Organizers Say Hundreds Expected To Attend Rally To Support Suspect Accused Of Shooting 6 cops.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A controversial protest is planned Friday night in North Philadelphia to support Maurice Hill, the alleged gunman accused of shooting six Philadelphia police officers. Organizers say they expect 200 to 300 people to rally tonight.

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross says police will be there too.

“Sadly, we do have to be there, I don’t understand it. There’s certain marches I do understand, this is definitely not one of them,” Ross said.

Hill is still in jail right now while he waits to be arraigned.

Organizers Say Hundreds Expected To Attend Rally To Support Suspect Accused Of Shooting 6 Philadelphia Police Officers

Well, thanks liberals. You fucking losers.
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A controversial protest is planned Friday night in North Philadelphia to support Maurice Hill, the alleged gunman accused of shooting six Philadelphia police officers. Organizers say they expect 200 to 300 people to rally tonight.

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross says police will be there too.

“Sadly, we do have to be there, I don’t understand it. There’s certain marches I do understand, this is definitely not one of them,” Ross said.

Hill is still in jail right now while he waits to be arraigned.

Organizers Say Hundreds Expected To Attend Rally To Support Suspect Accused Of Shooting 6 Philadelphia Police Officers

Well, thanks liberals. You fucking losers.

Illegals? ICE will be watching
Your link gives zero details. Says there is a mysterious protest. Not who what where or when.
Your link gives zero details. Says there is a mysterious protest. Not who what where or when.
The story, first word, is PHILADELPHIA.

The fucking negro that shot 6 cops is a big fucking giant negro hero. They are rallying to set the fucking negro free.

Get that?
Your link gives zero details. Says there is a mysterious protest. Not who what where or when.
The story, first word, is PHILADELPHIA.

The fucking negro that shot 6 cops is a big fucking giant negro hero. They are rallying to set the fucking negro free.

Get that?
Who is protesting? What are they protesting? Where in Philly is this protest? When is it?
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A controversial protest is planned Friday night in North Philadelphia to support Maurice Hill, the alleged gunman accused of shooting six Philadelphia police officers. Organizers say they expect 200 to 300 people to rally tonight.

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross says police will be there too.

“Sadly, we do have to be there, I don’t understand it. There’s certain marches I do understand, this is definitely not one of them,” Ross said.

Hill is still in jail right now while he waits to be arraigned.

Organizers Say Hundreds Expected To Attend Rally To Support Suspect Accused Of Shooting 6 Philadelphia Police Officers

Well, thanks liberals. You fucking losers.
What liberals?
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A controversial protest is planned Friday night in North Philadelphia to support Maurice Hill, the alleged gunman accused of shooting six Philadelphia police officers. Organizers say they expect 200 to 300 people to rally tonight.

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross says police will be there too.

“Sadly, we do have to be there, I don’t understand it. There’s certain marches I do understand, this is definitely not one of them,” Ross said.

Hill is still in jail right now while he waits to be arraigned.

Organizers Say Hundreds Expected To Attend Rally To Support Suspect Accused Of Shooting 6 Philadelphia Police Officers

Well, thanks liberals. You fucking losers.
Sure hope he doesn't commit suicide.
Five young men were shot in North Philadelphia just one day after a gunman injured six police officers. The two incidents occurred on the same street, just a few miles apart.

No one was killed in either incident. But the string of violent, gun-related instances has rattled longtime residents. Some, like Diane Southerland, say the violence could drive them out of their neighborhoods.

“It’s hard trying to live in peace without fear, as you become older,” said the 61-year-old resident of the 5800 block of North 15th Street. “So then you have to start thinking about alternatives.”

Thursday’s quintuple shooting occurred just outside Southerland’s tidy rowhouse. They were one of the first black families to move to this block, over 60 years ago. She loves the neighborhood, which she described as largely African-American and middle class.

Advocates for criminal justice reform say over-policing harms African-American communities. Others say that the recent standoff between a gunman and Philadelphia police exposed the deep rift in trust between cops and the communities they are meant to protect. But many older neighbors, like Southerland, were at a loss about how to otherwise stop the tide of violence.

Although year-to-date homicides are down from 2012, the homicide rate has inched upward from a historic low in 2014, and the number of non-fatal shootings has also increased slightly compared to last year. And these changes may feel more tangible in neighborhoods like Logan, where the Southerlands reside. These early quasi-suburban areas have seen sharp increases in both poverty and crime since the 1970s.
‘We’re a city under siege’— 2 shootings in 2 days rattles North Philly neighbors

Maybe this is why.
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That’s what you get when you live in a shit hole area with scumbags who shoot cops and have bigger scumbags come out to support the shooter. The Democrats gun laws at work.

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It will be interesting to see who comes out in support of a lifetime criminal and domestic terrorist.
A real who's who of fringe assholes, I'll bet.
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A controversial protest is planned Friday night in North Philadelphia to support Maurice Hill, the alleged gunman accused of shooting six Philadelphia police officers. Organizers say they expect 200 to 300 people to rally tonight.

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross says police will be there too.

“Sadly, we do have to be there, I don’t understand it. There’s certain marches I do understand, this is definitely not one of them,” Ross said.

Hill is still in jail right now while he waits to be arraigned.

Organizers Say Hundreds Expected To Attend Rally To Support Suspect Accused Of Shooting 6 Philadelphia Police Officers

Well, thanks liberals. You fucking losers.

Brutha had a RITE to shoot pigs!

Ever notice how the media never mentioned that Hill is black?

Imagine the headlines had he been white "WHITE DEVIL KILLS POLICE" "White Supremacist attacks society." or in the New York Times "All Whites MUST die for the good of humanity." Oh wait, that was the headline in the Times today anyway.... ;)
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but can people who stand behind a guilty person be busted as well for being the guilty person's cheer leading camp?

God bless you always!!!


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