Do you really hate liberals as much as you seem to?


Cows Have Liberal Minds
Nov 6, 2011
I've seen all sorts of talk from people on these boards spewing their beliefs on how nasty liberals are. Liberal people seem to be such a horrendous offense to them that they're blinded by the fact that liberalism and conservative, for most individuals, is just disagreement on policies... not a sign of character merit or flaw. The disagreements may be strong, but they shouldn't soil your view of people as much as they seem to.

I live in Texas and I work and live around all sorts of conservatives. When you're around me, you might not know it but you're dealing with a bleeding heart liberal.

I'm not a person who will cut you off. If I can't safely get to my destination without being an asshole, I will alter my route.

I'm the guy who will open the door for you, or keep it propped open if I see or sense you behind me.

If you're trying to turn into the roadway while traffic is piled behind a light, I will usually let you slip in.

If I receive your mail with mine as a mistake, I will see that it gets returned to you, whether that means putting it back into the mail stream or doing a bit of research to locate your correct address (I just recently did this with a check for $2,700 I received for another individual).

If you drop something and I can alert you, you bet I will, and if I can't I will probably bring it to you.

I'll show great restraint and remain courteous to you, even if you take your frustrations out on me. This won't last if your intent is to antagonize however.

I'll be entirely willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I mean, that's just a small number of the things that I do. They're habit, and they're in my nature. When we're interacting in day to day life, even if I know or assume you're a conservative I will treat you like a human being. I don't carry around my politics with me in real life on my shoulder. I have enough problems to deal with, why would I want to have to deal with that too?

This exact same thing can be said to any liberal as well, who believes that conservatives are awful people.

Do you ever realize that some of the nicest people you interact with in day to day life might be your polar opposite politically?

Anyway this is just a rant thread. If you want a TL;DR, FUCK YOU YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!
Lotta hate talk against the conservatives too, doncha think? Doesn't serve much purpose IMHO, usually I don't read it or respond to it.
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Lotta hate talk against the conservatives too, doncha think? Doesn't serve much purpose IMHO, usually I don't read it or respond to it.

Well, I don't know. I never really compared the frequency of insinuations against peoples character from one side or the other.

I love heated political discussion. I even love insulting people because of their politics online. I don't really make the assumption or the accusation that people in real life are terrible people, and I sure as hell don't treat people poorly in daily interactions without having a very good reason to, even if I know their politics.

I mean, unless it's something totally awful of course.
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I hear ya. People can get real carried away with Politics. And that turns many people off, and away from involvement in Politics. You just have to check yourself and not get too carried away. Not everything Liberal is bad, and not everything Conservative is bad. There's a lot of good in both political ideologies.

And i say all this while fully admitting i myself have been known to get a little carried away with Politics. People just have to chill out. We're all Americans at the end of the day. We don't have to treat each other like mortal enemies.
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I've seen all sorts of talk from people on these boards spewing their beliefs on how nasty liberals are. Liberal people seem to be such a horrendous offense to them that they're blinded by the fact that liberalism and conservative, for most individuals, is just disagreement on policies... not a sign of character merit or flaw. The disagreements may be strong, but they shouldn't soil your view of people as much as they seem to.

I live in Texas and I work and live around all sorts of conservatives. When you're around me, you might not know it but you're dealing with a bleeding heart liberal.

I'm not a person who will cut you off. If I can't safely get to my destination without being an asshole, I will alter my route.

I'm the guy who will open the door for you, or keep it propped open if I see or sense you behind me.

If you're trying to turn into the roadway while traffic is piled behind a light, I will usually let you slip in.

If I receive your mail with mine as a mistake, I will see that it gets returned to you, whether that means putting it back into the mail stream or doing a bit of research to locate your correct address (I just recently did this with a check for $2,700 I received for another individual).

If you drop something and I can alert you, you bet I will, and if I can't I will probably bring it to you.

I'll show great restraint and remain courteous to you, even if you take your frustrations out on me. This won't last if your intent is to antagonize however.

