Original Intent #2 (3 equal branches of a powerless government)


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
The way state government was intended, the public has enough concern to place a popular demand on their state law making representative.

The state representative goes through the process, outlined by the state, and the bill becomes a law.

Someone commits and offense against the law. The highest policing authority in the land, which was your local sheriff , detains a person to bring them to court. If the sheriff can not charge them with a crime, or promise a speedy trial, the accused person walks free.
The person is found guilty , BY A JURY OF CITIZENS, then sentenced to a predetermined fate.

What's missing from this story?

What's missing is , "The government said you're going to jail for this!", "The government is throwing you in jail for that!"

The only role of the judges and members of the government is to make sure things are run fairly, they were never given authority over anything. The American definition of a judge is far different from the traditional definition of a judge.


The public has a popular demand for their representative to write a federal law in congress.
Once it is voted on and passed, it then goes through a series of people who can STRIKE IT DOWN.

I said "Strike it down" not "uphold" . If a law is not popular with the people, it should have never been there in the first place.

As 3 equal branches of government, The President, the Congress, and the Supreme Court all have the ability to strike down laws and err on the side of liberty.

Modern government says the Supreme Court decides which laws stay and which laws go.

When the founders created the federal government, they didn't even make a building for the Supreme Court, their job was the easiest, strike down anything that contradicts the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Most of the time the Supreme Court wasn't called in to make a ruling.

The founders believed the President was the final guardian of liberty. One person with the ability to scrap an entire processed law.

The founders didn't create the FBI, CIA, IRS, Department of Homeland Security...any federal police force. Ask yourself why
The sheriff is not the primary cog wheel of constitutionality.

Congress legislates, executives sign, courts opine.

The sheriff does what the letter of the law directs.
The sheriff is not the primary cog wheel of constitutionality.

Congress legislates, executives sign, courts opine.

The sheriff does what the letter of the law directs.

Jake read the OP again, I think you missed it
The OP is missing it, Frank. The judiciary is a co-equal branch, not subservient to either Congress or legislature. And what the Original Founders intended means nothing to day.
The sheriff is not the primary cog wheel of constitutionality.

Congress legislates, executives sign, courts opine.

The sheriff does what the letter of the law directs.

Jake read the OP again, I think you missed it
The OP is missing it, Frank. The judiciary is a co-equal branch, not subservient to either Congress or legislature. And what the Original Founders intended means nothing to day.

Jake, your love of Big Government prevents you from understanding the OP. The police state is recent development in the USA and not required for civil society.

Did you know Augustus Ceasar never had a formal domestic police force?
The sheriff is not the primary cog wheel of constitutionality.

Congress legislates, executives sign, courts opine.

The sheriff does what the letter of the law directs.

Jake read the OP again, I think you missed it
The OP is missing it, Frank. The judiciary is a co-equal branch, not subservient to either Congress or legislature. And what the Original Founders intended means nothing to day.

Jake, your love of Big Government prevents you from understanding the OP. The police state is recent development in the USA and not required for civil society.

Did you know Augustus Ceasar never had a formal domestic police force?
Your elected representatives in Congress, Frank, disagree with your assessment, yes? Henry VIII did not have a formal police force. And, yes, a police force has become a necessity in the modern state to keep criminals right and left and libertarian and apolitical from hurting their neighbors.
The sheriff is not the primary cog wheel of constitutionality.

Congress legislates, executives sign, courts opine.

The sheriff does what the letter of the law directs.

Jake read the OP again, I think you missed it
The OP is missing it, Frank. The judiciary is a co-equal branch, not subservient to either Congress or legislature. And what the Original Founders intended means nothing to day.

Jake, your love of Big Government prevents you from understanding the OP. The police state is recent development in the USA and not required for civil society.

Did you know Augustus Ceasar never had a formal domestic police force?
Your elected representatives in Congress, Frank, disagree with your assessment, yes? Henry VIII did not have a formal police force. And, yes, a police force has become a necessity in the modern state to keep criminals right and left and libertarian and apolitical from hurting their neighbors.

I'd prefer if my elected representatives had nothing to do, had no staff and only met once a month, like the local zoning board.
The president does not have the power to "strike down" laws, and the Executive Branch is empowered to enforce laws.

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