

Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d7u5L4YcOo]John Kerry: Ask Osama Bin Laden if He is Better Off than He was Four Years Ago - YouTube[/ame]

How is it courageous to give an order to kill Osama? Maybe for a democrat, but most people wouldnt have thought twice about it and would have given credit to the people who got the information and killed Osama. So instead of prosecuting the CIA agents, they would have been praised, except under a democrat.
Osama the economic guru...

Bin Laden Gives Economic Advice In Declassified Letter
3/02/2016 - Former arch-terrorist and aspiring financial manager Osama bin Laden didn’t buy into gold investments and told his followers not to get too excited about the potential collapse of the U.S. dollar.
The letter is one of dozens of documents declassified by the Director of National Intelligence Tuesday. The trove of letters and manuscripts were taken from bin Laden’s compound in Abottabad, Pakistan during the operation that killed him. Though the letter is not dated, it appears to have been written sometime shortly after the 2008 financial crisis. “We constantly hear news of the weakness of the dollar, and how it is growing weaker day after day in the field of established reciprocal prices with the value of an ounce of gold reaching close to 1,200 dollars for the first time,” wrote bin Laden. “Some among us might think that the dollar’s weakness is a sign of pending collapse or of the weakness of the American economy, particularly after the unusual turn to precious metals – gold – by investors as a safe haven.”

Bin Laden agreed the American economy faces some “significant and dangerous challenges,” but was not convinced the prospect of a weakening dollar was a sign of economic collapse in the U.S. Bin Laden seemed to be aware that his economic analysis would disappoint many crazed jihadists and murderous terrorists who wanted nothing more than to see the U.S. economy fall, so the armchair-economics professor provided an economics lesson, al-Qaida style. “The decreasing value of the dollar serves none other than the American economy, and only hurts the industrialized exporter nations,” claimed bin Laden.

According to bin Laden, the U.S. was mirroring China’s economic strategy. He apparently believed that the Chinese yuan currency is not linked to the dollar, which allowed them to sell goods cheaply — a strange assertion considering China’s pegging of its currency to the U.S. dollar is widely considered to have been standard practice for some time. It would appear the former economics major was a little rusty after several decades of engaging in terrorism and murder.

Bin Laden Gives Economic Advice In Declassified Letter

See also:

Islamic State making millions on stock exchange
3 March, 2016 - Islamic State is making millions of dollars for its war chest by playing foreign currency markets under the noses of bank chiefs, it was revealed yesterday.
The terror group is earning up to $20-million a month by funnelling dollars looted from banks during its takeover of the Iraqi city of Mosul to currency markets in the Middle East. It then makes huge returns on currency speculation, which are then wired back via unsuspecting financial authorities in Iraq and Jordan, a parliamentary committee was told yesterday.

IS's extraordinary venture into white-collar crime is now a major source of income, along with oil smuggling and extortion. Details of the scam emerged during a hearing of a Whitehall foreign affairs subcommittee set up to examine Britain's role in IS financing.

The hearing was told that IS finance chiefs play the international stock markets. They also use money siphoned off from pension payments still being made by the Iraqi government to civil servants living in Mosul. "The cash is routed to Jordanian banks and brought back into the system via Baghdad," said subcommittee chairman John Baron. "That allows the system to be exploited by IS in that they take a profit on the foreign currency actions and siphon that cash back."

The profits were channelled back into IS coffers by "hawala" transfers, an unregulated system of money transfer, in which cash payments are made via agents in one country after a similar amount is presented as collateral in another. Tobias Ellwood, a junior foreign office minister, said that work was now under way to shut the system down.

Islamic State making millions on stock exchange

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