I'll be entirely willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I mean, that's just a small number of the things that I do. They're habit, and they're in my nature. When we're interacting in day to day life, even if I know or assume you're a conservative I will treat you like a human being. I don't carry around my politics with me in real life on my shoulder. I have enough problems to deal with, why would I want to have to deal with that too?

This exact same thing can be said to any liberal as well, who believes that conservatives are awful people.

Do you ever realize that some of the nicest people you interact with in day to day life might be your polar opposite politically?

Anyway this is just a rant thread. If you want a TL;DR, FUCK YOU YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!

The problem with flaming liberals, like you, is that you are insincere and lack integrity.

You don't do ANYTHING out of kindness. Everything you do is based on obligation, appearance, and ulterior motive.

I've seen some of your nasty, disrespectful, disgraceful, and pathological postings in this message board.

You should be ASHAMED of this topic that you started, and your blatant and failed attempt to justify your HYPOCRISY by telling everybody what a great person you really are.

Nice try, Elsie.
I've seen all sorts of talk from people on these boards spewing their beliefs on how nasty liberals are. Liberal people seem to be such a horrendous offense to them that they're blinded by the fact that liberalism and conservative, for most individuals, is just disagreement on policies... not a sign of character merit or flaw. The disagreements may be strong, but they shouldn't soil your view of people as much as they seem to.

I live in Texas and I work and live around all sorts of conservatives. When you're around me, you might not know it but you're dealing with a bleeding heart liberal.

I'm not a person who will cut you off. If I can't safely get to my destination without being an asshole, I will alter my route.

I'm the guy who will open the door for you, or keep it propped open if I see or sense you behind me.

If you're trying to turn into the roadway while traffic is piled behind a light, I will usually let you slip in.

If I receive your mail with mine as a mistake, I will see that it gets returned to you, whether that means putting it back into the mail stream or doing a bit of research to locate your correct address (I just recently did this with a check for $2,700 I received for another individual).

If you drop something and I can alert you, you bet I will, and if I can't I will probably bring it to you.

I'll show great restraint and remain courteous to you, even if you take your frustrations out on me. This won't last if your intent is to antagonize however.

I'll be entirely willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I mean, that's just a small number of the things that I do. They're habit, and they're in my nature. When we're interacting in day to day life, even if I know or assume you're a conservative I will treat you like a human being. I don't carry around my politics with me in real life on my shoulder. I have enough problems to deal with, why would I want to have to deal with that too?

This exact same thing can be said to any liberal as well, who believes that conservatives are awful people.

Do you ever realize that some of the nicest people you interact with in day to day life might be your polar opposite politically?

Anyway this is just a rant thread. If you want a TL;DR, FUCK YOU YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!

Cowman - I think you need to consider that people like you and Moonglow are the exception, not the rule. Have you truly watched on tv what makes up the majority of the liberal party? Have you watched OWS at all? You and Moonglow probably weren't down there, but God only knows how many hundreds of thousands participated around the nation in the different cities, and the people there were some of the lowest forms of animal life I've ever seen. Filthy, belligerent, and downright criminal committing some of the most heinous acts known to man (rape and murder).

Even John Stewart - a liberal - just played a tape on his show from the DNC showing liberals talking about their vile hatred of conservatives, right after they called themselves the party of inclusion and how everyone was welcomed.

I'll give credit it when it's due, but for the most part, the liberals I encounter here and see in the media represent the worst of mankind. They lie about everything, are intolerant of decency (their tolerant of a promiscuous transgender creature with AIDS, but Godforbid if you are a moral citizen who attends church), and believe "the ends justify the means" (ie will take any horrific action to ensure their side wins). I'm just being honest in what I've seen.

