Our Military people want a new CIC

Obama has no credentials to be CIC, none.

What credentials does Mitt Romney have? Hiding out from the draft in France?

Not only that..he got into a fatal auto accident that killed his passenger.

That nixed the presidency for Ted Kennedy.

Doesn't seem to be a problem for Republicans however..when it's one of their own. Heck..they elect criminals like Issa to office. Even George W. Bush had a record.
The Military Times Poll is a secure email survey of active-duty, National Guard and reserve members who are subscribers to the Military Times newspapers (see How We Did It, below).

This population is older and more senior than the military population at large, but it is representative of the professional core of the all-volunteer force.

Just typical angry old white men.

And NOT the citizen army that won WWII etc.

Didn't I tell you to fuck off?

are you laughing gramps?

I am :D
Big time!

Military Times Poll: Romney bests Obama, 2-1

Military Times Poll: Romney bests Obama, 2-1 - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

Our men and women in service recognize a weakling when they see one.

Mitt Romney the draft dodger!

And yet my son that is in training in Psy Ops right now on one of the biggest Army bases said they want to see him GONE! He doesn't know of one person in his group in training that has anything good to say about him. My son is a very strong Christian....and he's going to vote for a MORMON! OH NO! Lol!
Dishonest post. It wasn't a poll of the military, it was a poll of subscribers to the Military Times, a group that is overwhelming older, white, male, and self-selected to like the Gannett semi-tabloid newspapers.

Being a veteran, I recognize Obama's competance as CIC. I'm also repulsed at the way the weakling conservatives so often try to hide behind the skirts of the military. And I don't do the military-worship thing so common in conservative chickenhawks. A military opinion is no more valid than any other, and only scary authoritarian type minds think military opinions are superior.

Sucks to be you, mammary:

The 3,100 respondents — roughly two-thirds active-duty and one-third reserve component members

Wow - a whole 3,000 of them! :lol:

  • What were the questions asked?
  • What was the breakdown of stateside and overseas?
  • What was the breakdown of officers and enlisted?
  • What was the breakdown of the branches?
  • Which states were they from - smart ones like Connecticut and Oregon, or dumbfuck ones like South Carolina and Kentucky?

Bullshit poll, loser OP author.
Dishonest post. It wasn't a poll of the military, it was a poll of subscribers to the Military Times, a group that is overwhelming older, white, male, and self-selected to like the Gannett semi-tabloid newspapers.

Being a veteran, I recognize Obama's competance as CIC. I'm also repulsed at the way the weakling conservatives so often try to hide behind the skirts of the military. And I don't do the military-worship thing so common in conservative chickenhawks. A military opinion is no more valid than any other, and only scary authoritarian type minds think military opinions are superior.

Sucks to be you, mammary:

The 3,100 respondents — roughly two-thirds active-duty and one-third reserve component members

Wow - a whole 3,000 of them! :lol:

  • What were the questions asked?
  • What was the breakdown of stateside and overseas?
  • What was the breakdown of officers and enlisted?
  • What was the breakdown of the branches?
  • Which states were they from - smart ones like Connecticut and Oregon, or dumbfuck ones like South Carolina and Kentucky?

Bullshit poll, loser OP author.

Confirmed with similar margins in both Gallup and Rassmussen research, as posted above.

You have failed, as has Obama in winning the confidence of our men in women in servce as CIC.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tg_qbnjFAaI]Mitt Romney, The Taker, Cheerleaded The Draft So Others Could Die In Vietnam, While He Hid In France - YouTube[/ame]
Hiding in France, dodging the draft after demonstrating in favor of Vietnam and the draft.

What a piece of shit.

Our Military people want a new CIC

Who gives a fuck?

You don't think that our military men and women hating Obama's commie guts is significant?


No. The privates hated Nixon when I was AD (Know what that is?) and the lifers loved him, yet we all did our jobs.

Nobody paid any attention to Gerald Ford, yet we all did our jobs.

We all didn't much care for Carter, yet we did our jobs.

We mostly loved Reagan, yet we did our jobs.

We mostly liked G.H.W. Bush, yet we all did our jobs.

When my son was in, the lifers hated Bill Clinton and privates didn't care, yet they all did their jobs.

They mostly liked George Bush...at first, yet they all did their jobs.

Some like Obama and some don't, yet they all do their jobs.

Do you see a pattern here?
Last edited:
Sucks to be you, mammary:

The 3,100 respondents — roughly two-thirds active-duty and one-third reserve component members

Wow - a whole 3,000 of them! :lol:

  • What were the questions asked?
  • What was the breakdown of stateside and overseas?
  • What was the breakdown of officers and enlisted?
  • What was the breakdown of the branches?
  • Which states were they from - smart ones like Connecticut and Oregon, or dumbfuck ones like South Carolina and Kentucky?

Bullshit poll, loser OP author.

Confirmed with similar margins in both Gallup and Rassmussen research, as posted above.

You have failed, as has Obama in winning the confidence of our men in women in servce as CIC.
Again - who gives a shit what they want?
Great. Now even more oversees military ballots will be sent late, if at all. LIE

Most active military I know subscribe to or buy the Air Force times.

I would really like to see a separate forum for the idiotic rw lies. This one belongs with snippy's "ObamaPhone" lie as well as with the lie she used as the basis for this thread.

Why can't you people tell the truth?
Wow - a whole 3,000 of them! :lol:

  • What were the questions asked?
  • What was the breakdown of stateside and overseas?
  • What was the breakdown of officers and enlisted?
  • What was the breakdown of the branches?
  • Which states were they from - smart ones like Connecticut and Oregon, or dumbfuck ones like South Carolina and Kentucky?

Bullshit poll, loser OP author.

Confirmed with similar margins in both Gallup and Rassmussen research, as posted above.

You have failed, as has Obama in winning the confidence of our men in women in servce as CIC.
Again - who gives a shit what they want?

Voters. You don't care about our service people?

More failure, libtard.


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