Our Planet Faces Immediate Danger?! Alert!

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
Our Planet Faces Immediate Danger?! Alert!

If black holes are created by the Large Hadron Collider, those black holes are likely to remain in the same spot eating away at Earth as the Earth rotates through the black hole while the Earth revolves around the sun once a year meeting the same black hole in the same spot just waiting for the Earth to pass by to eat up more and more of it. It appears to me that physicists think that the black hole will spin with the Earth along side the LHC which could very well be the largest mistake ever made by human kind and it can be put an end to by not allowing Physicists to pursue this matter any further.

I am currently on Hiatus, in the process of moving but I couldn't resist but to take the time to share this.

love Primary Factual Fundamentalist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong
Hamilton Ontario Canada
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A black hole wouldn't slowly eat away at earth piece by piece, year after year. If we were next to a black hole, the result would be instant and catastrophic. The hadron collider didn't make a black hole.
If the LHC creates black holes, the scientists there are gonna die first. So unless they're all woefully depressed...:)

In point of fact the black holes the LHC may produce are quantum level and evaporate in accordance with the uncertainty principle an infintesimal fraction of oa second after they're created. They don't consume a single atom before they cease to exist.
Update: information based upon studying theorized information is referred to as a theory because it is not a recognized fact!

Those particles are not colliding into one another in my face, they are colliding directly with me if anything. The Large Hadron is colliding them together which is quite different than absorbed by or passing through my body under also protection of the Ozone layer.

They claim that it will only create a small black hole in theory!!! Theory!!! According to calculations based upon theory determining, according to theory, that the black hole would be microscopic?!! Or that it would likely just disappear?!!

Physicists make allot of discoveries sometimes based upon making mistakes which falsifies their so called theories. This is not the sort of mistake we would want to learn the hard way because it could lead to our extinction. No laughing matter. You would bet the life on this planet on mere theory?

love Primary Factual Fundamentalist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong
Hamilton Ontario Canada
We already have a black hole, it's called the deficit. Trillions go in, nothing comes out and it continues to gobble up every thing in its' path.
Our Planet Faces Immediate Danger?! Alert!

If black holes are created by the Large Hadron Collider, those black holes are likely to remain in the same spot eating away at Earth as the Earth rotates through the black hole while the Earth revolves around the sun once a year meeting the same black hole in the same spot just waiting for the Earth to pass by to eat up more and more of it. It appears to me that physicists think that the black hole will spin with the Earth along side the LHC which could very well be the largest mistake ever made by human kind and it can be put an end to by not allowing Physicists to pursue this matter any further.

I am currently on Hiatus, in the process of moving but I couldn't resist but to take the time to share this.

love Primary Factual Fundamentalist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong
Hamilton Ontario Canada

I've argued since the particle-collider was built that it could result in the end of the Earth. Leftist pinheads smirk at that like all the other lies we're being told but nobody knows for sure what could happen. Who voted to allow this? We have no say in a project that could kill us all just so some tech weenies can prove or disprove some air-head theory? I say STOP THIS PROJECT...there is no "God Particle" and even if there was, it's not in man's domain to tinker with it.

If those particles are colliding with you, it's not an immediate danger, it's a GOOD thing. When are you scheduled to disappear?
Prediction: No one will die because a black hole was created by the LHC.

The black hole theorized by physicists that they create based upon their own speculations to support their theory and funding upon observing a collision at high speed using LHC.

All that they observed for all you really know is what is colliding attempting to meld with the surrounding environment, but because the particles of the environment are so different from the particles colliding, that the collisions fails to meld what is colliding with the environment in which provides the space that the collision is taking place.

The failure to meld is what physicists are referring to as particles that appear and disappear and calling them black holes.

Yep a bunch of dummies is all I see whom are so quickly willing to risk the lives on this planet over mere theory..

As some say, if the higgs boson is what makes up mass, by their own statement, there was no way for there to be a mass before the possibility of a big bang therefor no such thing as a big bang could have happened according to these physicists theories.

. Physicists claim that the big bang is the beginning of the universe. Higgs claims that the Higgs boson is the result of the big bang. . Again no bang can first occur without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Proof that the universe always is, was and always will be is that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness. Also for physicists claiming that the Higgs Boson is the creator of mass, share with me one factual example that an electron can be created and sent at a speed of near the speed of light without there first be a mass combining energy and matter to first create a particle with such a force in the first place.

They claim that the big bang created the higgs boson, then they claim that the higgs boson is the creator of mass so again, share with me one factual example that an electron can be created and sent at a speed of near the speed of light without there first be a mass combining energy and matter to first create a particle with such a force in the first place.

Physicists make allot of discoveries sometimes based upon making mistakes which falsifies their so called theories. This is not the sort of mistake we would want to learn the hard way because it could lead to our extinction. No laughing matter. You would bet the life on this planet on mere theory?

Update: information based upon studying theorized information is referred to as a theory because it is not a recognized fact!

Those particles physicists allege collide into you are not colliding into one another in my face, they are colliding directly with me if anything. The Large Hadron is colliding them together which is quite different than absorbed by or passing through my body under also protection of the Ozone layer.

They claim that it will only create a small black hole in theory!!! Theory!!! According to calculations based upon theory determining, according to theory, that the black hole would be microscopic?!! Or that it would likely just disappear?!!

Physicists make allot of discoveries sometimes based upon making mistakes which falsifies their so called theories. This is not the sort of mistake we would want to learn the hard way because it could lead to our extinction. No laughing matter. You would bet the life on this planet on mere theory?


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

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