If the people here and the people in the media don't represent the left Cow, then I think those of you who are decent need to stand up and represent the Democrats, and kick the psychopaths the hell out of your party. I come from a long (very long) line of hard core Democrats. My dad has told his relatives for years, "I didn't leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me". The party has become so radical and so unhinged, it's lead by true communists/socialists/marxists. I'm talking people who are actually proud to be card carrying members of the Communist Party USA. Self-admitted Communists like Van Jones, who was hired by your party's president to work in the White House. When a party brings a SELF-ADMITTED Communist into the White House - well, enough said....
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You mean like the left claiming for the last 4 years anyone opposed to Obama's policies are racist? Or claiming that Sarah Palin caused Giffords to get shot? Or how every time there is a shooting the left claims it was a right winger and to date that has not been true yet?

How about all the love from Hollywood and the press. As I recall at the Republican convention a Newsman got fired for his outrageous attack on air. And at the Democratic Convention people were talking about murdering Romney and I do not mean metaphorically, they actually wanted to commit murder.

Ya the left doesn't hate, they are all peace and love. Just read the threads on this board.
I've seen all sorts of talk from people on these boards spewing their beliefs on how nasty liberals are. Liberal people seem to be such a horrendous offense to them that they're blinded by the fact that liberalism and conservative, for most individuals, is just disagreement on policies... not a sign of character merit or flaw. The disagreements may be strong, but they shouldn't soil your view of people as much as they seem to.

I live in Texas and I work and live around all sorts of conservatives. When you're around me, you might not know it but you're dealing with a bleeding heart liberal.

I'm not a person who will cut you off. If I can't safely get to my destination without being an asshole, I will alter my route.

I'm the guy who will open the door for you, or keep it propped open if I see or sense you behind me.

If you're trying to turn into the roadway while traffic is piled behind a light, I will usually let you slip in.

If I receive your mail with mine as a mistake, I will see that it gets returned to you, whether that means putting it back into the mail stream or doing a bit of research to locate your correct address (I just recently did this with a check for $2,700 I received for another individual).

If you drop something and I can alert you, you bet I will, and if I can't I will probably bring it to you.

I'll show great restraint and remain courteous to you, even if you take your frustrations out on me. This won't last if your intent is to antagonize however.

I'll be entirely willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I mean, that's just a small number of the things that I do. They're habit, and they're in my nature. When we're interacting in day to day life, even if I know or assume you're a conservative I will treat you like a human being. I don't carry around my politics with me in real life on my shoulder. I have enough problems to deal with, why would I want to have to deal with that too?

This exact same thing can be said to any liberal as well, who believes that conservatives are awful people.

Do you ever realize that some of the nicest people you interact with in day to day life might be your polar opposite politically?

Anyway this is just a rant thread. If you want a TL;DR, FUCK YOU YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!

This exact same thing can be said to any liberal as well, who believes that conservatives are awful people.

The truth is, the Republican Leadership are awful. Terrible and awful people. People who have brought great damage to this country. The base follows them. What are they thinking? I don't know. But it's the base who shouts out "let him die" and "applauds executions" at the GOP debates. What does that say about them?
I've seen all sorts of talk from people on these boards spewing their beliefs on how nasty liberals are. Liberal people seem to be such a horrendous offense to them that they're blinded by the fact that liberalism and conservative, for most individuals, is just disagreement on policies... not a sign of character merit or flaw. The disagreements may be strong, but they shouldn't soil your view of people as much as they seem to.

I live in Texas and I work and live around all sorts of conservatives. When you're around me, you might not know it but you're dealing with a bleeding heart liberal.

I'm not a person who will cut you off. If I can't safely get to my destination without being an asshole, I will alter my route.

I'm the guy who will open the door for you, or keep it propped open if I see or sense you behind me.

If you're trying to turn into the roadway while traffic is piled behind a light, I will usually let you slip in.

If I receive your mail with mine as a mistake, I will see that it gets returned to you, whether that means putting it back into the mail stream or doing a bit of research to locate your correct address (I just recently did this with a check for $2,700 I received for another individual).

If you drop something and I can alert you, you bet I will, and if I can't I will probably bring it to you.

I'll show great restraint and remain courteous to you, even if you take your frustrations out on me. This won't last if your intent is to antagonize however.

