Our country is dying and is in need of its people to save her

How stupid are you? Show me any source that claims China has less people under arms than the US. Show me any source that says that 2,5 million is less than 1,5 million.

To start with, I'm not stupid, but you are an asshole. Even if I was, I can get smarter, but you'd still be an asshole.

The FACT is that America (who is NOT dying) is the number one military superpower in the world. The fact that China has more cannon fodder doesn't change MY facts in the slightest.

I never claimed America was dying or that it wasn't the strongest military superpower. (apparently reading is a challenge for you too). But I did show that your claim that the US has the largest armed forces in the world is not a fact but a lie.

See, I'm reading the whole thread. The OP said the country is dying and I'm refuting that claim. You just want to refute my claim that we are the world's number one military. You're playing tomato tomahto. Have fun.
To start with, I'm not stupid, but you are an asshole. Even if I was, I can get smarter, but you'd still be an asshole.

The FACT is that America (who is NOT dying) is the number one military superpower in the world. The fact that China has more cannon fodder doesn't change MY facts in the slightest.

I never claimed America was dying or that it wasn't the strongest military superpower. (apparently reading is a challenge for you too). But I did show that your claim that the US has the largest armed forces in the world is not a fact but a lie.

See, I'm reading the whole thread. The OP said the country is dying and I'm refuting that claim. You just want to refute my claim that we are the world's number one military. You're playing tomato tomahto. Have fun.

You really have problems with reading. I didn't refute the idea that the US is the top military superposer, on the contrary. But I did refute your lie that the US has the largest armed forces in the world.

Maybe you should check into some remedial reading and math classes?
I never claimed America was dying or that it wasn't the strongest military superpower. (apparently reading is a challenge for you too). But I did show that your claim that the US has the largest armed forces in the world is not a fact but a lie.

See, I'm reading the whole thread. The OP said the country is dying and I'm refuting that claim. You just want to refute my claim that we are the world's number one military. You're playing tomato tomahto. Have fun.

You really have problems with reading. I didn't refute the idea that the US is the top military superposer, on the contrary. But I did refute your lie that the US has the largest armed forces in the world.

Maybe you should check into some remedial reading and math classes?

See, I'm reading the whole thread. The OP said the country is dying and I'm refuting that claim. You just want to refute my claim that we are the world's number one military. You're playing tomato tomahto. Have fun.

You really have problems with reading. I didn't refute the idea that the US is the top military superposer, on the contrary. But I did refute your lie that the US has the largest armed forces in the world.

Maybe you should check into some remedial reading and math classes?


Yes, I figured you would find it very hard to have your ignorance and stupidity exposed. Though.
You really have problems with reading. I didn't refute the idea that the US is the top military superposer, on the contrary. But I did refute your lie that the US has the largest armed forces in the world.

Maybe you should check into some remedial reading and math classes?


Yes, I figured you would find it very hard to have your ignorance and stupidity exposed. Though.

Nah...I'm a parent. My ignorance is "exposed" daily. You want to play semantics for some reason so, okay, you "win"...let me know how you're going to spend your "winnings". :lol: China is "bigger" than we are...but we're still the number one military power in the world.

Lookie there...and not once did I have to call you stupid or ignorant. I had to call you an asshole, but you earned that one.
I believe that the Chinese army is shorter. Therefore, we have a larger military.
The US looks pretty healthy to me. It's not perfect, but nothing man-made is. To say it is dying is really pretty far removed from reality.

I cant agree there. We've been suffering from a cancer, of sorts, for decades. This cancer breaks down our families, corrupts individuals, destroys economics, and grows government.

This cancer is our pride, arrogance, hubris, apathy, dishonesty, and this illogical belief that we are somehow better than people throughout thousand of years of human existance.

On top of that, we have robbers in our midsts. We have people in both parties who want revolution. And as a result of that revolution they want power and wealth that they are not entitled to. They want to take money by force and give it to themselves and their friends who build them up in their political structure.

No, we are dying. But we can still be saved. We just need to wake ourselves up and choose to do the difficult things in life. We need to reconnect with God and eliminate these things from our lives. If we dont eliminate them from our lives, we can't eliminate them from our nation.
I noticed throughout history that countries usually lose their standing in the world as their military weakens.

Screw our standing in the world. Too many people are caught up on "being number 1" that they are willing to sell their principles.

