan Governor Returns to Office in Defiance of Presidential Orders

I think Ghani is going to prove to be a detriment rather than an asset for Afghanistan in the long run.

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