I'll be entirely willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I mean, that's just a small number of the things that I do. They're habit, and they're in my nature. When we're interacting in day to day life, even if I know or assume you're a conservative I will treat you like a human being. I don't carry around my politics with me in real life on my shoulder. I have enough problems to deal with, why would I want to have to deal with that too?

This exact same thing can be said to any liberal as well, who believes that conservatives are awful people.

Do you ever realize that some of the nicest people you interact with in day to day life might be your polar opposite politically?

Anyway this is just a rant thread. If you want a TL;DR, FUCK YOU YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!
I see it cut both ways here I have seen more than my share of repuke, repig, teabagger, Nazi Republican threads and post here the worst of the worst I just put on ignore.
I've seen all sorts of talk from people on these boards spewing their beliefs on how nasty liberals are. Liberal people seem to be such a horrendous offense to them that they're blinded by the fact that liberalism and conservative, for most individuals, is just disagreement on policies... not a sign of character merit or flaw. The disagreements may be strong, but they shouldn't soil your view of people as much as they seem to.

I live in Texas and I work and live around all sorts of conservatives. When you're around me, you might not know it but you're dealing with a bleeding heart liberal.

I'm not a person who will cut you off. If I can't safely get to my destination without being an asshole, I will alter my route.

I'm the guy who will open the door for you, or keep it propped open if I see or sense you behind me.

If you're trying to turn into the roadway while traffic is piled behind a light, I will usually let you slip in.

If I receive your mail with mine as a mistake, I will see that it gets returned to you, whether that means putting it back into the mail stream or doing a bit of research to locate your correct address (I just recently did this with a check for $2,700 I received for another individual).

If you drop something and I can alert you, you bet I will, and if I can't I will probably bring it to you.

I'll show great restraint and remain courteous to you, even if you take your frustrations out on me. This won't last if your intent is to antagonize however.

I'll be entirely willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I mean, that's just a small number of the things that I do. They're habit, and they're in my nature. When we're interacting in day to day life, even if I know or assume you're a conservative I will treat you like a human being. I don't carry around my politics with me in real life on my shoulder. I have enough problems to deal with, why would I want to have to deal with that too?

This exact same thing can be said to any liberal as well, who believes that conservatives are awful people.

Do you ever realize that some of the nicest people you interact with in day to day life might be your polar opposite politically?

Anyway this is just a rant thread. If you want a TL;DR, FUCK YOU YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!

The problem with flaming liberals, like you, is that you are insincere and lack integrity.

You don't do ANYTHING out of kindness. Everything you do is based on obligation, appearance, and ulterior motive.

I've seen some of your nasty, disrespectful, disgraceful, and pathological postings in this message board.

You should be ASHAMED of this topic that you started, and your blatant and failed attempt to justify your HYPOCRISY by telling everybody what a great person you really are.

Nice try, Elsie.

You think I'm nice in real life only because of appearances? Why would I need to keep up appearances for complete strangers? What's my ulterior motive for being nice? MUAHAHA, I LET YOU SLIP TO THE FRONT OF ME IN A CROWDED ROADWAY, I'VE GOT YOU NOW!

Also... I'm not claiming to be a great person. In your world, do people have to be 'great' to be nice individuals or treat people with a modicum of respect even if having never met them before? No, that's how normal people are. That's how many people are anyway. A lot of people are also just rude, inconsiderate assholes.

You make a big mistake by equating internet persona to real life personality. I'm not in real life the same way I am on this forum because of appearances or anything foolish like that... I'm that way because being an asshole takes a lot of work and effort. It's so much easier and rewarding to be nice towards people.
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I am very much like the OP, though I don't identify myself as completely liberal.

A theme of my time on this forum has been that both sides are 2 sides of the same coin. Everytime I read a liberal flame thread or a likewise conservative one and I read the posts within, it's almost effortless to flip them into the inverse.