The only reason we are/were number 1 is because we, the people, were good. When we cease to be good, it's not surprising that our military will weaken and that we lose our number one status.

The solution is to go to the source of the problem and turn to God. We need to repent of our sins as individuals and as a society. We need to get the grace of God to change our direction and path. I dont think God is done with man's freedom. He will restore us if we turn to Him.
The voters are doing something.
It's called the Tea Party. They are regular people, who have stepped up to change Washington D.C.
They are doing it, because of all the vilifying talk about them, blaming them, that they are the ones who are extreme.
You know you are doing something right when that happens.
You can't have a new Revolution and not expect to be vilified by those in power, who will not go going willingly and is putting up a vicious fight,with lies and accusations.

We need to be doing more though.
What a bunch of Drama Queens.

Our country isn't dying, but I've noticed that extremist believe that if their party isn't in power.

Who's one of the richest country in the world? We are.

Who has the largest military in the world (by a VERY large margin)? We do.

Try to get your facts straigth. The US does NOT have the largest military in the world. The Best and the strongest, yes. But the largest, no.
Oh look, here are facts (sourced I might add)

The Ten Largest Military Powers In The World

5. Russia
> Spending 2010: $[58.7] Billion
> Change 2001 – 2010: 82.4%
> Share of GDP: [4]%
Although Russian military spending decreased 1.4% from 2009 to 2010, it increased 82.4% over the entire decade. According to the BBC, Russia has plans to spend $650 billion on defense between now and 2020. According to

Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, this money would be used to modernize the country’s armed forces. It currently relies heavily on the nuclear arsenal built during the Cold War.

4. France
> Spending 2010: $59.3 Billion
> Change 2001 – 2010: 3.3%
> Share of GDP: 2.3%
While France’s military spending increased 3.3% over the past decade, it decreased a stunning 8.4% from 2009 to 2010. This decrease, which is by far the largest on our list, is mostly the result of the global economic crisis. The crisis was severe in Europe, and hit France especially hard. This has caused the government under Nicolas Sarkozy to make large cuts to rein in the deficit.

3. UK
> Spending 2010: $59.6 Billion
> Change 2001 – 2010: 21.9%
> Share of GDP: 2.7%
The United Kingdom surpassed France in amount spent on military in 2010. Despite a growth of 21.9% in spending over the decade, the UK’s military expenditures dropped 0.8% from 2009 to 2010. This amount will most likely decrease more in 2011. In late 2010, Prime Minister David Cameron announced that the country would be making defense cuts, including cutting 17,000 troops, to help bring down the debt. The country will instead focus more on its special forces, which includes its counter-terrorism units.

2. China
> Spending 2010: $[119] Billion
> Change 2001 – 2010: 189%
> Share of GDP: [2.1]%
China spent the second greatest amount on the military in 2010, and the amount is growing quickly. From 2001 to 2010, the country’s military expenditures increased 189%. This is more than double the amount of any other country on this list. Weak economic performance in 2009 caused the 2009-2010 increase to only be 3.8%. Spending in 2011 will increase by 12.7%, according to the BBC. It should be noted, however, that many analysts believe China’s defense spending is higher than the country reports.

1. USA
> Spending 2010: $698 Billion
> Change 2001 – 2010: 81.3%
> Share of GDP: 4.8%
The United States spent just under $700 billion on its military in 2010, more than all the other countries on this list combined. The amount of GDP which goes towards defense has also risen in the US from 3.1% in 2001 to an estimated 4.8% in 2010. This is the highest amount among countries with reliable military spending data outside of the Middle East. Even with the country’s large debt, military spending seems to be untouchable in the political realm. As the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s report says: “President Obama’s FY2012 budget announced a 5-year freeze on non-security-related discretionary expenditure, but military spending, along with other security spending such as intelligence and Homeland Security is exempt.”
Oh, look...wrong metric. Largest in context meant number of people. Not amount spent.

Also, look at the top 20 and you'll see just how much money is being spent against us. It is a moron's talking point that we should spend only that much as just one of our possible enemies.
Support public financing of elections. Not only would more voices be heard because they're not swamped out by incumbent money, but also the winners would have fewer expensive promises to keep, saving us money in the long run.

How bout single-payer elections funded by donations that go into one pot that is split evenly between parties?

