Our New Openly Racist World


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008

Wasn’t this supposed the era of post-racialism? Robert Reich apparently didn’t get that message. In his appearance before Congress on structuring the stimulus plan on January 7th, Reich suggested that the package discriminate against white male workers:

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: No stimulus money for white males

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by all means.. let's not give jobs to highly skilled professionals,, or white males,, oh no no no not in America

And where's the outrage? Nowhere... silence... nothing... just another reason my faith in America is severely waning. This country is fucked when racist bastards like those two can sit there and say things like that and no one gives a rats ass. In my opinion, someone should have come along, whipped them out of their seat, escorted them to the door and jack booted their filthy ass to the curb and told to not come back.
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What really cracks me up is how Democrats can be openly racist yet refuse to believe they are racist. There are several libtards on this board that are openly racist, yet when confronted with their racism become indignant and say you are the racist. They are so afraid to look in the mirror and see who they really are that they will go to any length to try to prove you wrong.
And where's the outrage? Nowhere... silence... nothing... just another reason my faith in America is severely waning. This country is fucked when racist bastards like those two can sit there and say things like that and no one gives a rats ass. In my opinion, someone should have come along, whipped them out of their seat, escorted them to the door and jack booted their filthy ass to the curb and told to not come back.

the second jackass wrangel didn't even pay his taxes.. and he's still sitting up there making the rules up as he goes along. this is change baby change we cannot believe in! :lol::lol:
the second jackass wrangel didn't even pay his taxes.. and he's still sitting up there making the rules up as he goes along. this is change baby change we cannot believe in! :lol::lol:

And don't forget "hope".... ppphht.... :eusa_hand:

Hope for what? A socialist, racist government? Well, looks like we're close to having one.
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the second jackass wrangel didn't even pay his taxes.. and he's still sitting up there making the rules up as he goes along. this is change baby change we cannot believe in! :lol::lol:

another yawnfest? maybe Willow can get another two right wing whiners to chime in and she can start her very own dirge of the white man trio
What really cracks me up is how Democrats can be openly racist yet refuse to believe they are racist. There are several libtards on this board that are openly racist, yet when confronted with their racism become indignant and say you are the racist. They are so afraid to look in the mirror and see who they really are that they will go to any length to try to prove you wrong.

Where are the posts you refer to? Who is racist? What do you consider a racist point of view? What is an openly racist statement? Can you point one out to me?

Are you saying all liberals and Democrats are racist?
Read it again. He said "Not only go to"

As to being racist, everyone is racist to some degree. That's not the problem. The problem is when an individual or society that has the power acts out the racism.

Should these jobs go to unqualified people? No, and I don't believe he stated they should.
What really cracks me up is how Democrats can be openly racist yet refuse to believe they are racist. There are several libtards on this board that are openly racist, yet when confronted with their racism become indignant and say you are the racist. They are so afraid to look in the mirror and see who they really are that they will go to any length to try to prove you wrong.

Due to the fact that you are BY FAR the most racist person on this board you have no credibility even discussing this. I'm fairly sure that you still have Klan meetings in your house
another yawnfest? maybe Willow can get another two right wing whiners to chime in and she can start her very own dirge of the white man trio

Another inane post full of nothing but sass and sarcasm from the board gas bag.

Get life man... people here are getting tired of your shit.

Contribute something worth while or STFU.
You people all are conviently ignoring the word "simply".

When he says he doesnt want it "simply" going to high skilled workers and white construction workers hes saying they want it to get to others ALSO.

This is how you guys are going to opperate?

Your party is truely doomed.
Read it again. He said "Not only go to"

In other words, Affirmative Action. If a LESS qualified minority comes along, they should get the job because of their skin color. That's racism towards white men. You are a racist, just as xsited1 pointed out that all you liberals are.
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You people all are conviently ignoring the word "simply".

When he says he doesnt want it "simply" going to high skilled workers and white construction workers hes saying they want it to get to others ALSO.

This is how you guys are going to opperate?

Your party is truely doomed.

They're doomed because they're domed.
You people all are conviently ignoring the word "simply".

When he says he doesnt want it "simply" going to high skilled workers and white construction workers hes saying they want it to get to others ALSO.

This is how you guys are going to opperate?

Your party is truely doomed.

no,, he did not use the word Also.. no he did not you racist!
Another inane post full of nothing but sass and sarcasm from the board gas bag.

Get life man... people here are getting tired of your shit.

Contribute something worth while or STFU.

You being the one who provides so much of worth to the conversation? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

If thats not the pot calling the kettle black I'm not sure what is

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