So to answer the answer the question, No, I don't really hate liberals. I also don't really hate conservatives either. To be absolutely honest, I can count on one hand the things in my life that I well and truly hate. Its a strong word and one that should not be used lightly. Hating an ideology is a pointless waste of my time and my energy. Both are better spent understanding it instead.
I've seen all sorts of talk from people on these boards spewing their beliefs on how nasty liberals are. Liberal people seem to be such a horrendous offense to them that they're blinded by the fact that liberalism and conservative, for most individuals, is just disagreement on policies... not a sign of character merit or flaw. The disagreements may be strong, but they shouldn't soil your view of people as much as they seem to.

I live in Texas and I work and live around all sorts of conservatives. When you're around me, you might not know it but you're dealing with a bleeding heart liberal.

I'm not a person who will cut you off. If I can't safely get to my destination without being an asshole, I will alter my route.

I'm the guy who will open the door for you, or keep it propped open if I see or sense you behind me.

If you're trying to turn into the roadway while traffic is piled behind a light, I will usually let you slip in.

If I receive your mail with mine as a mistake, I will see that it gets returned to you, whether that means putting it back into the mail stream or doing a bit of research to locate your correct address (I just recently did this with a check for $2,700 I received for another individual).

If you drop something and I can alert you, you bet I will, and if I can't I will probably bring it to you.

I'll show great restraint and remain courteous to you, even if you take your frustrations out on me. This won't last if your intent is to antagonize however.

I'll be entirely willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I mean, that's just a small number of the things that I do. They're habit, and they're in my nature. When we're interacting in day to day life, even if I know or assume you're a conservative I will treat you like a human being. I don't carry around my politics with me in real life on my shoulder. I have enough problems to deal with, why would I want to have to deal with that too?

This exact same thing can be said to any liberal as well, who believes that conservatives are awful people.

Do you ever realize that some of the nicest people you interact with in day to day life might be your polar opposite politically?

Anyway this is just a rant thread. If you want a TL;DR, FUCK YOU YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!

I'm pretty much just like that. The biggest argument I'll have in the course of my day is with people who insist I go first at an intersection. I'm very easy to get along with and I can truthfully say I hate no living person.

I don't hate liberals. I detest most of what they stand for politically, but I can find common ground with just about anyone I respect.

There are a few people that have lost that respect and I'll never again have a kind word for, but hate? Nope.
I've seen all sorts of talk from people on these boards spewing their beliefs on how nasty liberals are. Liberal people seem to be such a horrendous offense to them that they're blinded by the fact that liberalism and conservative, for most individuals, is just disagreement on policies... not a sign of character merit or flaw. The disagreements may be strong, but they shouldn't soil your view of people as much as they seem to.

I live in Texas and I work and live around all sorts of conservatives. When you're around me, you might not know it but you're dealing with a bleeding heart liberal.

I'm not a person who will cut you off. If I can't safely get to my destination without being an asshole, I will alter my route.

I'm the guy who will open the door for you, or keep it propped open if I see or sense you behind me.

If you're trying to turn into the roadway while traffic is piled behind a light, I will usually let you slip in.

If I receive your mail with mine as a mistake, I will see that it gets returned to you, whether that means putting it back into the mail stream or doing a bit of research to locate your correct address (I just recently did this with a check for $2,700 I received for another individual).

If you drop something and I can alert you, you bet I will, and if I can't I will probably bring it to you.

I'll show great restraint and remain courteous to you, even if you take your frustrations out on me. This won't last if your intent is to antagonize however.

I'll be entirely willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I mean, that's just a small number of the things that I do. They're habit, and they're in my nature. When we're interacting in day to day life, even if I know or assume you're a conservative I will treat you like a human being. I don't carry around my politics with me in real life on my shoulder. I have enough problems to deal with, why would I want to have to deal with that too?

This exact same thing can be said to any liberal as well, who believes that conservatives are awful people.

Do you ever realize that some of the nicest people you interact with in day to day life might be your polar opposite politically?

Anyway this is just a rant thread. If you want a TL;DR, FUCK YOU YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!