It would be hard to get people to contribute to a general fund. I think paying for it with tax money would still be cheaper in the long run. I don't see giving money to parties anyway. It'd be better to think in terms of individuals and break the stranglehold of the two-party system.

So you want tax payers, paying for crazy candidates that no one supports?
By "head count", yes China wins. Factor in Technology and their head count only means more body bags. The United States Military is FAR superior.

But we arent talking about which military is best, we are discussing which military is the largest.
The US looks pretty healthy to me. It's not perfect, but nothing man-made is. To say it is dying is really pretty far removed from reality.

I cant agree there. We've been suffering from a cancer, of sorts, for decades. This cancer breaks down our families, corrupts individuals, destroys economics, and grows government.

This cancer is our pride, arrogance, hubris, apathy, dishonesty, and this illogical belief that we are somehow better than people throughout thousand of years of human existance.

On top of that, we have robbers in our midsts. We have people in both parties who want revolution. And as a result of that revolution they want power and wealth that they are not entitled to. They want to take money by force and give it to themselves and their friends who build them up in their political structure.

No, we are dying. But we can still be saved. We just need to wake ourselves up and choose to do the difficult things in life. We need to reconnect with God and eliminate these things from our lives. If we dont eliminate them from our lives, we can't eliminate them from our nation.

Your pias religious bullshit has nothing to do with the dynamics of our country.

Our sentience is the reason for losing our religion.

Our religion is not the source of our morality. This has been thoroughly debunked, over and over and over and over.
The US looks pretty healthy to me. It's not perfect, but nothing man-made is. To say it is dying is really pretty far removed from reality.

I cant agree there. We've been suffering from a cancer, of sorts, for decades. This cancer breaks down our families, corrupts individuals, destroys economics, and grows government.

This cancer is our pride, arrogance, hubris, apathy, dishonesty, and this illogical belief that we are somehow better than people throughout thousand of years of human existance.

On top of that, we have robbers in our midsts. We have people in both parties who want revolution. And as a result of that revolution they want power and wealth that they are not entitled to. They want to take money by force and give it to themselves and their friends who build them up in their political structure.

No, we are dying. But we can still be saved. We just need to wake ourselves up and choose to do the difficult things in life. We need to reconnect with God and eliminate these things from our lives. If we dont eliminate them from our lives, we can't eliminate them from our nation.

Your pias religious bullshit has nothing to do with the dynamics of our country.

Our sentience is the reason for losing our religion.

Our religion is not the source of our morality. This has been thoroughly debunked, over and over and over and over.
You keep telling yourself that. You'll sleep better at night.
I cant agree there. We've been suffering from a cancer, of sorts, for decades. This cancer breaks down our families, corrupts individuals, destroys economics, and grows government.

This cancer is our pride, arrogance, hubris, apathy, dishonesty, and this illogical belief that we are somehow better than people throughout thousand of years of human existance.

On top of that, we have robbers in our midsts. We have people in both parties who want revolution. And as a result of that revolution they want power and wealth that they are not entitled to. They want to take money by force and give it to themselves and their friends who build them up in their political structure.

No, we are dying. But we can still be saved. We just need to wake ourselves up and choose to do the difficult things in life. We need to reconnect with God and eliminate these things from our lives. If we dont eliminate them from our lives, we can't eliminate them from our nation.

Your pias religious bullshit has nothing to do with the dynamics of our country.

Our sentience is the reason for losing our religion.

Our religion is not the source of our morality. This has been thoroughly debunked, over and over and over and over.
You keep telling yourself that. You'll sleep better at night.

It's self evident.
Your pias religious bullshit has nothing to do with the dynamics of our country.

Our sentience is the reason for losing our religion.

Our religion is not the source of our morality. This has been thoroughly debunked, over and over and over and over.

I humbly disagree. And I would add that you havent debunked anything.

The laws of nature and Nature's God still apply. The rules of the universe havent changed just because we have more tech.
Your pias religious bullshit has nothing to do with the dynamics of our country.

Our sentience is the reason for losing our religion.

Our religion is not the source of our morality. This has been thoroughly debunked, over and over and over and over.

I humbly disagree. And I would add that you havent debunked anything.

The laws of nature and Nature's God still apply. The rules of the universe havent changed just because we have more tech.

You can disagree all you'd like - it's pretty evident that God is not our source of morality.

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