No, there are some liberals that are coherent and then some kooks, but the kooks are the ones that seem to come through. My dad's a professor and I've grown up with liberals and we have fun with politics.
I hear ya. People can get real carried away with Politics. And that turns many people off, and away from involvement in Politics. You just have to check yourself and not get too carried away. Not everything Liberal is bad, and not everything Conservative is bad. There's a lot of good in both political ideologies.

And i say all this while fully admitting i myself have been known to get a little carried away with Politics. People just have to chill out. We're all Americans at the end of the day. We don't have to treat each other like mortal enemies.

Of course not, but we all have to realize that there are those on both sides who have, by virtue of their behavior, given up the expectation of civil treatment.
The biggest argument I'll have in the course of my day is with people who insist I go first at an intersection.

Ugh. Drives me nuts. I always seem to run into people who arrive at the intersection considerably more early than me, basically wait there for me to react... and when I do... they start coming as well, and almost cause a low speed collision.
I've seen all sorts of talk from people on these boards spewing their beliefs on how nasty liberals are. Liberal people seem to be such a horrendous offense to them that they're blinded by the fact that liberalism and conservative, for most individuals, is just disagreement on policies... not a sign of character merit or flaw. The disagreements may be strong, but they shouldn't soil your view of people as much as they seem to.

I live in Texas and I work and live around all sorts of conservatives. When you're around me, you might not know it but you're dealing with a bleeding heart liberal.

I'm not a person who will cut you off. If I can't safely get to my destination without being an asshole, I will alter my route.

I'm the guy who will open the door for you, or keep it propped open if I see or sense you behind me.

If you're trying to turn into the roadway while traffic is piled behind a light, I will usually let you slip in.

If I receive your mail with mine as a mistake, I will see that it gets returned to you, whether that means putting it back into the mail stream or doing a bit of research to locate your correct address (I just recently did this with a check for $2,700 I received for another individual).

If you drop something and I can alert you, you bet I will, and if I can't I will probably bring it to you.

I'll show great restraint and remain courteous to you, even if you take your frustrations out on me. This won't last if your intent is to antagonize however.

I'll be entirely willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I mean, that's just a small number of the things that I do. They're habit, and they're in my nature. When we're interacting in day to day life, even if I know or assume you're a conservative I will treat you like a human being. I don't carry around my politics with me in real life on my shoulder. I have enough problems to deal with, why would I want to have to deal with that too?

This exact same thing can be said to any liberal as well, who believes that conservatives are awful people.

Do you ever realize that some of the nicest people you interact with in day to day life might be your polar opposite politically?

Anyway this is just a rant thread. If you want a TL;DR, FUCK YOU YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!

No, there are some liberals that are coherent and then some kooks, but the kooks are the ones that seem to come through. My dad's a professor and I've grown up with liberals and we have fun with politics.

How can you honestly tell though? I like to think I'm one of the biggest antagonists of you conservative posters on here... but my real life personality is entirely different.

I profess to probably make mistakes of character on this forum as well, for a lot of things. I should probably forgo trying to imagine what people are like in real life at all, based on what they say here.

I honestly think the same should be done for politics, a great deal of the time. Sometimes it seems like people are ready to murder each other in a great big civil war... with how intense things get. But are people really acting like that on the street in real life? At a tipping point?

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Always try to keep things in perspective. But some people just can't handle Politics. It overwhelms them. Imagine wanting to kill another human being for nothing, other than disagreeing with their Politics. This is what happens to some whose heads have been filled with such irrational hate. Just try not to go this route and you should be ok...

[ame=]Democratic Delegate Wants to Kill Romney! - YouTube[/ame]
We are all 'liberals' in America.

Liberty and freedom is what our nation is all about.

What is happening now is that our Left is no longer just Liberal, but increasingly dominated by their totalitarian central planning wing - which you can call Communist / Socialist / Fascist.

So yes, I hate your guts.
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We are all 'liberals' in America.

Liberty and freedom is what our nation is all about.

What is happening now is that our Left is no longer just Liberal, but increasingly dominated by their totalitarian central planning wing - which you can call Communist / Socialist / Fascist.

So yes, I hate your guts.

You must live a pathetic life.

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